The Express Tribune Magazine - October 23

Page 34


star trek A photographic adventure in the enchanting Nagar Valley TEXT AND PHOTOGRAPHY BY MOBEEN ANSARI

I have always been drawn to the Nagar Rakaposhi and Diran moun-

tains in the Nagar Valley: sleeping under starlit skies, swimming in crystal clear water, hiking cautiously across glaciers. The peaks routinely draw tourists and adventure-seekers, with tours operating on a monthly basis. Very few, however, try to capture the pristine beauty of the place. It is not easy to take photos while maintaining a precarious balance on the slippery ice, or to change lenses

without getting them fogged up. These photos are an attempt to convey something of the majesty of these mountains and the clear, starry skies over them.

In order to photograph the stars and mountains clearly, I had to

go as far as possible from any source of light, including torches and

even bonfires. This meant that I was effectively blind and freezing while taking these pictures. The fact that these shots required long exposures did not help either. My camera bag was so heavy that it caused me to slip at least a dozen times on the final trek to Diran base camp. But the stunning landscape made it all worthwhile.

In the last few years, strife has swept parts of the country depriv-

ing both locals and international tourists from exploring its many

scenic wonders. But the north remains an extraordinary place, so


peaceful and serene that it is easy to forget the strife elsewhere. a OCTOBER 23-29 2011

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