Euro Weekly News - Axarquia 10 - 16 December 2015 Issue 1588

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ISSUE NO. 1588

10 - 16 December 2015


Justice demanded for home-owners JUNTA reviews the problems of property law

By John Smith An important and possibly ground-breaking meeting was held in Sevilla in early December with the Junta de Andalucia regarding the problems of property law in the general area. Mario Blancke, the Belgian mayor of Alcaucín, representing Save Our Homes in Axarquia (SOHA) association, supported the case for changes in the LOUA (planning law). It is hoped that these changes will be made, and will help to solve some of the problems currently suffered by owners of properties on ‘parcelled’ land. He spoke of the anxiety and expense suffered by owners who had bought their homes in

good faith, when their licences have been revoked, an act which is the first step on the path to demolition, under present law. Many people have fallen ill and some have died during these stressful times of fighting legal battles. This is deeply unjust, when a solution exists. He explained that most of these victims are foreigners who bought their homes during the housing boom since 2000. However, a very small and vulnerable group of Spanish ‘cortijada’ owners are also at risk. These are smallholders who built their houses in the traditional way, with their own hands, in their own time, usually on their parents’ land. In the

years of hardship, they often did not meet the six-year rule for completing the statute of limitation. He argued that it would be unfair and unjust to victimise these innocents as well since there is no benefit to any party, and legislators had to change these laws to adapt to social reality. In conclusion, the mayor summed up SOHA’s position with these words: “We, the victims, are not interested in who was wrong. We want to know what went wrong. “Many citizens are counting on you to make and support solutions to re-establish justice. A community which has 300,000

irregular houses is not a wellrun community. Once more we ask you to listen to the people, and share their concerns. We only ask one thing; don’t let us down.” The changes will benefit local councils. At present, they are obliged by law to demolish properties, and after the previous good work of SOHA and other associations in amending the national law, to pay compensation to owners who bought in good faith, before the demolition. Also present at the meeting were SOHA president Phil Smalley (pictured right on inset with Mario Blancke, left) and interpreter Fernando Montero.



E W N 10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



Cucumbers in crisis UNSEASONABLY high temperatures in the last few months on the Costa Tropical have resulted in an abnormally

large cucumber harvest. The amount of cucumbers flooding the market has caused the price per kilo to plummet.

Civil communions THE Town Council of Rincon de la Victoria has received applications from two residents to celebrate the civil communions of their children. Additionally, a woman has submitted an application to be given a secular funeral in the event of her death.

Teenage alcohol study FORTY per cent of Malaga schoolchildren between the age of 12 and 14 admit to having consumed alcohol at some

point. The statistic is part of a study carried out on the drinking habits of young people in the east of Malaga Province.

Reminder WE would just like to remind our advertisers of our upcoming 2015 festive deadlines: Kindly ensure you send us the necessary material for the December 17 (1589), 23 (1590) and 30 (1591) editions by no later than Friday December 11 and for the January 7 edition (1592) no later than Monday December 21.

CALLE REAL: Almuñecar residents will be doing their Christmas shopping.

Children’s toy campaign MORE than 100 local establishments will be participating By Sam Croft MORE than 100 Almuñecar shops and businesses will participate in the No Child without a Toy Campaign, which kicked off on December 4 and will go on for a month, until January 4. Each of the participating establishments has supported the campaign by

buying a package of 10,000 ballots, which customers will then receive after they do their Christmas shopping. The customers will then be able to enter the ballots into a lottery. The ballot boxes are located in the town hall and the tourism offices in the El Altillo and La Najarra neighbourhoods. The lottery will take place on Friday

January 8 at 12pm and will feature a variety of exciting presents, like hotel nights, boat passes, spa getaways and dinners. The campaign has two objectives: to encourage and motivate Almuñecar residents to support local businesses and stimulate the town’s economy, and to ensure that no children are left without toys on Three Kings night.


10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



Recycling campaign


Spain decides on government SPANISH voters will decide on who should run the country for the next 4 years

Province goes green A RECYCLING awareness campaign will take place in 11 towns in the Malaga Province over the next few weeks. The campaign will be based in town markets and will have a particular focus on the importance of recycling glass.

Body found No signs of violence ALMUÑECAR Police discovered the body of a 45year-old man in a house close to the Avenida Costa del Sol. The body was found on a bed in an abandoned home and there were no signs of violence.

Park project Improving play areas THE Rincon de la Victoria Town Council is starting to implement its Children’s Parks for All Project. Parks in different parts of the town will be modified and refurbished in order to encourage more interactive play between children.

Hotting up Endangers beaches Photo of attendees to the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the failed coup of 1981, in 2011. By John Smith THE POLLS open at 9am on December 20 when Spanish voters will be encouraged to turn out to elect a government which should run the country for the next four years. There are four main parties which have a chance, albeit in some cases as part of a coalition, to form the government. The current incumbent is the Partido Popular or PP whose leader Mariano Rajoy came to power in 2011 and his centre-right, conservative and catholic party has an overall majority The majority of opinion polls forecast that although PP will gain the largest number of seats (between 118 and 121), it will not give them a majority and if they are to continue in government, they will need to form an alliance with anoth-

€61,393.56 is the basic annual salary paid to members of the Congress of Deputies although they are allowed to claim additional expenses

er party, probably Ciudadanos. The Partido Socialista Obrero Español or PSOE is a social-democratic party of the centre left. Led by Pedro Sánchez it is seen as the nearest rival to the PP but is forecast to

win between 95 and 98 of the seats so would certainly not be in a position to form any government, unless it was able to ally itself with at least two other parties. Ciudadanos, Party of the Citizenry, describes itself as being centre-left and non-nationalist. Led by Albert Rivera, its main support is in Catalonia where it opposes any form of Catalan Independence and it is forecast to run PSOE a close third with 57 to 61 seats. Podemos translated in English as ‘We can’ is an unashamedly left-wing political party founded in March 2014 by Pablo Iglesias a former University lecturer in political science likely to obtain 20 seats. If the forecasts are anywhere near correct, then Spain is likely to see a coalition for the next four years.

Attempted coup During election voting MANY will remember the televised scenes of the attempted coup by a group of 200 armed Guardia Civil officers who entered the chamber of the Spanish Congress of Deputies during the vote to elect Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo as the country’s new Prime Minister. King Juan Carlos I denounced the coup.

Quote of the Week Is it me or has Villacís eaten a whole factory full of cakes and is getting a bit chubby? a PP official on Begoña Villacís, a Ciudadanos spokeswoman, in the run up to the election.

Velez-Malaga Christmas celebrations VELEZ-MALAGA Council is working hard to get the whole community involved in this year’s Christmas festivities. This season there will be a greater number of Christmas

events than in the past, with new activities to take place in additional areas. On December 17 there will be a Christmas Fair in the Los Olivos neighbourhood and an-

other on Calle Reñidero on December 18, which will include bouncy castles, workshops and Christmas letters to Santa Claus from 4pm to 8.30pm. There will also be a youth

fair in the Plaza de las Naciones from 5pm to 9pm on December 11 while there will be spectacular Disney musicals on the Camino de Malaga on December 29 and 30.

The annual Christmas nativity play will take place on December 9 at 5.30pm outside Velez-Malaga Town Hall and on January 2, the dividing up of the Roscon at 5pm.

ACCORDING to some scientific estimates, if the temperature of the planet rises by four degrees, all the beaches of Salobreña will disappear, as well as large parts of Motril beach and parts of Almuñecar.

Alzheimer’s Conference Held locally ON Friday December 11 Alzheimer’s experts will come from all parts of Andalucia to take part in the first annual Alzheimer’s Conference in Velez-Malaga. The event will begin at 6.20pm in the Exilio Centre.

Chess champion Local triumph JORGE FERNANDEZ MONTORO of Motril was the winner of the first Almuñecar Chess Tournament. The tournament took place in the Hotel Helios and 73 players participated.


E W N 10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

INDEX News 1 - 18

Featured News 3

European Press 20

Russian Press 21

Finance 23 - 28

Stocks 24

Leapy Lee 29

Letters 30

Daily TV 34, 36, 38

Almuñecar man honoured for his charity work MANUEL OLIVARES has dedicated many years of his life to helping others By Sam Croft LAST Saturday at the Casa de la Cultura in Almuñecar, local resident Manuel Olivares was honoured by the town for his invaluable contributions to the community. Olivares was named as one of the town’s Hijos Predilectos (Favourite Sons) for his many years of charity work. Olivares was the head of the Caritas Charity in Almuñecar for over 40 years. In an emotional speech, the Mayor of Almuñecar Trinidad Herrera said Olivares was “one of the town’s most exemplary citizens.” After finishing her speech, Herrera presented Olivares with a medal from the city.

EXEMPLARY CITIZEN: Olivares received a medal from the city.

Our View 37

Colin Bird 37

Social Scene 39

Health & Beauty 40 - 41

Time Out 43 - 46

Homes & Gardens 47

Property 48 - 49

Pets 50

Services 51

Classifieds 52 - 53

Motoring 54

Sport 55 - 56

Woman arrested in Velez-Malaga for allegedly robbing homeless man A THIRTY-EIGHT-YEAR-OLD woman allegedly robbed a homeless man in Velez-Malaga on the morning of October 31. She is purported to have gained the trust of the victim before pulling his

bag away from him and taking his belongings, basic documentation and €70 in cash. Along with a 43-year-old man, the woman is also suspected of being involved in a similar incident that took

place a few days earlier. On October 27, a man was attacked and had his wallet stolen with €580 inside. The t wo suspect s have been r emanded in custody to await trial for the assault.



10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

Rincon approves 10-year plan COUNCIL sets out its proposals to put its finances in order By Sam Croft DURING a plenary session at the town hall last week, Rincon de la Victoria Council approved a 10-year financial plan. The plan aims to put the municipal finances in order over the next 10 years. The town’s current debt stands at €66.2 million. During the plenary session, the council also drew up the budget for 2016. The budget was passed thanks t o v o t e s i n f a v o u r from the governing political party, although it was rejected by the PP (Partido Popular).

Representatives and Ciud a d an o s c o u n cillo rs abstained. T h e b u d g et an ticip ate s revenue of €38.6 million against expenses of €36.1 million, with an initial surplus of €2.5 million.

Bendodo speech cancelled PP REPRESENTATIVE and President of Malaga Provincial Council Elias Bendodo will no longer give the opening speech at Torrox’s Las Migas Fair on December 13. Opposition parties argued that if Bendodo were to have such a prominent role in the midst of general election campaigns it would politicise the event too much. TV presenter Agustin Bravo will take his place.




E W N 10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Costa del Soul Quintet La Herradura and A concert performance light up for the festiv DELIGHTED the audience with songs from their new album By Sam Croft LA HERRADURA residents enjoyed a fantastic concert put on by the Costa del Soul Quintet last weekend. The band entertained audiences with songs from their new album, which is due out next year. The quintet is made up of Jesus Mata on the saxophone and flute, Jimi Garcia on the trumpet, Halvor Kristiansen on the piano, Ignacio

Rodriguez on bass and drums, and Jose Uribe. The band previously performed in La Najarra Gardens last year, and just as in that concert, they delighted the audience with a wide repertoire that included everything from blues to funk and swing music. The concert was part of the cultural programme taking place this month in the La Herradura area, which was developed by the Tourism Council.

Annual Merienda fundraising event LAST weekend La Herradura celebrated its annual Merienda Pro Cabalgata. Hundreds of residents and visitors relaxed in the Plaza de la Independencia where they feasted on chocolate and churros. Thanks to the donations of the La Herradura Churreria, the Dia supermarket and many local

residents, over 1,000 helpings of churros and chocolate were served up over the course of the day. The Merienda was a fundraiser to raise money for the town’s upcoming parade. The event was aided even further by the arrival of warm weather to go along with the warm chocolate and churros.

THE towns are shining bright thanks to new LED lights By Sam Croft CHRISTMAS has arrived in La Herradura and Almuñecar and the towns are looking radiant thanks to the addition of new LED lights and decorations. In La Herradura, the Christmas lights can mainly be found in Calles Prieto Moreno, Acera del Pilar, Canalejas and Principe, as well as the Rosario de la Aurora Route. Dozens of horizontal arches have been put up, some featuring snow-covered Nordic houses and others depicting bows and Christmas ornaments. All of the arches are lit up using LED technology. In the Plaza de la Independencia, there is a beautiful tree covered with shimmering lights. The LED technology for the lights used in La Herradura was also used in Almuñecar. The lights, which were provided by the Granada company Ilumep, have received high praise from Almuñecar Festivities Councillor Maria del Mar Medina, who stated that in 2014, lighting up the town had cost €72,000, whereas this year the bill had only come to a little over €29,000.

CHRISTMAS TREE: Shimmering in the Plaza


10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

Almuñecar ve season


Winner of the annual poetry contest announced THIS year ’s winner of the ninth annual Friends of La Herradura Poetry Contest was Andres Francisco Rodriguez Blanco, receiving €1,400 and a diploma for his poem ‘The Eagle and the Dream’. The jury described the winning poem as ‘a well constructed piece that uses the metaphor of an eagle in relation to current society.’ They also praised Rodriguez for his ability to combine a modern sensibility

RODRIGUEZ: First prize for ‘The Eagle and the Dream’.

December weather almost like summer de la Independencia.


THE first weekend of December seemed almost like summer this year in Almuñecar and La Herradura. Dozens of people flocked to the beaches in the area thanks to the sun and warm temperatures, while others took advantage of the weather by visiting local festivals or relaxing on terraces.

with more classical techniques. Rodriguez was born in Extremadura in 1956, but has lived in Madrid since he was ten years old. He had his first poem published in 1991 and has continued to write ever since, winning numerous prizes along the way. The award ceremony took place on Monday December 7 in the Centro Civico de La Herradura.


10 - 16 December 2015 / AxarquĂ­a - Costa Tropical

Parents strike for course extension MUSIC students have to move to Malaga City By Sam Croft PARENTS of students at the Jose Hidalgo Music Conservatory in Torre del Mar want the centre to extend its programme to include third and fourth year professional level courses. At the moment, when students reach third year they have to relocate to Malaga City if they want to continue their studies, and parents argue that it is too expensive, or in some cases not feasible.

The parents called a strike last September, and afterwards they continued their protest by posting videos and collecting signatures online. Many parents feel that they are not being taken seriously, and are especially frustrated because politicians have publicly promised in the past that they will look into the matter. The parents are continuing to apply pressure. Last week they had a meeting with town representatives from most of the political parties.

Rincon de la Victoria to offer legal counsel to victims of hate crimes RINCON DE LA VICTORIA has become the third municipality in Spain, after Torremolinos and Marbella, to offer free legal counsel to the victims of hate crimes. Yesterday, Mayor Encarna-

cion Anaya and the Dean of the Malaga College of Lawyers, Javier Lara Pelaez, signed an agreement to protect the victims of crimes motivated by sexual orientation, ethnicity, ideology, or religion.

Pelaez stated that currently nine out of 10 victims of hate crimes don’t report the incidents out of fear. Last year 1,285 hate crimes were reported in all of Spain, 9.6 per cent more than in 2013.




E W N 10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Burglar caught Tribunal to red-handed investigate A TWENTY-YEAR-OLD man was arrested after allegedly being caught in the act of robbing a family home in Caleta de Velez. Earlier, local residents had alerted the police after seeing a man scaling the outside fence of the building. Upon going to the home officers observed that one of the windows of the residence had been forced open. They went inside and found a man, with jewellery hidden

amongst his posses-sions. Further inspection revealed the jewels to belong to the owners of the home. In a search carried out at the arrestee’s home, officers found various items which were suspected to have been obtained illegally, including a laptop, gadgets and tools. The man is suspected to have committed another two burglaries in the neighbourhood, as well as several other more minor crimes.

dog’s death SECOND dog recovering in shelter By Sam Croft A TRIBUNAL is investigating the death of a German shepherd that died on November 25. The dog was discovered tied to a tree by two off-duty police officers in a field near Rincon de la Victoria on October 24. They told the Guardia Civil, who went and took the dog to an animal shelter. The dog went back and forth between shelters for a month, but eventually died, as it had multiple illnesses and infections and was severely malnourished.

To their surprise, the same two police officers were walking in the same field on November 21 when they discovered a female bull terrier tied to the same tree. While there they came across a young man who identified the dog as his own. The man has not been arrested but a tribunal has been set up to investigate the situation. The bull terrier was luckier than the German shepherd. Her injuries and infections were not as severe, and she is now recovering in a shelter.


Drink a prickly pear! NEW beverage launched with help of provincial council By Sam Croft

Photo Credit: Wikipedia commons

AXARQUIA company La Huerta de Carolina is ready to launch a new prickly pear drink, which was presented to the public in VelezMalaga by PP representative and Sustainability Councillor Francisco Delgado Bonilla. Seven thousand half-litre bottles will be produced in the initial production run of the drink.

These first batches of juice were made using 15,000 kilos of hand-peeled pears that came entirely from the Axarquia area. In the past the company has sold other freshly-squeezed juices made from mango, strawberry, watermelon, grape, and melon. Bonilla said that prickly pears need hardly any care and grow in a natural way. He went on to talk about the numerous health benefits of prickly pears, stating that they are high in protein and c o n t a i n flavonoids which are good for the liver.

HEALTH BENEFITS: Prickly pears are high in protein and contain flavonoids.

10 - 16 December 2015 / AxarquĂ­a - Costa Tropical

Flu jabs available ALTHOUGH the weather has been unusually warm, it is now December, which means that flu season is here. So far, more than 9,000 residents of the Costa Tropical have already had their flu vaccinations. Experts in charge of keeping track of cases of the flu have reported lower numbers than usual, but healthcare workers still say that everyone should get vaccinated if possible, especially the elderly or those with chronic health problems.




E W N 10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


SAS to pay €6,000 for deficient service MAN inadequately treated for a detached retina in 2007 By Sam Croft THE Andalucian Health Service (Servicio Andaluz de Salud, SAS) has been ordered to pay €6,000 to a man who received deficient service at the Hospital Comarcal de la Axarquia in Velez-Malaga. The court ruled the man, Inocencio Ruiz, was not treated with the proper due diligence after he went to hospital with a detached retina. Ruiz said that when he went to the hospital

they didn’t bother to refer him to the on-duty ophthalmologist, or to direct him to another medical centre better equipped to deal with his problem. Ruiz said he is frustrated with the situation as he feels the SAS is deliberately drawing out the legal process in order to avoid paying. The initial treatment took place in 2007 but a complicated legal battle has meant that it has taken eight years for him to receive compensation.

Authorities discuss Caleta Port changes THE town council of VelezMalaga and representatives from the regional government met last week to discuss possible improvements to the area around the Caleta Port.

One idea was the demolition of the port wall in order to create a pedestrian walkway. Town council members said these changes could potentially lure more tourists to the area,

and would therefore be beneficial to Velez-Malaga residents. The walkway would connect several streets near the port and increase the volume of pedestrian traffic near the seafront.


E W N 10 - 16 December 2015 / AxarquĂ­a - Costa Tropical

A CAMPAIGN promoting gender-friendly toys is on its way to schools on the Costa Tropical. The i n i t i a t i v e wa s d ev elo p e d b y th e Equality Department of the Granada Provincial Council and will include a series of workshops and chats in different education-

Photo Credit: Wikipedia Commons.

Non-sexist toy drive


al centres along the coast. The project seeks to encourage parents to buy non-sexist toys and to get children thinking about stereotypes and gender roles. The campaign is taking place this month, so that it coincides with the Christmas season when toy sales multiply.

PORTUGUESE MODEL: Lisbon trams are small and cost-effective.

Velez-Malaga eyes new tram model SMALLER trams and more frequent stops By Sam Croft A COMMITTEE has been established in Velez-Malaga to come up with a new tram model for the town. Until three years ago the town had a tram system, and the committee is trying to work out how they can bring back the tram and make it better.

The committee has drawn inspiration from the tram system in Lisbon, which has smaller, cheaper units. The Lisbon tram also makes frequent stops, unlike the old Velez-Malaga tram system, which occasionally had passengers waiting up to an hour. The committee has been given three months to draw up its conclusions.

Seniors environmental initiative LAST week more than 300 senior citizens from Motril and adjoining communities took part in the first Environmental Education Programme for the Elderly. The residents of 23 retirement homes in the area went to Motril’s Parque de Las

Provincias, where they planted more than 100 trees. The scheme was designed to encourage healthy living for older people, and to promote increased awareness of the importance of the environment.


10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

Police cars get new defibrillators EVEN people without medical training can use them By Sam Croft THERE are now five portable defibrillators in the police cars of Velez-Malaga. The defibrillators are there to be used in case of heart attacks and even people without medical training are allowed to use them.

Velez-Malaga authorities said the defibrillators ‘will be able to guarantee a rapid response in cases of vital emergency’ and they are ‘easy to use, safe, and reliable.’ Throughout the town there are also 15 fixed defibrillators in different public build-

Park still has a long way to go THE year is almost over and the Costa del Sol Axarquia Technoalimentario Park in Velez-Malaga has still barely got off the ground. Only 10 per cent of its total 230,000 square metre surface has been completed, and currently only one of its businesses has opened its doors to the public. The town council confirmed another business will be up and running by January, and three or four more will join in 2016.

ings like sports complexes. The defibrillators were brought to the town through the collaboration of VelezMalaga Mayor Antonio Moreno Ferrer, Town Councillor Ana Campos, and Julian Diaz, the Sales Manager of ANEK S3, the company providing the defibrillators.

€1 million to create jobs MAYOR of Velez-Malaga Antonio Moreno announced the budget of 2016 will allocate €1 million to creating jobs. However, Izquierda Unida representative Miguel Angel Sanchez, who has the decisive vote in account approval, considered this ‘totally insufficient’ and demanded €3 million.




E W N 10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


British writer promotes new book PETER FIELDMAN visits the Costa Blanca BRITISH writer Peter Fieldman, who spends most of the year in Madrid and is a regular visitor to Calpe, has been visiting the Costa Blanca to promote his new book. Since the outset of the financial crisis he has been a strong critic of the financial and corporate sectors, which have not only caused misery to millions of people but profited from it. Political leaders have stood by while ordinary people saw their jobs and homes disappear. In May 2011 he was in Madrid when the group known as Los Indignados took control of the Puerta del Sol. The same year he read Stephane Hessel’s book Indignez-Vous, translated as Indignaos or Time for Outrage. The 32-page long book conveyed a powerful message and was the cata-

lyst for Peter to begin researching and writing his own views about what he considered to be wrong in the world. His book attempts to analyse the issues facing Europe and the World using morality as the main theme. He deals with corruption, the financial crisis, tax, immigration and social issues. The vast disparity in wealth between the elite 1 per cent and the other 99 per cent has reached unsustainable proportions. Fieldman calls for an end to the greed, exploitation and corruption dividing people, and a redistribution of the world’s resources to create a fairer and more prosperous. Published by Austin Macauley Publishers in London, The World at a Crossroads is available through Amazon and major bookstores.

Motorbike competition MALAGA driver Guzman Sanchez was the winner of the eighth Enduro Indoor Raul Linares Moya Memorial, a motorbike competition in Almuñecar. The competition was divided into different

classifications and Sanchez took first place in the Pro category. Unfortunately one rider, Miguel Antequera, had a bad fall and had to be taken to the hospital in Motril.


E W N 10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


THERE have been a number of different names used to describe the terrorists who have invaded parts of Iraq and Syria, many of which are unprintable but in order to assist our readers to identify the group in question, we have stuck to the word ISIS. In the opening statement in the House of Commons by David Cameron on December 2, he said: “I feel it is time to join our key ally France, the Arab League, and other members of the international community in

using as frequently as possible the terminology Daesh rather than Isil. Because frankly this evil death cult is neither a true representation of Islam nor is it a state.” H e a d d e d late r in t he speech: “These women-raping, Muslim-murdering, mediaeval monsters are hijacking the peaceful religion of Islam for their warped ends.” The name Daesh is used by both President Obama and President Hollande of France, although they pro-

nounce it differently and we at Euro Weekly News now feel that the time is right for us to change as well to use the word that everyone will come to recognise over the coming months. Ironically, the word is an A ra bic a c ronym de rive d from the phrase ‘al Dawlah al-Islameyah fi Iraq walSham’ or literally, ‘Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham’ (which refers to Syria or the Levant State). It actually means ISIS or Isil but because

Photo Credit 360B Shutterstock

Daesh or ISIS? it is a short word, some parties in the Arab world have taken it to be intended as an insult as it is a shortened form. If by using the word Daesh we insult any of its adherents, then we have no problem with that at all.

David Cameron will use same terminology as Obama and Hollande.

Exhibition of air shows in Motril A CHANCE to relive exciting moments By Sam Croft AN aviation exhibition is taking place in Motril. The event has been organised by the Andaluz Aeronautical Associaton, and will feature a series of photographs showing highlights from the last 10 years of the town’s International Air Show. Every year

Motril’s beaches fill with people looking to be thrilled by the acrobatics on display at the air show and the exhibition will give them a chance to relive those exciting moments. The exhibition will run from December 5 to December 19, and can be seen at the Casa de la Condensa de Torre-Isabel between 8am and 3pm.

Christmas running race set for Nerja THE 31st annual Miguel Prados Christmas Memorial Race is set to take place in Nerja on December 19. There will be 24 different categories, varying in regards to age, gender, and distance. The winner of each race will receive a ham, and the fastest three runners from each category will receive trophies. A special prize of €100 will be given out to anyone who breaks any records, and all children from the youngest categories will receive medals. The race is organised by the Nerja Athletics Club with the collaboration of the Town Sports Council.

Almuñecar hikers explore new leg of route AN ALMUÑECAR hiking group has completed the second phase of the Camino del Pescao (Fish Route). The Grupo de Senderismo del Patronato Municipal de Deportes, led by Enrique Garin, experienced foggy weather at the beginning of the day, which Garin said added to the atmosphere as the hikers explored the ancient trail. The route was originally used by merchants who transported fish from Almuñecar to the Granada Capital by mule. The group’s next trek, their last of the year, is scheduled to take place on December 20.


10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Fugitive caught

Photo Credit anweber shutterstock

PURPOSE is to reforest those areas which were affected by fires

TREE PLANTING: Students and tourists from the Calvia area will take part.



STUDENTS and tourists from the Calvia area will take part in reforestation events organised by Calvia Town Hall’s Environmental Department. The purpose is to reforest those areas in Calvia which were affected by fires as well as maintain other areas already planted in recent years. “The purpose is to maintain the attractive landscape in the area and get back the environmental value that we lost in the fires,” said a spokesperson from the organisation. The first event will be held today (Thursday 10) and pupils from Son Caliu school will be responsible for the tree planting.


Bollywood filming

Mace attack

Books for children

Driver injured

CARTAGENA is being used as a location for the shooting of a Bollywood film ‘Nannaku Premotho’. Film crews are in various locations around Cartagena including the town hall, the municipal archives and the military museum, as well as sites in La Manga.

THE Mercat de l’Olivar was the scene of road rage last weekend when a man who couldn’t get out of the car park caused damage to another vehicle by hitting it with a medieval mace. Bystanders tried to restrain the man but he escaped. Local Police were called.

TO mark the International Day of Disability, Denia Marina Salud Hospital distributed a collection of specially written books from Atresmedia to the paediatrics ward to entertain hospitalised children, encourage reading and educate them about integration of people with disabilities.

A MAN, 26, was injured when his vehicle fell from a height of 15 metres on the N-344 in Almeria. Firemen, Local Police, Guardia Civil and paramedics attended the scene and the man was taken to Torrecardenas Hospital.

Car gang nabbed

Death plunge

FIVE suspected members of an organised gang dedicated to the theft of luxury vehicles have been arrested. The gang are believed to originate from Madrid but were caught in Alicante Province after attempting to steal a BMW from El Campello.

THE fire service of Mallorca reported the death of a man, 52, who suffered an accidental fall in Punta d’es Caló in Arta earlier this week when he plunged from a height of some eight metres. The man was walking with his wife and daughter when the accident occurred.

Close proximity

Hunting goes wrong

RESIDENTS in Elche have complained about the city’s ‘Christmas Village’ because of the proximity of the festive booths to some buildings and apartments. This has left them worried about the possible risk of theft to their homes as the booths are placed very close to the balconies of the first floors.

MALLORCA fire services managed to rescue a dog who had fallen inside a cave on a property in the Escorca area last weekend. The owner had taken his dog hunting and the animal had fallen more than 10 metres inside a hidden cave. The rescue service from the Soller division had to abseil down to the animal, which was unhurt.

Christmas treats

Pesky bugs

JIJONA manufacturers will sell 60 million tablets of festive treat turron this Christmas, which accounts for 89 per cent of their annual Spanish production.

BETWEEN January and October this year, 85,000 manhole covers and 26,000 rain collectors were opened and treated against rats, cockroaches and mosquitoes.



Planting trees in Calvia



Shoreline fishing THE tradition of shoreline fishing in the Marina Alta for octopus, sea urchins and shellfish in particular for personal consumption may become a thing of the past soon due to the overfishing and illegal poaching.

Tapas for toys UNDER the premise that no child is left without a toy this Christmas the Solidarity Tapas initiative in Sant Joan d’Alacant has been launched. The campaign involves donating a toy in good condition during the Christmas fair; in return donors will be given a tapas prepared by the prestigious Cooking School.

Having a say ALFAZ DEL PI has set up a microsite for public consultation, a channel of participation that aims to collect input from the public on challenges, assets and opportunities that are presented to the city.

For more local news from our five other regions see

Immigrants rescued TWENTY illegal sub-Saharan immigrants were taken to Almeria Port after being rescued by lifeguards south of Almeria. The boat was spotted by a plane and was carrying 27 people.

No postal service SOME 43,000 people in the historical centre of Almeria have been without a post office for five years and plan to launch action to reach the central government in order to demand one.

Water cut off RESIDENTS of Vera were without water for seven hours on Saturday December 5 due to a problem at the central tanks in the Camino de Enmedio area at around 7.30am.

Pedestrian friendly WORK has been carried out under the PFEA rural employment scheme to build pavements on the avenue leading to the Centro de Agua y Salud and the Albox health centre.

NATIONAL POLICE officers in Malaga have arrested a 37-year-old Moroccan man under an international arrest and extradition order from the authorities in Morocco for alleged domestic violence and cruelty one year ago.

Villa licences approved MARBELLA’S Town Planning Department has announced that two building licences for a total of €1.1 million were approved last week. The licences are for two villas with pools, one on Santa Clara urbanisation and the other in Cerrado de Elviria.

Work announced RONDA Council has announced plans to improve drainage systems on part of Avenida de Malaga, one of its main streets. The area affected will be between Los Angeles and Miguel de Cervantes school and €162,000 will be spent including pavement repairs.

Scenes to visit TWO nativity scenes have been opened to the public in Ronda. A municipal scene has been set up at Santo Domingo convent, while the local brotherhoods’ association has announced their own is on display at Iglesia de Padre Jesus church.

Gas leak TWO people, a 45-year-old woman and a 40-year-old man, had to be taken to hospital for treatment after a gas leak at their home in Puerto de la Torre, Malaga City, in the early hours of Friday morning (December 4), the emergency services reported.

EWN top for all the news from Spain.


E W N 10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



Teacher dies SWEDEN: A teacher who was stabbed in the Trollhättan school attack in October has died from his injuries. The 42-year-old was previously said to be getting better. Two others were killed in the school attack, the first in Sweden since the 1960’s.

Breastfeeding cats SWEDEN: Two Swedish women have been banned from owning animals after authorities found they treated their cats like babies with one of them even ‘breastfeeding’ the cat. The animals were taken into care.


Pig flesh travels on lorry

Yes vote

ATTEMPT to keep migrants from stowing aboard A TRUCKER bound for Britain has put raw pork on the outside of his lorry in an attempt to keep desperate Muslim migrants from stowing in the back. Pig flesh is forbidden in Islam.

Cosmic girl A BOEING 747 will be modified to allow it to be the launch craft for future space missions of Virgin Galactic’s LauncherOne. The plane is nicknamed ‘Cosmic Girl.’

Future underground TRANSPORT for London has revealed images of their tube station of the future complete with shiny blue walls, giant information screens and


mood lighting. London Underground is trying to provide its customers with welcoming stations that make the commute easier.

Not covered

Travels filmed

Norwegian tech NORWAY: Fifty of the 500 fastest-growing technology companies in Europe, the Middle East and Africa are based in Norway, that’s according to global consulting firm Deloitte.

Rainforest plans NORWAY: Rainforest protection initiatives were announced in Norway on the first day of the COP21 climate talks in Paris, France, including extending its financial support to Brazil’s Amazon Fund through to 2020.

Growth forecast Credit TBEC Review on Wikimedia Commons.

SWEDEN: Electric buses are putting Gothenburg on the map for tackling climate change. The buses have been praised for their silent operation and come with free wifi and charging points for passengers.

NORWAY: A Norwegian couple’s backpacking adventures have gone viral. Johan Kaos and Ida Kvammen Mork filmed their travels around the Far East and after uploading it to YouTube two weeks ago, has been viewed over 400,000 times.

THERE has been 222 recorded attacks against refugee homes in Germany this year with just four cases resulting in someone being arrested. So far in 2015, 104 peopl e have been wounded in fire and ot her at t acks agai nst refugee housing.

AROUND 45 per cent of 4,000 people surveyed in the UK said that skiers, surfers and others partaking in extreme sports should be denied free treatment on the NHS if they become injured while in action. EXTREME SPORTS: No free treatment.

Electric revolution

MPs have backed the government’s plans to send German forces to Syria with 445 MPs voting in favour of the military depl oym ent agai nst t er r or group Daesh. The vote authorises the deployment of up to 1,200 troops.

House attacks

flickr by Mike Baird



THE German central bank has upgr aded i t s growth forecast for 2017 and sai d i t was posi t i ve about the outlook for expansi on i n Eur ope’s biggest economy.

Prisoner strike PRISONERS forced to work in a German prison have started to refuse food as a way of protesting against low wages and missing welfare payments.

Tougher screening

E-CIGARETTES: Will soon face restrictions on advertising.

The same rules as normal WILL not be for sale to people under the age of 18 E-CIGARETTES will soon fall under the same rules as normal cigarettes and will not be for sale to people under the age of 18. They will face the same restrictions on advertising in the Netherlands.

Dear drugs CANCER fighting drugs are up to 58 per cent more expensive in the Netherlands than in other European Union countries, according to a study

DUTCH PRESS which looked at the price of nine anticancer drugs in 15 different EU countries.

Cafe closure AN Amsterdam cafe has been or-

dered to close indefinitely by the town’s mayor following two shooting incidents linked to the establishment this year.

Military action THE Dutch government is to make a decision on whether or not the Netherlands will take part in any action against Daesh in the coming weeks.

GERMANY is to toughen its screening process for anyone seeki ng r ef ugee status as the country expects close to one million newcomers this year. Personal interviews will be reintroduced for all applicants.

Mein Kampf FOR the first time since World War II, Adolf Hitler ’s ‘Mein Kampf ’ meaning ‘my struggle’ will be printed in Germany in Januar y as an annot at ed edition.


E W N 10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



Proposal for new sanctions RUSSIA may scrap investment projects in Turkey

PRESIDENT PUTIN: New proposals. IN response to Turkey’s downing of a Russian fighter jet near the Syrian border, President Putin proposes to impose sanctions to freeze or possibly scrap investment projects in Turkey. Russia had plans to build a nuclear power plant worth $20 million (€18,368,000).

Anti-terror THE Moscow department of Trade and Services has asked public enterprise owners to hire additional security and pay attention to employees who spend a large amount of time abroad, following threats from international terrorist groups, such as Daesh.

Daesh fight CHAIRMAN of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko confirmed Russia will continue free weapon delivery to Afghanistan’s military, and will closely observe the

Tiger befriends goat TIMUR the goat has befriended Amur, a Siberian tiger, in Primorsky Safari Park. He chased Amur around the enclosure and invaded his sleeping shelter. Amur, banished to the roof, appears to have accepted Timur and the two are firm friends.

current situation in Afghanistan. Russia has been supplying weaponry since 2010.

Death penalty rejected RUSSIA’S Presidential Human Rights Council have

FIRM FRIEND: Amur the tiger and Timur the goat. unanimously rejected requests to re-establish the death penalty as punishment for terrorist crimes. They said it would be both inhumane and ineffective, and will issue an official statement later in the week.

Hilton Hotel developments THE Hilton Worldwide Hotel chain has announced plans to construct a new upscale hotel in Moscow. The company will reportedly invest $102 million (€93,676,800) and the hotel will include 220 rooms and 52 suites. The project is set for completion in 2018.


Axarquía - Costa Tropical

10 - 16 December 2015


business & legal LONDON - FTSE 100









Big trouble looms for Big Mac owners REGULATORS ready to announce investigation into tax deal FOLLOWING agreements made at the G20 meeting in Turkey in November, where governments agreed to review the use of ‘tax havens’ by huge corporations in order to avoid tax, it is now ru-

is the amount of revenues that McDonald’s have paid into a Luxembourg subsidiary staffed by 13 people, according to unions

HISTORIC: Plaque on the wall of Almack House.

Zara founder looks to buy in London By John Smith AMANCIO Ortega, owner of Zara, is reported to have offered €320 million to purchase Almack House near St James in London. Many reports have erroneously called this a historic building which housed a well-known club in the 18th century, but that building was actually blown up dur-

moured that European Commission competition regulators are getting ready to announce an investigation into a tax deal between fast food chain McDonald’s a n d L u x e m b o u rg , a c c o r d i n g t o Reuters. I n M a y, C o m m i s s i o n e r M a r -

Banks need to be able to go wrong and have the resources to deal with that.’ Sir Jon Cunliffe, deputy governor of the Bank of England on the future of banks

Photo Credit The Liberal Party flickr

Quote of the Week

€4 billion

ing the Second World War and was rebuilt completely. The current building was recently offered for rent at an approximate cost of £750,000 (€1 million) per annum including business rates. This appears to be part of Ortega’s strategy to purchase commercial property in London.


Christmas tree IT is estimated that the global market for Christmas trees is worth $4 billion (€3.75 billion), with Europe alone consuming 60 million trees every year. As the economies of various countries improve, so purchasers are looking to obtain more elaborate and expensive decorations.

Regional deficits THE Spanish Fiscal Authority has announced that the autonomous council’s regional deficit will be more than double the original forecast by the end of 2015 at more than double the amount forecasted. It has therefore advised the Treasury to apply preventative measures in Extremadura, Cataluña, Murcia and Valencia to ensure this deficit does not carry over to the end of 2016.

PP promises income tax cut IN a speech to supporters, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy indicated that if re-elected in the upcoming elections, his party would cut income tax and create two million jobs over the next four years. This follows good news concerning the drop in


$50,000 (€47,000) a day is the daily fine that the Bank of China is due to pay from December 8 until it complies with a US court request to give details of customers accused of selling fake goods.


By John Smith


unemployment but although his People’s Party (PP) is expected to win the largest number of seats on December 20, polls indicate the votes will be fairly evenly split and he may not even be able to form a coalition government.

grethe Vestager started looking into trade union allegations that the restaurant chain avoided paying more than €1billion in corporation taxes between 2009 and 2013. McDonald’s have denied that any impropriety has taken part on their behalf.




Pension reserves THE Employment Ministry is to take €7.75 billion from Spanish pension reserves to allow for the extra Christmas payment, according to Tomas Burgos, Secretary of State for Social Security. The reserve is therefore said to be reduced to €31.77 billion which is nearly 50 per cent lower than when the current government came to power.


E W N 10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



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PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) COMPANY 3i Group 488.65 7.35 Aberdeen Asset Management 307.90 3.90 Admiral Group 1,646.00 28.00 Anglo American 375.10 -0.95 Antofagasta 488.40 -3.30 ARM Holdings 1,117.50 1.50 Ashtead Group 1,071.50 19.50 Associated British Foods 3,581.50 96.50 AstraZeneca 4,520.25 78.25 Aviva 511.75 4.25 Babcock International Group 1,045.00 3.00 BAE Systems 513.25 4.75 Barclays 229.60 -0.05 Barratt Developments 613.75 0.25 Berkeley Group Holdings 3,598.00 -4.00 BG Group 1,006.75 -18.25 BHP Billiton 781.70 -6.00 BP 351.98 -7.72 British American Tobacco 3,842.50 61.50 British Land Co 820.75 6.75 BT Group 485.83 6.48 Bunzl 1,930.50 23.50 Burberry Group 1,215.50 13.50 Capita Group (The) 1,254.50 14.50 Carnival 3,520.00 71.00 Centrica 209.95 -1.45 Coca-Cola HBC 1,562.00 15.00 Compass Group 1,175.00 14.00 CRH 1,967.00 12.00 Diageo 1,914.75 23.75 Direct Line Insurance Group 411.35 1.85 Dixons Carphone 481.85 2.25 easyJet 1,707.00 32.00 Experian 1,223.50 16.50 Fresnillo 700.50 -1.50 G4S 232.55 -0.25 GKN 298.50 2.20 GlaxoSmithKline 1,336.25 17.25 Glencore 87.66 0.37 Hammerson 617.75 15.75 Hargreaves Lansdown 1,484.00 4.00 Hikma Pharmaceuticals 2,195.00 38.00 HSBC Holdings 523.80 0.50 Imperial Tobacco Group 3,580.50 29.50 Inmarsat 1,131.00 22.00 InterContinental Hotels Grp 2,609.00 41.00 International Consolidated Air 588.75 4.75 Intertek Group 2,877.00 24.00 Intu Properties 316.15 5.15 ITV 273.75 5.85

% CHG. NET VOL 1.53 4,680.46 1.28 4,028.68 1.73 4,515.97 -0.25 5,271.60 -0.67 4,847.46 0.13 15,708.84 1.85 5,295.18 2.77 27,589.85 1.76 56,130.96 0.84 20,532.17 0.29 5,253.73 0.93 16,088.94 -0.02 38,511.71 0.04 6,107.10 -0.11 4,922.39 -1.78 35,005.69 -0.76 16,636.79 -2.15 65,770.57 1.63 70,484.81 0.83 8,308.35 1.35 39,966.27 1.23 6,389.92 1.12 5,346.90 1.17 8,234.78 2.06 7,455.13 -0.69 10,516.16 0.97 5,637.16 1.21 19,277.66 0.61 16,056.42 1.26 47,549.04 0.45 6,142.50 0.47 5,522.41 1.91 6,653.24 1.37 11,930.31 -0.21 5,172.99 -0.11 3,612.11 0.74 4,883.19 1.31 64,185.28 0.42 12,732.29 2.62 4,721.55 0.27 7,019.92 1.76 4,289.84 0.10 102,112.65 0.83 33,986.30 1.98 4,985.78 1.60 6,063.49 0.81 11,909.71 0.84 4,603.65 1.66 4,114.90 2.18 10,784.07

COMPANY PRICE(P) CHANGE(P) Johnson Matthey 2,727.00 21.00 Kingfisher 347.70 -5.70 Land Securities Group 1,228.50 22.50 Legal & General Group 270.25 2.95 Lloyds Banking Group ORD 73.01 -0.01 London Stock Exchange Grp 2,661.50 46.50 Marks & Spencer Group 501.75 4.45 Meggitt 378.50 1.50 Merlin Entertainments 435.00 6.30 Mondi 1,500.50 10.50 Morrison (Wm) Supermarkets 146.65 -0.95 National Grid 911.40 10.30 Next 7,897.50 -42.50 Old Mutual 201.70 2.50 Pearson 778.75 -3.25 Persimmon 1,973.50 29.50 Prudential 1,530.50 25.00 Randgold Resources 4,269.50 -19.50 Reckitt Benckiser Group 6,344.50 138.50 Reed Elsevier 1,202.50 19.50 Rio Tinto 2,081.50 0.50 Rolls-Royce Group 614.25 19.75 Royal Bank of Scotland Group 303.15 -0.65 Royal Dutch Shell 1,548.00 -37.50 Royal Dutch Shell 1,556.50 -43.00 Royal Mail 467.30 1.30 RSA Insurance Group 444.35 7.65 SABMiller 4,039.50 4.50 Sage Group (The) 621.75 10.25 Sainsbury (J) 244.35 -0.65 Schroders 2,936.00 52.00 Severn Trent 2,187.00 -3.00 Shire 4,545.50 41.50 Sky 1,115.50 1.50 Smith & Nephew 1,123.50 10.50 Smiths Group 1,004.00 -1.00 Sports Direct International 696.00 -1.50 SSE 1,452.50 10.50 St James's Place 1,006.00 16.50 Standard Chartered 521.90 -2.90 Standard Life 404.00 5.40 Taylor Wimpey 199.55 0.65 Tesco 161.80 -0.80 Travis Perkins 2,029.50 5.50 TUI AG 1,158.00 21.00 Unilever 2,851.50 58.50 United Utilities Group 950.25 0.25 Vodafone Group 218.68 3.13 Whitbread 4,584.00 11.00 Wolseley 3,936.50 55.50 WPP Group 1,524.50 21.50

% CHG. 0.78 -1.61 1.87 1.10 -0.01 1.78 0.89 0.40 1.47 0.70 -0.64 1.14 -0.54 1.26 -0.42 1.52 1.66 -0.45 2.23 1.65 0.02 3.32 -0.21 -2.37 -2.69 0.28 1.75 0.11 1.68 -0.27 1.80 -0.14 0.92 0.13 0.94 -0.10 -0.22 0.73 1.67 -0.55 1.35 0.33 -0.49 0.27 1.85 2.09 0.03 1.45 0.24 1.43 1.43

NET VOL 5,545.07 8,238.78 9,533.95 15,884.55 52,109.96 9,081.39 8,196.81 2,969.28 4,345.93 7,234.75 3,446.59 33,712.09 12,138.16 9,812.90 6,414.65 5,959.18 38,706.19 3,994.34 44,326.77 13,293.81 29,274.00 10,930.44 19,552.74 61,748.64 39,034.37 4,660.00 4,440.18 65,220.97 6,588.29 4,706.26 6,518.49 5,209.12 26,648.00 19,149.85 9,954.58 3,967.51 4,174.29 14,320.01 5,171.12 13,361.18 7,849.18 6,471.14 13,229.95 5,036.36 6,669.68 35,847.02 6,477.94 57,148.13 8,310.93 10,092.81 19,617.67

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COMPANY MMM 3M AXP American Express AAPL Apple BA Boeing CAT Caterpillar CVX Chevron CSCO Cisco KO Coca-Cola DIS Disney DD E I du Pont de Nemours and Co XOM Exxon Mobil GE General Electric GS Goldman Sachs HD Home Depot IBM IBM INTC Intel JNJ Johnson & Johnson JPM JPMorgan Chase MCD McDonald's MRK Merck MSFT Microsoft NKE Nike PFE Pfizer PG Procter & Gamble TRV Travelers Companies Inc UTX United Technologies UNH UnitedHealth VZ Verizon V Visa WMT Wal-Mart

PRICE CHANGE %CHANGE VOLUME 158.22 +3.84 +2.49% 2.2M 71.10 +0.68 +0.97% 5.0M 119.03 +3.83 +3.32% 57.8M 148.50 +2.94 +2.02% 3.9M 69.98 +0.34 +0.49% 5.3M 89.71 +0.86 +0.97% 13.2M 27.48 +0.53 +1.97% 28.1M 43.29 +0.83 +1.95% 16.5M 114.24 +2.35 +2.10% 8.8M 67.75 +1.52 +2.30% 6.3M 78.86 +0.45 +0.57% 20.2M 30.49 +0.46 +1.53% 58.2M 189.99 +4.79 +2.59% 3.5M 134.53 +3.60 +2.75% 5.4M 140.43 +1.51 +1.09% 4.6M 34.94 +0.90 +2.63% 24.9M 102.95 +2.16 +2.14% 7.8M 67.89 +2.09 +3.18% 17.8M 116.20 +2.81 +2.48% 7.8M 53.64 +1.05 +2.00% 13.7M 55.91 +1.71 +3.15% 44.0M 132.01 +3.21 +2.49% 3.7M 32.80 +0.41 +1.27% 31.6M 77.83 +2.09 +2.76% 12.0M 114.06 +2.77 +2.49% 2.2M 95.73 +1.03 +1.09% 9.2M 117.74 +2.74 +2.38% 3.6M 45.71 +1.15 +2.58% 14.2M 80.40 +2.11 +2.70% 9.9M 59.66 +0.62 +1.05% 10.4M





Most Advanced Relypsa, Inc. Pixelworks, Inc. Ulta Salon, Cosmetics & Fragrance, Inc. Presbia PLC Affimed N.V. 3X Long Silver ETN Velocityshares Daily Inverse VIX ST ETN Velocityshares CytomX Therapeutics, Inc. Proshares UltraPro Nasdaq Biotechnology AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Sinovac Biotech, Ltd.

$ 29.14 $ 2.92 $ 184.08 $ 6.47 $ 7.31 $ 11.66 $ 30.34 $ 23.66 $ 55.03 $ 29.17 $ 6.18

6.82 ▲ 30.56% 0.37 ▲ 14.51% 20.89 ▲ 12.80% 0.67 ▲ 11.55% 0.67 ▲ 10.09% 1.03 ▲ 9.69% 2.67 ▲ 9.65% 1.99 ▲ 9.18% 4.47 ▲ 8.84% 2.27 ▲ 8.44% 0.48 ▲ 8.42%

$ 8.05 $ 8.66 $ 4.46 $ 5.5384 $ 3.03 $ 12.25 $ 6.858 $ 11.82 $ 12.15 $ 45.67 $ 6.53

1.7424 ▼ 17.79% 1.87 ▼ 17.76% 0.92 ▼ 17.10% 1.1316 ▼ 16.97% 0.5201 ▼ 14.65% 2 ▼ 14.04% 1.002 ▼ 12.75% 1.65 ▼ 12.25% 1.55 ▼ 11.31% 5.45 ▼ 10.66% 0.77 ▼ 10.55%

Most Declined FuelCell Energy, Inc. InVivo Therapeutics Holdings Corp. Vanguard Natural Resources LLC Daily 2X VIX ST ETN Velocityshares Hercules Offshore, Inc. Vanguard Natural Resources LLC Breitburn Energy Partners LP Vanguard Natural Resources LLC Vanguard Natural Resources LLC GLOBAL BLOOD THERAPEUTICS, INC. ReWalk Robotics Ltd


E W N 10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Printing banknotes not making profit

PAPER BANKNOTES: Production will be cut due to falling demand.

NOVEMBER: Unemployment figures show a drop of 27,071.

Spanish unemployment figures drop in November By Marcus Hopkins UNEMPLOYMENT in Spain has fallen in November, reversing a three-month trend. With the general election just three weeks away, the timing couldn’t be better for Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and his People’s Party. Figures from Spain’s Labour Ministry show a drop of 27,071 in November, reducing the number of unemployed to 4.15 million. Although unemployment has been reduced by 362,818 people in the last year, Spain’s 21.1 per cent unemployment rate is still the second highest in the EU. Quarterly unemployment surveys, preferred as being more accurate by economists, suggest the unemployment rate for the third quarter to be 5 million. In March 2013, the number of jobless reached 6 million. Rajoy is hoping that Spain’s gradual economic recovery over the last couple of years will sway chances of election victory when the country goes to the polls on December 20.

tile takeover from France and has issued a number of profit warnings. It has also announced that some work from the company’s printing plant in Gateshead is to be transferred to Malta, but the Tyneside operation will become one of three global ‘centres of excellence’ for printing currency, so there will be no job losses there. Although 300 jobs will be lost in Malta, where banknote printing will end. The other two centres will be in Kenya and Sri Lanka, which are major purchasers of bank notes from the company. Following the announcement, the value of the companies increased by around 4 per cent.

Facebook founder to gift his shares to charity By John Smith IN an open letter which was posted on his Facebook page on December 2 to his new daughter Max, whose birth has just been announced, Mark Zuckerberg explained that he and his wife Priscilla Chan intended to give away 99 per cent of their shares in the company he founded. The shares currently valued at around $45 billion (€42.5 billion) will be given to the charity Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to make the world a better place for Max to grow up in, according to the letter. The shares will not be donated in one tranche but will be passed over during their lifetime. In his letter Mr Zuckerberg said the aim of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative is ‘to advance human potential and promote equality for all children in the next generation’. “Its initial areas of focus will be personalised learning, curing disease, connecting people and building strong communities.” In a statement to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, Facebook said that Mr Zuckerberg ‘plans to sell or gift no more than $1bn of Facebook stock each year for the next three years and that he intends to retain his majority voting position...for the foreseeable future.’ He said more details about the donation will be released once he and Ms

Photo Credit President of Mexico

Photo credit Hdepot, Wikimedia

THE world’s biggest banknote printer, De La Rue, will cut production as demand for paper banknotes falls. The company, which prints some 150 national currencies as well as UK passports, said it would reduce its production lines to four from eight and cut its print capacity from eight billion to six billion banknotes annually, even though it produces British notes through its Debden facility and has recently won a 10-year contract to print polymer £5 and £10 notes for the Bank of England. De La Rue has struggled in the face of greater competition as well as having to fight off a hos-

Photo Credit Suranga SL Shutterstock

By John Smith

INITIATIVE: Zuckerberg plans to give away 99 per cent of shares. Chan return from paternity and maternity leave, but this does appear to be a move away from previous charitable work

through Facebook, which cynics have suggested were as much for business reasons as for altruism.


10 - 16 December 2015 / AxarquĂ­a - Costa Tropical



By John Smith BANKS and credit card companies, who have in the past offered attractive schemes to encourage their customers to use their cards regularly, may soon start to rethink their policies as the Payment Systems Regulator set out how the new cap on fees plastic card companies can charge retailers will be policed. The cap was introduced on Wednesday December 9, and while it may not see an increase in charges for consumers yet, many plastic card companies are considering or have already cut back on cashback or reward schemes. Tesco greatly reduced its reward scheme for Clubcard credit card users from December 1 whilst even earlier, RBS dropped its Your Points scheme in July, upsetting up to a million customers, and Capital One reduced cashback on its card in June. The regulator insists that the new

Photo Credit Andresr Shutterstock

New reduced card fees for retailers may hurt club cards

CUTBACKS: Many plastic card companies are considering cutting back on cashback or reward schemes.

fee regulation should appeal to new credit card providers as it could encourage them to enter the market, although this seems to be a strange argument if the revenue to be generated is to drop significantly. Up until now, retailers have been charged a fee by card issuers when a debit or credit card is used as payment and the fee could be as high as 2.5 per cent for some transactions. Now the fee will be capped at 0.3 per cent for credit card transactions and 0.2 per cent for debit card transactions. According to the European Commission, charges were costing retailers across the euro zone up to â‚Ź9 billion a year, although it has been observed that most retailers were prepared to either pay the fee or increase their prices accordingly. One thing can be fairly certain and that is if the card suppliers start to lose money, they will look to the card holder to help replace the loss.


10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Only way is to fight for our ideals GIVE our fighting men and women all the support they need to finish the job LEAPY LEE SAYS IT

OTHERS THINK IT MAKE you laugh don’t they? Or perhaps crying would be a more appropriate reaction. I’m talking about the politicians who this week voted against bombing Daesh targets in Syria; or more specifically, the main excuse they used to justify themselves. ‘Ah’ they simpered; ‘If we do this we would give them an excuse to bring more acts of terror onto our streets.’ Just how many ‘acts of terror’ do they need before they get some bottle and realise we are in a war? We’ve had a soldier almost beheaded in the street, buses and trains blown up, an unprecedented rise in the number of Islamic terror plots uncovered, and this week a knife attack on innocent victims by an Islamist lunatic in a tube station. What will it take to wake these pacifist pillocks up in the real world? A dirty

POLITICIANS VOTED: Against bombing Daesh targets in Syria. bomb in the middle of Trafalgar Square? Don’t believe that’s beyond the realms of possibility either! If we continue to turn the other cheek, we’ll have ‘em both sliced off.

Please don’t get my attitude wrong. I too believe that peace and love among all human beings is the final harmony that will bring us all together as one. But vast numbers of others don’t! Millions would

like to see all the non-believers of their violent and suppressive religious views, wiped off the face of the Earth. The only way for us to live in a peaceful democracy is to put all our ideals on hold and fight for it. The words of an elite ‘Gunny’ sergeant, who was guarding the American Embassy when I lived in Jeddah comes to mind. I had many long discussions with this remarkable man, who believed fervently in peace and the love of our fellow men. He also firmly believed that some of us are put on this world to fight and preserve it. And that, he said, was the job of him and his fellow servicemen. Give our fighting men and women all the support and weaponry they need to finish the job. Hopefully at least our children will then be able to enjoy a future filled with the peace and love we all so passionately desire. Keep the Faith Love Leapy



E W N 10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical




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Keep on telling it as it is and perhaps the penny will drop DEAR Leapy Lee, In response to both your latest articles, I’m in full agreement. Yes, you would think everyone has got-it by now but if you dare talk as you do, there are still many who will scream Islamophobic, racist and the like. We didn’t wake up to reality after 9/11 or the subsequent attacks in London, Madrid plus so many more - in fact hardly a day goes by, when there isn’t a report of a Muslim atrocity somewhere in the world. Deal with the problem at source is a popular political comment and I agree - just close down the Mosques and deport the preachers of hatred, because contrary to the established view, terrorism has everything to do with Islam. Keep on telling it as it is Leapy and perhaps eventually, the penny will drop. Terry O via Website

Not so caring RE: Local hospitals in top 20 for patient care I cannot speak for all hospitals but knowing the top hospital in Torrevieja I wonder how is the patient care in the last 20. I had my wrist broken, but not dislocated. So I got a so-called ‘cast.’ This cast consisted of several layers of plaster on the upper part of my wrist and arm. The rest consisted of bandage. As every orthopaedic nurse knows this is no cast and cannot fix broken bones. I tried to mention this to no avail. I got the next appointment with a specialist after five days. Inevitably in these five days a dislocation developed. I told the specialist, but he made a cast over the dislocation anyway. He sent me away for three weeks. After one week my wrist suddenly hurt like hell. I went to the hospital. They did X-rays and, what a surprise, the wrist was dislocated. They gave me an appointment for the operation, all proceedings went quick and well. I had a drip and was transferred to my room. My room was excellent, no qualms here. The nurses were nice

Photographs for possible publication should be sent by email with a full caption to:

Highway Code Just read this week’s copy of Euro Weekly News (issue 1587). In particular Gemma Quinn’s article on page 25, titled The Rules of the Road. How ironic, I had gone into various book shops in Torrevieja to see if there was a Spanish highway code but written in English! To which it seems there is not despite an apparent large call one available. So, do you know, is this booklet a Spanish version of a highway code? If it is, or as near as damn it, I would recommend the local British in this area to purchase, download and read it! And make money for the children’s cause. I welcome your thoughts. John Bryant.

and friendly. I waited with the drip. Thursday evening came and went, Friday evening came and went. Saturday morning i told the nurses in the department, I would wait until midday. If no operation I would the take the drip out and leave the hospital. And so it went. I left the hospital with a displaced joint. There are some lessons to be learned. They cannot make a proper cast in the emergency department, there is no proper organisation in scheduling the operations… You cannot leave a patient for so long on a drip if you do not know when the patient is due, you can make the venous access some minutes before the operation. In Spain I have never seen a nurse

or doctor wash her/his hands. The same is true for the health centres. On the other hand the specialists are usually first class. Arnold Dietz

Would France show solidarity? I HAVEN’T always agreed with Leapy or his view on other subjects, but I most definitely agree with his comment on ‘solidarity from France.’ No I do not think they would be so quick to assist us if the

how long it took the ambulance to arrive. I had the same thing happen to me. My friend was out here on holiday and we had been out for the evening. She went into the bedroom to change her shoes and had a heart attack. We called the ambulance straight away and one of the neighbours gave her mouth to mouth and CPR but couldn’t keep it up for the 45 minutes it took for the ambulance to get to the flat. By the time the ambulance eventually got to her she was dead. Then the ambulance men tried to revive her, but after she was dead that long it was all done in vain. All my neighbours were really worried because it could have been any one of us. You don’t expect to wait 45 minutes when it is an emergency. It just isn’t good enough. Irene Shepherd

The better person

boot was on the other foot. Think about the comments with the Calais situation when France had an influx of immigrants, “if the illegal immigrants want to go to the UK, who are we to stop them. If that’s where they want to go why should we stop them?” !!! LD, Los Alcazares

It’s not good enough DEAR Sir, I read in the paper the other day about the man who died at the sports centre on Orihuela Costa and

WELL I feel England as always has been the better person... Again a syndrome we seem destined to promote... But it is genuine and these atrocities I feel are not over. Yes Belgium has finally awoken from something akin to complacency, yes England should do the same. Whether this will happen remains to be seen!!!!!! I do feel closed gates and bolting horses springs to mind!!! Well in all this disaster I do feel for Muslims who are against this extremist behaviour, murder in my book... But they need to be seen condemning this extremism... And I feel they are not... Yours sincerely Carolyn

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10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



Mindfulness technique Beyond My Ken, Wikimedia

NEXT time your child is stressed out, try a mindfulness exercise with them as it can help reduce their agitation By Marcus Hopkins MINDFULNESS is a technique derived from Buddhist meditation around 2,500 years ago. It is a very simple technique for reducing anxiety, worry and stress. It is also known to help build self-esteem. Recent studies suggest that mindfulness meditation practice has a substantial positive effect on improving how a person feels. Mindfulness has been used in settings as diverse as schools, hospitals and military training centres. A study at the University of Massachusetts in the USA found that 90 per cent of those involved experienced a significant reduction in anxiety. Other research has shown that mindfulness has helped to reduce anxieties associated with cancer, eating disorders and business related stress. Mindfulness can be very easy to do. It helps to reduce anxiety by taking your thoughts away from your problems and onto something you can really focus on in a very simple way. You are simply making yourself aware of the moment. It helps you to reconnect your body with your mind. It helps you to really connect with the present moment. As an example, instead of gulping down your next coffee as usual, take time out to use the cof-

MINDFULNESS TECHNIQUE: It helps to reduce anxiety. fee as a mindfulness exercise. Try to focus solely on the drink in front of you, preferably with nobody around. Pick up the cup. Feel its weight. Smell the aroma. Be aware of how hot or how warm the cup is. Take a good

look at the colour of the coffee. What type of brown is it? How many bubbles are floating on the surface? Then take a sip, just a small sip, and keep that sip on your tongue for a while. Savour the taste. Is it bitter? Is it sweet? How hot is it?

How does it affect your taste buds? When you swallow, become aware of the feel as the coffee slips down your throat, down into your stomach. Done correctly, you can make this exercise with the coffee last for quite a long while, even an entire lunch break if you don’t mind it going cold. Just a few minutes of this type of focus often helps reduce stress though. Mindfulness can be such a simple way of reducing anxiety that it has been used by military personnel in some countries. You can create mindfulness in virtually any situation. Pick up a pebble on a beach as another example. How heavy is it? How does it feel in your hand? Is it smooth or rough? Look closely at all of its colours. Just focus on the pebble, nothing else, just you and the pebble. The effect of this focus is to calm the mind. Next time your child is stressed out, try a mindfulness exercise with them. It works with people of all ages, and has been used to help children reduce agitation. Mindfulness comes in many forms, some religious, some like the two exercises above are simply therapeutic. It’s also a technique recommended by the NHS in the UK. Give mindfulness meditation a try if you feel stressed out this Christmas.


10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical



Creating harmony for Christmas and beyond A REASONABLE time to look for similarities rather than differences between peoples and faiths By Marcus Hopkins CHRISTMAS is intended to be a time of peace and harmony. Perhaps a reasonable time to look for similarities rather than differences between peoples and faiths. Four hundred and eighty Muslim soldiers currently serve in the British army. The Ministry of Defence want to increase the percentage of Muslims in the military. To achieve this, it is essential for British Muslims to feel that they will be accepted within the army, as they are. Muslim Lance Corporal Jabron Hashmi, born in Pakistan and who moved to Britain when he was 12, paid the ultimate price for Queen and country, being killed in action in Afghanistan. Sheffield born boxer Naseem Hamed, one of Britain’s greatest boxing talents is another Muslim so many British are proud of. In the business world there is Sir Anwar Pervez, Britain’s richest Muslim. According to the Sunday Times rich list,

LONDON BUSES: Adverts are being placed on them with the slogan ‘United against extremism.’

Sir Anwar and his family “would be even richer if they did not give large sums to charity.” Then helping to protect the streets of London was Ugandan born Tarique Ghaffur, formerly one of Britain’s most senior police officers, whose parents came from modern day Pakistan. The actions of terrorist groups such as Daesh is

giving Muslims a terrible name in the UK. But that is exactly what Daesh are trying to do, but only if we allow it. Remember that in the last few weeks, along with attacks in Paris, Daesh have bombed Muslim targets too. At this time of year, and at this present moment, creating harmony demands that peaceful

Christians and Muslims stand together. Jesus, who Christians celebrate at this festive time, is also one of the most revered figures of Islam, as is Mary, facts often forgotten in the West. A UK Muslim charity, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK is continuing its campaign to counter extremist rhetoric, with advertisements being placed on 100 London buses with the slogan ‘United against extremism.’ Holding out a hand of friendship to people from a different tradition, a different culture, even a different mind-set, can be a catalyst to building a more harmonious future. Politics and religion whether in Spain, the UK, Ireland or elsewhere, can only be managed when people work together to end distrust and suspicion. Peace happened in Northern Ireland, even though it took years to achieve, and even though difficulties persist. It took people from all sides, all backgrounds to become brave enough to grasp the pain of getting to know the other side again.

Catch 22 for Mariano Rajoy The messenger boys

Cassandra Nash A weekly look - and not entirely impartial reaction to the Spanish political scene

THE televised debate arranged by El Pais put Spain’s president Mariano Rajoy in a Catch 22 situation. If he went he might not have put up a good show against Pedro Sanchez, Albert Rivera and Pablo Iglesias. Gravitas, a salt and pepper beard and four years in the Moncloa were not what this particular occasion demanded, and that just about sums up what Rajoy has to offer in any debate. But by not going he laid himself open to cries of ‘Chicken!’ Either way Rajoy was going to lay an egg not long before Spain goes to the polls and he practically incubated it by declaring beforehand that he participates only in one-to-one ‘serious’ debates. What did he think? That the El Pais production was going to be a laugh a minute?

DEMOCRACY: The right to debate, complain, disagree and suggest.

BEFORE the televised threeway debate, the PSOE presidential candidate Pedro Sanchez declared that there is no democracy without debate. No one could argue with that: The right to debate, disagree, suggest and complain are at the heart of democracy. But these television debates? As Marshall McLuhan said in 1964, long before the digital age of instant communication, the medium is the message. And, deserved or not, how much better the message becomes when it is delivered by three personable young politicos like Sanchez, Rivera and Iglesias.

Seen from afar ONLY 21 per cent of the fiercely nationalistic Basques are in favour of independence from Spain. The remainder have had time to observe the antics, retractions, machinations and cajoling of the former and would-be Catalan president Artur Mas, in his desire to guide the region to independence. He must have persuaded them that remaining inside Spain is preferable to ignoring the wishes of half the population.

Give it a rest AHORA MADRID, which controls city hall postponed a debate to change remaining street names linked to the Franco regime. Mayor Manuela Carmena is clearly aware that an alley named after General Mola is no more offensive to 21st century Madrileños than Cromwell Road to Londoners.


E W N 10 - 16 December 2015 / AxarquĂ­a - Costa Tropical


7:00am Breakfast 10:15am Sister Rita to the Rescue 11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Oxford Street Revealed 12:45pm Family Finders 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm The Doctor Blake Mysteries 4:10pm Escape to the Country 4:40pm Home Comforts at Christmas 5:25pm Flog It! 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm EastEnders 9:00pm BBC Music Awards 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News 11:35pm Question Time 12:35am This Week

7:15am Oxford Street Revealed 8:00am Home Comforts at Christmas 8:45am Flog it! Trade Secrets 9:15am MasterChef: The Professionals 10:15am Victoria Derbyshire 12:00pm BBC News 1:00pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm Coast 2:15pm Cash in the Attic 3:00pm Rugby Union 5:30pm Wogan: The Best of 6:15pm Bargain Hunt 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 8:00pm Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 9:00pm MasterChef: The Professionals 10:00pm The Last Kingdom 11:00pm Russell Howard's Good News 11:30pm Newsnight 12:15am The Secrets of the Mona Lisa

8:00pm Top Gear 9:00pm Don't Tell the Bride 10:00pm Live at the Apollo 10:30pm Live at the Apollo 11:00pm EastEnders 11:30pm Rent a Cop 12:00am Family Guy 12:25am Family Guy 12:45am American Dad! 1:10am Family Guy 1:30am Rent a Cop 2:00am Josh 2:30am Reggie Yates' Extreme UK 3:30am Asian Provocateur

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm 1000 Heartbeats 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Tonight 9:00pm Emmerdale 9:30pm Paul O'Grady: For The Love of Dogs 10:00pm Britain's Oldest Crooks 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:40pm The Late Debate 12:10am UEFA Europa League Highlights 1:10am Jackpot247 4:00am Tonight 4:25am ITV Nightscreen

7:00am The Hot Desk 7:10am You've Been Framed! 7:35am Psych 8:20am Emmerdale 8:45am Coronation Street 9:15am You've Been Framed! 9:40am The Cube 10:40am Psych 11:35am Merry in-Laws 1:25pm Emmerdale 1:55pm Coronation Street 2:30pm You've Been Framed! 2:55pm Catchphrase 3:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:50pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 7:00pm Judge Rinder 8:00pm The Xtra Factor 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Scorpion 11:00pm Celebrity Juice 12:00am Release the Hounds 1:00am Two and a Half Men

7:00am Movies Now 7:10am George and Mildred 7:35am Heartbeat 8:40am Murder, She Wrote 9:30am Where the Heart is 10:30am Judge Judy 11:00am Judge Judy 11:25am Judge Judy 11:55am A Touch of Frost 2:00pm Heartbeat 3:05pm Wycliffe 4:10pm Where the Heart is 5:15pm On the Buses 5:50pm On the Buses 6:20pm George and Mildred 6:55pm Heartbeat 8:00pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Lewis 11:00pm Law and Order: UK 12:00am Cold Blood 1:30am A Touch of Frost A vital witness to a gangland killing goes missing before she can give evidence in court. 3:20am ITV3 Nightscreen

8:30pm Top of the Pops 9:00pm Life of a Mountain: A Year on Scafell Pike 10:00pm What a Performance! Pioneers of Popular Entertainment 11:00pm Arena 12:00am Sex and the Sitcom 1:00am Top of the Pops



7:00am Countdown 7:45am 3rd Rock from the Sun 8:35am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00am Frasier 11:00am Undercover Boss USA 12:00pm Jamie's Comfort Food 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Come Dine with Me 3:10pm Deal or No Deal 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm Posh Pawnbrokers 6:00pm Couples Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 8:55pm The Political Slot 9:00pm The Secret Life of 6 Year Olds 10:00pm 18 Kids and Counting 11:00pm First Dates 12:05am Gogglebox 1:10am 24 Hours in A and E 2:05am Liberty of London 3:00am Embarrassing Bodies

8:10am Little Princess 8:20am Bob the Builder 8:35am Thomas and Friends 8:50am Noddy in Toyland 9:00am Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 9:15am Peppa Pig 9:25am Peppa Pig 9:35am Paw Patrol 9:50am Bananas in Pajamas 10:00am Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:45pm Call Me Claus 2:30pm 5 News Lunchtime 2:35pm Neighbours 3:05pm The Santa Suit 4:45pm The Christmas Shepherd 6:30pm 5 News at 5 7:00pm Neighbours 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm Kids' Hospital at Christmas 9:00pm Alex Polizzi's Italian Islands 10:00pm Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild UK

11:00am Homes Under the Hammer 12:00pm Oxford Street Revealed 12:45pm Family Finders 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm The Doctor Blake Mysteries 4:10pm Escape to the Country 4:40pm Home Comforts at Christmas 5:25pm Flog It! 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm A Question of Sport 9:00pm EastEnders 9:30pm Citizen Khan 10:00pm Have I Got News for You 10:30pm Peter Kay's Car Share 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News 11:35pm The Graham Norton Show

8:00am Oxford Street Revealed 8:45am Flog it! Trade Secrets 9:15am An Island Parish: Falklands 9:45am Great British Menu 10:15am Victoria Derbyshire 12:00pm BBC News 1:00pm The Daily Politics 2:00pm Cash in the Attic 2:45pm Pressure Pad 3:30pm The Great British Bake Off 4:30pm The Great Antiques Map of Britain 5:00pm The World's Most Photographed 5:30pm Wogan: The Best of 6:15pm Bargain Hunt 7:00pm Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 8:00pm Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 9:00pm Mastermind 9:30pm An Island Parish: Falklands 10:00pm Alex Polizzi: Hire Our Heroes 11:00pm QI 11:30pm Newsnight

8:30pm Don't Tell the Bride 9:30pm Sherlock 11:00pm EastEnders 11:30pm Russell Howard's Good News Extra 12:15am American Dad! 12:40am American Dad! 1:00am Family Guy 1:25am Family Guy 1:45am Rent a Cop 2:15am Josh 2:45am Russell Howard's Good News Extra 3:30am Asian Provocateur

7:00am Gunsmoke 7:55am The Professionals 8:50am Minder 9:55am Alias Smith and Jones 11:00am Gunsmoke 12:05pm The Professionals 1:10pm Kojak 2:15pm Minder 3:20pm Pawn Stars 3:50pm Gunsmoke 4:55pm Alias Smith and Jones 6:00pm The Professionals 7:00pm Kojak 8:00pm Pawn Stars 8:30pm Pawn Stars 9:00pm The Car Chasers 9:30pm The Car Chasers 10:00pm Fifth Gear Tiff Needell and Vicki ButlerHenderson present the motor magazine show. 11:00pm The Chronicles of Riddick 1:20am Daylight 3:30am Pawn Stars 3:55am ITV4 Nightscreen

7:00am Football Gold 7:15am Football Gold 7:30am WWE SmackDown! 8:30am Boxing:Straight Outta Brixton 9:00am Fight Night 11:00am Anthony Joshua-the Knockouts 11:30am Intl Premier Tennis League 6:00pm Barclays Premier League World 6:30pm Premier League 100 Club 7:00pm Premier League 7:30pm Boxing 8:00pm Mosconi Cup Pool 12:30am Boxing 1:00am Barclays Premier League World 1:30am Fantasy Football Club Highlights 2:00am Boxing 2:30am Premier League 100 Club 3:00am Premier League 3:30am Premier League 100 Club

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm 1000 Heartbeats 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm Gino's Italian Escape: Islands in the Sun 9:30pm Coronation Street 10:00pm Piers Morgan's Life Stories 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:40pm 300 1:45am Jackpot247 4:00am The Jeremy Kyle Show USA

7:00am The Hot Desk 7:10am You've Been Framed! 7:35am Psych 8:20am Emmerdale 8:55am Emmerdale 9:25am The Hot Desk 9:35am The Cube 10:40am Psych 11:35am Holiday Engagement 1:25pm Emmerdale 1:55pm Emmerdale 2:30pm You've Been Framed! 2:55pm Catchphrase 3:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:50pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 7:00pm Judge Rinder Studio courtroom show in which criminal barrister Robert Rinder rules on real life cases. 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm The Dark Knight 1:00am Pitch Black

7:00am Movies Now 7:10am George and Mildred 7:35am Heartbeat 8:40am Murder, She Wrote 9:35am Where the Heart is 10:35am Judge Judy 11:00am Judge Judy 11:30am Judge Judy 11:55am A Touch of Frost 2:00pm Heartbeat 3:05pm Wycliffe 4:10pm Where the Heart is 5:15pm On the Buses 5:50pm On the Buses 6:20pm George and Mildred 6:55pm Heartbeat 7:55pm Murder, She Wrote Murder mystery series about a sleuthing writer. 9:00pm Midsomer Murders 11:00pm Law and Order: UK 12:05am Cold Blood 1:35am The Constant Gardener 3:50am Judge Judy 4:10am ITV3 Nightscreen

8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm The Good Old Days 9:20pm Pop Go the Sixties 9:30pm Sounds of the 70s 10:00pm TOTP 2 11:00pm Rollermania: Britain's Biggest Boy Band 12:00am I'm in a Boy Band 1:00am TOTP 2

7:00am Countdown 7:45am 3rd Rock from the Sun 8:35am Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00am Frasier 11:00am Undercover Boss USA 12:00pm Jamie at Home Christmas Special 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Couples Come Dine with Me 1:45pm Channel 4 Racing 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm Posh Pawnbrokers 6:00pm Couples Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm TFI Friday 10:00pm Gogglebox 11:00pm Alan Carr: Chatty Man 12:05am First Dates 1:10am That's So Last Century 2:10am The Host 4:15am Four Rooms

8:50am Noddy in Toyland 9:00am Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 9:15am Peppa Pig 9:25am Peppa Pig 9:35am Paw Patrol 9:50am Bananas in Pajamas 10:00am Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:45pm Hats Off to Christmas 2:30pm 5 News Lunchtime 2:35pm Neighbours 3:05pm Mr. St. Nick 4:45pm Twelve Trees of Christmas 6:30pm 5 News at 5 7:00pm Neighbours 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm World's Ultimate Strongest Team 2015 9:00pm Ice Road Truckers 10:00pm The Definitive History of Star Wars 11:00pm How Star Wars Changed the World

7:00am 7:50am 8:45am 9:50am

7:00am 7:15am 7:30am 7:45am 8:00am

10:50am 11:55am 1:00pm 2:00pm 3:05pm 3:35pm 4:40pm 5:45pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:55pm 1:50am



Gunsmoke The Professionals Minder Alias Smith and Jones Gunsmoke The Professionals Kojak Minder Pawn Stars Alias Smith and Jones The Professionals The Secret War of Harry Frigg Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas Red Sonja Kull the Conqueror Texas Killing Fields American crime drama based on real events. ITV4 Nightscreen Text-based information service. Teleshopping Shopping from home.

9:00am 9:30am 10:00am

10:30am 11:00am 11:15am 11:30am 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 12:30am 12:45am

1:15am 1:45am 2:00am 3:00am 3:30am

Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold Football Gold WWE Main Event Boxing Boxing:Straight Outta Brixton Barclays Premier League World Boxing Football Gold Football Gold Intl Premier Tennis League La Liga Show 2015 The Fantasy Football Club Boxing Football Boxing The Fantasy Football Club Football Gold Barclays Premier League Review Boxing Football Gold The Fantasy Football Club Boxing Boxing


10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


10,000 drug test kits for Local Police AS part of a new series, we answer some common driving questions, kindly provided by members of the Guardia Civil based in Torrevieja, Costa Blanca, who set up the N332 website and Facebook page to help break down barriers. Flickr thanks to Andrew Sutherland

THE Direccion General de Trafico, (DGT) has invested in the provision of 10,000 drug testing kits which it will give to Local Police around Spain, in order for them to better monitor local roads for drivers under the influence of drugs. The kits will be shared with 100 municipalities across 15 provinces where 450 officers have also been trained in their use. The overall goal is to reduce the consumption of drugs and narcotics at the wheel, and thus improve road safety on urban roads. Under the agreement with local authorities, the police will be required to

carry out at least 20,000 drugs tests in 2016. The latest statistics for urban and local roads, collated from data in 2014, show that 61 per cent of all incidents causing injuries and 26 per cent of all deaths on the roads occurred in the areas policed by the local authorities. In addition, 4,740 people were hospitalised. These figures show that incidents with victims in urban areas still account for a significant percentage of road incidents in Spain, and so the DGT is widening its overall enforcement campaign to take in these roads and thus reduce the number of incidents.

For more news and articles visit or search N332 on Facebook.

What income must I declare? I am a pensioner resident in Spain. I receive a Spanish pension of around €9,000 a year. I also receive two pensions from the UK, which total €8,000 euros a year. I have no other income. I fail to see how you could make this deduction from my article of November 26. If you are tax resident in Spain, you are subject to Spanish income tax on your worldwide income, including, of course, your Spanish income.

From your article of November 26, would I be correct to assume that my liability for tax in Spain would be for the UK pensions only? If so, what percentage would that be? D.S. (Costa Blanca)

David Searl You and the Law in Spain

Your Spanish pension is less than €22,000, but no tax has been deducted from it, so it is subject to

income tax. From here, and after deductions, it looks like around €2,000 in tax. I urge you to see a Spanish tax consultant and make a proper declaration. The consultant may be able to find more deductions for you, as well.

Send your questions for David Searl through lawyers Ubeda-Retana & Associates in Fuengirola at, or call 952 667 090.


I’m a grumpy old git, get me out of here! Mike Senker

In my opinion Views of a Grumpy Old Man

NEW KITS: Local Police will be able to better monitor the roads.


‘I’M A CELEBRITY, Get Me Out of Here,’ Celebrity Big Brother - I watch both. Plus others like Celebrity Master Chef, because Mrs S loves them, (not sure why she watches this as there is only so much you can do with a takeaway menu), along with The Only Way is Essex. But it has got me thinking about what constitutes being a celebrity these days. There are people taking part that are only famous for being on TV in other reality TV shows. Now, in the case of some of them, that means them just getting drunk and making absolute idiots of themselves. Others come from being ex- soap stars, some are imported from American reality TV shows that I’ve never seen or heard of. I saw one from a show called ‘16 and Pregnant’… this foul mouthed woman was a celebrity for being 16 and pregnant, so technically it could be said she was an overnight success.

It’s what I call train crash TV. You know you shouldn’t be watching it but somehow you can’t look away. It must be hard to find any older UK celebrities because quite a few of them are in prison and most others either can’t cook or have nothing in the attic, don’t like coach trips and don’t want to have to wash their bits on national TV. When I was younger a celebrity was someone famous, someone everyone knew. Sure there are still plenty of real celebs but they would never be seen in any of the above mentioned ‘shows.’ I mean I’m not sure how many Baldwin brothers there are but I don’t recall the real famous one doing it, only all the others! Celebrities have to be talented. They have to have given something to achieve that status. Not just to have dropped their drawers on national TV and finished the night by vomiting into their handbag. I do have a couple of exceptions to the annoyance of reality TV and that’s the now defunct Dancing on Ice and Strictly Come Dancing. At least the participants of these two shows are learning a new skill and seem to be chosen a little more carefully. Ok enough of this, “I’M A GRUMPY OLD GIT, GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!”


E W N 10 - 16 December 2015 / AxarquĂ­a - Costa Tropical


7:00am Breakfast 11:00am Saturday Kitchen 12:30pm Simply Nigella 1:00pm BBC News 1:10pm Football Focus 1:50pm Saturday Sportsday 2:00pm Lewis Hamilton: Making History - F1 2015 Review 3:00pm Bargain Hunt 4:00pm Toy Story 5:15pm Final Score 6:15pm Celebrity Mastermind 6:45pm BBC News 6:55pm BBC London News 7:00pm Pointless 7:50pm Strictly Come Dancing 9:30pm Casualty 10:20pm The National Lottery Live 10:30pm Mrs. Brown's Boys 11:00pm BBC News 11:20pm Match of the Day 12:40am The Apprentice 1:40am Weather for the Week Ahead 1:45am BBC News

7:55am Anything But Christmas 9:25am Ray Harryhausen: Special Effects Titan 11:00am Animal Park 11:30am Kangaroo Dundee 12:00pm Ronnie's Animal Crackers 12:30pm Ronnie's Animal Crackers 1:00pm Home Comforts at Christmas 3:15pm Len and Ainsley's Big Food Adventure 4:00pm Terry and Mason's Great Food Trip 4:30pm Escape to the Country 5:15pm Flog It! 6:15pm Football: Euro 2016 Draw 7:30pm The Great Pottery Throw Down 8:30pm Japan: Earth's Enchanted Island 9:30pm Dad's Army 10:00pm QI XL 10:45pm Top of the Pops 2 11:45pm The Prestige 1:50am The Winslow Boy 3:30am This is BBC Two

8:00pm Don't Tell the Bride 9:00pm Top Gear 10:00pm Live at the Apollo 10:30pm 8 Mile 12:15am Family Guy 12:40am Family Guy 1:00am Family Guy 1:25am Family Guy 1:45am Family Guy 2:05am Family Guy 2:25am Family Guy 2:50am Josh 3:20am Asian Provocateur 3:50am Great Movie Mistakes 4:00am Together

8:00am 8:05am 8:10am 8:25am 8:40am 9:00am

7:00am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 7:25am Emmerdale Omnibus 10:10am Coronation Street Omnibus 12:35pm The Xtra Factor 1:35pm I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! Coming Out 2:40pm Elf: Buddy's Musical Christmas 3:40pm Scorpion 4:35pm You've Been Framed! 5:35pm Take Me Out 6:45pm Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium 8:40pm Back to the Future Part III 11:05pm The Xtra Factor 12:05am Celebrity Juice 1:05am Release the Hounds 2:05am Viral Tap 2:40am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 3:05am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 3:30am Animal Practice

7:00am 7:20am 7:45am is 8:40am is 9:40am Santas 11:40am 12:50pm Thyme 1:50pm

9:30am 10:00am 10:25am 11:20am 1:30pm 1:35pm 2:40pm 3:40pm 5:30pm 6:35pm 6:45pm 7:45pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 11:05pm 12:10am

Share a Story Oddbods Sooty Super 4 Mr. Bean The Aquabats! Super Show! Thunderbirds are Go Jessie Murder, She Wrote The Jeremy Kyle Show ITV News and Weather The Jeremy Kyle Show Judge Rinder The Polar Express Doc Martin ITV News London Catchphrase ITV News and Weather The Chase: Celebrity Special The X Factor The Jonathan Ross Show ITV News and Weather

7:15am 7:40am 8:05am 8:30am

9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 11:00am 11:30am 12:00pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:30pm 2:00pm 2:30pm 5:00pm

8:00pm Empire of the Seas: How the Navy Forged the Modern World 9:00pm Britain's Outlaws: Highwaymen, Pirates and Rogues 10:00pm The Bridge 11:00pm The Bridge 12:00am Jeff Lynne's ELO in Concert 1:00am Mr Blue Sky

3:55pm 5:55pm

8:00pm 9:00pm 11:00pm 1:05am


Judge Judy On the Buses Where the Heart Where the Heart Clash of the Wycliffe Rosemary and Agatha Christie's Marple A Touch of Frost Columbo Detective drama with the shambling sleuth. Rosemary and Thyme Midsomer Murders Lewis A Touch of Frost Set in the town of Denton, this police drama series focuses on Detective Inspector Frost and his longsuffering Superintendent Harry Mullett. ITV3 Nightscreen

5:25pm 6:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 12:15am 1:20am

7:00am 7:40am 8:20am 9:15am 10:15am 10:50am 11:20am 11:45am 12:10pm 12:35pm 1:05pm 1:35pm 3:35pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 12:05am 2:00am 3:55am




King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Anglesey Sandman Triathlon Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody Loves Raymond The Morning Line Frasier Frasier The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Simpsons The Simpsons Channel 4 Racing Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Come Dine with Me Channel 4 News The World's Weirdest Weather Grand Designs Red 2 TFI Friday Adam Hills: Happyism Live

9:15am Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 9:30am Wanda and the Alien 9:45am Toby's Travelling Circus 9:55am Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10:30am The Saturday Show 12:30pm Santa Who? 2:20pm The Perfect Holiday 4:10pm The Nine Lives of Christmas 5:55pm Once Upon a Christmas 7:35pm 5 News Weekend 7:40pm Fail Army 8:05pm Police Interceptors 9:00pm Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away! 10:00pm Football League Tonight 11:25pm The Definitive History of Star Wars 12:25am How Star Wars Changed the World 1:25am The Gadget Show

7:00am Breakfast 8:35am Match of the Day 10:00am The Andrew Marr Show 11:00am Fern Britton Meets... 12:00pm Sunday Politics 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News 2:15pm Saving the Forgotten Jews 2:45pm Lifeline 2:55pm Flog It! 3:45pm Toy Story 2 5:15pm Songs of Praise 5:50pm The Hunt 6:50pm BBC News 7:10pm BBC London News 7:20pm Countryfile 8:20pm Strictly Come Dancing 9:00pm Antiques Roadshow 10:00pm The Hunt 11:00pm BBC News 11:20pm BBC London News 11:30pm Match of the Day 2 12:40am Citizen Khan 1:10am Weather for the Week Ahead 1:15am BBC News

7:45am Big Dreams Small Spaces 8:45am Countryfile 9:45am An Island Parish: Falklands 10:15am Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:45am Home Comforts at Christmas 1:15pm MOTD2 Extra 2:00pm Jason and the Argonauts 3:45pm Family Finders 4:15pm Escape to the Continent 5:15pm Athletics 6:20pm Nativity! 8:00pm Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 9:00pm Horizon 10:00pm Monty Don's Secret History of the British Garden 11:00pm Professor Green: Suicide and Me 12:00am Seven Years in Tibet 2:10am Countryfile 3:05am Holby City 4:05am Home Comforts at Christmas

8:00pm Don't Tell the Bride 9:00pm Top Gear 10:00pm Enemy of the State 12:05am Family Guy 12:50am American Dad! 1:10am Family Guy 1:30am Josh 2:00am Rent a Cop 2:30am Siblings 3:00am Siblings 3:30am Siblings 4:00am Together 4:30am Together 5:00am This is BBC Three

Ax Men Ax Men Motorsport UK Bundesliga World Rugby 7s Series Highlights Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Storage Wars Texas Storage Wars Texas The 'Burbs Blues Brothers 2000 The Car Chasers The Car Chasers Fifth Gear Storage Wars New York Storage Wars New York River Monsters Hard to Kill The Quest The Sentinel ITV4 Nightscreen Text-based information service. Teleshopping Shopping from home.

7:00am 7:30am 8:00am 9:00am

8:25am 8:40am 8:50am 9:00am

3:50am 6:50am 7:00am 7:10am

7:00am On the Buses 7:25am On the Buses 7:50am Clash of the Santas 9:50am Heartbeat 10:50am Heartbeat 11:55am A Touch of Frost 1:55pm Columbo 3:55pm Agatha Christie's Marple 5:55pm Midsomer Murders 8:00pm Paul O'Grady: For The Love of Dogs 8:30pm Paul O'Grady: For The Love of Dogs 9:00pm Lewis 11:00pm Midsomer Murders 1:05am Poirot: Murder on the Orient Express All-star adaptation of Agatha Christie's novel set on the Orient Express. 3:25am Wycliffe 4:20am ITV3 Nightscreen 4:40am Emmerdale Omnibus



11:00am 1:00pm 3:45pm 4:15pm 4:45pm 5:15pm 5:45pm 6:00pm

9:00pm 11:00pm 12:30am 3:30am



Boxing Boxing Boxing Game Changers Barclays Premier League Review The Fantasy Football Club Soccer A.M. Football Boxing Boxing Boxing Boxing Boxing Ford Saturday Night Football SNF: Game of the Day SNF: Match Choice SNF: Match Choice Sky Sports Boxing Gold Sky Sports Boxing Gold Sky Sports Boxing Gold

9:25am 9:30am

10:00am 10:25am 11:25am 12:30pm 1:30pm 1:40pm 4:00pm 6:00pm 7:35pm 7:45pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 11:00pm


Super 4 Mr. Bean Mr. Bean The Aquabats! Super Show! Oddbods Marvel Super Heroes: Maximum Overload Jessie Murder, She Wrote The Jeremy Kyle Show The Jeremy Kyle Show ITV News and Weather Evil Under the Sun The X Factor The Scorpion King ITV News London ITV News and Weather Jekyll and Hyde The X Factor Results Show The World According to Kenny Everett ITV News and Weather

9:45am 12:15pm 2:20pm 3:20pm 3:55pm 5:50pm 6:50pm 9:00pm 11:00pm

12:00am 1:50am 2:30am

2:55am 3:20am

Teleshopping ITV2 Nightscreen The Hot Desk Emmerdale Omnibus Coronation Street Omnibus The X Factor The Xtra Factor Merry Christmas Mr Bean Ella Enchanted Catchphrase Peter Pan The Nutty Professor The Xtra Factor Melvin Odoom and Rochelle Humes present the last in the series of the companion show. Keith Lemon: The Film Viral Tap Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records Animal Practice Teleshopping Shopping from home.

8:00pm Blood and Gold: The Making of Spain with Simon Sebag Montefiore 9:00pm Ballrooms and Ballerinas: Dance at the BBC 10:00pm Dance Rebels: A Story of Modern Dance 11:30pm Easy Money II: Hard to Kill

7:15am King of Queens 7:40am Asics Beat the Sun 2015 8:35am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 9:30am Frasier 10:00am Frasier 10:30am Sunday Brunch 1:30pm The Big Bang Theory 2:00pm The Big Bang Theory 2:30pm The Big Bang Theory 3:00pm The Simpsons 3:30pm The Simpsons 4:00pm Marley and Me 6:20pm Aladdin 8:00pm Channel 4 News 8:30pm Britain's Wildest Weather 2015 10:00pm Homeland 11:00pm Gogglebox 12:05am Mama 1:55am Grand Designs 2:45am Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners 3:40am Four in a Bed 4:10am Four in a Bed 4:35am Four in a Bed 5:05am Four in a Bed 5:35am Four in a Bed

8:15am Make Way for Noddy 8:25am Paw Patrol 8:40am Little Princess 9:00am Pip Ahoy! 9:10am Blaze and the Monster Machines 9:35am Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 9:50am Wanda and the Alien 10:05am Toby's Travelling Circus 10:20am Jelly Jamm 10:40am LazyTown 11:00am Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 11:35am Football League Tonight 1:00pm Fail Army 1:35pm The Christmas Shepherd 3:20pm Meet the Santas 5:05pm Mrs Miracle 2: Miracle in Manhattan 7:00pm A Country Christmas Story 8:35pm Scrooge 10:55pm 5 News Weekend 11:00pm The Blind Side 1:25am True Crimes: The First 72 Hours 1:55am Super Casino

7:00am Ax Men 7:45am Ax Men 8:20am Alias Smith and Jones 9:25am The Professionals 10:30am Fifth Gear 11:30am Shed and Buried 12:35pm Shed and Buried 1:35pm Pawn Stars 2:05pm Pawn Stars 2:35pm Pawn Stars 3:00pm Pawn Stars 3:30pm Pawn Stars 4:05pm No Name on the Bullet 5:45pm Jeremiah Johnson 8:00pm The Chase: Celebrity Special 9:00pm Football Dream Debuts 10:00pm The Day of the Jackal 12:55am Quadrophenia 3:20am Pawn Stars 3:40am ITV4 Nightscreen Text-based information service. 4:00am Teleshopping Shopping from home.

7:00am SNF: Match Choice 8:30am SNF: Match Choice 10:00am The Sunday Supplement 11:30am Goals on Sunday 1:30pm Ford Super Sunday 4:30pm Ford Super Sunday 7:30pm Football League Goals 8:25pm Football Villareal meet Real Madrid in La Liga. 10:30pm Football's Greatest II A profile of Real Madrid and Portugal forward Cristiano Ronaldo. 11:00pm Ford Football Special 12:30am Cricket Day five of the first Test between Australia and the West Indies at the Bellerive Oval, Hobart.

10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

Christmas past and presents, has all the excitement gone?



OUR VIEW David Muscroft Shutterstock



SANTA’S days are surely numbered as Operation Yule Tree closes in Colin Bird A weekly look Each week, Colin brings his slightly off-thewall view of the world to the pages of EWN in his own irreverent style.

IT’S that time of year again when the fat man with the flowin g wh i t e b e a r d a n d rosy cheeks is greasing up the blades of his sleigh and putting his production staff on maximum overtime in readiness for another hectic Christmas Eve delivery. But wi t h t h e a d v e nt o f Xboxes, iPads and Smart Phones , a l l t h e r o m an ce and ex c i t e m e n t wi t h th e traditio n a l o p e n i n g o f prezzie s like M &S sweaters, smelly bath stuff and Black Magic under the tree on Christmas morning has almost disappeared. Who actually puts out a pillow case any more? And

PRESENTS: With the advent of new technologies, traditional gifts have disappeared. in these times of political correctness, it’s only a matter of time before someone s ta rts a s k in g q u es tio n s about a bloke who shacks up with a regiment of male dwarves for 12 months a year.

Santa’s days are surely numbe re d a s O pe ra tion Yule Tree closes in. Presents are an increasing problem. The lessening choice of what to buy each other becomes commensurate with the advancement

of years, and at the risk of us ing a w e ll w orn a phorism, just what do you buy someone who has everything? The proble m is c ompounded when I am also told, ‘don’t buy me choco-

l at e, I need t o l ose som e weight.’ This limits things considerably, but I’m sorry, Princess, you gave away your real intentions when you t ol d m e t o hi de m y own stash of chocolate so t hat you woul d not be tempted, then proceeded to tell me exactly where that hiding place should be. One thing that is noticeable in Spain is the laidback atmosphere in the supermarkets at this time of year. Visit a Sainsbury’s, Tesco’s or any of the other big stores in the UK right now, and it will be a madhouse of spending. Even on Christmas Eve, when occasionally I have needed to drop in to Dialprix for some last minute cooking sherry, it has never been anything other than business as usual.

I think I know what to do HOPEFULLY no-one will bring up the history of straight bananas or curved cucumbers By John Smith THAT just about sums up the situation with regards to David Cameron’s wish to renegotiate the terms of Britain’s membership of the European Union. Having initially said that he did not want to reveal full details of his negotiating hand before serious discussions get under way, the EU indicated that it was a bit pointless to have a negotiation without knowing what was wanted so he wrote to them with a wish list. Economic governance which should recognise that there are more currencies in the EU than just the Euro and by extension the pound should not be disadvantaged. Competitiveness which would ensure that EU regulations are reduced made less onerous on business and red tape is cut. Immigration would be reviewed and far less generous benefits would be paid to those from the EU states who settle in the UK until they have been there for a number of years. Sovereignty should remain in the

David Cameron and Martin Schulz President of European Parliament.

RAF Tornado

Britain now takes action AFTER a huge amount of rhetoric and very conflicting opinions, a decision has been reached by Parliament to allow the RAF to take action against terrorist targets in Syria and within an hour of the Commons vote, tornado aircraft were in the air and attacking a Daesh controlled oil field in that country. The recent shooting down of a Russian aircraft by Turkey has added to the tension and confusion, with both sides claiming the moral high ground, whilst Russia has accused Turkey of being the major customer for Daesh controlled oil. The general situation with air strikes has divided public opinion with many in favour of taking the war directly to Daesh, whilst many others object to the concept of any form of warfare in which there is always the possibility of mistake and loss of innocent lives. Many politicians in Spain who may favour direct action against Daesh are keeping a low profile until after the election, whilst those on the broad left are clear in their worry about becoming involved and have indicated that they would look to call a referendum to gauge public opinion. France clearly wants to punish those who were responsible for the attacks on Paris but the main question is whether air strikes will be enough or whether the next step will require NATO and possibly Russian troops to enter the fray and if so will the split over the future of Syrian president al-Asad be yet another major problem?

hands of national parliaments which should be able to block EU legislation. Good general points admittedly, but not many people go into an important negotiation without anticipating disagreement and most sensible people and even politicians would expect to ask for far more than they expect and then settle for what they want. As they are pretty vague demands, it does seem that the negotiations could be quite complicated, so much so that the Prime Minister has, not surprisingly, said that he now doesn’t expect a response during December. There is a commitment to hold a referendum on whether Britain should remain in the European Union no later than 2017 and he has indicated that if he gets the bulk of his requests approved then he will recommend to the electorate that Britain Now we should remain within the Union. want to There is about 18 months to go for hear your views. him to negotiate with the other 27 member states and hopefully, YOUR PAPER - YOUR VOICE no-one will bring up the history - YOUR OPINION of straight bananas or curved cumbers.


E W N 10 - 16 December 2015 / AxarquĂ­a - Costa Tropical

MONDAY - 14 DECEMBER Flog It! Pointless BBC News at Six BBC London News The One Show Fake Britain EastEnders The Taliban Hunters Crimewatch BBC News at Ten BBC London News Crimewatch Have I Got a Bit More News for You

25:00pm The World's Most Photographed 5:30pm Wogan: The Best of 6:15pm Bargain Hunt 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 8:00pm Mary Berry's Absolute Christmas Favourites 8:30pm Only Connect 9:00pm Simply Nigella 10:00pm Back in Time for Christmas 11:00pm Live at the Apollo 11:30pm Newsnight 12:15am Horizon

9:00pm Don't Tell the Bride 10:00pm Reggie Yates' Extreme UK 11:00pm EastEnders 11:30pm Bad Education 12:00am American Dad!

8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm The Martin Lewis Money Show 9:30pm Coronation Street 10:00pm Las Vegas with Trevor Mcdonald 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:40pm The Nation's Favourite Beatles Number One 1:30am Jackpot247 4:00am The Jeremy Kyle Show

4:50pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 7:00pm Judge Rinder 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:30pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm American Pie: The Wedding 12:00am Pitch Black

2:05pm Heartbeat 3:10pm Wild at Heart 4:15pm Where the Heart is 5:20pm On the Buses 5:50pm On the Buses 6:20pm George and Mildred 6:55pm Heartbeat 8:00pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Foyle's War 11:00pm Law and Order: UK 12:00am The Kindness of Strangers 1:35am Wild at Heart

5:25pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm 11:25pm 11:35pm 11:45pm


2:05pm Come Dine with Me 3:10pm Deal or No Deal 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm Posh Pawnbrokers 6:00pm Couples Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm Dispatches 9:30pm The Quizeum 9:30pm Supershoppers Do 10:00pm Inside Einstein's Christmas Mind: The Enigma of 10:00pm Our Guy in Latvia Space and Time 11:00pm Fargo 11:00pm Atlantis: The 12:05am 24 Hours in A and E Evidence 1:05am Ramsay's Hotel 12:00am Cleopatra: A Hell Timewatch Guide

3:30pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 4:55pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm


Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Alias Smith and Jones The Professionals Kojak Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Storage Wars New York Storage Wars New York The Game of

10:00pm Death 12:05am Bundesliga 1:05am Motorsport UK

12:45pm A Perfect Christmas 2:30pm 5 News Lunchtime 2:35pm Neighbours 3:05pm Angels and Ornaments 4:45pm The Christmas Switch 6:30pm 5 News at 5 7:00pm Neighbours 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm Police Interceptors 9:00pm Impractical Jokers 9:30pm Impractical Jokers 10:00pm Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole 11:00pm The Best of Bad TV: The 70s 1:50am Super Casino

2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm The Doctor Blake Mysteries 4:10pm Escape to the Country 4:40pm Home Comforts at Christmas 5:25pm Flog It! 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 8:30pm EastEnders 9:00pm Holby City 10:00pm Luther 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News

4:30pm The Great Antiques Map of Britain 5:00pm The World's Most Photographed 5:30pm Wogan: The Best of 6:15pm Bargain Hunt 7:00pm Eggheads 7:30pm Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 8:00pm Stargazing Live: Brit in Space 9:00pm MasterChef: The Professionals 10:00pm Back in Time for Christmas 11:00pm Mock the Week 11:30pm Newsnight

9:00pm Don't Tell the Bride 10:00pm Don't Tell the Bride 11:00pm EastEnders 11:30pm Russell Howard's Good News Extra 12:15am Family Guy

1:45pm Football Gold 2:00pm Football League Goals 3:00pm Goals on Sunday 4:00pm Ford Football Special 5:30pm Fantasy Football Club Highlights 6:00pm Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits 7:00pm Football League Goals 8:00pm Ford Monday Night Football 12:00am Premier League 12:30am SPFL Round Up

6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Countrywise Series celebrating rural Britain. 9:00pm Midsomer Murders 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:40pm The Jonathan Ross Show 12:45am Freeze Out

7:00pm Judge Rinder 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:30pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm The Holiday 12:40am Two and a Half Men 1:15am Two and a Half Men 1:45am The Vampire Diaries

4:15pm Where the Heart is 5:20pm On the Buses 5:50pm On the Buses 6:20pm George and Mildred 6:55pm Heartbeat 8:00pm Murder, She Wrote 9:00pm Love Your Garden 9:30pm Love Your Garden 10:00pm Meet the Penguins 11:00pm Law and Order: UK 12:00am The Kindness of Strangers

2:05pm Come Dine with Me 3:10pm Deal or No Deal 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm Posh Pawnbrokers 6:00pm Couples Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm Kirstie's Handmade 10:00pm Blood and Gold: Christmas The Making of Spain with Simon 10:00pm The World's Most Expensive Sebag Montefiore Christmas 11:00pm Ian Hislop Goes 11:00pm That's So Last off the Rails Century 12:00am Life of a Mountain: A Year on Scafell Pike

11:50am 12:55pm 1:55pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 3:55pm 4:25pm 4:55pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 12:20am

2:30pm 2:35pm 3:05pm 4:50pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm

10:00pm 11:00pm 11:55pm 12:50am

5 News Lunchtime Neighbours Mr Miracle A Grandpa for Christmas 5 News at 5 Neighbours 5 News Tonight Britain's Craziest Christmas Lights The Dog Rescuers at Christmas with Alan Davies Meet the Psychopaths CSI: Cyber CSI: Cyber Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole

The Professionals Kojak Minder Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Alias Smith and Jones The Professionals Kojak Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The Chase: Celebrity Special 6 Bullets The Quest

4:30pm Fantasy Football Club Highlights 5:00pm Barclays Premier League Review 6:00pm Fantasy Football Club Highlights 6:30pm SPFL Round Up 7:00pm Fantasy Football Club Highlights 7:30pm Barclays Premier League Review 8:30pm Football 11:00pm Football Gold 11:15pm Barclays Premier League Review 12:15am La Liga World 2015

The Big Match Revisited The Professionals Minder Alias Smith and Jones Pawn Stars Pawn Stars The Professionals Kojak Minder Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Alias Smith and Jones The Professionals Kojak Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Fifth Gear River Monsters First Blood The Day of the Jackal ITV4 Nightscreen Teleshopping

12:00pm Premier League 100 Club 12:30pm Premier League 1:00pm La Liga World 2015 1:30pm Fantasy Football Club Highlights 2:00pm Premier League 100 Club 2:30pm Premier League 3:00pm Football Gold 4:00pm Premier League 100 Club 4:30pm La Liga World 2015 5:00pm Premier League 100 Club 5:30pm Premier League 6:00pm Soccer A.M. The Best Bits 7:00pm Premier League 100 Club 7:30pm Premier League 8:00pm Football Gold 8:30pm Football 11:00pm One2eleven 11:15pm Soccer A.M. The Best Bits 12:15am One2eleven

WEDNESDAY - 16 DECEMBER 1:15pm Bargain Hunt 2:00pm BBC News at One 2:30pm BBC London News 2:45pm Doctors 3:15pm The Doctor Blake Mysteries 4:10pm Escape to the Country 4:40pm Home Comforts Christmas at 5:25pm Flog It! 6:15pm Pointless 7:00pm BBC News at Six 7:30pm BBC London News 8:00pm The One Show 9:00pm Cuffs 10:00pm The Apprentice 11:00pm BBC News at Ten 11:25pm BBC London News 11:35pm The Apprentice: Why I Fired Them 12:35am Film 2015 1:05am Weather for the Week Ahead

12:30pm 2:00pm 2:10pm 2:15pm 2:45pm 3:30pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 6:15pm 7:00pm 7:30pm


9:00pm 10:00pm

The Daily Politics Lifeline Coast Britain's First Photo Album Pressure Pad The Great British Bake Off The Great Antiques Map of Britain The World's Most Photographed Wogan: The Best of Bargain Hunt Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two Journey Down the Yukon - A Soldier's Challenge MasterChef: The Professionals Love You to Death: A Year of Domestic Violence

8:00pm Top Gear 9:00pm Don't Tell the Bride 10:00pm Stacey Dooley Investigates 11:00pm Russell Howard's Good News 11:30pm Josh 12:00am Family Guy 12:45am American Dad! 1:05am Family Guy 1:30am Josh 2:00am Russell Howard's Good News 2:30am Don't Tell the Bride

8:00pm World News Today 8:30pm The Boats That Built Britain 9:00pm Time Shift 10:00pm Horizon Special 11:00pm Horizon 12:00am 2001: A Space Odyssey

10:00am Frasier 10:30am Frasier 11:00am Undercover Boss USA 12:00pm Jamie's Christmas with Bells On 1:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 1:05pm Kirstie's Homemadev Christmas 2:05pm Come Dine with Me 3:10pm Deal or No Deal 4:10pm Countdown 5:00pm Posh Pawnbrokers 6:00pm Couples Come Dine with Me 7:00pm The Simpsons 7:30pm Hollyoaks 8:00pm Channel 4 News 9:00pm The Supervet 10:00pm 24 Hours in A and E 11:00pm Peep Show 11:30pm Toast of London 12:05am 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

9:00am Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom 9:15am Peppa Pig 9:35am Paw Patrol 9:50am Bananas in Pajamas 10:00am Toot the Tiny Tugboat 10:15am The Wright Stuff 12:45pm The Nine Lives of Christmas 2:30pm 5 News Lunchtime 2:35pm Neighbours 3:05pm Once Upon a Christmas 4:45pm A Star for Christmas 6:30pm 5 News at 5 7:00pm Neighbours 7:30pm 5 News Tonight 8:00pm My Crazy Christmas Obsession 9:00pm GPs: Behind Closed Doors 10:00pm Can't Pay? Benefits Special 11:00pm Suspects 12:55am Law and Order

7:00am Good Morning Britain 9:30am Lorraine 10:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30am This Morning 1:30pm Loose Women 2:30pm ITV Lunchtime News 3:00pm Judge Rinder 4:00pm 1000 Heartbeats 5:00pm Tipping Point 6:00pm The Chase 7:00pm ITV News London 7:30pm ITV Evening News 8:00pm Emmerdale 8:30pm Coronation Street 9:00pm You Saw Them Her First 10:00pm Prey 11:00pm ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:40pm Being Kevin Pietersen 12:40am Tipping Point 1:40am Jackpot247

7:25am Psych 8:10am Emmerdale 8:40am You've Been Framed! 9:40am The Cube 10:40am Psych 11:35am Merry in-Laws 1:30pm Emmerdale 2:00pm You've Been Framed! 3:00pm Catchphrase 3:40pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:50pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:55pm The Jeremy Kyle Show 7:00pm Judge Rinder 8:00pm You've Been Framed! 8:30pm You've Been Framed! 9:00pm Two and a Half Men 9:30pm Two and a Half Men 10:00pm Love Actually 12:45am The Vampire Diaries

7:35am Heartbeat 7:00am 8:40am Murder, She Wrote 9:35am Where the Heart 7:50am is 8:45am 10:35am Judge Judy 9:50am 11:00am Judge Judy 11:30am Judge Judy 10:50am 11:55am A Touch of Frost 11:25am 2:00pm Heartbeat 11:50am 3:00pm Wycliffe 12:50pm 4:10pm Where the Heart 1:55pm is 3:00pm 5:15pm On the Buses 3:30pm 5:50pm On the Buses 3:55pm 6:20pm George and 4:25pm Mildred 4:55pm 6:55pm Heartbeat 7:55pm Murder, She Wrote 6:00pm Murder mystery 7:00pm series about a 8:00pm sleuthing writer. 8:30pm 9:00pm Long Lost Family 9:00pm 10:00pm Christmas Epic 10:00pm Fails 11:00pm 11:00pm Law and Order: 1:05am UK 12:00am Wycliffe 3:45am Detective drama 4:00am series.



10 - 16 December 2015


Axarquía - Costa Tropical




Unusual fundraiser held in Venta Baja GUESTS were also entertained by musicians By John Smith

ELABORATE: Armenian churches are splendidly decorated.

Between East and West TUESDAY December 15 at 6pm. Cultural Centre, C/ Granada, Nerja ARMENIA stands at the crossroads between East and West. Its landscape is dominated by mountains, steppes and river gorges - wild, beautiful and varied. Its people spread north, south, east and west, traditionally trading between neighbours near and far. In periods of prosperity Armenians built magnificent, elaborately decorated churches which have survived the centuries. Its culture is also reflected in splendidly illuminated manuscripts. In this lecture Sarah will reveal a unique artistic tradition, influenced by the Iranian, Greco-Roman and Byzantine worlds. Lecturer: Sarah Searight. Visitors welcome; 10€.

Raising funds to help the Ugandan orphans PROJECT is reliant on sponsorships and donations By John Smith THERE is to be a charity event at the Mirador de la Axarquia in Comares which starts at 12 noon on Sunday December 13, to raise funds for the ‘Nabugabo Community Learning Centre’ for orphans in a remote village in rural Uganda which includes a table top sale. Cost of entry is free and a table for the sale running from 12 noon to 4pm costs just €5. During the afternoon it will be possible to purchase mulled wine, curry, mince pies and sweets for the children with all proceeds from the event going towards this Community Learning Centre. Santa Claus is due at 1pm and there will be performances from a number of artists together with a raffle which will cost €3 for five tickets with a first prize of a five night apartment holiday thanks to together with other great prizes donated by local businesses.

Those entertaining the visitors will include musician Ella Hillier, Mentally Ska’d, a sixpiece ska and reggae band and Felix Rey who is a singer and poet. David and Judy Batten, from Comares, left Spain in 2012 to set up a local school for AIDS orphans in a village in Uganda. The 100 primary age pupils can now call the school home, after being deprived of education due to extreme poverty. This school offers the children two meals a day, all important medical care, clothing and

most impressively, amongst all that, free education. The Battens rely on your support to keep this community project alive as they receive no help or support from the Government and the project is heavily reliant on sponsorships and donation in order to keep the doors open. So do head on over to the Mirador de la Axarquia on December 13 to show your support. To book a table please contact Jackee Rootham on 636 827 319 or Becky Bradford on 660 376 864

ON Sunday December 6 a group of local people, led by Mick and Angela from the Town Frier met at Sciroccos Chill Out Lounge Bar ( coschillout) in Venta Baja to raise funds and Christmas gifts for underprivileged children. There was a sponsored chest hair waxing undertaken by the very brave Sarah from the local hair and beauty salon which raised €600 and with a tombola and donations, the total raised was nearly €1,000. In addition, guests who were entertained by musicians who had donated their time were invited to bring along toys for the children, ready wrapped and in

RAISING FUNDS: Sarah, her victim and helper. the traditional pink for a girl and blue for a boy, with a short indication of suitable age range. All who participated wanted to do their bit to ensure that local children whose parents were experiencing financial

difficulties had a reason to enjoy the spirit of Christmas. Any additional donations of toys can be left with the Little Farm Shop (http://littlefarm or the Town Frier ( TheTownFrier).


E W N Axarquía - Costa Tropical

10 - 16 December 2015


Early exposure to a language helps our brains in the future RESEARCHERS in Canada say being exposed to a language early in life influences how an individual’s brain deals with another language and dialect many years later, even in people who have not spoken their first language for most of their lives. Researchers from the McGill University and the Montreal Neurological Institute carried out an experiment on three groups of children aged between 10 and 17. The children were from varying linguistic backgrounds. One group was made up of born-and-raised monolingual French-speakers, the other group were bilingual in French and Chinese, while the third group comprised of Chinese children who had been adopted by French families before they had turned three, and had not spoken Chinese since. All groups had to identify French-sounding words that did not actually mean anything, such as ‘vapagne’. During the test, the researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) to monitor which areas of their brains were involved and found different parts of the brain were activated during the test in the groups. The researchers are also planning to do further research in order to see if the same results are witnessed if the experiment was based on two similar languages such as French and Spanish. It is believed the experiment could form the basis for tailored language classes by understanding more how the brain works when dealing with the different languages.





My treatment journey in the wake of being told I have breast cancer


2014 was a whirlwind of operations and tests Erica Russell Watson: My journey – and I’m driving IT is hard to believe that I started chemotherapy over a year ago. So much has happened since then. Having got through chemo I had radiotherapy and then spent the summer trying to regain my strength and take stock. I was very tired, both physically and mentally. The long term side effects reared their ugly heads. The worst one being lymphedema. As I had my lymph nodes removed I developed painful swelling in my right arm as a result of my body’s inability to drain away lymph fluid. I now have regular physio and lymphatic draining massages, wear a compression sleeve and do exercises to control the swelling. I have to be careful not to lift with my right arm so I have adjusted the way I do things. The pins and needles come and go in my feet and you can get ‘chemo brain!’ Chemotherapy can affect your memory and I often find myself grappling for words or wracking my brain to remember things. This will im-

I am determined to get better and stronger each day as I have too much to live for

prove with time. My scars are pretty good but I still have quite a lot of pain and I am constantly reminded of the post-operative trauma in my body. The veins in my arms have been seriously compromised by the chemotherapy and finding a workable vein for a test is a trial and I often faint because it is such an ordeal. My eyebrows haven’t grown back very well but my hair is nice and thick. My eyelashes are like a scattering of spider legs! Not the most serious issue I know but nonetheless annoying! All these issues are expected and you learn to live with them. The important thing was my revision in November. I went for blood tests to check tumour markers etc, a CAT scan, and a mammogram on the remaining breast.

After the tests I went to see my oncologist. It was good news, no cancer in the other breast, good blood results and the tumours in my lungs had disappeared. The only thing my oncologist didn’t like was that the fact the tumours had vanished in response to chemo and as a result was more likely to be metastatic cancer. So, not a new tumour but one derived from the original breast cancer. The next step is to keep an eye on my lungs. I am having a bone scan to rule out any spreading as I have had some pain. They are checking my hormone levels to ensure I am not producing too much oestrogen which is the enemy! I also need an abdominal scan. If all is well I will then meet the plastic surgeon to discuss reconstruction. I feel optimistic and as always would not be feeling so positive without the love and support from my family, friends and nearest and dearest. It is a long haul recovering from cancer and then keeping it at bay! But I am determined to get better and stronger each day as I have too much to live for. So here’s wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, health and happiness!

Ask The Doctor

Brought to you by Helicopteros Sanitarios.

Heart attack signs

10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

Getting into shape post-pregnancy FitFoxy

Looking Good, Staying Trim

SPECIALIST: Doctor Luis Perez Belmonte. DEAR Doctor, A relative had a nasty scare one night recently, which luckily was nothing more than that. In the early hours of the morning he thought he was having a heart attack, and talking later we realised we really didn’t know what the signs are or how to act in this sort of situation. Could you please give us some tips on how to recognise the signs and what to do? Dr Perez Belmonte replied: Heart attacks are currently the most common cause of death amongst human beings, so it is very important to recognise the signs and know what to do. Although initial signs can vary a lot from one person to another depending on factors including age, gender or medical conditions, they usually come with a feeling of oppression in the centre or left-hand side of the chest, which can sometimes spread down the left arm or up the neck. Heart pain is usually identified by patients as the worst pain they have ever felt, although some

people have heart attacks without any chest pain at all. Other common symptoms include sweating, difficulty breathing, a general feeling of not being well or sudden extreme fatigue. For people with diabetes the first sign is usually breathing problems rather than chest pains and this can sometime cause fainting. Anyone with any of these symptoms, especially if they are elderly or at risk (diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smokers, etc), or has a history of heart problems, should call a doctor or get to a health centre as quickly as possible. The person making the call to a doctor or ambulance team needs to stay as calm as possible and give as many details as they can. The patient meanwhile should be lying down, taking deep breaths and trying to stay as calm as possible. As always, prevention is the best remedy so anyone with heart problems or risk factors should see a cardiologist and a Specialist in Internal Medicine.

The Coast’s Home GP service - wherever you are - at home - in the office - in the car - on the golf course your GP will get to see you any time, anywhere. A priceless service at an affordable price.


I BELIEVE more women engage in postpregnancy exercise, than pre or during pregnancy exercise, purely to lose the excess weight accumulated during the pregnancy. However the danger of post pregnancy exercise must not be underestimated. The hormone relaxin, which is responsible for allowing all connective tissue in the body (muscles, ligaments) to stretch, is still very much present in your body after giving birth, and can be present for up to six months. Overstretching or overexerting yourself at this stage could leave you with a permanent injury, however the benefits are vast. I recommend you consult with your doctor and speak to an exercise professional before embarking on a post preg-

nancy programme. Remember your body has just been put through a lot of trauma… Be kind to yourself. Here are a few tips: • No physical stress for first two weeks after birth. • Don’t resume full daily activities for six weeks after delivery. • If you have had a c-section, no exercise for eight to12 weeks. • Keep correct posture at all times. • Avoid hyperextending of joints. • Wear a sports bra, two if required. • Exercises from a stable base (sitting down, holding on with one hand etc.) • Pay attention to your lower back. • A slow gradual 10 minute warm up and cool down. • Avoid lying on your front in early stages of post pregnancy. • Avoid impact training (running etc.). • Avoid sudden changes in direction. • Avoid severe bouncing movements. • Drink plenty of water before, during and after exercise .

Suffering from chronic pain can lead to depression THIRTY per cent of people who suffer chronic pain also have depression, according to various experts at a mental health conference in Barcelona. They stressed the importance of providing treatment that takes into account the psychological and emotional changes that most patients suffer. Chronic pain is defined as pain suffered from more than three months or lasting beyond the period of healing of injury.

Currently, it is the leading cause of long-term sick leave in Spain. Recent studies show one in five people suffer from moderate to severe pain. One clinical psychologist at the hospital said: “We need to consider pain as a global, multidimensional experience when evaluating and seeking intervention strategies. It is essential to consider the psychological dimension and provide tools to help the management of pain.”

EXERCISE: Remember your body has been through a lot of trauma.

By Nara Prusakova, Shutterstock


• Stop exercising if your breasts become hot, swollen or hard. Core & Abdominals As important as it is for you to return your mid section to where it was prepregnancy, be sensible with the abdominal exercises you do in the first few months. In the meantime, you could make a start on safely strengthening your core by following some of the tips below. • Exercise the pelvic floor every day. • Start abdominal and pelvic floor exercises as soon as possible after delivery. • Pelvic floor exercises before and after main exercise session. • Avoid doming (dropping stomach when on hands & knees)


E W N 10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Christmas stress: Will you choose to be a survivor or a victim? HOPEFULLY the festive period will be a happy time, but for some it can lead to worries and despair

CHRISTMAS time. A time of festivities, love, joy and stress stress stress! Hopefully Christmas will create lots of happiness for you and your family. For many though, this is a time of financial hardship, loneliness and worry. It’s also a time of stress, and at times lots of it. What are the best ways of surviving yuletide stress? What are the best ways of ensuring you don’t become a victim? Planning ahead is always a great idea. If you’re worried about paying for presents, suggest to family and friends a maximum price for each present. It’s important to make giving fun, but it’s impossible to create fun if you’re spending cash you simply don’t have. If you happen to have plenty of

Photo credit: Janko Hoener, Wikimedia.

By Marcus Hopkins

PLAN AHEAD: Have a stress-free Christmas. cash, think of the others in your circle of friends who may be struggling. Your suggestion may be of real help to them.

Think Finance, a loan provider, suggested 45 per cent of people in the USA would prefer to skip Christmas due to financial worries.

Recent research suggests that given the choice, children would choose to have more of their parents’ time over any expensive present. The gift of time is the supreme form of giving, yet how many of us forget this? Consider having a Kris Kringle with family and friends, where everyone draws a name out of a hat and buys a present only for that person or suggest making an agreement to buy presents just for the children. Unless you’re financially secure, don’t blow next month’s money on just one day. The thought of debt can easily increase stress and depression. Christmas is a time for spirituality and friendships. Family and friends want to be with you, rather than with a present that will be soon forgotten. Hopefully your Christmas dinner will be wonderful, a creation any

masterchef would be proud to call their own. But if the turkey burns and the roast potatoes get cremated, don’t worry. You still have the veg, pudding, mince pies and cheese. Plenty of people don’t have any of these. Many won’t have any food at all this Christmas, so your disaster with the meat isn’t really much of an issue. When it comes to relationships, stress, anxiety and feelings of depression are common during the festive season. Create real festivity and happiness by avoiding known triggers. Avoid chatting about topics you know are contentious in your family and don’t make anyone feel unheard. Christmas gives choices. Choose to cherish the time wisely. Gift the gift of happiness and a time that will be treasured, however your Christmas time goes.

The times they are a-changin’... But where’s it all going to end? THESE days in Britain there are far too many politically-correct, but ineffectual appointees by domdeen shutterstock

Nora Johnson

Breaking Views Nora is the author of popular psychological suspense and crime thrillers and a freelance journalist. To comment on any of the issues raised in her column, go to

RECENTLY I wrote about the state of Britain which seems to have struck a chord amongst many of you judging by the comments on this paper’s Letters page and also my website. Some authorities - and the individuals employed by them - seem hopelessly confused, utterly lost. And hugely detached from the mindsets of the taxpayers who pay their salaries. Things seem to have taken a major turn for the worse over the past few years. First off, take the way the allegations of historic sexual abuse have been handled by UK police. Broadcaster Paul Gambaccini has accused

STATE OF BRITAIN: Some authorities seem hopelessly confused. the Metropolitan Police of relying on “rumour and accusation” rather than evidence during its investigations into his past. Having spent a year on bail after being falsely accused of sex

abuse in the 1970s, he said the centuries-old British legal principles of objective, evidence-based investigations had “mutated” under post-Savile ‘Operation Yewtree.’

Despite successful prosecutions (including Gary Glitter, Rolf Harris and Max Clifford), it’s also had its failures (Freddie Starr and Jim Davidson, both publicly arrested but never charged). Yet according to a major study, 450,000 children suffered sexual abuse in the two years to March 2014, the police and the authorities reportedly aware of only a fraction of the cases, having investigated just 50,000 incidents. Wouldn’t police time and money be better spent on these more recent crimes? Secondly, take the example of a former deputy children’s commissioner who failed to warn the Charity Commission or the government (which was giving the charity millions of pounds annually) about Kids Company because she was intimidated by the celebrity friends of the charity’s ‘charismatic’ founder. Sue Berelowitz (severance pay: £134,000; rehired, ini-

tially, on £1,000/day) admitted she became concerned that money was being wasted and few children were using the services. So, the overseer was too timid to oversee and the auditors appointed overlooked key problems! What a terrible admission from someone in a (well-remunerated) position of authority to allow herself to be ‘intimidated.’ These days there are far too many of these politically-correct, but ineffectual, appointees. What a sad indictment - the times are indeed a-changing in the UK at least. As I wrote last time, where’s it all going to end? Nora Johnson’s thrillers ‘Landscape of Lies,’ ‘Retribution,’ ‘Soul Stealer,’ ‘The De Clerambault Code’ ( available from Amazon in paperback/eBook (€0.89;£0.79) and iBookstore. All profits to Cudeca charity.


10 - 16 December 2015/ Axarquía - Costa Tropical

Famous quote

This week


Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.” John Keating/Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society.

in history 1431, Hundred Years´War: Henry VI is crowned King of France at Notre Dame in Paris. 1508, The League of Cambrai is formed by Pope Julius II, Louis XII of France, Maximillian I, Holy Roman Emperor and Ferdinand II of Aragon as an alliance against Venice. 1520, Martin Luther burns his copy of the papal bull written in response to his teachings, in front of Wittenberg’s Elster Gate. 1541, Thomas Culpeper and Francis Deregam are executed for having affairs with Catherine Howard, Queen of England and wife of Henry VIII. 1542, Princess Mary Stuart becomes Mary, Queen of Scots. 1653, Parliamentarian general Oliver Cromwell becomes ´lord protector´ of England, Scotland, and Wales. 1830, Emily Dickinson, American poet, was born December 10. 1869, Governor John Campbell signs bill granting women in Wyoming, USA, the right to vote and hold public office. 1901, The first Nobel Prizes awarded 1909, Selma Lagerlöf becomes the first female writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. 1936, Edward VIII signs his abdication to be free to marry American divorcee Wallis Simpson. 1941, Adolf Hitler declares war on the United States. They retaliate by declaring war on Italy and Germany. 1948. The United Nations General Assembly adopts the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 1964, Kenya becomes a republic. 1968, Japan´s biggest, still unsolved, heist carried out in Tokyo. 1982, Spain opens up borders with the British territory of Gibraltar after 13 years. 1991, The Russian Federation gains independence from the USSR.

Women’s wit

If you retain nothing else, always remember the most important rule of beauty, which is: who cares?” Tina Fey

World of English

Our language is funny – a ‘fat chance’ and a ‘slim chance’ are the same thing.” J Gustav White



for next 7 days





Fill all the empty squares using the numbers 1 to 9, so that the sum of each horizontal block equals the ‘clue’ on its left, and the sum of each vertical block equals the clue on its top. No number may be used in the same block more than once.








Fri Sat Sun -

18 11 C 17 9 C 18 8 S

Mon - 18 9 S Tues - 19 10 C Wed - 19 10 S

19 11 C 18 10 C 18 10 S

MAX 19C, MIN 12C Mon - 19 10 S Tues - 20 11 S Wed - 21 11 C

Fri Sat Sun -

16 8 S 17 8 S 16 8 C S Sun,

17 7 C 17 7 S 18 8 S


Mon - 17 10 C Tues - 17 11 C Wed - 18 9 C




Mon - 16 9 C Tues - 16 9 C Wed - 16 9 C Cl Clear,



19 9 S 18 9 C 18 9 C



Fri Sat Sun -

18 7 S 18 6 C 18 8 S


15 4 C 15 3 S 14 4 S C Cloudy,



Mon - 14 4 C Tues - 14 5 C Wed - 15 4 C


Mon - 18 9 C Tues - 18 8 C Wed - 19 8 C

Sh Showers,


Fri Sat Sun -

18 10 C 18 9 C 19 7 C Sn Snow,




Saturday December 5

Saturday December 5

Saturday December 5





Mon - 17 11 C Tues - 18 10 S Wed - 20 12 C



Fri Sat Sun -


Fri Sat Sun -



Fri Sat Sun -




Mon - 18 11 S Tues - 18 12 S Wed - 19 12 S




Barcelona TODAY:

18 11 C 17 11 C 17 11 S



Fri Sat Sun -


Fri Sat Sun -





Almeria TODAY:






Mon - 20 8 S Tues - 21 9 C Wed - 22 9 S Th Thunder


Alicante TODAY:











Friday December 4


6 15






Saturday December 5

Sunday December 6










17 17

























E W N 10 - 16 December 2015/ Axarquía - Costa Tropical


Director: Jake Schreier Stars: Cara Delevingne, Nat Wolff

Just Joking

Unscramble the name of a popular type of fairground attraction (two words): TOUCHY CONS

• Why did Adele cross the road? - To say hello from the other side. • The definition of psychological is a man and a woman. - One is psycho and the other is logical. • Why did the tofu cross the road? - To prove it wasn’t chicken.

Unscramble the name of a famous American golfer: MILK HELPS ICON


The purpose of the Hexagram puzzle is to place the 19 six-letter words into the 19 cells. The letters at the edges of interlocking cells MUST BE THE SAME. The letters in the words must be written CLOCKWISE. The word in cell 10 (FRIEND) and one letter in four other cells are given as clues.

Based on the bestselling novel of the same name, by John Green (The Fault in Our Stars), this unforgettable film follows Quentin and his neighbour Margo, with whom he has been in love since childhood. When Margo invites him to a prank-filled evening, Quentin jumps at the chance, but the next day Margo disappears leaving cryptic clues for him to follow.

Santi Cazorla, December 13, Footballer. Spanish footballer who joined Arsenal in 2012 and has been a fixture in the team ever since having spent four seasons with Villarreal and one season with Malaga as well as playing regularly for the Spanish national team.


Kenneth Branagh, December 10, Actor and Director, 55 Born in Northern Ireland, he adopted a British accent in school to stop bullying which paid off as he was made a knight for his contribution to cinema and theatre. John Kerry, December 11, Politician, 72 Democrat nominee for President who stood against George W Bush and is now Secretary of State in the Barack Obama regime. Daniel O'Donnell, December 12, Singer, 54 Irish singer whose easy listening record sales have exceeded ten million. He recently appeared in the latest Strictly Come Dancing series on BBC TV. Miranda Hart, December 14, Actress, 43 Although she had appeared in a number of TV programmes previously, she shot to fame for playing her quirky self in the show Miranda. Since then she has undertaken a tour as a standup comedienne and has appeared with Melissa McCarthy in the film Spy. Perri Kiely, December 15, Dancer, 20 Curly haired, glasses wearing youngster who won the audiences hearts when his street dance troupe, Diversity, won the Britain's Got Talent talent competition in 2009. Quentin Blake, December 16, Cartoonist, 83 Artist who illustrated the children's books of Roald Dahl as well as other authors including Dr Seuss. He became the first British Children's Laureate serving from 1999 until 2001 and his designs have appeared on British stamps.



LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION 1 Goblet 2 Coyote 3 Faulty 4 Hither 5 Gloomy 6 Aerate 7 Rhombi 8 Devour 9 Assert 10 Bovine 11 Redden 12 Auntie 13 Bodied 14 Shanty 15 Random 16 Rabbet 17 Suture 18 Bamboo 19 Member

YOUR STARS CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 20) The need to plan ahead is frustrating when you know exactly what ought to be going on. Patience is something that you need to cultivate, or you risk upsetting someone close. Spending time with a colleague makes you realise how good things could be, but a lot of effort is involved. Pushing ahead does not guarantee results. AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19) It is difficult to avoid repeating mistakes made in the past. Your approach to certain situations has not changed and therein lies the problem. Someone who blames you for a mistake shows ignorance but that does not make it less upsetting. PISCES (February 20 - March 20) Who is trying to push you into a corner? Maybe it is being done so subtly that you have not even noticed. Who wants a decision from you? Appear to take pressure lightly and not give in to an irritation. ARIES (March 21 - April 20) A rather slow start to the week leads you to feel bored but be assured that the weekend will be far from dull. A recent conversation or correspondence with an old friend leads to unexpected contact.


(November 23 - December 21)

Travel arrangements may have to be changed at the last minute. Do not fret, however, because success is more likely later in the month. During a dream, or when reading a book, an idea comes to you. Can this really make a difference to your future? You may need to act quickly to start a new project but progress will require patience. TAURUS (April 21 - May 21) Everything on the home front is emphasised and there will be a flurry of activity. Get others involved in any changes. Work in the garden or painting is much more enjoyable and half the work if you enlist the help of someone you get on well with. GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) When discussing a holiday with others, be aware that agreement is not always easily met. Although you are not inclined to compromise, it is necessary to go with the majority decision. CANCER (June 22 - July 23) After the 2nd it is much easier to see the path ahead. This is particularly true of a financial situation, so there's no sense in fussing until you understand what needs to be done. LEO (July 24 - August 23) Your attention is needed on more than one front, and some decisions are at



8-Star Quiz NOTED PEOPLE Answers are all names of famous people who have appeared on Bank of England banknotes 1. Born in Norwich in 1780, which English Quaker prison reformer was a leading figure in the early 19th-century campaign for penal reform? 2. Following the 1666 Fire of London, which English architect was responsible for the design of the new St Paul’s Cathedral (1675–1711) and many of the city’s churches? 3. Miss Havisham, Sam Weller, Sarah Gamp and Uriah Heep were all famous fictional characters created by which 19th century English writer? 4. What was the name of the English engineer, who, with his son Robert, built the famous Rocket (1829), the prototype for all future steam locomotives? 5. What was the name of the English nurse and medical reformer who, in 1854 during the Crimean War, improved sanitation and medical procedures at the army hospital at Scutari, achieving a dramatic reduction in the mortality rate? 6. What was the name of the naturalist on HMS Beagle for her voyage around the southern hemisphere (1831–6), during which he collected the material that became the basis for his ideas on natural selection? 7. Which British soldier/statesman served as commander of the British forces in the Peninsular War (1808–14) and in 1815 defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo? 8. Which English composer is best known for the Enigma Variations (1899), the oratorio The Dream of Gerontius (1900) and for patriotic pieces such as the five Pomp and Circumstance marches (1901–30)? Not a lot of people know that… a new 10 shilling note was planned that featured Sir Walter Raleigh, but, given the estimated lifespan of the note, it was decided to replace it with the 50p coin. 1. ELIZBETH FRY (£5 from 2002 to present), 2. SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN (£50 1981-1996), 3. CHARLES DICKENS (£10 1992-2003), 4. GEORGE STEPHENSON (£5 1990-2003), 5. FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE (£10 19751994), 6. CHARLES DARWIN (£10 2000-present), 7. DUKE OF WELLINGTON (£5 1971-1991), 8. SIR EDWARD ELGAR (£20 1999-2010).

Paper Towns





odds with your personal thoughts and attitudes. Being reminded that 'business is business' does nothing to relieve your conscience. You may have to upset someone by telling the truth, which may affect your longer-term finances. VIRGO (August 24 - September 23) Are you willing to take a risk on someone who has let you down before? Looking into their recent past is likely to tip the balance. What you find shows clearly if there has been a change of heart on their part or if they are trying to pull the wool over your eyes. LIBRA (September 24 - October 23) A disagreement with a friend upsets you but is short-lived. To avoid such a situation in the future, look at how you should have dealt with it. There is always something to know that guides us to a better position. It will make you smile someone has taken you for a fool as you have the last laugh. SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22) A great feeling of joy comes over you more than once in the week ahead. Your inner child has been set free, and this is likely to be because of recent restrictions, which are now lifted. Do not feel guilty about this because it is a choice that will serve you well in the future. Right now, things may seem like a bit of an effort for small reward.

Nonagram How many English words of four letters or more can you make from the nine letters in our Nonagram puzzle? Each letter may be used only once (unless the letter appears twice). Each word MUST CONTAIN THE CENTRE LETTER (in this case B) and there must be AT LEAST ONE NINE LETTER WORD. Plurals, vulgarities or proper nouns are not allowed.

TARGET: Average: 10 Good: 13 Very good: 19 Excellent: 23

LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION aced aged chad cued dace dang dean duce dune dung egad gaud hand head hued nude ached cadge caged caned dance dunce nudge augend canned duenna gunned hanged unaged unhand changed dunnage handgun nuanced UNCHANGED

SOUND OF THE WEEK Another Country By Rod Stewart Record Label: Capitol Records THE twenty-ninth studio album by British singersongwriter was released in October 2015. The lyrics consider life in the armed forces, being separated from loved ones as well as Stewart´s own past. He offers a strong and engaging vocal performance.



Enjoy filling in the following puzzles and check the answers in next week’s edition






Across: 1 Shaken, 4 Estate, 9 Cadre, 10 Swanage, 11 Butchery, 12 Gift, 14 Tokens, 16 Valets, 19 Acre, 20 Barracks, 23 Outcome, 24 Stale, 25 Tenner, 26 Reject.

Across 1 Church, if not then, a football team (7) 5 Look happy as a result of chewing limes (5) 8 Fake endless call (5) 9 Vendors, we hear are profiting from the sale of salt containers (7) 10 Drunk missed tea cup (9) 12 Governed artist’s quarter (3) 13 Mean attempt to follow friend (6) 14 Possibly faster than a machine gun attack (6) 17 Stick to this measurement (3) 18 Stop protecting Capone, it’s very common (9) 20 A number walk wearily around, it’s hard work (7) 21 Country lover was in some trouble (5) 23 Climb up a series of notes (5) 24 Streets are arranged for dogs (7)

Down: 1 Sackbut, 2 Audit, 3 Elephant, 5 Stay, 6 Avarice, 7 Elect, 8 Usurp, 13 Lacrosse, 15 Keratin, 17 Suspect, 18 Cameo, 19 About, 21 Cease, 22 Code.

QUICK Across:

Down 1 Dealt with policeman and journalist (5) 2 End of June leave for oneself (3) 3 We stare around at jumper (7) 4 Fools, second rate (6) 5 Only about five find the answer (5) 6 Irene gets a bit giddy when drunk (9) 7 It’s free to enter five points for flavouring (7)

Code Breaker






10 - 16 December 2015/ Axarquía - Costa Tropical

11 Sensational play made moral blunder (9) 13 Swashbucklers traipse around (7) 15 On the way in, start building (7) 16 States on about handouts (6) 18 Start pulling string for venue (5) 19 Crackpot, going back, is getting capital in Africa (5) 22 Indeed, it’s in middle of prayers (3)

Each number in the Code Breaker grid represents a different letter of the alphabet. In this week’s puzzle, 7 represents F and 19 represents P, so fill in F every time the figure 7 appears and P every time the figure 19 appears. Now, using your knowledge of the English language, work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you discover the letters, fill in other squares with the same number in the main grid and the control grid.

Across 1 Plans (7) 5 Stories (5) 8 Inspect (7) 9 Celestial bodies (5) 10 Sharply inclined (5) 11 Aversion (7) 12 Tried out (6) 14 Frayed (6) 17 Lay out (7) 19 Armoured vehicles (5) 22 Taunt (5) 23 Disperse (7) 24 Takes a break (5) 25 Gratify (7) Down 1 Put on clothes (5)

2 Reserve (5) 3 Brief look (7) 4 Stable (6) 5 Jobs (5)

1 Suppress, 7 Stays, 8 Aeroplane, 9 Tea, 10 Song, 11 Access, 13 Sorted, 14 Passes, 17 Scared, 18 Have, 20 Pit, 22 Repeating, 23 Shoes, 24 Restless.

6 Departing (7) 7 Hang freely (7)


12 Farm vehicle (7)

1 Seals, 2 Partner, 3 Ripe, 4 Scarce, 5 Lasts, 6 Escapes, 7 Several, 12 Repairs, 13 Suppose, 15 Seaside, 16 Temple, 17 Stood, 19 Edges, 21 Bait.

13 Cries of distress (7) 15 Allure (7) 16 Untidy states (6) 18 Requires (5) 20 Jottings (5) 21 Apologetic (5)


English - Spanish The clues are mixed, some clues are in Spanish and some are in English.

1 Casar, 3 Cabra, 5 Mil, 7 Alambre, 9 Rana, 10 Belt, 13 Rescate, 14 Son, 15 Sacro, 16 Twins. Down: 1 Camareros, 2 Real, 3 Cual, 4 Aceitunas, 6 Lunes, 8 Beers, 11 Caro, 12 Rent.


Across 1 Tiburones (zoológico) (6) 4 Weapon (4) 8 Enemigo (5) 9 Enjuagar (5) 10 Abeja (3) 11 Deal (agreement) (5) 12 Sacos (5) 15 As (naipes) (3) 16 To bring (news, luck etc) (5) 18 Enfermera (5) 19 Celery (4) 20 Mirror (6)

Down 1 Sábana (de cama) (5) 2 Sand (5) 3 Teclado (8) 5 Rum (3) 6 Hacha (herramienta) (3) 7 Regalos (obsequios) (8) 13 Meat (5) 14 Floor (of room) (5) 16 Aunt (3) 17 There (near you) (3)

E W N 10 - 16 December 2015/ Axarquía - Costa Tropical


TOP 10


The son


Festive films

With Christmas approaching, and the evenings getting colder, there is no better time to cuddle up with a hot chocolate and a great feel-good Christmas film. We are counting down some of the most popular films to watch during the festive period. 1. Miracle on 34th Street (1994). An astoundingly heartening film starring the late Sir Richard Attenborough in which a young girl discovers dreams really do come true when you believe. After a sceptical little girl meets a department store Santa, she finds her defences melting and becomes familiar with the power of faith.

6. The Santa Clause (1994). In this festive comedy, Tim Allen stars as an ordinary man who must step into Santa’s shoes after an accident. The film features comical scenarios, following an impromptu trip to the North Pole he begins to morph



Boggled How many English words can you find in the Boggled grid, according to the following rules? The letters must be adjoining in a ‘chain’. They can be adjacent horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Words must contain at least four letters and may include singular and plural or other derived forms. No letter may be used more than once within a single word, unless it appears twice. No vulgarities or proper nouns are permitted.

HEART-WARMING: A story of faith. into Santa before his, and his ex-wife’s, eyes.

misogyny, this film will certainly raise a smile.

7. The Holiday (2006). Iris (Kate Winslet) and Amanda (Cameron Diaz) impulsively swap houses, and countries, in this feelgood rom-com. Their respective tales are charming, amusing, and eventually culminate in two heartwarming romances.

9. A Christmas Story (1983). A hilarious tale depicting young Ralphie’s quest of ensuring his presents include a much-coveted BB air-rifle. This entertaining narration will conjure an air of nostalgia and is sure to keep the adults smirking.

8. White Christmas (1954). This humourous musical romantic comedy follows two World War II soldiers who team up to become a successful song-and-dance act. With a series of romantic mix-ups, Bing Crosby’s baritone, and a hint of harmless

10. The Polar Express (2004). In this animated, hallucinogenic, adventure, Tom Hanks stars as the train conductor who whisks a group of kids off to the North Pole. The story follows a young boy embarking on a journey of self-discovery and recognising the wonder of life.

TARGET: Average: 26 Good: 34 Very good: 49 Excellent: 60

SCORING: 4 letters: 1 point • 5 letters: 2 points 6 letters: 3 points • 7 letters: 4 points 8 or more letters: 11 points

LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION tort torte torn tore tote gore goat goer greet green fort forte fore frog fret free tenet trot tree twin twine twiner twill entree vote voter ogre often rote rent renew reel newt went wine wile will auto tern tent tell teen teeny lent letup lint line liner lien leer leap info inert inlet payee yell neuter gene glint glee glen

Word Ladder WORE


Fill the grid so that every row, every column and every 3X3 box contains the digits 1-9. There’s no maths involved. You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic.

Pedometer ++ For the iPhone 5s and later generations, this app takes advantage of the step counting capabilities in your phone. Without draining battery, keep track of your daily and weekly step counts and improve your health. This application updates automatically throughout the day. You can also set the current step count as the application’s badge on your home page.


3. It’s a Wonderful Life (1946). George (James Stewart) is the boy-nextdoor whose dreams are constantly postponed in this poignant favourite. An enthralling mélange of personal and social impulses, and the questionable charms of home, that is both compelling and touching.

5. Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001). The accident-prone protagonist Bridget (Renee Zellweger), who has a penchant for smoking and binge drinking, falls for both a dashing lothario and a modern-day Mr Darcy in this adaptation of Helen Fielding’s witty novel.

App of the Week

Play on Words

2. Love Actually (2003). Number two on the list is this festive film in which love certainly is all around. A far cry from a cheesy romance, nine intertwined stories explore an assortment of both new and long-standing relationships with undertones of heartbreak and sorrow woven within. An examination of the intricacies of the one emotion that connects us all: love.

4. Scrooged (1988). After visits from three ghosts Frank (Bill Murray) realises he must change, and learns the true meaning of Christmas. A modern adaptation of the classic Dickens’ novel A Christmas Carol offering humour that doesn’t overshadow the message.


Answers: One foot in front of the other, All in a heap

THE highly acclaimed author of American Rust returns with The Son, an epic multi-generation saga of power, blood, and land, following the rise of one Texas family in the American West. Following the colonel’s life and legacy, the tale echoes through time and crosses cultures to describe the Comanche raids of the 1800s through to the oil booms in the 20th century. The Son was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and is on the New York Times Best Sellers List.



Move from the start word (WORE) to the end word (THIN) in the same number of steps as there are rungs on the Word Ladder. You must only change one letter at a time.





10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical





Use Polytunnels for vegetable productivity and frost protection by Gordon Jolly via Flickr

THEY are becoming more and more popular each gardening year in the UK Dick Handscombe

Gardening Corner By Spain’s best known expatriate gardening author living in Spain for 25 years.

POLYTUNNELS first appeared in the 1960s once the plastics industry managed to produce reliable wide-width polythene sheeting. They become more popular each gardening year in the UK and can also be useful in Spain, especially the large walk-in frame tunnels covered in plastic sheeting for growing a wide variety of crops, from lettuces to tomatoes and raspberries and protecting potted plants during the frost-risk months. The size is in theory whatever you like, but typical sizes for plots are widths of two to five metres and lengths of two to 20 metres. A minimum workable height at the centre of the tunnel is two to two and a half metres. There are two basic designs available to buy, semicircular arc and high tent shape. Well designed, constructed and maintained, they can last for years. By the

POLYTUNNELS: First appeared in the 1960s after the plastics industry began producing wide-width polythene sheeting. way, we have found two common spellings Polytunnel and Poly Tunnel. Use the one you are most comfortable with. The benefits are: • Crops grow quicker, earlier and possibly larger. The latter depending on your harvesting strategy, small is tender or giant could be a silver cup. • They are per square metre less expensive than glass or

polycarbonate greenhouses. • There is a wide range of sizes available. • They absorb the sun and achieve the most productive germination and Spring growing temperatures two to six weeks ahead of the open garden according to your location. • They protect growing plants from rain, frost, snow, hail and gales and therefore en-

able more autumn, winter and early spring crops to be grown. • Using irrigation tubing with drip holes, built-in close planting in rows can be achieved. Splitting the growing area into zones, a multi-zone irrigation system will allow you to give blocks of small and large vegetables, soft fruits and tender fruit trees the water they need. Kits to allow liquid fertilisers

Swiss chard - a tasty garden treat SWISS CHARD is healthy, delicious, and one of the easiest vegetables to grow. It is a member of the same vegetable family as spinach. It has green leaves and the stem can vary from white, yellow and pink to red. Swiss chard is full of important nutrients. One cup contains over half of the daily requirement of Vitamin C. It is also rich in magnesium, iron and Vitamins K, A, and E. Swiss chard can flourish in various garden environments. It can grow in sun or shade, although it is likely to thrive with some degree of shade. It can be harvested over and over again throughout the growing season.

NUTRIENTS: Swiss chard is jam-packed with Vitamins A, K, C and E.

to be metered into the irrigation water system are also available. What to look out for when buying a polytunnel: • Strength and tear-ability of plastic sheeting cover. • Ultraviolet resistance and quoted lifespan of the sheeting. • Quality of galvanised or protective painted metal framework. • Ease of construction.

• Seal-ability of doors. • Possibility of fitting a temperature controlled fan so you can use it through the hottest months. You will be surprised how hot the inside of a polytunnel can become on a sunny day from June to August. • Ability to partly roll the sides up in the summer if you don’t want the cost of a fan. Risks to your investment: • Planning laws need to be checked before construction. • Poor fixing and air seal at soil level to stop strong winds getting under the plastic and ballooning it. • If you don’t use ecological insecticides and fungicides you may build up an environment that is a health risk. The way ahead: Prices vary so check out several suppliers. If you are a handyman metalworker and have a supplier of wide plastic sheeting you could rig up a serviceable DIY Polytunnel. (c) Dick Handscombe December 2015


E W N Axarquía - Costa Tropical

10 - 16 December 2015

V I S I T O U R W E B S I T E W W W . E U R O W E E K LY N E W S . C O M



Resale property prices Good news register a slight drop for mortgage A MONTHLY report by online property site has revealed that resale property prices in Spain registered an average price of €1,522 per square metre in November. Compared to the same month in 2014 this means the price has dropped 3.01 per cent, whereas compared to October 2015 it increased 0.82 per cent. director Miguel Angel Alemany stated that the market has managed to recover from a heavy blow during the recession and prices are unlikely to enter freefall again. “Now is the start of a new cycle during which developers will be planning properties aimed at particular potential buyers with nothing left to luck as the crisis taught us all to be careful, study locations and make sure our projects won’t be left in the air,” Alemany said. The most expensive resale properties


NEW CYCLE: Developers planning properties aimed at particular buyers. can be found in the Basque Country (€2,808 per m2), Balearic Islands (€2,070 per m2) and Madrid (€2,042 per m2) and the cheapest in Castilla-La

Mancha (€945 per m2), Extremadura (€1,138 per m2) and Murcia (€1,180 per m2) according to the November report.

THE 12- m ont h Eur i bor rate, used as a reference for the majority of variable interest mortgages in Spai n, cont i nues on i t s downward trend bringing families a little relief in the run-up to Christmas. Mortgage payers due for revision of payments are likely to save an average amount of €18 per month as the Euribor closed November at 0.0079 per cent, well under the 0.335 per cent registered in November 2014. For an aver age m or t gage of €120,000 t o be paid in 20 years at a rate

of Euribor + 1 per cent, El Mundo reported, monthly payments will drop from €570 to €552. December, XTB analyst Jaime Diez reported, will be a month of uncertainty for the Euribor as Central European Bank measures may force it to fall further. The consequences of further drops, the analyst said, will be beneficial to families and businesses which will be able to take out or refinance loans, yet it will be bad for the banking sector as it will further reduce its benefits.

€1.2m investment for Marina d’Or project CHINESE investment in Spain’s biggest resort development could see €1.2 billion poured in to ensure a massive expansion, with three golf courses, several hotels, a new theme park, indoor skiing, and over 30,000 homes as part of an original plan shelved

in 2010. The Wand Group, led by China’s richest man Wang Jianlin, would take a 75 per cent stake in the resort, self styled as ‘vacation city.’ The move would follow several other high-profile investments from the Chinese consortium including a

€50 million payment for a 20 per cent stake in Atletico Madrid FC in 2014. The property development section of Marina d’Or, located in Oropesa del Mar in Castellon Province, has been in court administration since May of last year as it sought protection from creditors.

Artificial crystal lagoon development relaunched ONE of the Costa del Sol’s greatest development projects of recent years, Alcazaba Hills Lagoon, is to go ahead after years of setbacks. International company

Crystal Lagoons intends to invest €121 million in the residential complex which will include 450 flats placed around the lagoon, with beaches and capacity for both swimmers and

nautical sports. The Costa del Sol complex, which was halted in 2009 and will now be relaunched thanks to the lagoon, will be built on a 30-hectare plot.


E W N Axarquía - Costa Tropical

10 - 16 December 2015



Harnessing full potential of canine equipment USING a harness is growing in popularity among many pet owners

David THE Dogman Listen to David on TRE every Saturday 10am to 11am Costa del Sol (Gibraltar/Sotogrande) 98.7fm (San Roque to Calahonda) 91.9fm (Calahonda to Motril) 88.9, Costa Calida 92.7fm Costa Blanca (Torrevieja to Elche) 105.1fm (Elche to Calpe) 88.2fm, (Calpe to Gandia & Ibiza) 104.6fm, (Denia to Valencia) 95.3fm Mallorca 103.9fm

A DOG harness is a piece of equipment similar to harness tack for horses. There are various designs, depending on the type of use. Harnesses can be used on Seeing Eye dogs in the assistance of a disabled person, on working dogs that haul a cart or sled, or even in sporting events, such as in the Scandinavian practice of skijoring and pulka.

Harnesses are also worn by non-working dogs for training purposes. A harness is often worn in conjunction with a dog collar and used as an alternative for a dog leash attachment. While a collar only encircles the neck, harnesses have a loop that surrounds the torso as well, with connecting straps between them for added reinforcement and control. The design allows for distribution of force which may prevent choking; a dog will also not be able to slip free from a harness as they may easily do from a standard collar. Harness usage is growing in popularity among many pet owners, especially for those with smaller breed dogs. Buttonholes in pet clothes allowing access to harness straps are among recent adjustments to accommodate the increasing use of harnesses. Assistance dogs will sometimes wear a harness if part of their job requires guiding or providing physical mobility for a disabled person. Generally, the harness design includes a built-in handle

for the person to grip; this type also offers reinforcement to the handler as well as a padded breastplate for the dog’s comfort. Sled dog harnesses vary depending on the purpose of the animal; the two basic duties of a sled dog are hauling freight or some sort or racing. Harnesses come in three main types: the freight harness, the H-back harness, and the X-back harness. Dog sports are growing and more types of harnesses are being developed, including the Y-back style and guard or distance harness. The freight harness is often an H-back harness that forms a ladder-like effect across the back with a wide chest band and sometimes extra padding. The construction distributes the weight across the chest and over the shoulders because of the broadness of the area; is designed to help the dog pull heavy weights efficiently. The X-back harness gets its name from the

MORE CONTROL: Dog harness.

straps that form an ‘X’ across the back of the dog. It is used more frequently than the H-back. The Y-back is a hybrid that is somewhat similar in appearance to the H-back. The tug line attaches to the harness on top of the dog’s back and stretches parallel to the ground or upwards to whatever is being hauled.

Say good morning to cheeky natured Daisy! To find a pet-sitter go to or call Lamia on +44 (0)1865 521508 PEOPLE often think their dogs or dog-sitting charges are fun, friendly and flexible. Let me introduce you to Daisy, a Cocker Spaniel with a very cheeky nature. Needless to say she is a popular client with our sitters. The owners, however, often ask us to prepare the sitters by saying that no matter how friendly and imploring she may be, Daisy is still a dog. Her routines are important for her well-being while her owners are present and more especially when her owners are absent. So why is the dog’s routine so important and why do we stress this fact when we talk to our pet- and house-sitters? As many dog owners and professionals will attest,

dogs tend to feel more secure and comfortable with a regular routine. The regularity of events, when they eat, when they walk, the words we use to address them give them stability and a clear view of the world.

We ask our owners to fully brief the sitter, by spending a little time with them before they leave and also to write down the routine and key points for references. Housesitting can be a winwin for both parties.


10 - 16 December 2015


Axarquía - Costa Tropical







s a l e s @ e u r ow e e k l y n e w s . c o m


E W N Axarquía - Costa Tropical

10 - 16 December 2015







AIRFLOW Air Conditioning for cooling and heating units. Professional, fully guaranteed installations. Tel: 952 443 222 (238731)

ANIMAL-KEEPER. Person committed to animal welfare with neat appearance for husbandry and educational work in a private wildlife park. Conditions: High bilingual level of Spanish and English, additional language a pro. Strong interpersonal skills to interact and communicate effectively with a variety of audiences - talking to and engaging visitors. Applications by email with CV and photo please send to (236869)

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10 - 16 Decemeber 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

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E W N 10 - 16 December 2015

Axarquía - Costa Tropical



Motoring shorts

The silent danger of electric cars HYBRID and electric cars pose a 19 per cent higher risk of pedestrian collisions compared to gasoline powered vehicles, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in the US. Plans are being made to install artificial noise-making systems to alert other road users of their presence.

First-timers in more accidents A STUDY by LV Car insurance has shown UK drivers who pass their test first time are more likely to be in accidents, while those who tested multiple times are less likely to commit drugs and alcohol offences. The report puts the findings down to overly confident drivers having ‘rash’ behaviour.

Clarkson Quote of theWeek


These newer supercars are much kinder to the environment as well. For example, this one here: the only thing coming out of its tailpipes are baby foxes.

Some might say...

Porsche to unveil new 911 Turbo AVAILABLE in both coupe and convertible versions DETROIT will see Porsche present the new 911 turbo models at the North American International Auto Show in January, while the cars themselves go on sale in Germany the same month. Available in both coupe and convertible versions, the 911 Turbo and 911 Turbo S will boast an additional 20hp power, a sharper design and enhanced features. Turbochargers with larger compressors in the S and modified inlet ports and higher fuel pressure in the 911 Turbo will enable power outputs of 580 hp and 540 hp respectively. A dynamic boost function has been added to the engines to improve response by maintaining the charge pressure dur-

ing load changes. Fuel consumption is further reduced whilst driving performance continues to excel. The 911 Turbo S Coupe can reach 100kph in 2.9 seconds with a top speed of 330kmh (205mph) and yet consumes only 9.1l/100km due to advanced transmission management and gear change mappings. The Porsche Stability Management (PSM) now also has a sport mode which makes it possible to approach performance limits more closely, and comes replete with an advanced communications system involving active messaging and warning lights. New design features include three-dimensional rear lights, 20-inch wheels, new door han-

dles and a reworked rear body. The new generation Turbo possess similar characteristics to the successful Carrera model and offers a wider look for the front end with double fillets for the narrow LED front lights. The newly minted Porsche Communication Management

UNVEILING: North system features a highly develAmerican International Auto oped infotainment system with alised with 360-degree satellite online navigation and a multiimaging. Smartphones can be touch monitor integrated into integrated more easily via Withe centre console. Fi, and a quality Bose sound Latest traffic information can system comes as standard. be accessed and routes visu-

Audi’s new hybrid SUV appreciated COMBINES ample size with efficiency By Matthew Elliott

TECHNOLOGY lovers and families alike will appreciate Audi’s latest model, the Q7 etron which combines the ample size of an SUV with the efficiency of a diesel electric plug-in. The powerful hybrid features Audi’s most advanced technology, with an anticipatory sat-nav system that knows when a built-up area is approaching and adapts its power sources in advance, whilst factoring in traffic conditions and switching seamlessly between its diesel, electric and hybrid modes. It’s a heavy vehicle at almost 2.5 tonnes but with a total of 369bhp, 516lb of torque, 3.0 litre VG diesel engine, and a 34 mile EV range, driving is a smooth affair

Photo by Thomas Doerfer, wikipedia


LATEST MODEL: The Q7 e-tron. with a settled, light steering making the weight easy to forget. A vibrating engine nullifies typical diesel vibes and keeps outside noise to an absolute minimum, while an efficient heating system uses the car’s own electrical activity to save power and increase the EV range.

Coming in at a relatively steep £65,000 (€92,000) the e-tron will be available this month in the UK, and also features a top speed of 135mph, eight speed automatic gearbox, and a combined economy of 166.2mpg, it represents decent value for money with all the quality you’d expect from an Audi.

Young drivers given the chance to roar DTM Young Driver Test took place on December 2 in Jerez de la Frontera, Cadiz, Andalucia. Two BMW Motorsport Juniors, Jesse Krohn of Finland and Louis Delétraz of Chile, participated along with talented British pair Alexander Sims and George Russell. The three-day test gave the youngsters the chance to compete under great conditions and prepare themselves for an exciting future.


10 - 16 December 2015 / Axarquía - Costa Tropical

Golf matches in Nerja SOCIETY competitions LOS MORISCOS November 27

Anoreta Monday November 30 Individual Stableford Overall winner: Sean Daly Ladies 1st, Lyn McAllister. 2nd, Esther McClenaghan. Men 1st, Rod Oldham. 2nd, Pete Thompson. Twos Pete Thompson. Baviera December 1. Ladies Day Dubai Stableford four-three-two 1st team Marney Dick, Russell Dick, Mike Frayne & George Reid, 113 points 2nd team Kate Fairbrother, Ian Fairbrothe, Carl Langley and Mark Langley, 107 points 3rd team Marion Fraser. Ian Fraser, Derek Geelon and Jeffrey Puckett, 104 points 4th team Gill Sibson, Derek Sibson, Ray Craig & Rob Nicholson, 103 points Las Gabias November 30. Individual Stableford Overall Winner Ian Farebrother, Hcp 14, 36 points. Ladies 1st, Bridget Lloyd-Edwards, Hcp 28, 31 points 2nd, Marion Fraser, Hcp 21, 30 points 3rd, Karen Nuttell, Hcp 30, 26 points Men 1st, Mark Langley, Hcp 21, 34 points. 2nd, Alan Worthington, Hcp 13, 34 points. 3rd, Derek Lowe, Hcp 25, 33 points. 4th, Barney Downey, Hcp 17, 32 points. Best Front nine Lady, Pat Lowe. Man, Stewart Green. Best Back nine Lady, Pam Cooper. Man, Alan Lloyd-Edwards.


Italian athletes face bans after investigation TWENTY-SIX may be charged for drug offences LEICESTER CITY: League leaders.

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Two Ball, Better Ball 1st, Pepe Gil & Montse Mendi , 41 points. 2nd, Mac Farman & Mark Langley, 40 points. 3rd, Tony Downey & Denise Downey, 38 points. 4th, Gillian Green & Terry Everett, 38 points. 5th, Esther McClenaghan & David Galloway, 37 points. Twos: Crispin Williams & Mike Denny , Stewart Green & Mike Moses. Brian Wiggins & Peter Oram, Mac Farman & Mark Langley and Morris Lightfoot & Terry Oxford. The sting in the tail of this better ball competition was that each player had to contribute seven scores. It worked well, no player dominated the game and most came in quite happy!


Manchester City took on Borussia Monchengladbach and last night, Arsenal needed to beat Olympiakos by two goals in Cyprus. • This evening Fenerbahce play Celtic in Turkey, Liverpool visit FC Sion in Switzerland and Tottenham meet Monaco, all in the Europa League. • The draw for the 3rd round of the FA Cup, made on Monday, includes: ArsenalSunderland, BirminghamBournemouth, Chelsea-Leyton Orient or Scunthorpe, EvertonDagenham & Redbridge or Whitehawk, Exeter-Liverpool, Manchester United-Sheffield United, Norwich-Manchester City, Oxford-Swansea, Salford City or Hartlepool-Derby County, Southampton-Crystal Palace, Spurs-Leicester (a re-run of the 1961 final), WatfordNewcastle, West Ham-Wolves and Wycombe-Aston Villa. • The 32 ties will be played between the January 8 - 11. • On Saturday, the draw takes place for the Euro 2016 Championships in France. Next month’s League Cup semifinals will feature LiverpoolStoke City and Manchester City-Everton. For Liverpool it will be their 16th last four appearance. • Despite fielding six reserves, Barcelona whipped Villanovese 6-1 before 68,000 fans at the Nou Camp to reach the last 16 of the Copa Del Rey. Soon after the La Liga leaders drew 1-1 at Valencia, managed now of course by Gary Neville. • Real Madrid have been thrown out of the Spanish Cup for fielding an illegible player, Russian Denis Cheryshev, in a first leg tie in Cadiz. • This weekend the top PL games are (on Saturday) Manchester City v Swansea City (early kick-off) and Bournemouth v Manchester United, followed on Sunday by Aston Villa v Arsenal, Liverpool v WBA and Spurs v Newcastle United. • Police have arrested several more high-ranking FIFA officials in relation to the bribery scandal. At least 16 members could now face charges of corruption and money-

laundering. Last Monday’s BBC Panorama programme revealed that President Sepp Blatter and his cronies may well have been involved in a one billion US dollar organised crime syndicate. • FIFA will announce a £67 million loss on the last financial year. Where has all the money gone, we ask? • And there is now a strong possibility that the number of countries who will compete in the World Cup finals, could rise to 40. Round and about • Twenty-six Italian athletes face bans following an investigation by the country’s drug authorities. • Aussie Neil Robertson (with a brilliant maximum 147 break) beat Liang Wenbo (China) in the UK snooker final in York. • And Marc Leishman made it a double for Australia by pipping Swede Henrik Stenson to win the Sun City golf challenge. Elsewhere, the American Bubba Watson and Spain’s Sergio Garcia (with his first triumph in two years) also registered tournament victories last weekend. • Former top golfer and world champion Tiger Woods is now ranked 400th in the world

rankings, and three tournaments this month are the Ladies Masters in Dubai, December 912, the USPGA in Florida, 1012 and the USPGA in Orlando, 12-13. • Fiji beat England 28-17 in

the final of the Rugby Sevens in Dubai. • In F1, Toro Rosso will switch to Ferrari next year, Renault have confirmed the Lotus takeover and Red Bull have secured a Renault deal. • My choice for BBC Sports Personality of the Year is Andy Murray with Lewis Hamilton a close second.


E W N Axarquía - Costa Tropical

10 - 16 December 2015

ANDY MURRAY: One of the favourites to win the BBC’S Sports Personality of the Year. Axarquía ’s best guide to local sport



Excellent wins for Leicester and Bournemouth THE Foxes top the Premier League after win at Swansea Tony Matthews International Sports A former player and now the world’s most prolific author of football books with almost 150 published since 1975, Tony is also the sports correspondent for Spectrum Radio and lives on La Pilica in the Sierra Cabrera Mountains overlooking Turre. Costa de Almeria

FOOTBALL • Last weekend, by winning 3-0 at Swansea, Leicester City (with a Riyad Mahrez hat-trick) leapt to the top of the Premiership. Eddie Howe’s Bournemouth stunned Chelsea 1-0 at the ‘Bridge’ (the biggest win in the Cherries’ history).

Stoke City beat Manchester City 2-0. Arsenal defeated Sunderland 3-1. Watford clipped Norwich 2-0 and Newcastle shocked Liverpool 20. The games between Manchester United and West Ham, Southampton and bottom club Aston Villa and WBA and

Spurs ended level. Crystal Palace met Everton on Monday. • Brighton & Hove Albion (32 winners over Charlton), Middlesbrough (2-0 victors at Ipswich) and Derby County (0-0 at Sheffield Wednesday) stand one-two-three in the

EDDIE HOWE: The Cherries’ biggest win.

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Championship. • In the Champions League on Tuesday, Manchester United required a good result in Wolfsburg as neighbours

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