Statement on the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize by Ron Nechemia

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8 October 2011 EFG/CHNRM/08102011 MEDIA ANNOUNCEMENT

Statement on the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize by the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the EurOrient Financial Group Ron Nechemia Mr. Ron Nechemia the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the EurOrient Financial Group, the private sector global development financial institutions have hailed today’s awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to three women’s activists, saying the recipients demonstrate the vital role that women who had worked tirelessly for years to advancing peace and security, boosting development and for their nonviolent struggle for the safety of women and for women’s rights to full participation in peace-building work and underscores a fundamental principle of the EurOrient Financial Group.

The 2011 Nobel Peace Prize honors three inspirational women of uncommon courage, strength and commitment, and recognizing their role in conflict resolution - Liberian President Ellen Johnson 1 Sirleaf and social activists Tawakkul Karman of Yemen and Leymah Gbowee of Liberia. With this decision, the Norwegian Nobel Committee affirms the vital role of women in the advancement of peace and security, development and human rights. It is reaffirming our faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small,” says Mr. Ron Nechemia and he added “The Nobel Committee lent its moral and political weight to the cause of women's advancement by recognizing the achievements and the contributions made by women to the for the benefit of humanity” All three women have been acknowledged for their, “non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women’s rights to full participation in peace-building work,” by the Nobel Committee in Oslo. Ms JohnsonSirleaf came to power in Liberia in 2005 and she was the first democratically elected female prime minister in Africa. After a first term, whereby she sought to promote women’s rights across Africa. Ms Johnson-Sirleaf dedicated her prize “to all Liberians.” Leymah Gbowee, also from Liberia, has sought to end the war in Liberia and keep peace by uniting women of all religions and ethnicities across the country and part of her campaign involved a “sex strike” by women. Tawakul Karman of Yemen has worked under the umbrella of the Woman Journalists Without Chains organization in a bid to improve women’s rights and fight for democracy and peace. She was recognized for her role in the Arab Spring. Karman dedicated her award to “the youth of revolution in Yemen and the Yemini people

“We have come a long way over the last two decades. Women have made great gains in their long and worthy fight for equal rights. The women's movement is now a global phenomenon. The advancement of women in all realms of life is one of the defining and most promising trends of our times,” says Mr. Nechemia About EurOrient EurOrient Financial Group is a private sector global development finance institution accredited financial institution by United Nations General Assembly on Financing for Development. The mission of the EurOrient Financial Group is to support the economic and social development efforts of the less developed countries as they, in particular, seek to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (“MDGs”). The EurOrient’s principal objective is to reducing poverty and promoting sustainable economic growth. EurOrient invests in projects and programs that promote social development, build human capacities, and address host government priorities for investments in physical infrastructure that promote and enhance social development. These projects include roads, transportation and communication systems, water, sanitation and other types of investments with social development outcomes such as improved quality of life and increased human knowledge and skills. More detailed information can be found on the EurOrient’s website: EURORIENT FINANCIAL GROUP EXTERNAL RELATIONS DEPARTMENT Public Affairs Media Relations Phone: 818-990-5080 Phone: 818-206-5322 Fax: 818-990-5566 Fax: 818-990-5566 Email

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