Top 10 Essentials Features Of Video Door Phone

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Top 10 Essentials Features Of Video Door Phone Video door phones equip you to protect your valuable asset, your home from intruders effectively. These are kind of intercom systems that allow the premises owner to interact with visitors and decide whether to allow them to enter his house or not. And, he can take this decision without even opening the door. But choosing the right video door phone remains toilsome for many, so let’s know which features you should look for before buying a video door phone system. 1.Clear Night Vision With White LEDs: These days’video door phone systems come with an inbuilt night vision. The inbuilt vision feature allows the user to view the visitors even in dim light conditions. White light LEDs are recommended for clear vision in low light areas for round the clock protection. 2. Touch Sensitive Screens And Keypads: Always check this feature as it is highly user-friendly and trend too. Thanks to touch phones which have familiarised the users enough with the touch interface. The touch screen and sensitive keypad scan be operated effortlessly. 3. Image Capturing Quality: Generally, video door phones are designed to speak and see your visitors but some models do come with image capturing features. The images taken by this eminent security system can be used for future record-keeping and visits. 4. Alternate Modes: Quality products come with quality features, the same is with video door phones. You can choose a model with ‘Do not disturb’ feature and enjoy a disturbance-free sleep or noise free-work environment for a set period of time. 5. Extra Storage Along With Inbuilt Memory: Don’t forget to inquire about the extendable memory of your video door phone. There should be enough storage capacity for captured images and video footage for maximum benefits. 6. Call Recording With Freedom From wires: Choose wireless (or with minimum wires) video door phone system if you find the wiring movement hindering. You can get an option of hands-free calls. Remember to check the call recording feature for record purposes.

7. Synchronization And Compatibility: The advance video door phone systems come with a superb blend of innovation and technology. Now, you can opt for a security door phone that can be connected to your smartphones or CCTV surveillance systems, just check the compatibility with your other security systems. 8. Protective Outer Unit: It is very crucial to check the IP rating before installing the video door phone system as the outdoor unit must have to bear all weather conditions. 9. Multiple/Extra Screens: Maybe you would not like to leave your bed just to attend a stranger. And, if you are doing some important work, you can’t afford to delink with it just because you have only one screen at the main unit. So, make sure your video door has the possibility of some extra screens. 10. Convenient (Remote) access: The remote access feature allows you to permit the visitors to come in, without coming to the door physically. Remember these highlights, and you are set to keep your house, and your loved ones safe. ETCIPL is a prestigious surveillance and security solutions provider with more than 10 years of experience in the industry. Our expert video door phone installation services can help you keep the intruders away who will intend to invade your premises without your permission. We also provide other variety in security like CCTV surveillance, AV integration, access control systems, security alarms, home theatre solutions, video wall and many more.

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