EUROCAE Annual Report 2017-2018

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EUROCAE 9-23 rue Paul Lafargue 93200 Saint-Denis - France

A n n ual repor t

Contents 4 Reports

62 The Chairperson Club 2018

8 Overview

64 European ATM Standardisation

10 Council


65 European UAS Standards

Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)

Coordination Group (EASCG)

15 Partners

20 Working Group activity

66 EUROCAE at World ATM Congress

51 Publications library

68 Broadcast and NEWSblog


70 Membership

Highlights of High Level Meeting

60 55th General Assembly

Coordination Group (EUSCG)

80 Financial report

may 2017 - APRIL 2018  1


9-23 rue Paul Lafargue 93200 Saint-Denis

Gen eral Secreta r i at

General Secretariat Secretary General

Christian Schleifer-Heingärtner +33 1 49 46 19 66

executive assistant

Elodie Lanniel +33 1 49 46 19 65

office support Managers

Samira Bovigny +33 1 49 46 19 69 Raphaël de Courrèges +33 1 49 46 19 70

Director Technical Programme

Anna von Groote +33 1 49 46 19 71


Adrian Cioranu +33 1 49 46 19 72

Technical Programme ManagerS

Anna Guégan +33 1 49 46 19 67 Sergiu Marzac +33 1 49 46 19 73

technical secretary - expert

Luc Deneufchâtel +33 6 70 70 69 71

eurocae liaison

Alexander Engel +32 (0) 2 729 33 55 may 2017 - APRIL 2018  3

R e p or t f ro m the EUROCAE Pr esi den t

2017 was another year of intensive and successful activity for EUROCAE. The combined dedication and commitment of our Organisation’s staff and of our Members was the driver that ensured the continuous delivery of high quality material in the service of the aviation industry. While the effort to respond to the immediate needs of the aviation community must be maintained relentlessly, EUROCAE also needs to keep an eye on the longer-term horizon to ensure that it will continue to serve the interests of its Members in a more distant future. The aviation world stands once again at a crossroad and on the threshold of a new strategic era where disruption, Artificial Intelligence, agility, digitisation, digitalisation, Blockchain, Big Data will constitute the pillars of the landscape to come. Further, the pace of change is definitely accelerating if one is to consider only the short lapse of time it took for digital towers to evolve from exploratory trials to mainstream thinking. The emergence of new «impatient» entrants, such as drones, will have an equally measurable effect on the pace of changes. The central challenge underlying the next aviation strategy will be about how the aviation industry can adapt to an ever faster evolving air transportation world.

That prestigious event brought together some of the most influencing leaders in the aviation world to discuss strategic considerations that will determine the development of the future European aviation landscape. The High Level Meeting’s value was measurable from different perspectives. It provided a forum for the sharing of challenging views about the future of the industry. But, beyond the educational value of such exchanges, the image that will emerge from the process will be of practical use as it depicts a reference picture that will ultimately shape the future agenda of EUROCAE. The visionary approach EUROCAE has chosen with the setup of the High Level Meeting reflects the transformations and improvements the organisation has undertaken over the past year. The focus is deliberately set on the future and on how our organisation can best serve its members. To this end, the conclusions of this High Level Meeting will help EUROCAE to further adapt its own strategy. They will guide EUROCAE to integrate projected and expected developments in its work programme and contribute to achieve the overall targets of the organisation. My gratitude goes once again to the employees and managers of EUROCAE and of its Members, whose unconditional commitment to our mission has established EUROCAE as the European leader in the development of worldwide recognised industry standards for aviation.

Therefore, the annual exercise culminated with the organisation of the High Level Meeting, an event that is now firmly established on the EUROCAE agenda and that, on a regular basis, offers an opportunity to take some distance from the details of technical standard and the daily activity of the Organisation. Francis Schubert President

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On behalf of the EUROCAE Council, it is my pleasure and honour to present to you this report. The commitment of EUROCAE over the past year to support the aviation industry with much-needed standards that foster research and development, and help the deployment of new technologies is commendable. The importance our activity plays in this regard is further emphasised by the increase of over 10% in membership year on year, in the creation of additional working groups and in the improvement to launch new activities. Since a year ago, EUROCAE remained actively engaged in standardisation activities while further leveraging the progress made at Single European Sky level and beyond. At the international level, the development of EUROCAE’s cooperation with ASTM in complement to RTCA and SAE, is one key area we are working on. EUROCAE Secretary General, Christian Schleifer, supported by the Secretariat team, has led and delivered many changes and notable achievements. These achievements made the activity of our organisation more efficient and effective, and reduced the time and investment by the working group experts. I would mention here, the move to the new offices in Saint-Denis, the Customer Relationionship Management e-system deployment, the automation of processes, and the maximisation of members’ efforts by avoiding duplication and generating clarity for business decisions through the use of EASCG/EUSCG platforms – to name just a few. As you have become accustomed, EUROCAE has now established a tradition to organise a High Level Meeting every four years. This second edition proved to be an exciting and thought-provoking event, with top aviation leaders offering their perspective on what is to come in aviation in the future. As the 2018 EUROCAE High Level Meeting noted, currently there are several issues facing our industry. Capacity, competitiveness and environmental

footprint reduction are the top priorities, while safety will never be compromised. As aviation continues to grow, it must do so safely, although technology is expected to play an ever more important role. In this context, how we standardise for the future is a key element. EUROCAE Council will further consider these aspects to refine the strategy and the work programme of our Organisation. To keep the excellence of the EUROCAE Documents, we have started the analysis towards obtaining the certification of our quality assurance process. This activity is expected to effectively start in Q3, 2018 and last for one year. The current quality assurance process already defines the steps the Secretariat takes during the life of an ED and according to the EUROCAE Handbook, under the supervision of the TAC and Council. The introduction of the new IT system, where all processes are fully documented and registered, further enhanced this process. Nevertheless, an independent certification would provide additional benefits to our Members, so the Council has decided to pursue this path. To make more robust its financial structure and capture opportunities, EUROCAE has launched a training programme, starting with Aviation Cyber Security. This initiative proved its timeliness, and fully matched the industry needs. Thus, EUROCAE is providing a key training based on the documents WG-72 has developed in the cyber security area, reaching out to all aviation stakeholders, and enhancing the brand recognition. More success stories are under preparation in the training area. I wish all the success to all our Members in the year ahead, and would like to thank you for your support and the contribution you’re providing to EUROCAE.

Jean-Christophe Albouy Council Chair may 2017 - APRIL 2018  5

R e p or t f ro m the Sec r etary G eneral

Dear EUROCAE Members, Partners and Friends, At an accident rate of 1.08 per 1 million flights, 2017 has been the safest year in aviation history. Statistics indicate that 4.1 billion travellers flew safely on 41.8 million flights. As a global stakeholder, EUROCAE is proud to have brought its part to this achievement. Our industry standards are a critical safety element, one that is expected to grow in importance over the coming years, with the increased demand for standards complementing the regulatory frame, which is moving to more performance and risk based regulations. Since our last annual report, EUROCAE has published eight new EDs, bringing the number of EUROCAE Documents to over 200, while many other EDs are under various stages of development. We have also added three new working groups (WG): WG-107 (RNP Reversion Based on DME/DME), WG-108 (ATN/ IPS), and WG-109 (Runway Weather Information Systems). Also the last year followed the trend of previous years and we registered another 12% increase in membership. We reacted accordingly and added an additional staff member, to cope with the increasing demand and the resulting additional tasks and duties, by supporting mainly WG and membership activities, which brings the secretariat staff to a total headcount of nine, corresponding to eight FTEs. Furthermore, for the past year we’ve engaged in numerous activities for the benefit of our members. Thus, we have taken several key actions, with direct and positive impact on the Organisation and its efficiency. As an example, the Council directed us to an active coordination with our stakeholders. Thus, we continued with the successful stakeholder engagement plan, for a more proactive approach in developing our work programme. Another topic of

6  Eurocae Annual report

the past year, was the global reach out, to increase the international engagement, collaboration and participation in the standard developing process. This is also reflected in additional cooperation agreements with other SDOs and associations, but also with an updated MoU between EUROCAE and ICAO to pave the way for more references in ICAO provisions to EUROCAE standards. These benefits are the fruition of the intense activity of the EUROCAE Secretariat under the guidance of the Council. Following the General Assembly in 2016, an Efficiency Task Force was set up by Council at meeting #290 to deliver added benefits to Members, after the new membership scheme was decided at the Vienna General Assembly. Moving to the new location in Saint-Denis was the first concrete action we have taken. Since just over a year, we are welcoming you to a larger, newlyrefurbished office and well-equipped meeting rooms, providing tangible improvements in terms of WG activity, and more efficient and effective WG meetings. This is proven by an over 250% increase in the number of meetings organised on the new EUROCAE premises, an almost three-fold increase from 12 meetings in 2016 to over 30 meetings in 2017. Also, the EUROCAE Council and the TAC have held regular meetings in Saint-Denis, a short train ride from the Paris CDG airport or just a station away from Gare du Nord. To reflect the new and increasing demand for standards for UAS, an additional TAC member has been appointed to account for this emerging domain – Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) – including UTM. Furthermore, we reviewed our internal processes to gain additional efficiency by completing the implementation of a new, state-of-the-art Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system and process automation tool. This has also allowed for a better time management and workspace facilitation. The new IT system is supporting the document management by providing streamlined

Repor t from th e Secretary Gen er a l

and automated processes for the Open Consultation, Council and other approvals, and ED publication. Not the least, the new e-Shop allows all Members to download EDs at their own discretion, benefitting directly from the membership benefits and streamlining Members’ access to any ED of interest. Over the past year we have also enhanced and further developed the European ATM and UAS Standards Coordination Groups – the EASCG/ EUSCG platforms - where we, as EUROCAE, act as chair and secretary. Those platforms became fundamental elements of the European standarddeveloping process by making the direct link to the regulation and publishing the Rolling Development Plan (RDP). Effective use of EASCG and EUSCG avoids duplications and identifies gaps, while making best use of members’ resources. Our actions and active presence internationally further sustain our standardisation activity, making EUROCAE a reliable international partner. I can only encourage you to visit and and to register to be notified when a new RDP version is released. Drones, cyber security and other emerging topics require us to adapt our way of working, to invite and to include new stakeholders which are challenging the current system. This has motivated us to think out of the box, to conduct workshops together with regulators, and to tailor the EUROCAE work programme. It is only after doing so that we established a working group structure for these activities.

2018 we haves successfully launched the EUROCAE Aviation Cyber Security Training programme, which we managed and positioned as a top training for aviation professionals across the industry. The first two training sessions held in March 2018 showed the wide degree of interest for such a training, from across the aviation system. Based on the feedback received, we can state that we’ve rolled out the right product to the market, at the right time, and that we are confident that top management and delivery from EUROCAE will continue to bring benefits to our members and to our activities by further strengthening the brand recognition of EUROCAE. All these achievements are intrinsically linked to the valuable activity of the EUROCAE Secretariat, who has worked actively with the Council and the TAC to reach the efficiency gains promised to all our Members two years ago. This stands as a tangible proof that our small but very efficient Secretariat team is dedicated and committed to the objectives of the organisation. EUROCAE standards are developed by you, by experts nominated by our Members, working tirelessly, following a consensus-driven approach and a proven set of procedures to publish the highest quality standards for aviation, recognised globally. I wish you a successful continuation of this year, and would like to thank you once again for your support to EUROCAE. With best regards,

Performance- and risk-based regulations are already a declared way forward by EASA. Even more flexible rules are proposed, making reference to product certification by using CE marking. This does require EUROCAE to work with the regulator of this administrative process to formally recognise EUROCAE as the European leader in developing worldwide recognised standards for aviation, in the interest of the aviation community and therefore of our members. Another area of particular interest to EUROCAE is that of training. At the beginning of

Christian Schleifer-Heingärtner Secretary General

may 2017 - APRIL 2018  7

O ve rvi e w



...a non-profit organisation which was founded in Lucerne (Switzerland) in 1963 to provide a European forum for resolving technical problems with electronic equipment for air transport.

...develop technical specifications for the industry and in support of European and global regulations, aiming to increase safety, market potential, facilitate interoperability and encourage technological development in the interest of its European and global stakeholders.

EUROCAE deals exclusively with aviation standardisation (Airborne and Ground Systems and Equipment) and related documents as required for use in the regulation of aviation equipment and systems. EUROCAE is an association composed of members who are all specialised in one or several technical fields of Aeronautics and many of them are considered to be among world’s leaders in their domain. EUROCAE is governed by a Constitution and functions according to procedures resulting from more than 50 years of experience and expertise in the development of aviation standards.

8  Eurocae Annual report

To develop EUROCAE Documents (EDs), EUROCAE organises Working Groups (WGs) to which members delegate experts working on a voluntary basis. In general WG members come from the association membership. The development of EUROCAE Documents is governed by a well-proven core process promoting team work, excellence, industry buy-in and consensus while ensuring safety. To date, EUROCAE has published more than 200 EDs, which are recognised worldwide as high quality and state-of-the-art standards.

Ov erv i ew

EUROCAE has ...put in place a unique structure, the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), which brings together leading experts of all stakeholder categories represented in aviation. The role of the TAC is to monitor the consistency and coherence of the EUROCAE strategic work programme and to advise on on-going and future activities. Around 1,400 experts designated by EUROCAE Members are currently collaborating in 38 active Working Groups to revise or develop future EDs. EUROCAE currently has over 230 Members, with full or limited membership, including manufacturers, service providers, regulators, research institutes and international organisations. EUROCAE membership is open to organisations and industries worldwide. EUROCAE has a 100% Subsidiary “EUROCAE Communication”. This limited liability company, financially and legally independent from the Association, is dealing with four commercial activities:

}} Sales of ED documents. }} Contracts with external companies (covering engineering studies and/or services in relation with EUROCAE’s domains of activities, etc.). }} Event organisation. It concerns dedicated te­­ch­­ ni­cal workshops, symposia (such as the EUROCAE annual Symposium, usually accom­ panying the General Assembly) and conferences. }} Training, in cooperation with the best experts in their fields to provide with high-quality training courses. }} EUROCAE has an elected President. It is go­ver­ned by an elected Council and managed by a General Secretariat headquartered in the Paris area, France. Council members, sponsored by their respective Organisations, are elected and nominated during the annual EUROCAE General Assembly.

may 2017 - APRIL 2018  9

EUROC A E C ounci l

COUNCIL May 2017 - April 2018 The Council is made up from not less than 8 and not more than 20 members and has currently 17 members elected by the EUROCAE Full Members at the General Assembly. The Secretary General is the Council Secretary. At its first meeting (usually immediately after the General Assembly), the Council elects its Chairperson, two ViceChairpersons and the Treasurer. The main role of the Council is: }} to define the strategic objectives, policy, business plan and associated annual budget for EUROCAE and to periodically review the progress thereto; }} to approve the appointment of the Secretary General, contracts, agreements, and any expenses outside the budget, and to supervise the administration of the EUROCAE Association by the Secretary General;

}} to appoint the Technical Advisory Committee Chairperson, its members; to set its objectives and approve its outputs; }} to approve the set up or continuation of Working Groups, the strategic part of the terms of reference, and the publication of EUROCAE Documents; }} to monitor and, when required, to support the supervision of Working Group activities; }} to agree the subscription ceiling for the following year that is submitted to the General assembly and to approve the membership fee categories below the approved ceiling. The Council meets at least four time a year, normally at the EUROCAE premises. Council members consider the interest of the whole EUROCAE membership when executing their function.

EUROCAE PRESIDENT Francis Schubert / SKYGUIDE - Swiss Air Navigation Services Ltd.

COUNCIL Officers David Hawken / NATS LTD / Chairperson Marie-Hélène Fouche / GIFAS / Vice-Chairperson Bruno Ayral / Thales Air Systems / Vice-Chairperson Peter Green / Eurocontrol / Treasurer

COUNCIL Members Member


Jean-Christophe Albouy

AIRBUS Operations SAS

Eric Bouchard


Ralf Bertsch


Patrick Souchu


Pascal Medal


Thorsten Astheimer


Michael Holzbauer


Philip Church


Francisco Sanchez Romero


Paolo Maltese


Xavier Barichard


David Bowen


Joseph Huysseune


10  Eurocae Annual report

EUROCA E Coun c i l

COUNCIL May 2018 - April 2019 EUROCAE PRESIDENT Francis Schubert / SKYGUIDE - Swiss Air Navigation Services Ltd.

COUNCIL Officers Jean-Christophe Albouy / AIRBUS Operations SAS / Chairperson Michael Holzbauer / FREQUENTIS AG / Vice-Chairperson Peter Green / Eurocontrol / Vice-Chairperson Bruno Ayral / THALES LAS France SAS / Treasurer



Eric Bouchard


Ralf Bertsch


Patrick Souchu


Pascal Medal


Michael Mowinski


Pierre Georges


Philip Church


Francisco Sanchez Romero


Paolo Maltese


Iain Harris


Xavier Barichard


David Bowen


Pierre Noël


may 2017 - APRIL 2018  11


Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) May 2017 - April 2018 The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) advises the Council on technical, operational and, on request, on policy matters. TAC is a specific body, composed of 12 specialist members representing the different groups of stakeholders. The Secretariat is also a key participant in the TAC, complementing the overall perspective and ensuring a tight link with the Working Groups. TAC ensures that prospective work aligns with EUROCAE members’ interests from the outset, guaranteeing a high technical quality of the standards, fit for purpose and available when needed.

TAC gives advices to the Council and provides technical recommendations on standardisation activities. It elaborates and maintains the EUROCAE Technical Work Programme, as the core guideline for future EUROCAE activities. As it includes representatives of key European aeronautical organisations, TAC is well-placed to ensure alignment of EUROCAE activities with external entities and regulatory bodies. It places activities within the context of European SES developments and coordinates transatlantic efforts with our main partner organisations in support of ICAO roadmaps and global interoperability.

Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Eric Bouchard / Dassault Aviation / Chairperson Ralph Rudolph / DFS GmbH / Vice-Chairperson



Hervé Kerhoas / Laurent Azoulai


Robin Davies

BAE Systems

Jean-Marc Loscos


Friedhelm Runge


Christian Schleifer-Heingärtner


Sasho Neshevski


Michael Mowinski / Roy Posern


Giancarlo Buono / Manfred Mohr


Sylvain Pouillard

Safran Electronics & Defense

David Bowen / Marouan Chida

SESAR Joint Undertaking

Michel Procoudine-Gorsky

Thales Air Systems

Hugues Meunier / Cédric Chevrel

Thales Avionics

12  Eurocae Annual report


Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) April 2018 - May 2019 Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Eric Bouchard / Dassault Aviation / Chairperson Jean-Marc Loscos / DSNA / Vice-Chairperson



Laurent Azoulai


Robin Davies

BAE Systems

Friedhelm Runge


Christian Schleifer-Heingärtner


Sasho Neshevski


Roy Posern


Manfred Mohr


Marouan Chida

SESAR Joint Undertaking

Sylvain Pouillard

Safran Electronics & Defense

Michel Procoudine-Gorsky


Cédric Chevrel

Thales GROUP

may 2017 - APRIL 2018  13

14  Eurocae Annual report

PA R t n er s

EUROCAE Partners At EUROCAE, our goal is to maintain the standardisation process relevant and dynamic, aligned with the latest developments of the industry, and in support of our stakeholder community. To achieve this goal, we work closely with our European and international partners for a consistent approach to standardisation. Furthering the outreach of EUROCAE during previous years, we concentrated on building a strong relationship and long term cooperation with key partners. In addition, we extended our reach to some of the major professional organisations in the aviation sector, to better represent the

particular interests and concerns of these important stakeholders in the standardisation process. Implementing this strategic target, given by the Council in the Business Plan, EUROCAE concluded the following new or updated agreements: • CANSO (October 2017) • ICAO (December 2017) • IFATCA (January 2018) • IAOPA (March 2018) In addition, several agreements were reviewed and are being updated to ensure their continued relevance.

EUROCAE has agreements with the following organisations:



Memorandum of Understanding

Memorandum of Understanding



Memorandum of Understanding

Memorandum of Understanding

}}CEN (ESO*)


Memorandum of Understanding

Memorandum of Understanding



Memorandum of Understanding

Memorandum of Understanding


}}RTCA Inc.

F ramework Contract & specific activities in support of EASA activities

Memorandum of Cooperation

}}European Cockpit Association (ECA) Memorandum of Understanding

}}ETSI (ESO*) Cooperation Agreement


}}SAE International Memorandum of Cooperation

}}SESAR Joint Understanding Memorandum of Cooperation

}}SESAR Deployment Manager Memorandum of Cooperation

Cooperation Agreement

* ESO: European Standardisation Organisation

may 2017 - APRIL 2018  15

Pa r t n e rs

Memorandum of Understanding with CANSO CANSO and EUROCAE agreed to work together on developing aviation industry standards, with a particular focus on standards for air traffic management. The Memorandum of Understanding, signed in Amsterdam on 10 October 2017, enables the two organisations to address issues such as the safe integration of UAS in all types of airspace and cyber security; and will speed up the implementation of new technologies to ensure safe, seamless and efficient aviation in Europe. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) provides a framework for cooperation between the two organisations. This includes exchanging

Christian Schleifer-Heingärtner, EUROCAE Secretary General and Jeff Poole, CANSO Director General at the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding.

information, sharing expertise and best practices, and cross-participation in working groups on topics such as cybersecurity, unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), system-wide information management (SWIM) and performance-based navigation (PBN). As a first step, CANSO joined EUROCAE as a Full Member in July 2017 in recognition of the efforts of both organisations to enhance aviation

16  Eurocae Annual report

and promote strong cooperation in developing industry standards to support global and regional interoperability of air traffic management (ATM) systems. At the occasion of the signature, CANSO Director General, Jeff Poole, said, “There is a growing need for new standards with the transition to performance-based regulation; increasing interoperability between ATM systems; and deployment of the Single European Sky ATM research (SESAR) initiative. EUROCAE standards are essential enablers to achieve an efficient, connected and sustainable aviation industry. The MoU between EUROCAE and CANSO will ensure collaboration to develop and drive new standards. This initiative shows the commitment of CANSO to transform global ATM performance; address the challenges of safe integration of UAS and cybersecurity; and speed up the implementation of new technologies to ensure safe, seamless and efficient aviation in Europe and beyond.” CANSO, as the global voice of air traffic management, is therefore key in the process to develop standards in support of the regulatory frame. The MoU further defines the link and coordination mechanism, to ensure that the resources available are used efficiently and effectively in developing standards to react quickly when we address the challenges of today such as UAS integration, cyber-security and the modernisation of the ATM structure. CANSO Europe is also involved in the European ATM Standardisation Coordination Group (EASCG), where CANSO has proven to be the competent voice of air traffic management.

Par t n er s

Memorandum of Understanding with IFATCA On 30 January 2018, EUROCAE and IFATCA have signed in Geneva an MoU to strengthen their cooperation. IFATCA is the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Associations. It was established in 1961 and is the largest and most comprehensive representative body for air traffic control in the world. The main purpose of the federation is to promote safety, efficiency and regularity in International Air Navigation. IFATCA and EUROCAE have agreed to work together on developing aviation industry standards, with a particular focus on standards for air traffic management. The Memorandum of Understanding enables the two organisations to address relevant issues and will speed up the implementation of new technologies to ensure safe, seamless and efficient aviation in Europe. The MoU provides a framework for cooperation between the two organisations. This includes exchanging information, sharing expertise and best practices, and cross-participation in working groups on the future of Communication Navigation and Surveillance and Air Traffic Management. As a first step, IFATCA joined EUROCAE as a Full Member at the end of 2017 in recognition of the efforts of both organisations to enhance aviation and promote strong cooperation in developing industry standards to support global and regional interoperability of air traffic management (ATM) systems.

for improving safety, efficiency and regularity in air traffic. IFATCA is happy, as a professional organisation, to be fully engaged and partnered with EUROCAE.” IFATCA will join the EUROCAE working groups on ACAS, RPAS and Remote towers. IFATCA as the voice of the international air traffic controllers’ community provides a unique and valuable perspective during the development of new procedures, systems and facilities. Strengthening the cooperation with associations like IFATCA is a key objective of EUROCAE to further enhance the spectrum and quality of the EUROCAE activities and resulting standards.

Tom Laursen, IFATCA Executive Vice President Europe and Christian Schleifer, EUROCAE Secretary General, at the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding.

IFATCA, Tom Laursen, Executive Vice President Europe said at this occasion: “The development of technical standards is of great importance

may 2015 may - april 2017 2016  - APRIL 17 2018  17

Pa r t n e rs

Memorandum of Understanding with IAOPA EUROCAE and the International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations (IAOPA) formalised and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 26 March 2018 regarding the inclusions of general aviation in the development of standards. EUROCAE and the International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations (IAOPA) formalised and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on 26 March 2018 regarding the inclusion of general aviation in the development of standards.

Dr. Michael Erb, Vice President Europe and Christian Schleifer, EUROCAE Secretary General, at the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding.

IAOPA represents the interests of AOPA affiliates in 79 countries around the world, comprising more than 400,000 GA and aerial work pilots and aircraft operators. The Council was formed in 1962 to provide a voice for GA in world aviation forums. GA encompasses four-fifths of all civil aircraft and twothirds of all pilots worldwide.

18  Eurocae Annual report

The collaboration between EUROCAE and IAOPA Europe will focus on the exchange of general and technical information, sharing of expertise and best practices, participating in each other’s working groups, and coordinating communication activities. At the occasion of the MoU signature, IAOPA Secretary General, Craig Spence said, “It’s great to see that general aviation will have a strong voice and representation in issues that are impacting the community every day. We applaud EUROCAE for their willingness to include IAOPA in developing these standards and look forward to a long lasting and successful alliance.” The partnership with IAOPA is filling a gap in EUROCAE standard developing activities, representing the general aviation as a sector with specific needs and a large community of airspace users - the private pilot. The new partnership will allow EUROCAE to benefit from the practical aviation expertise of the IAOPA membership in the drafting of new standards while simultaneously addressing global aviation challenges.

Par t n er s

Memorandum of Understanding with ICAO In 2017, EUROCAE and ICAO marked the start of an even closer partnership with the signature of an updated Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). On 12 December 2017, the two organisations agreed on reinforced cooperation on the development of standards for better and safer aviation by signing an MoU along with other major standardisation bodies in aviation. EUROCAE has been recognised by ICAO as an international organisation in 2014. Already the 12th Air Navigation Conference, held in November 2012, the community clearly recognised the value and importance of international standards and encouraged ICAO to make more and better use of such material from recognised standard-developing organisations (SDOs) to complement the ICAO provisions. This was endorsed by ICAO Assembly Resolution A38-11 in 2013. The collaboration between EUROCAE and ICAO has proven over the years to ensure a high level of aviation safety based upon harmonised rules complemented by technical standards. EUROCAE shares the same vision and is looking forward to a constructive cooperation for the benefit of the aviation industry. The updated MoU signed in 2017 implements the political commitments to collaborate and ICAO’s appreciation of industry standards. This reinforced partnership between EUROCAE and ICAO will bring added value for both organisations and the aviation community overall. The MoU provides a basis for facilitating the collaboration, making available EUROCAE standards and ICAO provisions to be truly complementary and supporting each other’s efforts in an efficient and effective manner. This will provide to the community a full set of regulations, standards and technical specifications for deployment and harmonised implementation. A more performance-based approach to ICAO provisions will call SDOs, like EUROCAE, even more to provide technical standards and therefore the «how» to comply with the regulatory frame.

“The exchange of information permitted by these new agreements will be critical to ICAO’s efforts to develop mature and comprehensive standards for international civil aviation,” Dr. Liu, ICAO Secretary General, emphasised at this occasion. “Industry standards serve unique and often complementary roles in support of global air navigation objectives, which underscores the importance of ICAO’s provisions being fully compatible with the efforts of these new partners. But most importantly,” Dr. Fang Liu stressed, “the enhanced interoperability these agreements have achieved will directly support improved sectoral performance in terms of aviation’s safety, sustainability and efficiency.”

ICAO Secretary General , Dr. Fang Liu and President of EUROCAE, Francis Schubert after signing the MoU.

EUROCAE President, Francis Schubert noted that there is a line of successful examples of complementarity between EUROCAE standards and ICAO provisions, and the fact that EUROCAE standards are well-coordinated with our international partners like RTCA, SAE and Arinc. Christian Schleifer, EUROCAE Secretary General, pronounced a keynote speech during the ICAO GANIS/2 on 11 December and committed to actively cooperate within the framework of the MoU, by making best use of the limited resources available to the advantage of the community. There is much more potential of complementing ICAO´s provisions by industry standards. The MoU is an important step in addressing and closing this gap.

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W o rk i n g Gr o up ac ti vi ty

EUROCAE membership and activities had a remarkable evolution over the past 16 years to reach over 230 members and 38 active Working Groups. The record expansion of our activities, at the requests of our Members and following the strategic direction given by the Council, reflects the increasing demand for EUROCAE docu­ ments and services. Today, the portfolio of activities EUROCAE has embarked on, at the request of our members, has grown from avionics equipment to include a very wide range of topics, ranging from ground equipment, aerodrome, RPAS, AIS/MET, and security to SWIM and fuel cells.

20  Eurocae Annual report

Workin g Group l i s t

Working Group list WG Title



User Group Forum on Aeronautical Software

Avionics - System Engineering



Avionics - Environment


Ground Based Augmentation Systems (GBAS)

CNS - Navigation



Avionics - Environment


Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS)



Aeronautical Databases

AIS/MET - Databases


Mode S Transponders

CNS - Surveillance


Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B)

CNS - Surveillance


Flight Data Processing (FDP) Interoperability

ATM - Flight Data Processing



CNS - Navigation


Complex Aircraft Systems

Avionics - System Safety Assessement


Voice over IP

ATM - Intercommunications



Avionics - Sensors and displays


Aeronautical System Security



Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)

CNS - Surveillance


AIS/MET Datalink Applications

CNS - Datalink


Enhanced Vision Systems (EVS), Synthetic Vision System (SVS)

Avionics - Approach and Landing Systems


Hydrogen Fuel Cell Systems



Interoperability of ATM Validation Platforms

ATM - Simulators


New Air-Ground Data Link Technologies

CNS - Communication


Airport Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Detection Systems



Onboard Weight and Balance Systems

Avionics - Safety systems


Pitot tubes

Avionics - Sensors and displays


VDL Mode 2 airborne MOPS implementation support

CNS - Communication


Inflight Ice Detection Systems

Avionics - Sensors and displays


Wireless On-Board Avionics Network (WOBAN)

Avionics - Architecture and Network


Interoperability of Virtual Avionics Components

Avionics - System Engineering


Aircraft Emergency Locator Transmitters

Avionics - Safety systems


Remote and Virtual Towers



Runway Overrun Awareness and Alerting System

Avionics - Safety systems


CNS - Surveillance


Independent non-cooperative surveillance

CNS - Surveillance


SWIM services


WG-105 Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)



Electronic Flight Bag



RNP Reversion based on DME/DME Positioning

CNS - Navigation


CNS - Communication



Runway Weather Information Systems

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EUROCAE Domains of Activity } Avionics (Non-CNS)

} Airports

This domain encompasses all standardisation activities which are related to on-board equipment and systems without those in interaction with the external world (which are part of the CNS Domain). In addition, this Domain also encompasses standardisation activities related to the various system development activities.

As airports are now considered as an important stakeholder in the ATM system, it is necessary to facilitate the integration of airports in the ATM system in support of the European concept of operations. In addition, airports are also key economical players in their region where modernisation of their infrastructure is expected together with their expansion.

} CNS (Communication, Navigation, Surveillance, Datalink Applications)

} SWIM (System Wide Information Management)

This domain encompasses all standardisation activities which are related to on-board and ground equipment and systems which are in interaction with the external world for Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS). Activities related to Datalink are also considered as part of this Domain.

Through the SESAR Programme, Europe has made great progress on defining, developing and validating SWIM.

} ATM The following EUROCAE activities are concerned by the ATM Domain: Flight Data Processing (FDP) Interoperability; Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) for ATM; and Interoperability of ATM Validation Platforms.

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} Security The Aeronautical Systems Security (ASS) activity addresses the security concerns for Aeronautical Information Systems (AIS) within aircraft as much as their supporting infrastructure and supply chain.


} Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) / Meteorological (MET) Services The scope of the activities within this domain includes the establishment of user requirements for aeronautical data as well as standard generic data format for the transfer of geographic information/ data in digital form between different users, systems and locations.

} UAS & General Aviation

better to the needs of the GA community. A similar situation exists for the integration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). The integration of those aircraft into the existing ATM system needs industry standards to achieve worldwide harmonisation.

} Miscellaneous The scope of this Domain is to accommodate activities which do not fit 100% into other domains, but are clearly within the scope of EUROCAE, such as Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) or space.

It has been realised that the specific needs of general aviation have been left aside when developing or updating the aviation system. Now it has been recognised that several activities are on their way to adopt some systems and regulations

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W ork i n g Gr o up Rep o r ts

WG-14 Environment Chairperson: Marc Ponçon, Airbus Helicopters Secretary: Gilles Crousier, Turbomeca

Created in September 1970, WG-14 continues to review and update ED-14 environmental conditions and test procedures for airborne equipment, and also the related user guide material in ED-234 User Guides Supplement to ED-14G. ED-14 and DO-160 have existed for a long time and were initially a set of simple procedures and limits that were used to guarantee a minimum quality level regarding the ability of airborne equipment to function in the environment produced on-board aircraft. Since the creation of WG-14, the purpose has evolved and many sections aim to provide guidance on environmental stress, which is as similar as possible to actual inflight conditions, in particular when systems providing safety related functions are concerned, and considering relevant endurance aspects. This resulted in more complex considerations and consequently a need to provide more guidance to the user. In order to keep the main requirement section limited in volume, it was decided to provide this guidance as appendices, finally gathered in a separated ED-234/DO-357 document, “Supplement to ED-14G User’s Guide”. This has successfully been completed in 2015. Due to technology evolution, equipment test levels and procedures need to be periodically updated, so that ED-14/DO-160 is now published as edition G, and although the document has reached a high maturity level, it will continue to evolve on a regular basis. WG-14 collaborates closely with RTCA SC-135

Environmental Testing in the development of these documents to ensure technically identical standards in EUROCAE and RTCA. In 2018 the ToR of WG-14 was supplemented with a new deliverable - Minimum Standard Environmental Test Conditions (categories) and Applicable Test Procedures for Ground Based Equipment. As technology evolves and Unmanned Aircraft Systems are integrated into commercial applications, it is considered necessary to review existing environmental qualification standards and requirements for the surface-based equipment (stationary ground, mobile ground, and sea-based) and provide the environmental qualification requirements for UAS Detect and Avoid, the Command and Control Communications and Control Station Equipment. WG-14 will work in close collaboration with EUROCAE WG-105 and RTCA’s SC-135 and SC-228 to develop a document that specifies ground based environments and the procedures required to test for equipment installed in those environments. The main focus is on specifying the environment conditions. In addition, the environmental test procedures will also be specified.

WG-28 Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) Chairperson: Mike Spanner, NATS Secretary: Linda Lavik, INDRA

Created in December 1985, WG-28 worked on the main tenance of ED-114A MOPS for Global Navigation Satellite Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) Ground Equipment to support Category I Operations and has recently corrected issues that were detected during various GBAS CAT-I implementation programs, resulting in ED-114 Rev 1. WG-28 has started the development of 24  Eurocae Annual report

ED-114B MOPS which is intended to provide the basis for development and approval of GBAS ground equipment supporting approaches down to CAT III operational minima. The due date for a mature draft of that document is Q4 2018. WG-28 will look to collaborate with WG-62 “Galileo” in the context of GBAS Multi-Constellation/MultiFrequency develop­ ments. It also continues to coordinate its activity with ICAO Navigation System Panel and RTCA SC-159 Global Positioning System.

Workin g Group Repor t s

WG-31 Lightning Chairperson: Franck Flourens, AIRBUS OPERATIONS SAS Secretary: Stephen Haigh / Dan Morgan, COBHAM

Created in February 1987, the WG-31 is tasked to prepare technical standards, specifications and guidance material for supporting the development of regulation and compliance processes in relation to the hazards of Lightning and Electrostatics and in liaison with the SAE AE2 Lightning Committee. The mandate had been updated in 2017 to integrate additional topics: convergence between military and civil standards, development of a new detection method for potential ignition sources inside fuel tank and an option for a guidance framing the use of simulation in support of compliance processes. The WG is running with four active sub groups addressing several complementary topics in parallel with equivalent SAE AE2 task groups. This organisation initiated in 2015 allows a better and more effective implication of WG-31 members and a complete coverage of the different topics addressed by both committees. It helped to reinforce the active participation of the members by offering a variety of topics and opportunities, and was decisive to embark new members representing parts of the aviation communities not covered before. The first achievement of 2017 has been the release of the guidance document for developing a certification approach for EMC (request from FAA end of 2014). The public consultation and SAE ballot have been successful making the publication possible. The EUROCAE document is referenced ED-248 and available. The committee unanimously recognised the key role of Frédéric Thérond who took the responsibility of this document and ensured a complete convergence, sometimes not so easy, with the SAE AE4 views. One major document addressing the whole compliance process for Lightning Indirect Effects from elementary components up to A/C verification (ED-158) has requested much more work than originally expected. This nearly 250-pages document required many reviews to ensure a good level of consistency across the different parts which have been produced by separate working groups. It is now completed and available as a complete draft for going into the formal review process and

ballot by the end of 2018. Following the decision to reopen the ED-91 about Lightning Zoning made in 2015, ED-91 has been fully reworked on the basis of a survey of the in-service lightning events collected by several OEMs and airlines. An intense effort has been done to reconcile some diverging views between the SAE and the EUROCAE on the question of zoning of large aeroplane and wing tip of business jets. A final draft with some major changes compared to previous edition is ready for open consultation and ballot at SAE; both processes being run in parallel. Beyond the activity on the two

mentioned documents addressing different aspects of lightning, the WG-31 launched two round-robin tests in association with the SAE AE2. The objective is to prepare evolution of two major test procedures: ED-14 Section 22 for qualifying equipment to the indirect effects of lightning, and ED-105 photographic method aimed at detecting ignition sources in fuel tanks. About eight laboratories are engaged for the ED-14 Section 22 and four laboratories volunteered to contribute to photography method. Both round robin tests started providing essential results demonstrating the practicality and better efficiency of new test methods and paving the way to a consensual revision of the related standards. The attendance is now stabilised at about 25 members participating regularly to the sessions and covering all branches of industry, laboratories and official bodies. On a more personal note, WG31 members welcomed Rob Steinle as the new SAE AE2 chairperson to continue representing the SAE in all WG-31 sessions. After many years of contribution to the WG-31, Stephen Haigh decided to hand over the role of WG-31 secretary to Dan Morgan. All members recognised the outstanding contribution of Stephen through his deep expertise and exceptional experience and welcomed Dan in his new role in the WG. may 2017 - APRIL 2018  25

W ork i n g Gr o up Rep o r ts

WG-41 Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control

System (A-SMGCS) Chairperson: Roy Posern, Fraport Secretary: Vasileios Stefanioros, EASA

The working group met five (5) times in 2017. Currently, the working group is reviewing ED87C ‘MASPS for Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (A-SMGCS’ Levels 1 and 2’ in order to support the implementation of Pilot Common Projects as defined under Regulation (EU) No 716/2014 on the establishment of the Pilot Common Project supporting the implementation of the European Air Traffic Management Master Plan. The working group has actively contributed to the development of EUROCONTROL specifications on A-SMGCS in order to ensure that operational requirements are properly reflected in ED-87D. This ensures that PCP requirements are addressed appropriately. Furthermore, collaboration with ETSI has been established in order to ensure maintenance of the existing parts of the Community Specification EN 303 213 as well as an extension of the Community Specification to cover new A-SMGCS functionalities. In the same way, close coordination with SJU will be maintained in order to integrate the outcome of the latest SESAR activities on A-SMGCS.

The currently foreseen work plan of WG-41 which needs to be reflected in an update of the ToR is the following: }} ED-87rev D ‘MASPS for A-SMGCS including new Airport Safety Nets Service and Routing Service to be delivered by Q4/2018 }} ED-87 rev E ‘MASPS for A-SMGCS including new Guidance Service’ to be delivered by Q3/2020 }} ED-128 rev A ‘Guidelines for Surveillance Data Fusion in A-SMGCS’ to be delivered by Q4/2021

To allow that the SESAR Deployment Roadmap can be met by all stakeholders, close communication and coordination of standardisation activities, e.g. through EASCG will be established.

}} Interop Document on Surveillance, Routing, Safety Support and Guidance Service data exchange by Q3/2020 (might be included into the ED-128 revision)

Finally, the working group will also work in close cooperation with other EUROCAE working groups that are active in the same or similar topics as surveillance systems, for example WG-51 SG-4 ‘ADS-B and WAM Composite Surveillance’, WG-49 ‘Mode S transponders’, WG-100 ‘Remote and Virtual Towers’ and WG-102 ‘GEN-SUR SPR’.

}} ED-116 rev A ‘MOPS for Surface Movement Radar Sensor Systems for use in A-SMGCS’ to be delivered by Q2/2022. }} ED-87 rev E ‘MASPS for A-SMGCS including new Guidance Service’ to be delivered by Q4/2018 }} ED-116 rev A ‘MOPS for Surface Movement Radar Sensor Systems for use in A-SMGCS’ to be delivered by Q4/2019.

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Workin g Group Repor t s

WG-44 Aeronautical Databases Chairperson: Stéphane Dubet, DSNA Secretary: Sasho Neshevski, EUROCONTROL

In 2017, WG-44 continued to work, jointly with RTCA SC-217, on the update of ED-77 about user requirements for navigation data.

Thanks to the participation of all stakeholders in the aeronautical data chain, and to the active involvement of both industry and authorities, the updated standard is now mature and should be published before the end of 2018.

It focused on establishing user-derived data quality requirements, considering both the new ICAO Data Catalogue to be included in PANS-AIM and the existing ARINC standards on navigation data (A424). The expected standard update will also reflect the System Wide Information Management context and take due account of the most recent applications using navigation data.

WG-49 Mode S Transponder Chairperson: Eric Potier, EUROCONTROL

Reactivated in January 2015, WG-49 has been working in 2016 on a revision of the Mode S Transponder MOPS (ED-73 and ED-115) to }} resolve errors reported by transponder manufacturers, }} resolve misalignment between EUROCAE MOPS and RTCA MOPS, }} reflect the latest ICAO amendments, }} define new requirements as necessary to ensure transponders are more robust to RF environment encountered nowadays in Europe, }} review the data provided through transponder registers to support new applications such as ACAS X or Wake Vortex, }} remove unnecessary functions, }} and to add functions/data to support new ADS-B 1090 MOPS including a possible new phase modulation scheme. Target date for the availability of these documents is end of 2019.

In addition, the future transponder MOPS will contain basic requirements necessary to include future collision avoidance functionality (ACAS X) into the transponder. Finally, WG-49 – via the Combined Surveillance Committee CSC - takes on board requirements from EUROCAE WG-76/RTCA SC-206 (AIS/MET Datalink Services) for the provision of the related information. Since in parallel work is performed on the re­ spec­­ tive ADS-B document ED-102/DO-260 (MOPS f­or 1090 MHz Extended Squitter Automatic Dependant Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) and Traffic Information Services – Broadcast (TIS-B)), a Combined Surveillance Committee (CSC) has been established comprising members of EUROCAE WG-49 and WG-51 as well as RTCA SC-209 and SC-186 to ensure a harmonised develop­ ment. In addition, close cooperation is maintained with EUROCAE WG-75 (Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance Systems (TCAS), WG 76 (AIS/MET Datalink Services) and their respective RTCA counterparts SC-147 and SC-206.

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W ork i n g Gr o up Rep o r ts

WG-51 Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Chairperson: Michel Procoudine-Gorsky, Thales LAS FRANCE SAS Secretary: Jörg Steinleitner, EUROCONTROL

The work of SG-1 is performed together with EUROCAE WG-49 and RTCA SC-186/SC-209. These groups are working together in the Combined Surveillance Committee CSC to ensure harmonised development.

Currently WG-51 is active with two sub groups: }} Sub group 1 SG-1 develops a revision B of ED-102, the MOPS for 1090 MHz Extended Squitter Automatic Dependant Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) and Traffic Information Services – Broadcast (TIS-B) with a target date for the end of 2019. }} Sub group 4 SG-4 is responsible for an update of the specifications for an ADS-B Ground System.

After publishing ED-129B Technical Specification for a 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B Ground System SG-4 is working on a revision A of ED-142 Technical Specification for Wide Area Multilateration Ground System with Composite Surveillance Functionality. This document will contain requirements for the develop­ment of a ground infrastructure that utilises functionalities of both, Multilateration and ADS-B. Availability of ED-142A is planned for the end of 2018.

WG-59 Flight Data Processing (FDP) Interoperability Chairperson: Jean-Guy Ravel, Thales LAS FRANCE SAS Secretary: Pedro Cruellas-Satores, EUROCONTROL

WG-59 is tasked with a revision of ED-133 Flight Object Interoperability Specification. This deliver­ able is part of the Pilot Common Project PCP. In order to develop operational and technical requirements as basis for the revision of ED-133, two Task Forces were established within the remits of the SESAR Joint Undertaking. These two Task Forces have been working on that task in the course of 2016.

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Since the availability of the output of the SJU Task Forces is a prerequisite for WG-59 to start the revision of ED-133, the group has not met in person during the last months but is closely following the SJU work. Activities of WG-59 will restart as soon as the SJU deliverables are available which is expected in the 2019/2020 timeframe.

Workin g Group Repor t s

WG-62 Galileo Chairperson: Pierre Bouniol, Thales Group Secretary: Pierre Durel, GSA

The EUROCAE WG-62 met twice in 2017 (June and December).

SBAS DFMC MOPS review, and the yearly number of meetings will grow to three.

In 2017, the European Commission has confirmed a full operational capability of Galileo in 2020. In 2018, the contract for the next generation of EGNOS, which will augment dual frequency GPS and Galileo, has been awarded. In this context, the work of WG62 on the SBAS Dual Frequency Multi Constellation (DFMC) MOPS is a very important part of the regulatory documents.

In 2017 and at the beginning of 2018, there has been an important activity on the coordination with the equivalent group of RTCA (SC-159). The responsibilities between the two entities have been discussed, and 2019 will put in motion this cooperation.

During 2017, the work of EUROCAE WG-62 has been focused on the development of the SBAS DFMC MOPS. The objective of WG-62 is to provide by the end of 2018 a first version of the MOPS. The attendance of the meeting has grown to include most of the stakeholders for such MOPS. Regular audio conferences, including RTCA attendance, are set up between meetings to move forward on the content of the document. The WG-62 meeting agenda now include at least three days only for the

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W ork i n g Gr o up Rep o r ts

WG-63 Complex Aircraft Systems Chairperson: Olivier Nicolas, AIRBUS OPERATIONS SAS Secretary: Chris Lacey, AIRBUS OPERATIONS SAS

The WG is working on updating ARP 4761 Guidelines and methods for conducting the safety assessment process on civil airborne systems and equipment and publishing this as ED-135 / ARP 4761A. This document is a companion document to ED-79A Guidelines for development of Civil Aircraft and Systems. The update will include new topics such as Preliminary Aircraft Safety Assessment and Aircraft Safety Assessment, or Model-Based Safety Assessment. In addition, improvement to existing chapters has been achieved, notably Common Mode Analysis, Preliminary System Safety Analysis and Zonal Safety Analysis. Related appendices have been baselined. Work on ED-79A continued to create an en­hanced version and is executed jointly with SAE S18.

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Close control of the evolution of the document was put in place to limit the impact ED-79B/ ARP4754B could have on Organisation, Procedures, Directives and Development activities, Time and Cost aspects. ED-79B will include clarifications, be more user-friendly, introduce more flexibility to limit the requested development activities (typically for derivatives aircraft), and will align with ED-135/ ARP4761. The group has also worked on ER-008 dealing with Incorporation of Atmospheric Neutron Single Event Effects analysis into Safety Assessment. The document was approved for publication in April 2018 and released in May 2018. WG-63 is working jointly with SAE S-18. The WGs are performing two joint plenary meetings per year. In addition, WG-63 has two separate meetings per year. WG-63 / S-18 also liaise with WG-72 Aeronautical Systems Security, to work on interface between safety and security processes.

Workin g Group Repor t s

WG-67 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) for ATM Chairperson: Guy Potiron, DSNA

After a first delivery of ED-136 “Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Air Traffic Management (ATM) System Operational and Technical Requirements”, ED-137 “Interoperability Standards for VoIP ATM Components” and ED-138 “Network Requirements and Performances for Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Air Traffic Management (ATM) Systems” in February 2009, a new Release of ED 137(ED 137A) was published in December 2010 taking into account the results from tests and trials and, also, comments from FAA. Following activities include: }} a series of plug tests, performed by many suppliers in Arlington in May 2011 and in Sophia Antipolis in June 2011, improving ED-137 concerning the understanding of interoperability requirements between the ATM VoIP components, }} discussions with FAA for taking into account US requirements agreeable within the European context. EUROCAE WG-67 had updated the previous version of ED-137A and created five separated documents ED-137B Volume 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 replacing the ED-137A, referenced in ICAO Doc 9896 This version B, approved in January 2012, is taking into account the EUROCONTROL VoIP in ATM Test Case Specification. EUROCAE WG-67 was reactivated in 2014 after the completeness in March 2013 of SESAR Project 15.2.10 validating ATM VoIP on PENS and feedbacks from the first ATM VoIP implementations. Newcomers from Australia, Brazil and Singapore joined the WG, becoming more and more worldwide, proposing new features, European compatible, in line with their local context.

End 2017 new ToRs were approved by the EUROCAE Council: }} to continue the WG till end 2018 }} to adopt a new ED-137C structure including four Documents with possible Addenda: }} ED-137C 1 for Radio (none current Addendum) }} ED-137C 2 for Telephone (8 Addenda proposed) }} ED-137C 4 for Recording (none current Addendum) }} ED-137C 5 for Supervison (none current Addendum) }} To continue the liaison with ICAO for inclusion of EDs reference within ICAO Doc 9896. In line with above ED-137C1 (Radio) was published beginning 2018. EUROCAE WG-67 has developed, all along its activity, with the support of EUROCONTROL, close liaisons with: }} ICAO ACP WGI and WGM to reference and maintain EDs within ICAO documentation (Doc 9896) }} ETSI to perform Plugtests to validate interoperability between suppliers ATM VoIP developments }} FAA to allow convergence between ATM VoIP Requirements and Developments in US and Europe, at least for interoperability specifications (ED-137) }} EUROCONTROL to set up and maintain a strong loop between EDs and European ATM VoIP implementation and compliance tool VOTER developed by EUROCONTROL. }} EUROCONTROL VOTE WG for developing Security specifications.

WG-67 is now focusing on: }} the completion of: • ED-137 C2 for Telephone • ED-137 C4 for Recording • ED-137 C5 for Supervison }} the possible impact of Security requirements (VOTE WG) becoming more and more stringent. }} The inclusion of EDs within ICAO Doc 9896.

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W ork i n g Gr o up Rep o r ts

WG-68 Altimetry Chairperson: Alain Verbeke, Thales Group Secretary: Bill Kunik, UTC Aerospace

WG-68 was created in 2005 and the most recent ToR were approved in February 2017. WG-68 coordinates with SAE A-4 Aircraft Instruments Committee.

The WG has developed a MOPS for altimetry function equipment, taking into account the performance needed for the modern operational environment and criteria for RVSM. As a result of work on the new document, the WG decided that ED-140 also needs revision to ED-140A for compatibility and consistency with the new Altimetry MOPS.

WG-72 Aeronautical Systems Security Chairperson: Jean-Paul Moreaux, EASA Secretary: Clive Goodchild, BAE Systems

Created in December 2005, WG-72 is tasked to establish process specifications, guidelines and means of compliance to address security concerns for aeronautical systems. This includes the whole life-cycle of the aeronautical systems, to ensure safe, secure and efficient operations amid the growing use of highly integrated electronic systems and network technologies on-board aircraft. 2018 is a very dynamic year for WG-72 in terms of current and new activities. WG-72 is in the process of completing the reviews for two EDs, while initiating three new activities. EUROCAE WG-72 and its partner committee RTCA SC-216 met in March and April 2018 for the final stage of the development of ED-203A / DO-356A Airworthiness Security Methods and Considerations. Together, they are tackling the resolution of comments received during the Open Consultation and FRAC processes. Publication of the document is expected in June 2018. WG-72 also develops ED-205, Process Specification for Security certification and declaration of ATM/ ANS ground systems. The ED is expected to be submitted to Open Consultation in the second-half of the year.

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In parallel, WG-72 looks ahead and plans the future activities. An update of the Terms of Reference was approved by the TAC for the three following new activities:

New document Guidance on Security Event Management This new document will provide guidance on security event management for various actors in the aviation environment. It provides guidance to develop processes and procedures for identifying and reporting security events and to initiate response with respect to continuing airworthiness.

Revision of ED-201 AISS Framework Guidance Document ED-201 provides the framework for linking the various portions of security in aviation together. As the relevant standards are being updated and new ones generated, ED-201 needs to be updated to capture these changes. In addition, EASA is in the process of generating a set of regulations (“horizontal rule”) across all aviation domains to introduce an Information Security Management System and shared risk across organisations.

Revision of ED-204 Information Security Guidance for Continuing Airworthiness The guidance for Continuing Airworthiness will to be

Workin g Group Repor t s

updated based on outcomes of the ASISSP ARAC and ED-203A update.

International Aeronautical Information Security Activity Mapping Finally, the WG also maintains a situational awareness of standardisation and regulatory developments in this domain and propose updates to the annual EUROCAE Technical Work Programme to remain aligned with current and future regulatory

and industry developments. The first version of the “International Aeronautical Information Security Activity Mapping Summary” is expected to be published in summer 2018. Based on the successful experience of the EASCG/EUSCG and, recognising both the value of such a mapping and of the increasing importance of industry standards in the aeronautical cybersecurity, EUROCAE will initiate a European Cybersecurity Standards Coordination Group within 2018.

WG-75 Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) Chairperson: Bill Booth, EUROCONTROL Secretary: Garfield Dean, EUROCONTROL

WG-75 works jointly with RTCA SC-147 on the ACAS Xa/Xo MOPS which was submitted to Open Consultation in March/April 2018. In addition, work is performed on the development of a MOPS for ACAS Xu for Unmanned Aircraft Systems scheduled for release in 2020.

Building on work performed earlier under participation from WG-73 and RTCA SC-147 and SC-228, WG-75 is also developing a MASPS laying down requirements for the interoperability of collision avoidance systems of differing design – at the moment relating to the co-existence of ACAS and TCAS. This standard is expected for publication end of 2018.

WG-76 AIS/MET Datalink Applications Chairperson: Boris Resnick, IANS Secretary: Stéphane Paris, AIRBUS OPERATIONS SAS

In their report prepared for the TAC, WG-76 has identified 17 services in the AIS/MET Datalink Domain to be further defined in details. This work is currently ongoing.

In order to achieve globally harmonised implementation of the AIS/MET Datalink Services, discussion has been initiated with RTCA on a potential future cooperation of WG-76 and SC-206. These discussions are still ongoing. Until a common way forward has been defined, WG-76 is strictly working according to their approved ToR.

In the meantime, RTCA SC-206 has published DO-364, a MASPS containing three example services for the requirements determination.

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W ork i n g Gr o up Rep o r ts

WG-78 Standards for Air Traffic Data Communications Services The working group has been put in dormant state until the need for ATN B2 standards revision is triggered by SESAR and/or NextGen programmes.

WG-79 Enhanced Vision Systems, Synthetic Vision Systems Chairperson: Bruno Aymeric, Thales Group Secretary: Carlo Tiana, Rockwell Collins INT.

}} develop MASPS for an Enhanced Flight Vision System for takeoff credit. This work will be performed following SC-213 WG-2.

Re-activated in April 2014, WG-79 is collaborating with RTCA SC-213 on vision systems. Work topics identified in the work programme focus mainly on helicopter flights.

}} work jointly with RTCA SC-213 WG-3 on the MASPS for Synthetic Vision System for attitude awareness to address CAST SE 200. Especially the safety objectives for the misleading information failure case needs to be addressed. }} closely with EASA to understand in what conditions and direction the European specification could evolve, and to support EASA in this process

The objectives of WG-79 as per the Terms of Reference are to: }} review existing ED-179B and evaluate the changes that could benefit to rotorcraft operations, }} develop a set of documentation that will bring additional benefits to rotorcraft operations. In a first step, the use of Combined Vision System to improve safety of operations will be studied. In a second step, WG-79 will address a combined vision system giving operational credit to operators. This will be done in collaboration with SC-213 WG-4 34  Eurocae Annual report

Beginning of 2018 WG-79 published ED-249 “MASPS for Aircraft State Awareness Synthetic Vision Systems”. This document provides high level system requirements for an Aircraft State Awareness SVS (ASA SVS). It expands the previously defined DO315A intended function of an SVS beyond that of supplemental view of the external scene to include enhanced aircraft attitude and energy state awareness. This document defines a system that is intended to be presented full-time on the pilots’ full colour Primary Flight Displays (PFD). Currently, other two deliverables are at the final approval stage: draft ED-255 “MASPS for a Combined Vision Systems for Rotorcraft Operations” and draft ED-257 “Safety, Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document defining takeoff minima by use of enhanced flight vision systems”. All the deliverables where produced jointly with RTCA’s SC-213.

Workin g Group Repor t s

WG-80 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Systems Chairperson: Olivier Savin, DASSAULT AVIATION Secretary: Carlos Mourao, EMBRAER

The group made good progress and issued its joint MASPS/AS document ED-245/AS6858 in March, in accordance with the project plan. Between the meetings frequent WebEx conferences were held mainly to discuss open action items.

interactions were acted. The team agreed on the main activities founding the new ToR, and the work started on the first item, which is a document intended to describe general safety aspects of on-board hydrogen storage and fuel cells.

Bordeaux (France) Meeting (July 18-20); Host of this meeting was Airbus Safran Launchers (now ArianeGroup)

Saint-Cloud (France) Meeting (Jan 16-18); Host of this meeting was Dassault-Aviation

The meeting was well staffed with European members. Its main purpose was to initiate the creation of a new ToR, following the achievement of the previous set objectives. Topics of interest for this new ToR were discussed, which included Liquid Hydrogen, On-board Reforming, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), Ground Support Equipmen (GSE). The lack of US participants at the meeting triggered a discussion on the engagement of these companies in the WG.

The meeting was well staffed, but again no US participation. A Call for Participation was subsequently released to advertise the work of the WG and gather more interested parties. The group agreed on the content of a the new ToR, which was submitted to EUROCAE and SAE for approval. The work continued on the document related to the general safety aspects of on-board hydrogen storage and fuel cells.

FUTURE TASKS AND WAY FORWARD IN 2018 Phoenix (AZ) Meeting (Oct 10-12); Host of this meeting was SAE AE-7 Aerospace Electrical Power and Equipment Committee The final version of the ARC document, in the process of being submitted to the FAA Director, was discussed. A fruitful exchange took place between the WG and the SAE-AE7 team, and the desire and need for further

The group will work in accordance with the activities described in the new ToR. The first item, the document on general safety aspects of on-board hydrogen storage and fuel cells, will be the focus of 2018 work, with the goal to issue it by year end.

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W ork i n g Gr o up Rep o r ts

WG-81 Interoperability of ATM Simulators Chairperson: Thomas Damm, DFS GmbH Secretaries: Jose Manuel Cordero Garcia / Javier Garcia Moreno, ENAIRE-CRIDA

Created March 2008, the group is working on ED147B ATM Validation Platforms interoperability specification and ED-148A Guidance to achieve ATM validation platforms interoperability in order to improve the documents and to take into account the feedback coming from readers and SESAR 2020 Programme (through PJ.22).

The new versions are going to be delivered in 2019. ED-147 implementations have been a key enabler for cross ATM-Domain validation exercises in SESAR. Due to their capabilities of connecting the various existing ATM Validation Platforms new operational concepts could be validated and their implementations in industry prototypes could be verified. In order to better support implementations of ED-147 the group is working on a Model Driven Approach and Technology Mappings.

WG-82 New Air-Ground Data Link Technologies Chairperson: Armin Schlereth, DFS GmbH Secretary: Paolo Burzigotti, ESA

It is planned and work is still on schedule to publish the both MOPS (ED-242) and MASPS (ED-243) now becoming Revision A end of 2018.

WG-82 is tasked to develop a set of documents, some of which are envisaged to be used in the context of ICAO SARPS development or to be recognised as a means of compliance. It is tasked to develop standards relative to new air-ground data link technologies including three components: airport surface, satellite, and en route/TMA L band systems.

Work on SatCom Performance Class A has been started. New time planning on this subject is to publish material until Q4/2020. For that a future Revision B of ED-242 and ED-243 is foreseen. This is expected to address aspects such as ATN/IPS, RPAS, future voice concepts and AIS/MET application, SATCOM Performance Class A, ‌ The exact scope of the revision will be confirmed upon completion of revision A.

The group is currently continuing to update the published MOPS and MASPS documents related to INMARSAT SBB system to also cover: }} VoIP via VPN for Inmarsat SBB to improve the security of this subservice with required changes to MASPS and MOPS }} Inclusion of derived security requirements to the current MASPS and possible changes to the MOPS }} SATCOM system as possible alternative to the HF system with required changes to MASPS and MOPS

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WG-82 works in coordination with RTCA SC-223 Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communication System (AeroMACS) and with RTCA-222 on SatCom matters.

Workin g Group Repor t s

WG-83 Airport Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Detection Systems Chairperson: Stephane Larose, Thales LAS France SAS Secretary: Catherine Bonari, DGAC STAC

Created in 2010, WG-83 developed ED-235 MASPS for automatic foreign Object Debris Detection Systems, published in 2016.

This will be of use to airports seeking to acquire equipment depending on the locally existing operational and environmental conditions. Also, it could serve as guidelines for airport operators on the selection of the appropriate FOD Detection System.

Currently the WG-83 is developing an Operational Services and Environment Definition (OSED) to describe the influence of local and environmental parameters on the performance of an FOD Detection System. By its deliverables, WG-83 is aiming at providing recommendation, as necessary, operating procedures and/or technical specifications for FOD detection equipment with the aim of reducing FOD risk. .

WG-85 4D Navigation After completing the deliverables as per the terms of reference, the group is now dormant.

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WG-88 On-board Weight & Balance Systems Chairperson: Kai Thraene, Airbus Helicopters Secretary: Luc Capaldi, DASSAULT AVIATION

Created in January 2011, WG-88 addresses safety concerns linked to the improper position of the centre of gravity. WG-88 is aiming at providing MOPS for on-board weight and balance systems, and as a result of a study conducted by the WG has identified two kinds of possible systems: primary (intended to replace the Weight and Balance Programme) and secondary (intended to validate the centre of gravity and weight computed by the crew.).

WG-88 identified the system accuracy as being the main contributing factor to the feasibility and operability of such a system. Following the finalisation of the above-mentioned study the WG is now working on the development of Minimum Operational Performance Specification for onboard weight and balance systems.

WG-89 Revision of ETSO C-16 (Pitot Tubes) Chairperson: Richard Lewis, AIRBUS SAS Secretary: Vince Lopresto, UTC Aerospace Systems (UTAS)

Created in September 2010, WG-89 is tasked to develop EUROCAE Documents for heated Pitot and Pitot-static probes in support of ETSO C-16a, with a focus on updating the requirements for performance in icing conditions, including ice crystal conditions. WG-89 collaborates with SAE AC-9C Aircraft Icing Technology Committee

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ED-225 “Ice and Rain Minimum Qualification Standards for Pitot and Pitot-Static Probes” was published in March 2016. The groups was made dormant in May 2018.

Workin g Group Repor t s

WG-92 VDL Mode 2 Chairperson: Stéphane Pelleschi, ROCKWELL COLLINS France

The task of WG-92 is to maintain the current ED-92B version up to date and synchronised with VDL standards mentioned above. ED-92 is used in the baseline for the certification of the avionics systems and has to be consistent with the expectations of the DLS mandate introduced by Regulation (EC) No 29/2009 of 16 January 2009 laying down requirements on Datalink services for the single European sky (the DLS IR). The DLS-IR situation in Europe has conducted the European Commission to mandate the SJU to study the VDL Mode 2 performance issues leading to provider aborts. The ELSA consortium, which has been awarded by the SJU to lead this study, worked closely with EUROCAE and RTCA to consider the standards and material produced by the committees, and to provide results that will be used by these committees to further develop the standards update. The ELSA report has been released and provides some recommendations that have been reviewed by the WG-92 in collaboration with RTCA SC-214 VDL-SG and AEEC DLK Technical Subcommittee. The ELSA report has also done the so-called “Bestin-Class” tests. These tests aimed at ensuring that, in a representative environment of the actual VDL deployment in Europe and the future deployed multi-frequency environment, the avionics systems reach the expected level of performance (notably no Provider aborts). These “Best-in-Class” tests have been done on various equipment from several suppliers and have raised some performance issues.

WG-92 has been active to work on the following deliverables: } ED-92C, expected mid-2018, which will reflect the “Best-in-Class” tests done during ELSA which raised issues. This update could lead to the need to review, clarify and amend as necessary the minimum existing requirements to operate with multiple frequencies, specify the minimum new requirements to standardise the functioning of the avionics to guarantee interoperability with multiple frequencies as necessary, and to review, amend and define the related tests for the new or modified requirements. A future revision of ED-92 is expected to cover the connection-less mode. } New ED Ground VDL Mode 2 systems expected behaviour, expected end 2018, which will be a companion document for ground test cases. Coordination with ETS was initiated. The work will be carried out in close cooperation with the EUROCAE’s European and international partner organisations, notably the EC, EASA, SJU and SDM, ETSI as well as the NM, to support the DLS-IR deployment if standards improvements are identified and to ensure coherence and consistency among all standards and certification material.

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WG-95 Inflight Ice Detection Chairperson: François Larue, Zodiac Aerospace Secretary: Vince LoPresto, UTC AEROSPACE SYSTEMS (UTAS)

}} EUROCAE WG-95 Main Group “ED-103 MOPS for Inflight Icing Detection Systems Rev B“ EUROCAE created WG-95 in October 2012 with the objective to update ED-103 “MOPS for Inflight Icing Detection Systems” taking into account the preparation of the new icing rules and the recommendations of the “Ice Protection Harmonisation Working Group”. The working group kicked off in February 2013 and is working jointly with the SAE AC9C Icing Technology Committee. The ultimate goal of ED-103 was to specify the performance and the design requirements of: • sensors and systems able to detect the presence of ice on aircraft-monitored surfaces, • sensors and systems able to annunciate the presence and the nature of the atmospheric icing conditions encountered by the aircraft. ED-103 Revision A has been officially released in Q4, 2017.

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} EUROCAE WG-95-Sub-Group “Long Range Icing Awareness“ On June 2015, the EUROCAE council approved the Terms of Reference of the new WG-95 sub-group on “Long Range Icing Awareness” sub-working group with the objectives to release a report on the feasibility to standardise In-Flight Ice Crystals Long Range Awareness capabilities by Weather Radar (WXR). The subgroup is coordinated with RTCA SC-230 and completed the EUROCAE Report ER-015 “Feasibility study weather radar for ice crystal detection”, which was officially released in Q1/2018. Following the publication of ED-103A and the ER-015, WG-95 has completed the activity as per the approved ToR, and has been set to ‘Dormant’ by the EUROCAE TAC.

Workin g Group Repor t s

WG-96 Wireless On-Board Avionics Networks (WOBAN) Chairperson: Robin Davies, BAE Systems Secretary: Peter Anders, AIRBUS OPERATIONS SAS

WG-96 completed its work on the Wireless On-Board Avionics Networks (WOBAN), Process Specification in 2017 and this was published as ED-246. WG-96 has since started a joint activity with RTCA SC-236 on the development of a Minimum Operational Performance Specification (MOPS) for a Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications (WAIC) component that will operate in the Radio Frequency (RF) band 4200 – 4400 MHz at the end of 2016. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio Regulations were changed in 2015 to allow WAIC systems to share this band with Radio Altimeters. The MOPS will define the means by which WAIC systems can coexist; a) with each other and b) with Radio Altimeters. To-date there has been eight face-to-face meetings of the joint WG. The most recent meeting

was hosted by Airbus Industries in Toulouse. Four subworking groups have been established to focus on specific aspects of the work: SWG-1 on Co-existence and non-Interference, SWG-2 on Network Layer and System Level Issues, SWG-3 on Security and SWG-4 on Physical and Environmental Requirements. Work is being progressed via regular (weekly) Webex meetings. In addition to the planned MOPS, the WG is also developing a supplementary document (will likely become a MASPS) that will define the RF requirements for a WAIC component. This document will be produced before the MOPS as it is needed (in 2019) by ICAO who wants to reference it in a revised SARPS. The WG is well supported by the EUROCAE and RTCA members, with the majority of participants attending the face-to-face meetings in person.

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WG-97 Interoperability of virtual avionic components Chairperson: Olivier Fourcade, AIRBUS OPERATIONS SAS Secretary: Virginie FroutĂŠ, DASSAULT AVIATION

Created in October 2013, WG-97 is tasked to work on how virtual testing can be integrated within the avionics development process and to standardise exchanges and integration between test benches (virtual or not), virtual components, and real equipment. The main purpose is to alleviate the use of real test bench and to ease development with means enabling software investigation and integration The current work is based on performance optimisation, better avionics protocols coverage, hybridisation. Airbus Helicopters and Airbus Commercial Aircraft are implementing in an industrial way the running revision of the standard, whereas Thales is proposing it through several Research and Technology projects. Physical test-benches used in the aircraft development are complex platforms with high initial and recurrent costs. One means to alleviate these problems - Virtual Testing - is a promising solution that has already demonstrated its benefits in other industries (cell phone, etc.). However, in the avionics industry, it brings specific challenges: complex distributed systems, hardware heterogeneity, and multiple supplier infrastructures.

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The WG continues with the aim of having the revision of ED-247 issued by the end of 2018.

Workin g Group Repor t s

WG-98 Aircraft Emergency Locator Transmitters Chairperson: Philippe Plantin De Hugues, BUREAU D’ENQUETES ET D’ANALYSES Secretary: Stuart Taylor, HR Smith Group of Companies

Created in July 2013, the WG-98 is tasked to improve performance standards for Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELTs). Several aircraft disappearances occurred over water, including Malaysian MH370, for which the potential survivors, the wreckage and the flight recorders have not been recovered. WG98 intends to establish strong standards to improve the recovery of wreckage and limit future accidents by understanding the cause. WG-98, jointly with RTCA SC-229, has revised the MOPS ED-62A/DO-204. In the light of recent accidents, the minimum operational performance specification for aircraft emergency locator transmitters had to be revised. The work on this document has progressed: it is expected to be submitted to Open Consultation and FRAC in June 2018 and to be published before the end of the year.

In addition, a new activity has been launched: WG-98, SG-1 is focusing on activation from the ground with the development of Minimum Aviation Systems Standards for Aircraft Emergency Locator Transmitter Return Link Service. These standards cover the function to trigger ELT transmission from the ground, and define high-level concepts and typical functional interface requirements, including for the satellite segment. The use of new generation ELTs triggered from the ground through RLS will solve the issue of localisation of non-cooperative aircraft and of general aviation aircraft that have crashed with no ELT activation. The kick-off meeting for this new activity took place in April 2018 and the MASP is expected to be completed by the end of 2019. WG-98 is maintaining close liaison with RTCA as well as with the ICAO FLIRECSWG. North American as well as European and Asian Authorities are contributing to WG-98 activity.

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WG-100 Remote and Virtual Towers Chairperson: Jörn Jakobi, DLR Secretary: Mariann Hintz, EUROCONTROL

Working Group 100 “Remote and Virtual Towers” was founded in June 2014 and in September 2016 the MASPS for “Remote Tower Optical Systems” was published. These MASPS are applicable to all optical sensor configurations (visible, as well as infrared spectrum) to be used for the implementation of the remote provision of ATS to an aerodrome, encompassing the whole chain from sensor to display. For the time being the WG-100 work focuses on an extension of the current MASPS (revision A) to include ‘visual tracking’ technologies. ‘Visual tracking’ is understood by WG100 as the augmentation of the display of objects on the visual presentation by using information obtained only by image processing of the video from the optical sensors for the purpose of increasing the operator’s situation awareness. The MASPS (revision A) are expected to be published by end of 2018.

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During the meeting in McLean the group has been given the opportunity to visit the currently installed SAAB test system at Leesburg Airport. The system operates a ‘visual tracking’ and an automatic ‘PTZ object following’ functionality and is currently under test by the FAA.

Saab Remote Tower Test Platform at Leesburg Airport

In March 2018, WG-100 has been tasked by the TAC for another revision ED-240B, which will then cover processing and integration of information produced by existing or emerging surveillance systems/sensors, such as PSR, SSR, SMR, WAM/MLAT, ADS-B, and/or other sensors. The B revision is to be expected for publication by end of 2020.

Workin g Group Repor t s

WG-101 Runway Overrun Awareness and Alerting System Chairperson: Pierre Georges, Dassault Aviation Secretary: Logan Joneas, AIRBUS OPERATIONS SAS

Aviation Safety statistics indicate that runway safety is a major accidents and incidents category, with almost 30% of occurrences, most of these being runway excursions. Modern avionics and aircraft systems make it possible to design monitoring systems which will follow in real time an aircraft trajectory and energy state during approach and landing, and using a runway database and aircraft landing performances raise an alert to the crew when the predicted stopping distance is not compatible with the runway length. Such functions are called «Runway Overrun Alerting and Awareness Systems» and will give the crew the opportunity to either execute a go around or increase braking, depending on the flight phase, if a safe landing is estimated not to be possible. WG-101 was started in September 2015 to create MOPS (Minimum Operational Performance Standard) for ROAAS systems. Following a public consultation by the European Aviation Safety Agency on a proposed mandate for such systems, in keeping with the safety plan to prevent runway excursions.

EASA plan to use the document resulting from WG-101 work as a basis for a future rulemaking. WG-101 membership is a fair cross-section of the stakeholders community worldwide, including aircraft manufacturers, avionics manufacturers, airlines and pilots representatives, ATM, airport systems and authorities, from both sides of the Atlantic. ED-250 ‘Minimum Operational Performance Standard for a Runway Overrun Awareness and Alerting System’ was successfully published in December 2017 and the WG is now dormant.

WG-102 Generic Surveillance Safety and Performance Requirements Chairperson: Roland Mallwitz, DFS GmbH Secretary: Jörg Steinleitner, EUROCONTROL

WG-102 is tasked to specify generic surveillance safety and performance requirements. Within the approach taken these requirements are based on operationally driven ATC surveillance requirements. They are related to a logical end-to-end ATC surveillance function and its respective sub-functions (resembling typical physical ATC surveillance components) and in this respect determine the overall surveillance system performance. The goal is to formulate generic safety and performance requirements for surveillance in a consistent technology independent manner.

With this overall system approach the EUROCAE Document to be developed by WG-102 are expected to support the surveillance performance and interoperability regulation and provide guidance for a harmonised implementation. The work of the group is closely coordinated with the work related to the evolution of the Surveillance Performance and Interoperability Implementing Rule (SPI IR) EC 1207/2011 and the revision of ESASSP, the EUROCONTROL Specification for ATM Surveillance System Performance. Target date for the availability of the document for Open Consultation is end of 2018.

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WG-103 Independent Non-Cooperative Surveillance (INCS) System Chairperson: Tim Quilter, AVEILLANT Secretary: Andrew Desmond-Kennedy, EUROCONTROL

WG-103 is tasked to develop a Technical Standard for an INCS System. It was established in recognition that the design of Non-Cooperative Sensors is undergoing a renaissance and that the sensors that traditionally fulfilled this need, rotating Primary Surveillance Radars, are now being supplemented by a host of new designs made possible through the technical advances that have occurred in recent years. Whilst technologies have moved on, the operational requirements have similarly adapted to meet evolving environments Mitigating the clutter originating from wind farms and detecting small

Remotely Piloted Aircraft are typical of the new demands being placed upon new sensor designs.

The lack of a common technical specification, upon which to base the designs of the emerging sensors, threatened to lead to a plethora of sensor types with the potential risk that none met the operational needs of the end user. The group has already made significant progress on assembling a balanced specification that is agnostic enough so as not to unnecessarily constrain the designs and, yet precise enough to ensure the systems produced in accordance with it are both interoperable and capable of meeting the user requirements. The group comprises a diverse mix of sensor manufacturers and ANSPs. Whilst the participation is largely European there are also representations from America and the Far East.

WG-104 SWIM Services Chairperson: Siegfried Schäfer, DFS GmbH Secretary: Eric Roelants, EUROCONTROL

WG-104 started in January 2016 the work on the standardisation of SWIM (System Wide Information Management) Services that have reached a maturity level so that they are ready for standardisation. The focus of WG-104 is on a standardised SWIM service description for the extended Arrival Sequence (AMAN) SWIM service. The main effort went to the specifyings those elements which are needed for the standardisation and to elaborating the right level of (technical) detail of the SWIM service description. The existing service description from SESAR1 for the extended AMAN has been taken as a basis and has been further extended to reach a standardised service specification. A standardised service will ensure interoperability between systems provided by different industry

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providers and can therefore be seen as a first milestone towards the implementation of an Open Architecture, where even the integration of components from various providers into one system will be enabled. In addition, it will allow the provision of a complete system functionality as a service. Moreover WG-104 was working on a guideline document aiming to support the standardisation of future services. Beginning of 2018, WG-104 has provided the Arrival Sequence Service Performance Standard (ED-154). This document describes the standardised Arrival Sequence Service including all elements and references which are needed to reach a standardised service. It can be used in addition to the SWIM Service Standardisation Template as a reference book for future standardisation activities. It serves as the basis document for Service Providers and Service Consumers who intend to implement the Arrival Sequence Service.

Workin g Group Repor t s

Proposed Work Programme and a prioritised list of SWIM services for future standardisation (already delivered in 2017) This document contains a list of services, which are recommended from WG-104 for being standardised next after the first Arrival Sequence Service. This recommendation has been provided to EUROCAE TAC for approval and serves as a basis for EUROCAE to initiate further calls for standardisation of SWIM services. Lessons learned from the standardisation of the AMAN service This document aims to help future

groups to do service standardisation and provides an overview about the deliverables of WG-104. SWIM Service Standardisation Template This Template can be used for the description and standardisation of SWIM services within EUROCAE working groups. Its structure follows the structure, which has been applied in the Arrival Sequence Service Performance Specification to develop the first standardised service. It contains explanations and help text how to fill the different chapters which are needed to reach a standardised service.

WG-105 Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Chairpersons: Alain Vallee, SAFRAN and Michael Allouche, IAI Secretary: Andrew Jones, THALES GROUP

Focus area 1: Detect and Avoid Focus area 2: Command,Control, Communication (C3) and Security Focus area 3: UAS Traffic Management (UTM)

WG-105 kicked off in November 2016 after the EUROCAE membership and the affected stakeholders decided to merge the previous WGs 73 and 93 that both were dealing with different aspects of standardisation for Unmanned Systems.

Focus area 4: Design and Air Worthiness Focus area 5: Enhanced RPAS Automation (ERA) Focus area 6: Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) Each of these Focus Areas sub-groups were established to execute the work programme as described in the ToR.

According to the Terms of Reference, WG-105 is to develop standards to facilitate the safe integration of all types of UAS into all types of airspace under all conditions and for all operations. The broad scope of this working group leads to an extensive work programme that - in the first years only - calls for more than 30 deliverables in the various areas affected. In order to manage such a work programme the WG-105 Leadership, in coordination with the EUROCAE Secretariat, implemented a multilayer structure that allows not only the development in standards in various areas but also ensures an harmonised approach in doing so. In line with the different topics to be covered in the development of standards for UAS, 6 Focus Areas were identified:

To ensure the required level of harmonisation across the various deliverables, a Steering Committee has been installed composed of the working group Leadership, the focus team Leaders and invited guests as required. All sub-groups have taken up the work and are drafting the standards as required by the ToR. In the course of 2018, three documents could already be published:

}}ED-251 – OSED for RPAS Automatic Taxiing }}ED-252 – OSED for RPAS Automatic Take-Off and Landing }}ER-016 – RPAS 5030-5091 MHz Control and NonPayload Communications (CNPC) LOS and BLOS Compatibility Study A number of other deliverables are in internal consultation before they will be submitted to the Open Consultation procedure.

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WG-106 EFB Software Applications Chairperson: Eric Lesage, Airbus OPERATIONS SAS Secretary: Manuel Gucemas, THALES GROUP

To facilitate the operational approval path in Europe and an EASA ETSO authorisation, an industry standard on EFB software applications became necessary. Based on the existing material, WG-106

should ideally unambiguously define the perimeter of EFB applications, identify the minimum requirements that any EFB application must meet, propose guidance for specific class of EFB applications and specify the data needed for proper integration and use of the EFB application in operations. WG-106 will deliver MOPS for Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) Software Applications in 2019.

WG-107 RNP Reversion based on DME/DME Positioning CHAIRPERSON: Gerhard Berz, EUROCONTROL SECRETARY: Maurizio Scaramuzza, SKYGUIDE

Building a robust navigation infrastructure for performance Based Navigation (PBN) EUROCAE kicked off WG-107, “RNP Reversion using DME/DME Positioning” in November 2017 in Paris. One issue being discussed in connection with the future implementation of PBN in Europe is how best to use positioning provided by Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) to support Required Navigation Performance (RNP), including arrival and departure procedures. RNP enables aircraft to fly more precise paths, including repeatable turns, between two 3D-defined points in space. All navigation (including PBN) is enabled by position in space, and one feature of RNP is that the use of GPS position is mandatory. If one or more aircraft lose GPS, DME can rise to the occasion. Thanks to continued evolution over decades, it is now a high-quality ground-based ranging source – but not formally well recognised as such.

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To this end, EUROCAE’s WG-107 was created to document DME’s excellent modern performance so that it can be used for the purpose of RNP reversion. DMEs are commonly used to support precision landing systems, which means that most DME facilities in Europe contain high-performance integrity monitors. These improvements can also make a contribution to PBN. The expected outputs of WG-107 are the drafting of a new MASPS (Minimum Aviation System Performance Standard). This MASPS will describe the operational environment, principles and the overall system requirements for RNP reversion based on DME. In parallel, the updating of ED-57 will be undertaken; this addresses the DME ground transponder Minimum Operational Performance Standard (MOPS), which dates back to 1986. This combined effort will improve the robustness of the network to large-scale GNSS non-availability (e.g. due to outages or interference events which are unlikely but nonetheless possible). It will allow stakeholders to more formally take advantage of current installed equipment capabilities, and to optimise their ability to support PBN applications, fully consistent with current PBN standards. The updated standards will not require any on-board equipment changes and not question any existing certifications. The guidance provided may nonetheless also make a contribution to further improving future ground and airborne navigation systems. According to the Terms of Reference, WG-107 is scheduled to complete the MASPS and MOPS by the end of 2019.

Workin g Group Repor t s

WG-108 ATN/IPS Chairperson: Stéphane Pelleschi, ROCKWELL COLLINS France

The task of the WG-108 is to develop standards useful for the certification and the deployment of ATN/IPS in Europe. The objective of ATN/IPS to develop a future network for all air-ground communications and, in particular, Air Traffic Services. In a first step, WG-108 will develop ATN/IPS profiles which describes the items which constitute the ATN/IPS network on air and ground side. Based on public RFCs, this document will ensure interoperability






In a second step, WG-108 will develop a guidance document describing the certification and deployment aspects of ATN/IPS. This guidance document will be useful for Air Navigation Service Providers and EASA for the European Deployment. WG-108 is working jointly with RTCA SC-223 to develop joint material as ATN/IPS definition needs to be the same worldwide. The coordination with ICAO and AEEC is also key for reaching the WG-108 objectives.

WG-109 Runway Weather Information Systems Chairperson: Guilhem Blanchard, DGAC STAC Secretary: Niklas Jost, FRAPORT AG

The evaluation of meteorological contamination of pavements – by weather contaminants such as water, snow or ice – are among the main data needed to assess aircraft landing and take-off performance on a given runway. The importance of runway contamination assessments has been emphasised by the implementation of ICAO’s Global Reporting Format, which results from years of international work on runway excursion risk reduction and will come into force in 2020. This new, enhanced reporting system heavily relies on a Runway Condition Assessment Matrix (RCAM), which allows determining a code characterising the runway surface conditions from accurate criteria on the nature of the contaminant and its thickness.

Currently, aerodrome operators mainly rely on visual assessments and ruler measurements to determine their runways weather contamination. This method, however, presents three major drawbacks: thickness measurements are poorly reliable, runways are occupied for too long and updates may not be frequent enough. Given the technical limitations of the current methods and the regulatory developments in progress, WG-109 has been created in 2018 to develop MASPS for Runway Weather Information Systems. In late May 2018, 23 participants gathered at EUROCAE premises for the WG-109 kick-off meeting. Coming from all over Europe, USA and Japan, they represented various stakeholders such as civil aviation authorities, technical centers, airport operators, aircraft manufacturers and, of course, RWIS providers. Participants agreed on the scope of the working group, and divided into two subgroups for further work on airports’ use cases and systems’ technological capabilities. They also agreed on the need for coordination with ASTM E-17 Committee on Vehicle-Pavement Systems. The overall objective is to have MASPS ready at the end of 2020, since the new ICAO Global Reporting Format will be effective from November 2020.

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e ndi ew t opri u bli a l cati o ns

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n ew Publicat i on s

New EUROCAE publications EUROCAE published the following new documents during the period May 2017 to April 2018: ED-103A

MOPS for Inflight Icing Detection Systems

ED-114A Change 1

MOPS for Global Navigation Satellite Ground Based Augmentation System Ground Equipment to Support Category I Operations System Ground


Guidance to Achieve ATM Validation Platforms Interoperability


MOPS for Avionics Supporting Next Generation Satellite Systems (NGSS)


Process Specification for Wireless On-board Avionics Networks


Technical Specification for Virtual Interopewrable Simulation for Tests of Avionics Systems in Virtual or Hybrid Benchnce


Guide to Civil Aircraft Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)


MASPS for Aircraft State Awareness Synthetic Vision Systems


MOPS for a Runway Performance Standard for a Runway Overrun Awareness and Alerting System


Operational Services and Environment Definition for RPAS Automatic Taxiing


Feasibility Study Weather Radar For Ice Crystal Detection


RPAS 5030-5091 MHz CNPC LOS and BLOS compatibility study

EUROCAE publications list EUROCAE Documents (ED) are developed by Working Groups bringing together renowned experts in their area, and following a well-established process.

Some documents are dedicated to the airborne side, others to the ground side (mainly CNS and ATM), while others cover common air and ground requirements.

EUROCAE has published more than two hundred documents, all of them in the Aeronautic fields, several of them developed jointly with US partners and many being referenced in ETSO/TSOs and/or referred to in ICAO SARPs and/or EUROCONTROL ESARRs and/or FAA standards. They are recognised worldwide for their high quality and as state of the art technical specifications.

EUROCAE Reports (ER) describe results of Working Groups, which are of general interest but not appropriate to publish in the form of a specification or other type of ED.

These EDs cover system or equipment performance specifications, safety and performance requirements, interoperability requirements, technical specifications or guidance material.

All full members are entitled to consult our whole catalog for free. EDs are available for download via our e-shop at the following address: Other members and non-members may buy EUROCAE Documents from our eShop:

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EUROC A E P ub li c ati o ns Li b r ary


MPS for airborne 75 MHz marker beacon receiving equipment


MPS for airborne Doppler radar ground speed and/or drift angle measuring equipment


MPS for airborne automatic dead reckoning computer equipment utilising aircraft heading and Doppler obtained velocity vector data


Software considerations in airborne systems and equipment certification }} ➢ Including Amendment N°1 – 19 October 1999


Environmental conditions and test procedures for airborne equipment

ED-14G Change 1

Environmental conditions and test procedures for airborne equipment


Audio systems characteristics and MPS covering microphones (except carbon), headsets, handsets and loudspeakers, audio selector panels and amplifiers


MPS for airborne VOR receiving equipment


MOPS for airborne VHF Receiver-Transmitter operating in the frequency range 117.975 – 137.000 MHz


MPS for airborne altitude measurements and coding systems,➢Including Erratum


MOPR for airborne area navigation systems based on VOR and DME as sensors


MPS for airborne area navigation computing equipment based on VOR and DME as sensors


MPS for airborne low range radio (radar) altimeter equipment, Including errata N°1 – 1 June 1980


MOPS for Microwave Landing System (MLS) Airborne Receiving Equipment }} Including errata N°1 – 1 June 1980


MPS for airborne weather, ground mapping and assisted approach radars (including surface-based transponder beacon system characteristics), Including Amendment N°1 – March 1992, Including errata N°1 – 1 June 1980


MOPR for airborne area navigation systems based on two DME as sensors }} Including errata N°1 – 1 June 1980


MPS for airborne computing equipment for area navigation system using two DME as sensors; Including errata N°1 – 1 June 1980


MPS for fuel flowmeter systems to aircraft standards Including errata N°1 – 1 June 1980


MOPR for the SSR transponder and the altitude measurement and coding system }} Including errata N°1 – 1 June 1980


MOPS for airborne ILS localizer receiving equipment;➢Including Amendment N°1 – October 1995 & Amendment N°2 – July 1997; Including errata N°1 – 1 June 1980


MOPS for airborne ILS glide path receiving equipment; Including Amendment N°1 – 15 July 1997; Including errata N°1 – 1 June 1980


MPS for airborne automatic direction finding equipment; Including Amendment N°1 – October 1987; Including errata N°1 – 1 June 1980


MPS for conventional and Doppler VHF omnirange (C VOR and D VOR) (ground equipment), Including Amendment N°1; Including errata N°1 – 1 June 1980


MOPS for microwave landing system (MLS) (ground equipment); ➢Including Amendment N°1 – August 1994; Including errata N°1 – 1 June 1980


MOPR for distance measuring equipment interrogators (DME/N and DME/P) operating within the radio frequency range 960 – 1215 MHz (airborne equipment)


MPS for distance measuring equipment (DME/N and DME/P) (ground equipment); Including Amendment N°1 – 26 October 1992


MOPS for area navigation equipment using multi-sensor inputs (airborne equipment)

52  Eurocae Annual report

EUROCA E Publication s li b r a ry


MOPS for aircraft emergency locator transmitters (406 MHz and 121.5 MHz – optional 243 MHz)


MOPS for devices that prevent unintentional or continuous transmissions


MOPS for devices that prevent simultaneous transmissions


MOPS for Secondary Surveillance Radar Mode S Transponders


MOPS for combined ILS and MLS airborne receiving equipment }} Including Amendment N°1 – 15 July 1997


MASPS: Required Navigation Performance for Area Navigation


Standards for processing aeronautical Data


Standards for Aeronautical information


Guidelines for Approval of the Provision and Use of Air Traffic Services supported by Data Communications


Guidelines for Development of Civil Aircraft and Systems


Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware


Certification of Aircraft Electrical/Electronic Systems for the Indirect Effects of Lightning }} Including Amendment N°1 – 26 August 1999


MOPS for Mode S Aircraft Data Link Processors


Recommendations on Ground Collision Avoidance Systems


Aircraft Lightning Environment and Related Test Waveforms


Data-Link Application System Document (DLASD) for “Departure Clearance” Data-Link Service


MASPS for Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Levels 1 and 2


MOPS for Multi-Mode Airborne Receiver (MMR) including ILS, MLS and GPS used for Supplemental Means of Navigation


Data Link Application System Document (DLASD) for the “ATIS” Data Link Service


Radio frequency susceptibility Test procedures


Aircraft Lightning Zoning Standard }} Including Amendment N°1 – 6 September 1999 & Amendment N°2 – 27 June 2006


MOPS for an Airborne VDL Mode-2 System operating in the frequency range 118-136,975 MHz

ED-92B Change 1

MOPS for an Airborne VDL Mode2 System operating in the frequency range 118-136,975 MHz


MASPS for CNS/ATM message recording systems }} Including Amendment N°1 – 23 November 1998


Supporting Information for ED-12C and ED-109A


Requirements Specification for an Avionics Computer Resource (ACR)


User Requirements for Terrain And Obstacle Data


User Requirement for Aerodrome Mapping Information


Interoperability Requirements for ATS Applications using Arinc 622 Data Communications

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EUROC A E P ub li c ati o ns Li b r ary


MOPS for 1090 MHz Extended Squitter Automatic Dependant Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) & Traffic Information Services – Broadcast (TIS-B) with Corrigendum 1

Corrigendum 1 for ED-102A

Corrigendum 1 for ED-102A


MOPS for Inflight Icing Detection Systems

ED-103 A

MOPS for Inflight Icing Detection Systems


MOPS for Ground Ice Detection Systems


Aircraft Lightning Test Method


Data Link Application System Document (DLASD) for “Oceanic Clearance” (OCL) Datalink service


Guide to certification of Aircraft in a High Intensity Radiated Field (HIRF) Environment


MOPS for VDL Mode 4 Aircraft Transceiver (presented in 2 parts)


Software Integrity Assurance Considerations for Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) Systems


Interoperability Requirements Standard for Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Baseline 1 (Interop ATN B1)

ED-110B Change 1

Interoperability Requirements Standard for Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Baseline 1 (Interop ATN B1)


Functional specifications for CNS/ATM Recording }} Including Amendment N°1 – 30 July 2003


MOPS for Crash Protected Airborne Recorder Systems


Aircraft Lightning Direct Effects Certification

ED-114A Change 1

MOPS for Global Navigation Satellite Ground Based Augmentation System Ground Equipment to Support Category I Operations System Ground


MOPS for Light Aviation Secondary Surveillance Radar Transponders


MOPS for Surface Movement Radar Sensor Systems for Use in A-SMGCS


MOPS for Mode S Multilateration Systems for Use in Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (A-SMGCS)


Interchange Standards for Terrain, Obstacle, and Aerodrome Mapping Data


Safety and Performance Requirements Standard For Initial Air Traffic Data Link Services In Continental Airspace (SPR IC)

ED-120 Change 1

Change 1 – Safety and Performance Requirements Standard For Initial Air Traffic Data Link Services In Continental Airspace (SPR IC)

ED-120 Change 2

Change 2 – Safety and Performance Requirements Standard For Initial Air Traffic Data Link Services In Continental Airspace (SPR IC)


MOPS for Trolleys, Containers and Associated Equipment Components


Safety and Performance Standard for Air Traffic Data Link Services in Oceanic and Remote Airspace (Oceanic SPR Standard)

ED-122 Change 1

Change 1- Safety and Performance Standard for Air Traffic Data Link Services in Oceanic and Remote Airspace (Oceanic SPR Standard)


MOPS for Flight Deck Door Monitoring System


Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) Development, Guidance & Certification Consideration


Process for Specifying Risk Classification Scheme and Deriving Safety Objectives in ATM


Safety, Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for ADS-B-NRA Application

54  Eurocae Annual report

EUROCA E Publication s li b r a ry


Guidelines for Surveillance Data Fusion in Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Levels 1 and 2


Technical Specification for a 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ADS-B Ground System


Guidance for the use of Portable Electronics Devices (PEDs) on Board Aircraft


Flight Object Interoperability Specification


Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Air Traffic Management (ATM) System Operational and Technical Requirements


Interoperability Standards for VoIP ATM Components (Volume 1: Radio - Volume 2: Telephone - Volume 3: European Legacy Telephone Interworking- Volume 4: Recording - Volume 5: Supervision)


Interoperability Standards for VoIP ATM Components - Part 1: Radio


Interoperability Standards for VoIP ATM Components - Part 2: Telephone


Interoperability Standards for VoIP ATM Components - Part 3: European Legacy


Interoperability Standards for VoIP ATM Components - Part 4: Recording


Interoperability Standards for VoIP ATM Components - Part 5: Supervision


Interoperability Standards For VoIP ATM Components (Volume 1: Radio)


Network Requirements and Performances for Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Air Traffic Management (ATM) Systems (Part 1: Network Specification – Part 2: Network Design Guideline)


MOPS for Air Data Modules


Minimum Technical Specifications for Airport Collaborative Decision Making (Airport-CDM) Systems


Technical Specification for Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) Systems }}


}} }}

Volume I: Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System II (TCAS II). Volume II: TCAS II Collision Avoidance System (CAS) Requirements Specification Attachment A to Volume II

ED-143 Change 1

Minimum Operational Performance Standards For Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance

ED-143 Change 2

Minimum Operational Performance Standards For Traffic Alert And Collision Avoidance System II (TCAS II) Version 7.1


Airport-CDM Interface Specification


Guidelines for Test and Validation Related to Airport CDM Interoperability


ATM Validation Platforms Interoperability Specification


Guidance to Achieve ATM Validation Platforms Interoperability


Operational Services and Environment Definition (OSED) for Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) and Meteorological (MET) Data Link Services


Aircraft Precipitation Static Certification


Guidelines for ANS Software Safety Assurance


Future Air Navigation System 1/A (FANS 1/A) – Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (ATN) Interoperability Standard


MOPS Lightweight Flight Recording Systems


ADS-B Application Interoperability Requirements for VDL Mode 4


Safety, Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for ATSA-ITP Application (Including Supplement of July 2012)

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EUROC A E P ub li c ati o ns Li b r ary

Supplement for ED-159

Safety, Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for the In-Trail Procedure in Oceanic Airspace (ATSA-ITP) Application


Safety, Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for Enhanced Visual Separation on Approach (ATSA-VSA)


Safety, Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for ADS-B-RAD Application


Safety, Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for ADS-B Airport Surface Surveillance Application (ADS-B-APT)


Safety, Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for Enhanced Traffic Situational Awareness During Flight Operations (ATSA-AIRB)


Safety, Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for ATSA-SURF Application


Safety and Performance requirements (SPR) for Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) and Meteorological (MET) Data Link Services


MASP for Enhanced Vision Systems, Synthetic Vision Systems, Combined Vision Systems and Enhanced Flight Vision Systems


Guidance for the Development of Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems


Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for Aircraft Surveillance Applications (ASA) System (Including Supplement)


Safety, Performance and Interoperability Requirements Document for Airborne Spacing Flight-deck Interval Management (ASPA-FIM)


Aeronautical Information System Security (AISS) Framework Guidance


Airworthiness Security Process Specification


Airworthiness Security Methods and Considerations


Information Security Guidance for Continuing Airworthiness


Software Tool Qualification Considerations


Formal Methods supplement to ED-12C and ED-109A


Object-Oriented Technology and Related Techniques Supplement to ED-12C and ED-109A


Model-Based development and verification supplement to ED-12C and ED-109A


Aircraft Fuel Cell Safety Guidelines


Guidelines for the Verification and Validation of AMDB ASRN for Routing Applications


Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System II (TCAS II) Hybrid Surveillance


Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communications System (AeroMACS) profile


Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for the Aeronautical Mobile Airport Communication System (AeroMACS)


MASPS for Flight Guidance System (FGS) Coupled to Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)


Ice and Rain Minimum Qualification Standards for Pitot and Pitot-Static Probes


Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) AeroMACS


Safety and Performance Requirements Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communications (Baseline 2 SPR Standard)


Interoperability Requirements Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communications (Baseline 2 Interop Standard)


Interoperability Requirements Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communications, FANS 1/A Accommodation (FANS 1/A – Baseline 2 Interop Standard)


Interoperability Requirements Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communications, ATN Baseline 1 Accommodation (ATN Baseline 1 - Baseline 2 Interop Standard

56  Eurocae Annual report

EUROCA E Publication s li b r a ry


Safety, Performance and Interoperability Requirements document for Traffic Situation Awareness with Alerts (TSAA)


Safety & Performance Requirements document for CDTI Assisted Visual Separation (CAVS)


User Guide Supplement to ED-14G


MASPS for Foreign Object Debris Detection System


MOPS for Flight-deck Interval Management (FIM)


MASPS for Criteria to detect In-Flight Aircraft Distress Events to trigger Transmission of Flight Information


Operational Services and Environment Definition (OSED) for Traffic Awareness and Collision Avoidance (TAACAS) in Class A, B and C Airspace for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) Operating under Instrument Flight Rules


Aircraft Design and Certification for Portable Electronic Device (PED) Tolerance


Minimum Aviation System Performance Specification for Remote Tower Optical Systems


Minimum Operational Performance Specification for Altimetry Function


MASPS for AMS(R)S Data and Voice Communications Supporting Required Communications Performance (RCP) and Required Surveillance Performance (RSP)


MOPS for Avionics Supporting Next Generation Satellite Systems (NGSS)


UAS / RPAS Flight Crew Licensing Skill Test and Proficiency Check Report Form


MASPS for Installation of Fuel Cell Systems on Large Civil Aircraft


Process Specification for Wireless On-board Avionics Networks


Technical Specification for Virtual Interopewrable Simulation for Tests of Avionics Systems in Virtual or Hybrid Benchnce


Guide to Civil Aircraft Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)


MASPS for Aircraft State Awareness Synthetic Vision Systems


Minimum Operational Performance Standard for a Runway Overrun Awareness and Alerting System


Operational Services and Environment Definition for RPAS Automatic Taxiing


Evaluation of a Proposal to Replace the TCAS RA “Adjust Vertical Speed” With “Level-Off”


Policy Guidance for Fuel Tank Structural Lightning Protection Policy


Definition and Taxonomy for Foreign Object Debris


A Concept for UAS Airworthiness Certification and Operational Approval


Contiguous Aircraft/System Development Process Example


Intermediate Guidance Material for Compliance Demonstration related to Lightning Protection of Fuel Tank Structure 25.981 requirements


Recommendations for revision of ED-78A


Guidance Material for the Generation of Aerodrome Mapping Databases


UAS/RPAS Airworthiness Certification - “1309” System Safety Objectives and Assessment Criteria


Validation of the FGS Coupled to TCAS MASPS Requirements


Command, Control and ATC Communications Operational Concept (C3 CONOPS) for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS)


Aeronautical Information System Security Glossary


Light Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (LRPAS) Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) Operations Guidance material for Regulators and Operators


Feasibility Study Weather Radar For Ice Crystal Detection


RPAS 5030-5091 MHz CNPC LOS and BLOS compatibility study

may 2017 - APRIL 2018  57

H i g h li g h t s o f EUROCAE Hi gh Level Meetin g A ND 55 t h GENERA L A SSEMBLY

Highlights of EUROCAE High Level Meeting 27 April, Brussels, Belgium The visionary outlook EUROCAE has chosen as the topic for the second High Level Meeting reflects the transformations and improvements the organisation has undertaken over the past years. The focus of the two panels, comprised by our high level executives and decision makers from all sectors of aviation, was on the future, vision, priorities and challenges. To this end, the conclusions of this High Level Meeting will be an essential input to further adapt the EUROCAE strategy. “Our tireless activity in the service of the aviation industry has established EUROCAE as the European leader in the development of worldwide recognised

The discussions looked also at changes in relationship between ICAO and standardisation bodies such as EUROCAE. The goal is that products developed by standard developing organisations (SDOs) are validated by ICAO panels in a way to proof they are fit for purpose to complement and be referenced in ICAO provisions. There is a need to ensure a balance and synchronisation between industry standards and the performance based regulatory frame, while we understand that also standards should be non-prescriptive to not hamper innovation and development of solutions.

industry standards for aviation and EUROCAE has a deeply rooted culture of celebrating successful achievements” said Francis Schubert, EUROCAE President, during his opening address. The meeting noted that currently there are several issues facing our industry, capacity and competitiveness as well as environment are priorities while safety will be in no way compromised. As aviation continues to grow, it must do so safely although technology is expected to play an ever more important role. During the presentations and discussions, it was mentioned in different ways that the major growth in aviation over the next 20 years is expected to take place in Asia and Africa, and to a lesser extent in Europe. Nevertheless, Europe must keep and pursue the active role it has always shown. Along these lines, how we standardise for the future is very important, while it was confirmed that the technology is ready today.

58  Eurocae Annual report

The availability of standards appears to be a concern and at the same time a priority, as it emerged from the discussions on both panels. EUROCAE is already looking into this increasing demand, aiming to synchronise the development of standards with the regulatory frame and the industry needs as early as possible and actively cooperate with all involved stakeholders. In this respect, it was also repeated by several speakers that EUROCAE, as the European leader in this field of standards for aviation, should have a much stronger and formal status within the European standardisation system. Though there are also disruptive new technologies, this is a positive sign for innovative solutions, which should be taken as an opportunity. UTM and UAS are good examples of the industry that have a system

A pril 2018, Br uss el s

approach and which have an impact already today and even more tomorrow. Much discussion has unfolded on the integration of drones in our current traffic management systems, and the effect on aviation and economic growth in this sector. To conclude, the meeting agreed that bringing a few quick wins to the industry is needed, yet this is a challenge that we are facing today. Technology is ready and will be key for the future to support the targets of SES and globally. Capacity, safety and environmental solutions should be prioritised. Disruptive does not mean to destroy what is working well today, it was seen that different emerging topics include technologies, which might shake up our

current system. EUROCAE was pleased to note the continuous support from the European Commission and all European organisations, ICAO, the industry and our partners regionally and globally. The EUROCAE Council will further consider these aspects to refine the strategy and the work programme of our organisation.

The High Level Meeting presentations are available on the EUROCAE website


55TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY }} Growth of EUROCAE´s membership. }} Increase the efficiency of the EUROCAE´s standardisation development activities. } } Building a strong relationship and long term cooperation with key partners. }} Strengthen in house expertise, tools and processes to fulfil and expand EUROCAE´s missions.

On 27 April 2018, in Brussels (Belgium), the members of EUROCAE Association met at the Cube centre for an ordinary General Assembly convened by the Secretary General at the President’s initiative. Jean-Christophe Albouy, as Chairperson of the Council, presented the Chairperson report, including the vision, mission and objectives. Indeed, it is a priority for the Council to ensure we continue to have a credible and relevant Vision, Mission, Strategy and Business Plan for EUROCAE.

}} Assuming responsibility and a leading coordination role for Aviation standardisation activities, in Europe and worldwide. }} Being proactive and anticipating the standardisation needs and challenges of members and the industry. }} Ensure international harmonisation and global interoperability. }} Maintain EUROCAE´s independence through a balanced funding mechanism.

EUROCAE VISION The European leader in the development of worldwide recognised industry standards for aviation.

}}Perform the duties as defined in the EC-EUROCAE grant agreement.


}}Implement the EUROCAE training strategy.

In support of EUROCAE’s Vision, the Mission of the organisation is defined as below: Develop standards by industry/members for the industry needs that }}build upon the state of the art expertise of its members and address the global aviation challenges; }}are fit for purpose to be adopted internationally; }}support the operational, development and regulatory processes.

Strategic lines }} Strengthen the role as one of the leading international aviation standardisation organisations, }} Further grow the role of EUROCAE in aviation standardisation at global level 60  Eurocae Annual report

}}Implement a process management structure and define the main processes of the organisation. The General Assembly approved the financial report and the strategy proposed by the Council, and elected the Council members, who will exercise their function according to the Constitution for a period of 1 year, until the next General Assembly. The Assembly re-elected Francis Schubert as EUROCAE President, for a second one-year mandate. During the counting of the votes, an interactive podium discussion between EUROCAE Secretary General Christian Schleifer-Heingärtner and RTCA President Margaret Jenny took place.

Thanks to our Sponsors of the EUROCAE HIGH LEVEL MEETING 2018



Networking Breakfast:


may 2017 - APRIL 2018  61


Chairpersons Club 2018 The 2018 Chairpersons’ Club meeting was attended by 20 participants representing over a third of the Working Groups (WGs), both Chairs and Secretaries, with the participation of the TAC Chair, TAC ViceChair, and the EUROCAE Secretariat.

The participants acknowledged that this forum is perfect for the exchange of information between Working Groups, as well as between Working Groups

Christian Schleifer-Heingärtner, EUROCAE Secretary General, opened the business by stressing the benefits of the new EUROCAE location, which would increase cost-effectiveness of WG meetings. He stated also that the goal of the Chairpersons’ Club meeting is to understand what the WG Leadership needs, and how EUROCAE could best respond to these expectations. Also, Christian Schleifer-Heingärtner reported that EUROCAE and RTCA collaborated closely and despite some differences in organisation, strived to establish joint activities to progress more efficiently on standardisation matters at global level. Many participants were interested in finding out more about the management of joint activities with RTCA/SAE, and more specifically about preOpen Consultation/FRAC process and how to set up a joint WG or add a joint activity to an existing WG. Consistency between RTCA and EUROCAE Workspace with respect to meetings was also discussed. Eric Bouchard, Chairperson of the EUROCAE Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), presented a set of slides to convey the “message from the TAC” aiming at improving the overall efficiency of the organisation by a better communication between WGs and TAC, as well as periodic monitoring of WG activities (either via WG leadership or via EUROCAE TPM). He stressed that the TAC encourages participation of WG chairs/secretaries during the discussion of their WGs and activities at TAC level. In addition, the TAC Chair’s and Vice-Chair’s participation at the present meeting should allow direct discussion, and help TAC understand the WGs’ issues and expectations.

62  Eurocae Annual report

and the TAC. The interface between TAC and the WGs will also be discussed at one of the upcoming TAC meetings, to bring back the feedback from the exchange with the WG leadership. The meeting provided an excellent venue to foster additional exchanges, particularly about the EUROCAE Documents (EDs) drafting guides. To ensure the high quality of EDs, such guides are very important for the WGs, and set the basis for a common approach to standardisation.


The new Workspace was presented and discussions went about how to make the best use of, and how to overcome some technical glitches, such as registration. The fact that some chairs cannot use the workspace for reasons beyond their willingness was addressed and a swift resolution is under way. The last part of the meeting was dedicated to participants to share their best practices, how coordination with other WGs could be improved,

and how to enhance participation from WG members to ongoing activities. The possibility of receiving a form of the requirements that can be imported in to a document management tool was also raised. These points will be followed up upon by EUROCAE, for a continuous support of the WGs and the experts, and for a constant improvement of the standardisation activity of the organisation.

may 2017 - APRIL 2018  63

E uropean ATM Standardisation Coordination Group (EA SCG)

EUROCAE chairs the European ATM Standardisation Coordination Group (EASCG) On the initiative of the European Commission, the EASCG, a joint advisory group was established in 2016 to coordinate the European ATM-related standardisation activities, essentially stemming from the European ATM Master Plan, in support of Single European Sky (SES) implementation.

Since the creation of the EASCG, the group has developed into a very efficient and effective coordination platform, successful in coordinating the main stakeholders and addressing complex, pressing issues, such as the validation of standards, in an open and collaborative manner.

The EASCG, according to its Terms of Reference (ToR), develops, monitors and maintains an overarching European ATM standardisation rolling development plan, connected to the SESAR research programme and based on the standardisation roadmap from the EASCG members (including military) and from other key actors in aviation as needed..

The main deliverable of the EASCG is the European ATM Standardisation Rolling Development Plan. This rolling development plan is regularly updated to reflect the evolution of the relevant activities. Four versions of the RDP have been released, providing increasing levels of detail on the various standardisation and regulatory activities, and upto-date information on their progress. The RDP has become the sole reference source for information on standardisation activities in the ATM domain in Europe.

Furthermore, the group facilitates the sharing of work among the Standards Developing Organisations (SDOs), thus avoiding the risk of overlapping developments and gaps. All relevant standard development activities are monitored to identify as early as possible resource difficulties, risks and other issues related to the standard development. The membership of the EASCG is composed of European Commission (DG MOVE), EASA, EUROCAE, EUROCONTROL, ESOs and SJU. The SESAR Deployment Manager, EDA, ASD and CANSO participate as observers. The Network Manager (NM) was identified as a potential additional observer but it was decided that NM should be invited on ad hoc basis when needed.

EASCG organised a workshop during the WAC, which took place in Madrid in March 2018 to share the benefits from such RDP regular and accurate update for the various stakeholders of the aviation community. In addition, regular reports have been provided to the Industry Consultation Body’s Technical Subgroup. The website,, created in 2016, has registered the interest for the work of the group with more than 150 stakeholders registered to access it and the last version of the RDP. The wide access to the last update of the RDP is facilitating the communication with all the stakeholders and provide them with a clear picture of the standard development. In addition to the work on the RDP, the EASCG has developed a position paper on the question of validation of standards. This paper was submitted to the European Commission as part of EASCG’s advisory role to the EC on standardisation matters. The position paper provides several conclusions as well as a number of recommendations, and the EASCG will continue to work on these recommendations at future meetings.

64  Eurocae Annual report

European UA S Stan da rds Coordin ation Gr oup

EUROCAE chairs the European UAS Standards Coordination Group (EUSCG) Based on an initiative from the European Commission (EC) and European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the European UAS Standards Coordination Group (EUSCG) as a joint coordination and advisory group, was established in 2017 with the scope to coordinate the UAS-related standardisation activities across Europe, essentially stemming from the EU regulations and EASA rulemaking initiatives. The EUSCG provides a link to bridge the European activities to those at international level. The plenary membership of the EUSCG is composed of: AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe, ASD-STAN, ASTM, Drone Manufacturers Alliance Europe, Drone Alliance Europe, EASA, EUROCAE, EUROCONTROL, European Commission, European Defence Agency, European Standardisation Organisations (CEN, CENELEC, ETSI), Global UTM Association, ISO, JARUS, SAE, SESAR JU, UVS International.

The RDP is progressively updated to reflect the current situation. It also provides a method for the identification and discussion of overlaps and gaps, and as a basis for feedback to contributing organisations, to improve overall coordination of standards developments. The process should also identify the technical input from other sources (such as ICAO) into the standards plan. The EUSCG activity is reflected on the dedicated website which offers the functionality to subscribe to RDP updates and get automatic notifications when a new version of the RDP is approved. The wide access to the latest update of the RDP is facilitating the communication with all the stakeholders and provides them with a clear picture of the rulemaking and standard development.

The EUSCG is tasked to: u develop, monitor and maintain an overarching European UAS Standardisation Rolling Development Plan (RDP), based on the standardisation roadmap developed by EASA and other organisations and inputs from the EUSCG members (including the military), and where needed other key actors in the aviation domain. u monitor the relevant processes and facilitate the sharing of work among the Regulators and Standard Developing Organisations (SDOs) thus avoiding the risk of overlapping developments and gaps; u advise the EC and other organisations on standardisation matters.

The information contained in the RDP is highly appreciated by the aviation stakeholders, becoming the only reference source for information on standardisation activities in the UAS domain. The information contained in the RDP was used during the European ATM Master Plan UAS update. In addition to the above, EUSCG is ensuring the necessary inter faces at different levels with a number of organisations, without prejudice to existing European coordination arrangements, to obtain relevant information and provide recommendations on UAS topics. A close link should be maintained to the EASCG to raise mutual awareness and to ensure consistency between the EUSCG RDP and the EASCG RDP.

The main deliverable of the EUSCG is the European UAS Standardisation RDP.

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e d i t o riAaEl at i nter nati o nal c o nferen ces EUROC

EUROCAE at World ATM Congress EUROCAE visited and contributed ­actively to the 2018 World ATM Congress, which took place 6 – 8 March 2018 in Madrid.

EUROCAE contributed to a session discussing the ‘Data Link Services Recovery activity update’, which focussed on the progress made regarding the deployment of multi frequency VDL Mode 2 infrastructure in Europe to comply with the new mandate date and on the global improvement of the VDL mode 2 performances. The datalink VDL mode 2 technology is an essential enabler for the modernisation of air traffic control and to achieve SESAR performance benefits. The recent activities conducted by the SESAR Deployment Manager, the Network Manager, EASA and EUROCAE were mainly focused on the completion of the actions recommended by the ELSA study performed under SESAR JU coordination in 2016. Luc Deneufchatel provided information on EUROCAE activities progress confirming the publication of a new release of ED-92 before end of 2018 and the publication of a complementary document dealing with ground network behaviour recommendation by mid 2019. These activities were conducted in answer to the EC mandate given in 2017 on the basis of ELSA recommendations.

66  Eurocae Annual report

EUROCAE also participated to a workshop on ATM security organised by Bulatsa at the Danube FAB booth. Several organisations participated to this workshop including EUROCONTROL and the major European ANSPs. Luc presented the work achieved by EUROCAE WG-72 and the new training course on aviation cyber security. Luc Deneufchatel also provided a presentation of the new WG-108 ATN/IPS during one of the sessions organised by Leonardo at their booth. EUROCAE WG-105 activities were presented by Anna von Groote at a workshop organised by the Global UTM Association GUTMA, discussing the foundations for UTM to foster the safe, secure and efficient integration of drones in national airspace systems and look at the path towards globally interoperable UTM systems. The increase in drone operations raises the question of the regulation and standardisation and WG-105 activities were recognised as a cornerstone in this regard. The goal of this session is to present successful collaborations with local authorities, to offer answers and solutions to their concerns, and to show how UTM can benefit to their communities.

EUROCA E at in tern ation al con fer en c es

Speakers (from left to right): Anna von Groote, EUROCAE - Maria Algar Ruiz, EASA Nicolas Eertmans, EUROCONTROL - Christophe Vivier, EDA - Luc Lallouette, THALES/ASD Jean-Marc Loscos, DSNA/ CANSO - Larry Johnsson, SDM

The EASCG organised again a workshop, this year around the key role of standards to support deployment. Building an efficient, sustainable and safe Single European Sky requires the modernisation of the European ATM infrastructure. To ensure a coordinated and harmonised deployment of the required ATM-related functionalities, it is essential to ensure that the necessary standards are available, in a timely fashion. The workshop focussed on the experience and added value that the work of the EASCG and the Rolling Development Plan are providing to the aviation industry and show how the stakeholders can make use of it. It discussed the essential link between standards and regulations and how to manage the completion of standardisation

work to meet a regulatory requirement. But the spotlight clearly was on the role of standards at the deployment stage: How do standards help ensure harmonised deployment and support to regulation? Speakers recognised the key role of standards in this regard and briefly touched upon the question of standards validation and how to ensure the standards developed are fit for purpose. The workshop was attended by a large number of stakeholders, wishing to learn more about the EASCG work.

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C ommu n i c ati o n

EUROCAE Broadcast and NEWSblog After the successful launch at the end of 2014 of the «EUROCAE Broadcast», we introduced the following year the «EUROCAE NEWSblog». Both communications tools have enjoyed a sounding success and are reaching thousands of people around the world.

EUROCAE Broadcast provides our members twice a year with the latest news about our Organisation, news from the working groups, latest publications, new members, and any relevant participation of EUROCAE at European and international level - in hard copy as well as soft copy formats.

To subscribe to the NEWSblog just send us an email at

68  Eurocae Annual report


STANDARDS IN PRACTICE 2-day training course: 18-19 SEPTEMBER 2018 23-24 OCTOBER 2018 11-12 DECEMBER 2018

ED-201 ED-202A ED-203A ED-204

ED-201 - Aeronautical Information System Security (AISS) Framework Guidance ED-202A - Airworthiness Security Process Specification ED-203A - Airworthiness Security Methods and Considerations ED-204 - Information Security Guidance for Continuing Airworthiness may 2017 - APRIL 2018  69


Membership Categories }}Full Members

}}Limited Members

For corporations or organisations that wish to participate in and attend more than one working groups (WG). Full Members have access to all WGs documents and receive, free of charge, the soft version of all ED and ER in the EUROCAE catalogue.

For corporations or organisations that wish to participate in and attend one working group (WG).

Full Members have voting rights in the General Assembly and can submit their candidacy for election to the Council.

Limited Members have access to all documents and receive, free of charge, the soft version of all ED and ER, in the EUROCAE catalogue, of that respective WG.

Members: 230 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Membership worldwide:

Limited Members

Members by Category:




Full Members Non-European Members




70  Eurocae Annual report

European Members



Full members

AirMap, Inc.

A.D.Ventures Software ltd.

Airports Authority of India

ACR Electronics

Airtel ATN Limited

Administration de la navigation aérienne

Alistair MUNRO


Altitude Angel

Aerodata AG

ALTYS Technologies

Aerospace Vehicle Systems Institute (AVSI)


AgentFly Technologies

Aquila Air Traffic Management Limited

Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic


Airbus Defence & Space (Germany)


Airbus Defence & Space (Spain)



Austro Control GmbH


Aveillant Limited


Aviation Data Communication Corporation (ADCC)


Avinor Air Navigation Services

may 2017 - APRIL 2018  71

M e m be rs li st


Civil Aviation Bureau of JAPAN

BAE Systems (Operations) Limited

COMAC America

Becker Avionics



Cranfield University

Blue Bear Systems Research Ltd

Crypto Quantique


CS SOFT a.s.

Bombardier Aerospace Shorts

CS Systèmes d’Information





Bureau de Normalisation de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace

Deutsches Zentrum fÜr Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)


DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH



Chelton Antennas (COBHAM)

Diehl Aerospace


Dresden Aerospace AG

Civil Aviation Authority of Netherlands


Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore


72  Eurocae Annual report

Membe r s l i s t


European GNSS Agency

Egis Avia)

Federal Aviation Administration

ELDIS Pardubice

Finnish Transport Safety Agency

Electronic Navigation Research Institute



Fraport AG


Frequentis AG


Frequentis COMSOFT

ENAC- Ente Nazionale Aviazione Civile

Garmin Ltd


GE Aviation Systems UK


General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc.

ERA a.s.


Essex Industries

GKN Aerospace




Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation

European Cockpit Association (ECA)


European Defence Agency (EDA)

Harris Orthogon GmbH

may 2017 - APRIL 2018  73

M e m be rs li st


Irish Aviation Authority

Hensoldt Sensors GmbH

Israel Aerospace Industries


Japan Radio Air Navigation Systems Association

Honeywell International


HR Smith Techtest Ltd

Jotron AS


L3 Technologies

IAOPA Europe




IATAS - International Air Traffic Automation Systems



Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse


Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Indra Navia AS

Lufthansa Technik AG

Indra Sistemas GmbH




Military Aviation Authority (UK)

International Aero Navigation Systems Concern, JSC


74  Eurocae Annual report

Membe r s l i s t

NAV Portugal, E.P.E

Rockwell Collins International


Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG



Non-Profit Partnership “Union of Aviation Industrialists”








Saab Aeronautics



Panasonic Avionics Corporation

SESAR Joint Undertaking

Park Air Systems Ltd

Sigma Associates (Aerospace) Limited



Penny & Giles Aerospace Ltd


Pildo Consulting S.L.


PMV Engineering



Spire Global



may 2017 - APRIL 2018  75

M e m be rs L i st

Limited members

Stratech Systems Limited

Swedish Transport Agency


Swiss FOCA

Air Caraïbes Atlantique



Teledyne Controls LLC

Airservices Australia



Terma A/S


Thales Group

Altran UK Ltd

Thales LAS France SAS (formerly Thales Air Systems)



ARTAL Technologies

Think Research Ltd

AviBit GmbH

TIRA Corporation

Bureau d’Enquêtes et d’Analyses

TriaGnoSys GmbH


Unifly nv


United Technologies Corporation


Università Telematica Giustino Fortunato

Copenhagen Airports A/S


DAUtec GmbH

76  Eurocae Annual report

Membe r s l i s t

Dayton Granger inc


Deep Blue Srl

German Military Aviation Authority


GL Communications Inc.

Elbit Systems LTD



GMVIS Skysoft




HeliOffshore Limited



European Helicopter Association (EHA)


European Space Agency - EGNOS Division

Institute of Flight System Dynamics

Eventide Inc

Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial

f.u.n.k.e. AVIONICS GmbH

Instrumar Limited


Intel Deutschland GmbH

Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH

Interdigital Communications

F-secure Cyber Security Services Oy


FSUE “State ATM Corporation”

ITV Consult AG

Fundação CPqD - Brazil

Jean-Louis Camus



may 2017 - APRIL 2018  77

M e m be rs li st

Kongsberg Defence and Aerospace


Rheinmetall Italia S.p.A.

LSA Electromagnetics Limited

S. Pistre

Matan Edvy

Safegate International AB




Searidge Technologies

Moog Fernau Limited

Septentrio Satellite Navigation

Munich Airport

Shenyang AeroTech Co.,Ltd

National Aeronautics and Space Agency


Navtech Radar Ltd.



found no nogo on www

Sopra Steria

NUAIR Alliance

ST Electronics (InfoComm Systems) Pte Ltd

NXP Semiconductors Netherlands B.V.

T - CZ, a.s.


The MathWorks GmbH

PALSupport (UK) Limited

The MITRE Corporation

Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów PIAP

TTTech Computertechnik AG

R. Bergé

Universal Avionics Systems Corporation

RETIA, a.s.


78  Eurocae Annual report


Financial Report EUROCAE Organisation is composed of the nonprofit organisation, EUROCAE and its 100% subsidiary, EUROCAE Communication.

Office rents, taxes and charges, service/supplier payments are almost shared equally between EUROCAE Communication and EUROCAE.

EUROCAE generates the largest proportion of the income (membership fee and a bi-annual EC Grant) and expenditures (premises, staff member salaries, social fee, taxes and travels).

As is customary, our legal auditor carried out his audit mission - on EUROCAE fiscal year ending 31/12/2017 and EUROCAE Communication fiscal year ending 30/09/2017 – in April 2018. The audit did not reveal any significant findings.

EUROCAE Communication turnover mainly results from sales of EUROCAE Documents (EDs), events and contract agreements. EUROCAE operating income:

EUROCAE operating expenses: Rental and associated costs

Depreciation allowances & equipment


Membership fees


EC Grant 2016




Social security

Service suppliers Administration

3% 12%





5% 43%

Wages and salaries

EUROCAE Communication operating income:

Taxes and assimilated payments

EUROCAE Communication operating expenses: Rental and associated costs

Depreciation allowances & equipment Operating subsidies



Sales of EUROCAE Documents

Taxes and assimilated payments IT and process management solution

Sales of services


20% Engineering activities and training income



6% 5%

Others (office costs, energy, telecom, consumables, etc)


12% 14%

Others (seminar, events, meetings, misc.)

Service suppliers Administration


may 2017 - April 2018  79



EUROCAE 9-23 rue Paul Lafargue 93200 Saint-Denis - France

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