Sterf R&D yearbook 2015

Page 46

46 sTERF ongoing projects

Development of a digital library for winter stress management of turf

Project period: august 2015 - December 2016 Funding (kSEK) 2015 2016 Total STERF 80 120 200 Other sources 0 0 0 TOTAL 80 120 200

Principal investigator / contact person Agnar Kvalbein, Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), Section for Urban

Greening and Environmental Technology. Landvik, Reddalsveien 215, 4886 Grimstad E-mail: Telephone: +47 40402089 Co-applicants Wendy Waalen, NIBIO Turfgrass Research Group Trygve S Aamlid, NIBIO Bioforsk Turfgrass Research Group Project objectives

To create a web-based library on topics related to winter stress management of turf grass with emphasis on golf greens

Project summary and status as of 1 January 2016

Winter injuries are a major concern for golf course owners in the Nordic countries and STERF has funded several research projects that have brought new knowledge about winter stress management. Golf course greenkeepers in these countries have also gained a lot of experiences that should be spread to others. The STERF board has tasked this project with producing 10 fact sheets on the following items: 1. Grass plant acclimation and winter stresses 2. Grass species and varieties for severe winter climates 3. Preparing golf greens for winter survival 4. Winter protective covers on golf greens 5. Anoxia. When to break the ice? 6. Winter work on golf greens 7. Warm spells during the winter 8. Spring injuries (e.g. photoinhibition) and use of protective covers 9. Re-seeding and spring recovery 10. Winter play on summer greens The texts were written under the supervision of experienced golf course managers and turf grass consultants, and are offered to Canadian golf course superintendents by an agreement between STERF and the Canadian Turfgrass Research Foundation.

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