What to choose after the 10th-The right choice ! EtoosIndia

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What to choose after the 10th-the right choice?

The right stream choice is a direct pathway to a successful career. Candidates appearing for cbse 10th board exam are suddenly faced with a major question that has a lot to do with their career. “What will you choose after the 10th?” is one of those frightening questions that scares the students out when they are appearing for the 10th exams. And for those who are not clear about their career find this question intimidating.

For most students, making the right choice seems like a puzzle that they find hard to solve.

So in this article let’s discuss the career options after the 10th.

Many students and parents are of the view that the right career choice can be made even after the 12th and thus show leniency at the early stages. Forgetting that early bird catches the worm. Nothing is more fruitful than the right decision taken at the right time.

When you know what subjects to choose after the 10th you get a clear picture of what your future will look like.

The task of selecting streams is indeed strenuous especially when you are perplexed about what would be the best for you.

Let’s see what are the career options after the 10th you have:

1. Science

One of the most preferred fields after the 10th is Science. This field holds a lot of perks like students who pursued this field can switch to commerce and arts but the students from the commerce and arts field do not hold this privilege. Such students cannot switch to Science.

You are supposed to take at least 6 subjects including one language subject. The subject option available in this field is mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, computer science, IT, electronics, etc.

Students wanting to become top engineers and doctors opt either for science and mathematics or Science and Biology. With all these subjects available the students should choose the one that will lead them towards the path to success.

Why opting for the right career options after the 10th or courses after 10th cbse is important:

2. Humanities or Arts

This stream is not so chosen one and students neglect the wide career opportunities this stream brings along like journalism, literature, social work, teaching, etc. the student has to select six subjects including one compulsory language and one optional language subject.

Not only this, opting for humanities will offer you a wide variety of subject options like sociology, history, psychology, political science, literature, economics, philosophy, etc.

Arts inculcates other diverse options derived from culture, human impulses, and the world. It contains all the features and activities regarding painting, drawing, design, weaving sculpture, fabrics, pottery, photography, films, video, computer arts, animation, etc.

3. Commerce

This is the second widely chosen field by students of India. Opting for commerce can lead you to some of the highest paying jobs like chartered accountant, investment banking, company secretaries, accounts and financial advisor, etc.

Economics, accountancy, and business law or business study are the major subjects that are taught in this field. This stream requires the selection of six major subjects including compulsory language subjects.

So if you are inclined towards financial information/transactions, trading of economic value, etc. then you can opt for the commerce field.

So this is all the information you need about what to choose after the 10th.

To help make your career after the 10th easy for you we have prepared a list of tips that will guide you for the same.

1. Introspection

Choosing the right career option after the 10th requires a considerable understanding of your interest, and aptitude skills. You can opt for crash course after 10th. You should be well aware of your area’s weaknesses and strengths. If you think that you are weak at science and math and if it isn't interesting then you can opt for other fields like commerce and arts.

2. Get to know about the fields in detail

What subject to choose after the 10th involves in-depth knowledge about every field. Before choosing any field you should know everything about the field and the subjects it offers in great detail. List down the pros and cons of choosing that field and the career opportunities that it provides.

3. Approach a Counsellor

If you are confused about what to choose after the 10th then you can attend career guidance seminars and educational fairs. Experts there will help you discover your true potential and interest and will then suggest what is best for you.

4. Do not follow the Herd

A lot of students choose the wrong streams that don't even match their interests just because that’s what their friends are choosing. Do not follow the crowd, before making this decision make sure that you choose a stream that supports your interest and not your peers.

5. Let your parents/teachers know your choices

Our teachers and parents know the area of interest of their kids. If you are still perplexed about your decision then let your parents or teachers know because they are well aware of your strengths and weaknesses and will give you the best possible advice.

Thus choosing the right career after 10th is an important decision that shapes our future and needs to be taken with all sincerity. Hope this article was helpful to you in choosing the right stream.


Which subject is hard after the 10th?

Out of all the streams, the science stream is considered to be the most difficult one.

What is the easiest subject to take after the 10th?

Humanities is considered to be one of the easiest streams.

Which stream is best for the future?

Which stream is best for your future depends on what interests you. This is a decision that you need to take for yourself very smartly. All three streams i.e science, commerce, and arts provide a good number of career opportunities but should choose one that matches your area of interest.

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