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EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TOURISM Quarterly Journal of Tourism Information

General Manager: Nicolae Nicolae



Vientiane P.9 Upcoming event`s P.16


WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD CEREMONY HELD IN VIENTIANE - LAO PEOPLE`S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC On 19 October 2011, in the framework of European Council on Tourism and Trade official delegation visit to LAO PEOPLE`S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC , Professor Dr. Anton Caragea , President of European Council on Tourism and Trade bestow upon people and government of LAO PEOPLE`S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD for 2013 and declared LAO PDR as FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION for 2013. The impressive ceremony held in Vientiane, capital of LAO PEOPLE`S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC was held under the auspices of Minister of Culture, Information`s and Tourism, Honorable Dr. Academician Bosengkham Vongdara and under the High Patronage of Government of LAO PEOPLE`S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC. The most important touristic event of the year, the announcement of the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION for 2013, had attracted a large audience of ministers, parliamentary and tourism professionals eager to find out the reasons for selecting LAO PEOPLE`S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC as the winner of the prestigious award for next year.

H.E. Yacoub Yousef Al Hosani, United Arab Emirates Ambassador has presented his congratulation to Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, European Council on Tourism and Trade for the election of LAO PDR as the new WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2013. This election is a sign of the great influence of European Council on Tourism and Trade on international scale, influence in the service of better oriented tourism. United Arab Emirates had enjoyed the benefit`s of being elected WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION two times and we hope that tourism in Laos will see a similar boost as the result of the award, commented UAE Ambassador in dialogue with ECTT President.



Between 5 to 10 May 2013 a high ranking official delegation of European Council on Tourism and Trade, under the leadership of H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President of European Council on Tourism and Trade ( ECTT) was invited for a working visit in People`s Democratic Republic of Lao( Lao PDR). The delegation had also the outstanding task of presenting to the people and Government of Lao PDR the highest honor in tourism: the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD FOR 2013.

H.E. Thongsing Thammavong -Prime Minister of Lao has outlined for European delegation an extensive presentation of the Laos economic situation as a country in full and ample development, with a rate of annual economic growth of 4 to 7%, and an expansion rate of incoming tourists of more than 20% annually and being counted amongst economic tigers of the area. Also the Prime Minister had expressed the sincere appreciation of the Government and People of Laos for the instrumental role played by Professor dr. Anton Caragea in promoting Laos image in the world and in bestowing the

The visit has being encompassed in the rapid


developing bilateral relation between Europe


and Laos, in a rapid evolving dialogue and a reciprocated desire to establish an extensive and consolidate partnership, Laos being presently the main partner of our European Council on Tourism and Trade in the South-East Asia area. In the framework of H.E. President Dr. Anton Caragea visit an inclusive discussion was held with H.E. Thongsing Thammavong -Prime Minister of Lao.

On his turn, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea had emphasized the strong points of Lao: political stability, impressive economic development and the clear express desire to extend the bilateral relation. The visit H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea lead delegation had included also an extensive dialogue with H.E. Dr. Bosengkham Vongdara, Minister of Culture, Information`s and Tourism and H. E. Vice-Prime Minister Asang Laoly and

Tabled at the meeting where the extension of

Dr. Thongloun Sisoulith-Minister of Foreign

bilateral exchanges in areas such as economy,


tourism, culture and political dialogue.

Tabled at the meetings where issued such as the establishment of a Council for Business and Cooperation, Bilateral Chamber of Commerce,


WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION IN 2013 IS LAO PEOPLE`S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Honorary Consulates and other structures destined to enhance the economic, cultural and political partnership.

H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea had highly praised the decision`s taken by the Government of Lao PDR to protect natural patri-

H.E. Dr. Bosengkham Vongdara, Minister of

mony, environmental protection and sus-

Culture, Information`s and Tourism ex-

tainable development for this important

pressed his appreciation for the Professor dr.

touristic areas.

Anton Caragea support for Laos in championing at European level with considerable influence and energy the country as a WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION. During the discussion with Dr. Bosengkham Vongdara, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea had presented the arguments for Lao PDR being considered as a world power in culture and tourism , noting that in XXI century that values of a nation is encompassing the cultural and historical patrimony and in this regard Lao PDR is an outstanding country.

On 9 May 2013 in an impressive ceremony, full of pomp and paraphernalia, the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD FOR 2013 was bestow to the people and Government of LAOS. The ceremony reuniting leaders of Government of Lao PDR, diplomats, academicians, business community, cultural and media representatives had included the presentation of the AWARD FOR WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION IN 2013, the presentation of the main landmark beauties and scenic

At the end of the meeting, professor dr.

spots for tourism in Lao an emotional

Mircea Constantinescu, Director of European

charged speech of H.E. Dr. Bosengkham

Tourism Academy had bestow the title and

Vongdara, Minister of Culture, Information`s

insignia and certificate of European academi-

and Tourism and concluding a large area of

cian to H.E. Dr. Bosengkham Vongdara, Min-

fashion presentation, music and dance spec-

ister of Culture, Information`s and Tourism

tacle that impress favorable the numerous

for his unremitting efforts in promoting tour-


ism as a tool for peace and development.

By the outstanding organizing the WORLD

The program of European delegation headed


by H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea also

Vientiane, the Government of Lao PDR had

included a strong cultural element like visit-

proved his extraordinary capacity to host

ing UNESCO heritage city of Luang Prabang,

international events and to organize high

That Luang National Stupa, Vat Siseket tem-

resounding world meeting.

ple, Vat Xiang tong,

UNESCO classified

monuments such as: Vat Vixun, Vat Phat Tai, Royal Palace of Luang Prabang, Phusi and Xieng Tong temple ad National Museum Kaysone Pomvihan etc.

The successful and felicitous visit of European Council on Tourism and Trade delegation , the high level and inclusive dialogue with the relevant authorities of Lao PDR, the reciprocated vision of rapid evolving rela-

Also a special program was carved off for

tions, the clearly marked economic, touristic

professor dr. Anton Caragea as WORLD AM-

and cultural opportunities are all


ment`s of the desire to further extend the

to visit special natural monuments situated


along the banks of Mekong river.




26 APRIL 2013 – EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE ELECTS LAOS AS WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2013 On 26th of April 2013 in a public sÊance of the European Council on Tourism and Trade, gathering representatives of tourism organi-

gered species and areas, especially rainforest eco-climate.

zations from European continent has de-

Community based ecotourism is a way to

bated the list of candidates for WORLD BEST

share revenues and income, to support rural


communities in prospering and presenting

Professor Dr. Mircea Constantinescu, Director of Tourism Academy had presented a report on the last year situation of the

their foodstuff and handicrafts to the world and to make the base for an economic local development.


Sharing tourism benefits to all the popula-

TION that was dedicated to Trinidad and

tion, offering a social tourism it is a lesson

Tobago and it was used accordingly with

that Lao is offering to the world.

rules and regulations and have being proving highly efficient in attracting new tourists and

Laos is offering to tourists not only a histori-

investor`s. In 2012 Trinidad and Tobago had

cal and outstanding cultural experience but

reverse the downward spiral in number of

also the possibility to explore nature , to

tourists and revenues provided by tourism

contribute to ecological preservation and

and was the ONLY country in the Caribbean

the opportunity to visit extraordinary space

region that registered an increase in number

such as: Nam Ngum reservoir, Bolaven pla-

of visitors despite economic crisis.

teau, Mekong river islands, Mekong river boat trip, Tad Kouangsi waterfall , the cave

Increase in investment, increase in tourism

of de Ting. All this are model of achieve-

potential and number of foreign visitors was

ments in ecological and green tourism that

the positive outcome of WORLD BEST TOUR-

must be world recognized.

IST DESTINATION AWARD for Trinidad and Tobago concluded professor dr. Mircea Con-

The continuous development and protection


of cultural and historical patrimony of Peoples Democratic Republic of LAO, the trans-

On the debate for WORLD BEST TOURIST

formation of Vientiane in a historical and


spiritual center offering to the visitor a

dr. Anton Caragea, President of European

glimpse into rich culture and heritage of

Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) pre-

peoples of Lao.

sented the report titled: LAOS: A TOURISTIC AND CULTURAL PARADISE proposing LAOS as

- The preservation of an outstanding histori-


cal and cultural patrimony that comprises


wonderful sites such as: Wat Phu- a UNESCO World Heritage Site from 12th century, the

Among the reasons for awarding WORLD

remarkable site from Plain of Jars, offering


an insight into Neolithic civilization and a

LAOS the report outlined:

rare window into traditions of centuries.

Promoting a new concept of community

Today, Lao is offering an open air museum, a

based tourism, friendly to nature, with low

rare collection of historical and archeological

ecological impact and preservation of natu-

treasures that educate and enrich the world.

ral biodiversity and protection of endan- The preservation of religious sites of world




ented tourism and that only a unanim-

Thong, one of the most important of world

ity vote in favor of LAOS could express

Buddhism monasteries and remains a signifi-

the European tourism and economic

mation, Culture and Tourism of LAO for a

cant place for the spirit of religion and tradi-

community decisive action in favor of

delegation of European high ranking official

tional art. Other sites that must be men-

such a world model.

of European Council on Tourism and Trade, to present the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTI-

tioned such as: Wat Phu (UNESCO heritage site) and Champasak Cultural Landscape (under UNESCO recognition).

Mr. Mark Doda, representing Balkan

NATION AWARD in Vientiane, in person, to

countries at the meeting had also

His Excellency Minister of Tourism Professor

stated the desire of peoples of South-


Keeping alive spiritual tradition, integrating

East Europe to support a new model of

tourist`s and visitors in the atmosphere of

tourism in the present economic cli-

Awarding the highest tourism distinction of

the Lao people, offering possibility for an

mate, a community based tourism on

European Council on Tourism and Trade,

enriching cultural experience, are all

Laos example. In the end of the debate

accepting the invitation for an working visit

achievements that transform Peoples De-

European Council on Tourism and

mocratic Republic of LAO in a spiritual desti-

Trade decided, unanimously, to award

nation of first hand.


After hearing the report, Senator Ionel Agrigoroaiei, from Romanian Parliamentary and Director in European Council on Tourism and Trade had express the feeling’s of all present


at the gathering declaring that: LAOS is a strong candidate, with a perfect record of

It was also presented the Official Invi-

promoting clean, ecological and social ori-

tation, on behalf of Ministry of Infor-

of high ranking members of European Council on Tourism and Trade in LAOS, are estimated by all tourism experts as a good example of close tourism relations and mutual consensus

between Europe and Laos, said

at the end of the meeting Professor Anton Caragea, President of European Council on Tourism and Trade. (EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE PRESS OFFICE )


EYE ON IT Kazakhstan congratulates LAOS for being named WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2013 His Excellency Kazakhstan Ambas-


sador Talgat Kaliyev stated after

On behalf of the Lao government and people, it

ment. The government has defined policy and

TION FOR 2013 that :

is my pleasure and delight to welcome all dele-

taken action to develop and promote cultural,

gates to the presentation ceremony of the

natural and historical tourism. To facilitate the

I express my sincere congratulation

World's Best Tourist Destination Award for

growth of tourism and services, the govern-

for the government of LAO PDR for

2013 to Laos.

ment has done its utmost to develop infrastruc-

this outstanding success and pow-

ture such as building roads to link all regions

erful promotion tool for tourism,

Today, the Lao government and people are

across the country as well as connecting with

proud and delighted to have received this hon-

neighbouring countries. Over the past 4-5 years,

orable prize, which demonstrates the great

the government has exerted utmost efforts to

achievements of tourism development in Laos.

increase the number of border checkpoints to

Laos offers impressive tourist attractions and

integrate with countries in the region and the

services for tourists from across the world.

world at large. At present, the Lao PDR has 23

I would like to take this opportunity to praise and express my sincere gratitude to the European Council on Tourism and Trade and all tourists for highly valuing Lao tourism and selecting Laos as the World's Best Tourist Destination for

international checkpoints, of which 21 can issue visas. Laos has four international airports (Wattay International Airport, Luang Prabang International Airport, Savannakhet International Airport and Pakxe International Airport).

Laos was awarded the title of WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINA-

but also for the international prestige of your country. I hope that we can cooperate within European Council on Tourism and Trade for promoting tourism, cultural and trade ties between our countries. I express also our hope that we will

Visas have been exempted for citizens of Asean

enjoy Lao PDR support for Kazakh-

member countries. Laos has also granted visa

stan candidature for World Best

I would like, especially, to welcome Prof. Dr.

exemptions to citizens of Japan, Republic of

Tourist Destination 2014.

Anton Caragea, Chairman of the European

Korea, Switzerland, Russia, Mongolia and


Council on Tourism and Trade, and his delegation to Laos to attend the ceremony and present the award. The Lao PDR is diverse in languages, cultures and customs, which have been inherited from our ancestors over thousands of years. The country is rich in spectacular natural resources as well as having a long and civilised history and well-known archaeological sites, which further boosts Laos' tourism potential. With great effort and a high sense of responsibility by the Party and government since the 4th Party Congress in 1986 outlined a comprehensive renovation policy to open up for foreign cooperation, tourism has played an ever more prominent role in the country's socio-economic develop-


LAOS: SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL ACADEMICIAN BOSENGKHAM VONGDARA KEY NOTE SPEECH FOR WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION CEREMONY FOR 2013 future. The Lao PDR also has rich and beautiful natural sites suitable for development as ecotourism attractions and green industry without smog or hazardous pollution, which will become new relaxing sites to impress visitors from the region and the world. Community-based eco-tourism programmes have become Laos' and Luxembourg. The authorities have redefined that visas issued

unique feature and have great potential because they give visitors

at checkpoints permit the holders to stay in Laos for 15 days, re-

the chance to get in touch with and taste nat ure, as well as the

duced from 30 days previously.

everyday life of local people and the customs practised by the Lao multiethnic people.

According to Prime Ministerial Order No. 15 issued on June 20, 2006, these visas can be extended by the provincial authorities

To translate the tourism development strategic plan for 2011-2020,

instead of only by the Vientiane authority as before. In addition,

the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism in collaboration

the government grants three-month visas to foreign citizens of Lao

with provincial authorities have carried out nature-based tourism

origin who acquire visas from Lao embassies, which can be ex-

activities with the participation of local people by making use of the

tended for another three months. However, visas issued at border

local potential and conditions of each province.

checkpoints grant only a two-month stay with another two months of extension. After implementing the aforesaid tourism development and promotion policy, the

Such activities were first initiated in 2000 in Luang Namtha province, called the ‘Community-based Eco-tourism Programme'. Similar programmes

tourism sec tor has grown rapidly.

now exist in all

From 1990 to 2012, foreign tourist

1 7 pr o v i nc es

arrivals have risen by an average

involving 40

of 20.36 percent annually. In

d i s t r i c t s a nd

2012, Laos registered 3,330,072

1 6 0 v i l l a g es,

foreign tourists generating total

and have gener-



ated income

US$513,576,784. By 2013 the

directly for local

number of tour operators had




risen to 275 companies. Hotels

Because of

and guesthouses have also in-

these progres-

creased and in 2012 there were


3,526 hotels and guesthouses offering 35,857 rooms. Laos now

of the Lao tour-

has 1,493 official tourist sites comprising 849 sites of natural interest, 435 sites of cultural interest, and 209 historical sites.


achievements ism sector coupled with the impressive progress made in socio-economic development across the country, Laos has been praised by tourists and

The Lao PDR shares similar characteristics with many other coun-

friendly countries across the world, justified by the fact that Laos

tries, such as different and diverse traditions and customs among

has been awarded many honourable and impressive prizes as fol-

its multi-ethnic people. There are also impressive archaeological


and historical sites such as Luang Prabang, the historic town and living world heritage site, and Vat Phou Champassak, which is another world heritage site dating back to the 12th century. In addi-

In 2008, the New York Times named Laos as one of 53 countries it described as the world's top tourist destinations.

tion, the historic caves of Viengxay (deemed to be the birthplace of

The world heritage site of Luang Prabang received the Top City

the Lao PDR) have become an open-air museum, while the Plain of

Gold Award after being voted the world's top tourist destination by

Jars is expected to be listed as a world heritage site in the near


LAOS: SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL ACADEMICIAN BOSENGKHAM VONGDARA KEY NOTE SPEECH FOR WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION CEREMONY FOR 2013 The Lao PDR stands ready to continue to develop the tourism sector to contribute to establishing and enhancing friendly relations among nations in the world to make a joint effort to promote peace and mutual understanding, together entering Wanderlust, a UK based travel magazine from 2006 to 2008,

into the proper future of development under the sky of peace,

and again from 2010 to 2012.

friendship and sustainable cooperation.

The Community-based Eco-tourism Programme in the Nam Ha

On this auspicious occasion, I would like to wish Party and state

Protected Forest Area in Luang Namtha province also won an

leaders and honourable Lao and foreign guests participating in

award for ‘best poverty alleviation project' and ‘best services'

this ceremony good health, success in your noble tasks, happi-

given by the United Nations Development Programme. And

ness and prosperity, and further contributions to the tourism

today, we feel proud and honoured that the European Council

development of our country for progressive success.

on Tourism and Trade awards Laos with the World's Best Tourist Destination Award for 2013. This honourable prize will make Laos even more popular among tourists across the globe, and will drive the development of the tourism sector in our country.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President of the European Council on Tourism and Trade, for highly valuing the development of Lao tourism. I agree with his comment that “In the 21st century, tourism has become an important bridge for friendship and relations among nations in the world; it is also a way to promote peace and mutual understanding and lead the way to a good future.”

I would like, especially, to wish Professor Dr Anton Caragea and high-level delegates from the European Council on Tourism and Trade good health, success in your noble tasks and happiness, and to further contribute to promoting Lao tourism in Europe and across the globe.


LAO PDR– A CULTURAL AND TOURISTIC PARADISE by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea-PRESIDENT OF EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE Undoubtedly, for a country tourism is a constant and serious source of revenue, is becoming an important factor to promote development, to build roads, to offer to people a source of income and employment, a source of prosperity. But, material significance of tourism must not elapse the true His Excellency Mr. Asang Laoly, Deputy Prime Minister in

value of tourism: as a way for people`s to build bridges of

charge of Social and Cultural Affairs

friendship and tolerance, to discover different cultures, ideas and way`s of life, to embrace the beauty of being different.

His Excellency Dr. Thongloun Sisoulith, Deputy Prime Minister

We must also clearly mark that: tourism must be based on a

and Minister of Foreign Affairs

set of values such as nature preservation, cultural and histori-

Your Excellency`s distinguish members of Government of Peoples Democratic Republic of Lao We have all gather here to pay homage to an idea and to a country that embodies this idea.

cal patrimony conservation for future generation and exactly for this need we have carved WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD as an international recognition for the country`s that are respecting this values . I must say what a privilege is for our delegation to honor a

The idea is encompass in the simple truth that: in XXI century

country that is becoming a WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINA-

tourism has become a bridge towards knowledge and friend-


ship between peoples and countries , a way to promote peace and understanding, a road that leads towards a better future.

It is also a great pleasure to address our salute to the great people of Lao, a people that had build throughout centuries a

We have also gather here to express our appreciation for a

perfect civilization, with hundreds of monuments of historical

country and a people that will embody in 2013 this triumphant

and civilization relevance, a people that had offered to human-

spirit of tourism: the people of Lao.

ity countless riches: from religious temple and scriptures to literary texts and historical writings .

I must re-emphasize that: tourism is in the XXI century, not only a way to enjoy life, to discover new places, new cultures

Today, Lao had become a cultural and touristic world power

but also a mass phenomenon that combines sightseeing, rec-

and the main credit belongs, without a doubt, to the great peo-

reation and health

ple of Laos, that


from 1975 onwards is constructing a

Tourism has become,

life of dignity, lib-

in the world today, an

erty and tolerance

intrinsic value of hu-

in a free country.

man life and experience and what I like

Today, in a world

to call a natural right

that rarely accepts

of all people: the

and tolerates dif-

right to move freely,

ference, we come

to express freely and

to honor a country

to enjoy a life of ad-

of TOLERANCE, in a

venture and discover-

world crowded


with pseudoculture, without a


LAO PDR– A CULTURAL AND TOURISTIC PARADISE by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea-PRESIDENT OF EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE Today, Lao is offering an open air museum, a rare collection of historical and archeological treasures that educate and enrich the world. doubt, to the great people of Laos, that from 1975 onwards is constructing a life of dignity, liberty and tolerance in a free

- The preservation


of religious sites of world significance

Today, in a world that rarely accepts and tolerates difference,

and value such as:

we come to honor a country of TOLERANCE, in a world

Wat Xieng Thong,

crowded with pseudo-culture, without a form and substance ,

one of the most

we come today to honor a TRUE CULTURE , in a world that is

important of world

loosing the true values, we come today the honor a real TOUR-

Buddhism monas-

ISTIC VALUE, in a time in which to many speak and do not act for historical sites preservation, we come to honor a PARADISE OF HISTORY , we come to honor the People`s Democratic Republic of LAO . Here, we have all gather to show our support for the values of humanity, of educational and cultural tourism . We are all here in the search for a country that offer to tourists a complete experience, a country that educates spirit, elevates soul and gives everybody a lesson in history and culture. We all have found in LAO the perfect teacher in tourism, offering to all the tourist`s of the world the possibility of a safe, pleasurable and enlightening tourist experience.

teries and remains a significant place for the spirit of religion and traditional art. Other sites that must be mentioned such as: Wat Phu (UNESCO heritage site) and Champasak Cultural Landscape ( under UNESCO recognition). Keeping alive spiritual tradition, integrating tourist`s and visitors in the atmosphere of the Lao people, offering possibility for an enriching cultural experience, are all achievements that transform Peoples Democratic Republic of LAO in a spiritual destination of first hand. Promoting a new concept of

community based tourism,

friendly to nature, with low ecological impact and preservation

Among the reasons leading to awarding WORLD BEST TOURIST

of natural biodiversity and protection of endangered species


and areas, especially rainforest eco-climate.

LIC OF LAOS our report had taken under consideration:

Community based ecotourism is a way to share revenues and

- The preservation of an outstanding historical and cultural

income, to support rural communities in prospering and pre-

patrimony that comprises wonderful sites such as: Wat Phu- a

senting there foodstuff and handicrafts to the world and to

UNESCO World Heritage Site from 12th century, the remark-

make the base for an economic local development.

able site from Plain of Jars, offering an insight into Neolithic

Sharing tourism benefits to all the population, offering a social

civilization and a rare window into traditions of centuries.

tourism it is a lesson that Lao is offering to the world.

A name that needs no introduction: the UNESCO heritage site of Luang Prabang, with the gems of Haw Kham and Vat Xieng Toung monastery. I could continue for hours this list of treasures, but I will enumerate just in Vientiane- Wat Si Saket, the oldest temple of the city and the world famous That Luang complex.


LAO PDR– A CULTURAL AND TOURISTIC PARADISE by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea-PRESIDENT OF EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE Is my privileged to award Your Excellency, as representative of Supporting Lao community tourism project as a way to spread


wealth, it is a duty for everybody and one of the main reason


for portraying Laos as a world example of democratic tourism, a tourism that is not only offering benefits to the rich, but to all people. Lao example must be appreciated and supported , and all tourist that are going to Lao must know that an investment in Lao tourism is an investment in the future of Lao people. Offering to tourists not only a historical and outstanding cultural experience but also the possibility to explore nature, to contribute to ecological preservation and the opportunity to visit extraordinary space such as: Nam Ngum reservoir, Bolaven plateau, Mekong river islands, Mekong river boat trip, Tad Kouangsi waterfall, the cave of de Ting . All this are model of achievements in ecological and green tourism that must be world recognized . The continuous development and protection of cultural and historical patrimony of Peoples Democratic Republic of LAO, the transformation of Vientiane in a historical and spiritual center offering to the visitor a glimpse into rich culture and heritage of peoples of Lao. For all this reasons, among many others, European Council on Tourism and Trade decided, unanimously, to award WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2013 title to PEOPLE`S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF LAOS and to declare PEOPLE`S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF LAOS- FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION in 2013. This title is an international recognition of Your work for Peoples Democratic Republic of LAO until today, in the service of history and civilization, tourism and culture, in the service of the people of LAO, but is also a challenge because now we are expecting your services in the future benefit of the world culture and tourism. May this award be transformed in a support for developing the international standing of People`s Democratic Republic of LAO , for a sustainable tourism and development and in a base for further success for SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL - Peoples Democratic Republic of LAO .

We congratulate You and people of People`s Democratic Republic of LAO for this outstanding achievements.



Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,

approach to the environment, people, ancient and modern culture, national and global economy. Here is a typical example

We traveled here to bring to you, the people of the Lao Peo-

of the wise manner in which the country’s leadership is solving

ple’s Democratic Republic, our message of friendship, peace,

complex problems and situations.

tolerance and mutual understanding, a message from the very heart of the European Union.

The leaders of Laos, in accordance with the needs and expectations of the Laos society and people decided that the activities

This spring, The European Council on Tourism and Trade

of information, culture and tourism are gathered under the

awarded the highest tourism prize, the World Best Tourist Des-

same umbrella, in the same ministry, underlying the impor-

tination for 2013 to the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos.

tance of the three activities, their national importance, as well

60 years ago a well known scientist predicted that up to the

as their strong interconnection.

end of the last century the world will become global, and that

Information is vital for any human activity, for any nation in-

all the people in the world will be living in “the global village”.

volved in the process of multilateral development. The last

It seems indeed that we are living now in a global world, where all the nations are called to solve

century could be described as the beginning of the information age. It seems to be a never-ending story. Recent studies revealed the too much informa-

complex problems of interna-

tion from too many sources

tional, national, confessional,

could be harmful. The individual

environmental and social nature.

effort of looking for information

And Laos is indeed a part of this

sources, receiving and decod-

global village. The strategic per-

ing, selecting and interpreting

spective and the wise and bal-

may require too much effort.

anced approach adopted by your

Too much and too divers infor-

government and by your coun-

mation could be confusing.

try’s leadership is a wonderful

Spending too much time inside

example. Your country is con-

the virtual world keeps us from

nected to the world with care and confidence, step by step,

living in real life: to work, to spend quality time with family and

keeping a balance between the international and the national

friends, to meet new people and to enjoy the nature. From


ancient times, teaching was the basic method of censorship and selection, of passing important information from one gen-

This means respect for the national identity of Laos, a realiza-

eration to another.

tion of the importance of the country’s image in the world, as well as a need for a sincere and positive cooperation with

Culture is the heart of every nation, of every group of people

other countries for the progress and well-being of mankind.

related by place, time and political context. Again, almost 40 years ago, the new leadership of your country took a wise and

When we study the realities of Laos and place of Laos in the

strategic decision to the build the identity of the Lao nation,

modern world we discover that your country is from a certain

the present and the future of the country on the heritage of

point of view the “melting pot” that the same scientist pre-

the past. Wisdom and tolerance, firmness and balance, were

dicted, a place and a nation where interethnic, interracial, inter

the concepts that guided the building of a nation, proud of its

-confessional problems are solved peacefully, with a careful

past and confident in its future.


LAOS– A MASTERPIECE OF CULTURAL TOURISM by Professor Dr. MIRCEA CONSTANTINESCU-DIRECTOR OF EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY The collaboration with UNESCO in identifying and carefully preserving the heritage of the Lao people is at the same time a token of admiration and respect of the whole world for the treasures of the Lao nation. As you may know, the most precious treasure of your country, are the people! They are friendly and their hospitality is already known around the


world. They seem to live according to other time measures, and I am sure that the English idioms “take your time” and “take it easy” have their ancient roots in Lao! We are here to award to Prof. Dr. Bosengkham Vongdara, We may thank you for reminding us that there is life beyond

Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism, the Honorary

stress, morning rush, crazy schedules and endless meetings.

Membership of the European Tourism Academy.

And at last, the most complex task of all: tourism. It involves

He asked me to speak from the heart, not from the books. This

resources and money, smart managers and nice people, a cul-

is not a “laudatio”, so I do not have to tell you almost anything

tural heritage and an enchanting nature, along with good food,

about the curriculum vitae of Prof. Vongdara. You all know

good transportation, good housing and most of all, good will.

him, and what I can say is that he had an outstanding career as

Taking a look at the progress made by Laos’s tourism, we may affirm that Laos has all the above incentives, and may become

professor, as politician, as a member of the Party and a member of the Executive.

many years from now, a preferred tourist destination for mil-

We all know how hard and sometimes painful is to increase our

lions of people from all over the world.

knowledge, to become experts in one area or another. Profes-

Dear friends, It is so easy for me to bring to you all the good words from the Europe. I would like to congratulate once again your great leaders, their leadership teams and all the Lao people, men and women that contributed to building together a proud nation, admired and respected by the entire world.

sor Vongdara had the chance to bring his theoretical and practical expertise and knowledge into the politics and executive matters. Tourism is not an easy task. We consider that developing a quality tourism is at the crossroads of many domains of a nation’s life. The fine job done by Prof. Vongdara at the head of the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism, we consider

And finally from our hearts again congratulations for being

to be the beginning of a globalization process of Laos tourism,

awarded the highest tourism prize, the World Best Tourist Des-

and we hope in the very next future that Laos will become an

tination for 2013 to the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos

important actor not only in the ASEAN and in the neighboring

by The European Council on Tourism and Trade.

areas, but as a world preferred tourist destination. Also from our hearts again congratulations for being awarded the highest tourism prize, the World Best Tourist Destination for 2013 to the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos by The European Council on Tourism and Trade. We are congratulating you, Academician Prof. Dr. Bosengkham Vongdara ,the newest member of European Tourism Academy.


Photo montage by Nicolae Nicolae





European Tourism Academy is welcoming a new member DR. BOSENGKHAM VONGDARA Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism of LAO PDR

Upcoming Events for European Tourism August 2013—Professor dr. Anton Caragea will lead an ECTT delegation in Kazakhstan August 2013—WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM CEREMONIES in Turkistan, Kazakhstan September 2013—WORLD TOURISM DAY celebration at European Council on Tourism and Trade October 2013– Autumn Diplomatic Trip in the framework of DISCOVER EUROPE PROGRAM of European Council on Tourism and Trade November 2013—Professor dr. Anton Caragea will lead an ECTT delegation in Turkmenistan November 2013—Professor dr. Anton Caragea will lead an ECTT delegation in United Arab Emirates December 2013—The General Meeting of ECTT in Bucharest –Palace of Parliament

EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE ( E.C.T.T.) 22 Franceza Street Bucharest,Romania 0040213157730 ph 0040213157730 fax email

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