Teaching methods

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Teaching methods

A never ending story....

Our methods

In the last decade the skills students need in later work and life changed a lot That's why we have to change our education and teaching We need a learning environment where students can learn in an active, engaging and different way

With the project we want to strengthen teachers in new teaching methodologies where also technology can support learning. We want to prepare students for the challenges of the future and work on the 21st century skills they need. By changing the teaching strategies the motivation both from students and teachers will increase.

This is all co funded by Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.

01 02 03 04 05 06 Belgium Portugal Norway Romania Webinars Lessonplans table of contents
Sint Janshof Belgium Partners Agrupamento De Escolas de Alemeirim Portugal Vestland Fylkeskommune Flora vgs. Norway CSEI Cluj Napoca Romania


- Mechelen Mechelen 1
Portugal Agrupamento de escolas de Almeirim 2
https://padlet.com/clubeeuropeualmeirim/t hejourneyofourlessonplans

a journal supporting the explorer's views accordingly to this century, and bearing in mind what they had learned.

After the field trip to Vasco da Gama's Aquarium, in Lisbon, students were
challenged to write

These are lesson plans developed for a SchoolEducationGateway course which reflected on the Lifecomp framework regarding the Personal, Social and Learning key competences. During the school year of 2021/2022 these activities were developed in a 6th year class.

Image and publication source https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC120911
Developing literacies Think,write,create https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=VhHRcz2wBYg
https://sites.google.com/view/avozinhagangster5f/p%C3%A1gina-inicial?authuser=3 https://create.kahoot.it/sh are/gangsta granny/b6bec843 bd9d 4cd8 8715 cbfb28ca8cb4

Rubrics Rubrics Rubrics



Flora vgs. 3


CSEI Cluj-Napoca 4



Webinar overview

Webinar Norway

Click to see webinar

pn pn

Program of the webinar

Webinar Portugal


to see webinar


Program of the webinar

Webinar Belgium


to see webinar


Program of the webinar

Webinar Romania


to see webinar


Program of the webinar

Lesson plans 6


During the project we create some lesson plans with good practices and innovative teaching. We share them on the Twinspace. Feel free to use them.

We create our lessons by using the Learning designer tool. With this tool we can analyse our active way of teaching The tool is based on the 6 different learning types. In principle, a good learning design will contain a mix of all of these types of learning.

If you want to take a look at the lesson plans, you can click the images.

All the lesson plans can be found in this link: https://travelingtonewteachingadventures.weebly.com/teaching plans.html

Lesson plans Portugal

Lesson plan 1: climate change

Lesson plan 2: Grammunication Flipped classroom

Lesson plan 3: Traveling to safety adventures

Lesson plan 4: Cut Down Plastic

The journey of our lesson plans

Lesson plans Romania

Lesson plan 1: Roll the dice and spark a conversation!

Lesson plan 2: Climate change

Lesson plan 3: Make a wish: Celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities!

Lesson plan 4: Looking for treasures and new friends

Lesson plans Norway

Lesson plan 1: Save the fjords!

Lesson plan 2: Pollution in the local area

Lesson plan 3: Outdoor activities in local community

Lesson plan 4: The windmill park

Lesson plans Belgium

Lesson plan 1: Young helping hands

Lesson plan 2: Project Earthshake

Lesson plan 3: Build your own country

Lesson plan 4: Brick robotics

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin
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