Healthy Living 2012

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2-Estherville (Ia.) Healthy Living, 2012

GET SCREENED TO ENSURE YOUR HEART IS HEALTHY Plaque buildup in your arteries is a secret enemy you won’t see or feel for years or even decades – until you’re in the emergency room with heart attack or stroke symptoms, and it’s too late to undo much of the damage. High blood cholesterol, a leading indicator of heart disease, is happening at younger ages, said Dr. James Creech with Avera Medical Group Estherville. All adults – both men and women – are advised to get a baseline cholesterol check in their 20s, and then get tested at least every five years. A more detailed test is total heart screening, which includes a CT scan of the heart for calcium deposits. This scan shows exactly where plaque is building up in the arteries, and how much. Total heart screening also includes cholesterol, blood sugar and vascular testing. Total heart screening is recommended for men age 40 and over and women age 45 and over. “Heart disease is the leading cause of death in both men and women,” Dr. Creech said. “It’s so important to detect it early and get it under treatment early, either by medication or lifestyle changes, to prevent cardiac and vascular disease down the road.” While high cholesterol is a significant factor in heart disease, it’s one of many contributors, including high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, smoking and a strong family history. Finding out if you have high cholesterol involves a simple blood test, which requires you to fast for eight hours before the test. The results provide four numbers: ■ Total cholesterol. The ideal number is less than 200. ■ LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol. LDL, which has often been termed “bad” cholesterol, should be 130 or less. The ideal LDL number is 100 or less for those with heart disease or other risk factors. ■ HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, also known as “good cholesterol,” counteracts

Dr. James Creech with Avera medical Group Estherville says high blood cholesterol is a leading indicator of heart disease. LDL, so the higher the HDL, the better. Normal is 40 to 60. ■ Triglycerides should be under 150. If cholesterol is high, doctors often advise patients to first try to bring their numbers into the normal range with lifestyle changes, such as exercise, weight loss and changes in the diet. Dietary changes include a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and highfiber grains like whole wheat and oat bran; increasing “good” fats such as Omega-3 oil found in fish

oil, canola oil or flaxseed; selecting lean meats; and limiting or eliminating your intake of saturated fats. If you get less than 30 minutes of exercise on most days, you’re putting yourself at higher risk for heart disease. Even simple activities such as walking, gardening, housework and dancing can improve cardiovascular fitness. The American Heart Association recommends a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on most if not all days of

the week. The time can be broken up into shorter periods, too, as long as they add up to a minimum of 30 minutes. Aerobic activity such as brisk walking, jogging, bicycling, aerobics and swimming can help reduce blood pressure. Aerobic refers to exercise that increase your heart rate and involves or improves oxygen consumption by the body. If lifestyle changes don’t lower cholesterol, your doctor may prescribe a cholesterol-lowering med-

ication. Because heart attacks can strike at any age, everyone should be aware of the warning signs: ■ Chest discomfort that lasts more than a few minutes, or goes away and comes back. ■ Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, back, neck, jaw or stomach. ■ Shortness of breath, lightheadedness, cold sweat or nausea along with chest discomfort. If you experience these symptoms, call 911 immediately.

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