2013 Summer School Haute Normandie leaflet

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• What is the capacity of this landscape to receive new Energy productions? • How can this production reveal the existing agriculture? • How can a new “Energy landscape” give a new reading of a landscape that has been painted by the Impressionist but is today forgotten ? • How can this ENERGY Scape production find a new use for the old agrarian landscape Forms and at the same time takes part of the fragile regional identity? •Which type of Energy should be developed?

BASIC INFO The main objectives of this EMiLA’s Summer school in its 5th edition, maintain the same theoretical approach of the last intensive programmes. Working in projects on large scale preserving the specifies trough development and taking as a starting point the dynamics of European policies on landscape. The entry topic will be on "ENERGY Scape in a cultural landscape" with specific case of study: Haute Normandie and it "clos masures" for a possible reinforced landscape identity. The area of study has three different parts of therritory of the National Regional Park of the PNR Boucle de la Seine. The PNR is partner of the summer school and host students and teachers during the stay in Haute Normandie. The summerschool is run by the 5 partner schools of EMiLA and will be implemented by guest teachers and students from non EU countries : Prof. Takeo KAWAKITA Dept. of Environmental Design Kobe Design University, Japan; Prof. Dr. Sue Anne Ware and Prof.Charles Anderson –RMIT Melbourne Australia; and Zhang Tianxin - GSD Peking. TARGET GROUPS Target groups are EMiLA test students, second year master students from partner schools and guest students. The program for the EU students will prioritize students who have not had the opportunity to participate in longer Erasmus exchange or other practices abroad. Other target group is composed of local community members, the municipalities and the private organizations with the aim of facilitate a local engagement and exchange knowledge between EU Master and stakeholders.

EMiLA INTENSIVE SUMMER SCHOOL 5th of September to the 14th of September 2013 HAUTE NORMANDIE Working in international teams has an increasing relevance for Landscape Architects. Many competitions are announced Europe-wide. Transnational developments influence the everyday work of Landscape Architects which increases the demand for teaching and research on a European scale. From 2012 onwards, the European Master in Landscape Architecture (EMiLA) will provide students with a programme of study specifically developed to address these issues.

MAIN ACTIVITIES Following a concept of research through design based on learning, the main activities of the workshop are: • Participating in the actual life of the landscape • Intensive fieldwork on landscape identity • Creative but rigorous interpretation of the instrumental potential of the slogan ENERGY SCAPE interview sessions with local community members • Group design sessions on landscape transformations instigated by European policies, particularly on agriculture and former agricultural forms Clos Masure and biodiversity • Lectures and guest instruction from specialists on the European level • Participation of landscape related organizations, enterprises and municipalities in the region. BASIC SCHEDULE 5th September: Kick off meeting at ENSP Versailles with landscape architects and energy experts from differents countires. 6-7-8-9th September: Fieldtrip and workshop in Haute Normandie - PNR Boucle de la Seine . 10-11-12th September: Workshop at ENSP Versailles 13-14th September: Presentation & Exhibition at ENSP Versailles.

EMiLA INTENSIVE SUMMER SCHOOL 5th of September to the 14th of September 2013 HAUTE NORMANDIE EMiLA FINAL EVENT 14th of September 2013 at ENSP Versailles Run by École Nationale Supérieure de Paysage Versailles/Marseille (ENSP) Responsible: Ass.Prof Karin Helms Coordinator: Valentine Baden-Semper EMiLA Project Manager: Susanne Kaliwe Contact: emila@versailles.ecole-paysage.fr international@versailles.ecole-paysage.fr Inscription: www.emila.eu

ENERGY SCAPE the other EMiLA partners: AHK Amsterdam School of the Arts – Amsterdam Academy of Architecture UPC Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB)-Escola Superior d'Agricultura de Barcelona (ESAB) ECA Edinburgh College of Art (ECA) The University of Edinburgh - Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA) LUH Leibniz Universität Hannover Fakultät für Architektur und Landschaft


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