Fall Bulletin 2021 - 5782

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The KJ Youth Department had activities galore for the kids. In addition to youth groups there was an ice cream party, a bubble show, and candy bags for all. We were also treated to some wonderful divrei Torah, in the main synagogue, as you will read below:

No one needed to be reminded of how Shavuot was spent last year. The community was exceptionally grateful to be able to come back to shul and gather together to celebrate z’man matan Torateinu.


KJ partnered with sister Synagogue Orach Chaim and presented an outstanding Tikkun Layl program with Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz, Rabbi Ben Skydell, Rabbi Meyer Laniado, Rabbi Daniel Kraus, and KJ Officer Morris Massel.

And why did we have to wait 49 days to receive the Torah? Did we not deserve it? Did God have second thoughts? The answer is no. We wait, because during those 49 days we are supposed to grow as human beings. Because the Torah is so holy, until we grow as Jews, we do not deserve it.

CA L EB GR A N T, GR A DE 7 Shavuot is the holiday of receiving the Torah and the holiday of the harvest. But why is this holiday so special? We received the Torah and that is a lot, but what is the symbol? Every holiday has a symbol. Chanukah has a chanukiah, Pesach has matzah, Sukkot has a sukkah, but what symbol does Shavuot have? Shavuot has the bikkurim, the first of the fruits.

Additionally, the Torah uses the word ‫ ויחן‬which is singular (Israel camped at the base of Har Sinai). This is the first time the Torah used the singular in talking about the Jewish people. Why is that? Unity. While the Jewish people may have different opinions on almost any topic, like politics...which we can all relate to, there is one thing that unites the Jewish people: the Torah. One can go into any Shul around the world and while the tunes may vary or the siddurim may be slightly different, the Torah we read is always the same and ‫ מתן תורה‬is what we celebrate on Shavuot. Unity, and being as one, is key to the Jewish people, to its survival and to Israel’s survival. The Jewish people come from different places, may look different or learn in different types of schools, but the Torah and Israel unites us. In these troubling times, we must all stand together with Israel and pray for peace and the coming of the mashiach. Thank you and Chag Sameach. BENJA M IN L E W IT TES (GR A DE 3) A N D JONATH A N L E W IT TES (K IN DERG A RTEN ) Jonathan explained: We eat dairy on Shavuot because Jews did not have the laws of how to schecht (slaughter) meat. Also, the gematriah of chalav is 40, and Moshe went up to Har Sinai for 40 days. Benjamin continued: On Shavuot we learn about lessons that have eternal significance. That means that they last forever and they are even all connected! King David was one of the greatest kings the Jews ever had. continued// I n the C ommunity / / K E H I L AT H J E S H U R U N B U L L E T I N

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