Estes Park News, March 26, 2021

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Estes Park News, Inc. celebrates twenty years of serving Estes Park and surrounding communities.

March 26, 2021

The Regal Bald Eagle The bald eagle has been the national bird of the United States since 1782. It appears on many government official documents, making it the most pictured bird in all of America. Photo by Pau J. Marcotte

2 » Friday, March 26, 2021

Repairing Harm After Crime Facilitate Restorative Justice By: Denise Lord, Restorative Justice Manager/Executive Director A restorative community is a better community. Estes Valley Restorative Justice Partnership (EVRJP) has served the Estes Valley with restorative practices since 2003. While initially formed as a task force to address and respond to juvenile crime, EVRJP programming has grown over the last 18 years to include eight different programs that range from proactive community building to conflict resolution services and justicebased restorative responses. Community Group Conference, one of the eight programs offered, is a restorative process designed to bring victims, offenders and community together after a crime occurs. The goal is to identify the harm that resulted and create a system of accountability for repair. At its core, are victim, community and offender needs. Those impacted by the crime are empowered, given a voice in the process and provided the opportunity for a more meaningful outcome. Those who have caused harm hear the effects of their actions, take responsibility and are held accountable through repairing harm. The community is included in finding solutions to problems that have broader community impact. Data shows that those who participate in this type of restorative justice process are more likely to understand their impact and change their behavior. They are

6,700 copies were printed this week, and distributed FREE to hundreds of Estes Valley locations including Allenspark, Glen Haven & Lyons.

A National Online Audience With Loyal Local Readership Ph: (970) 586-5800 Fax: (970) 692-2611

Opinions of our columnists are not necessarily the opinions of this newspaper. Owners/Publishers: Gary & Kris Hazelton Editor: Kris Hazelton General Manager: Andrew Donaldson Classified Ads: Tim Buck Press releases: All editorial, photo content & graphic design is copyright of Estes Park News, Inc. & can not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of Estes Park News, Inc. ©2021 For subscription information contact us.


Reserve space: Monday by 4:00 pm Final submissions: Tuesday by Noon Classifieds: Deadline Wed. by Noon Estes Park News, Inc. is Independent & locally family owned. Our Main Headquarters is at 1191 Woodstock Drive Suite #1 Mail: PO Box 508 Estes Park, CO 80517

The charge(s) are merely an accusation and the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty. On March 18 at 12:40 p.m. at 170 MacGregor Avenue (EPPD), police arrested a 29 year old female from Estes Park who was wanted on a misdemeanor warrant for failure to appear. She posted a cash bond and was released with a new court date.

also less likely to become repeat offenders. Victim and community satisfaction - with the process and outcomes - are high. Additionally, bridges between law enforcement, community and individuals are strengthened. EVRJP currently takes cases for Community Group Conference directly from Estes Park Police Department, via deferred sentencing/judgements from Estes Park Municipal and Larimer County Court, and through the District Attorney’s diversion program. Juveniles and adults are considered for status,

petty, misdemeanor and felony offenses. Program participation is voluntary, and requires accountability and responsibility-taking from the person(s) who offended and caused harm. With a staff of two, EVRJP relies on volunteers to facilitate Community Group Conference programming. Volunteers receive training in the foundations of restorative justice, the Community Group Conference model and process, implementation and facilitation strategies, and more. EVRJP is currently seeking those interested in bridging community and repairing harms. Community members who are willing to invest in becoming a

restorative justice facilitator and dedicating themselves to furthering the implementation of restorative practices in the Estes Valley community are invited to join EVRJP for upcoming new facilitator training. The training is offered free of charge to community members committed to volunteering with EVRJP. Bilingual volunteers are always appreciated. Due to the pandemic, the training will be offered virtually and will occur over the course of 8 weeks on Tuesday evenings, from 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m., April 6th thru May 25th. Prior experience with restorative justice is not necessary. Help serve your community. Learn more about Community Group Conference programming at For additional information, questions, and/or to register for the training, contact Denise Lord at 970-577-3829 or via email at Estes Valley Restorative Justice Partnership is a hybrid municipal nonprofit organization affiliated with the Town of Estes Park Police Department. In order to build and restore community, EVRJP offers proactive and responsive processes that enhance cooperation, encourage understanding and strengthen relationships. For more information about Estes Valley Restorative Justice Partnership services visit

Friday, March 26, 2021 « 3

DOG TRAINING Home Sweet Home Dog Trainer 2 Sessions for $60  4 Sessions for $100 30 Minutes Per Session

Training at your home or in Estes Park If you’ve adopted your dog from the Pet Association of Estes, you have a free session.

Call or Text Judy Wood at 970.699.1856

Genealogy Research, An Estes Park Story On Wednesday March 31, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. join genealogy researcher, Carl Davis, and curator of interpretation, Mikaela Fundaun, as they discuss tips and tricks to conduct your own genealogy research. This program is free and open to the public and will take place over Zoom. Attendees will have access to their camera and microphones during the program to better participate in the discussion. No registration is required. Use the following link to participate: The link can also be found under the “Programs & Events” tab on the Museum’s website. Genealogist and retired school teacher,

Carl Davis, will discuss his experience in researching his family’s history, including a turn-of-the-century Estes Park connection. The audience will have the opportunity to ask questions and share their own research experiences in hopes of helping those just starting out with their own projects. Joining 5-10 minutes early is encouraged to make sure participant audio and video is working correctly. Questions about Zoom? Visit the Zoom support page beforehand to better understand this platform as staff will not be able to troubleshoot technological questions during the program.

EVFPD firefighters generally respond to Valley Fire Protection District medical calls in their personal vehicles, al- (EVFPD) responded to six calls lowing for a faster response. On other in- for service. This included: cidents, firefighters respond to a fire sta• Emergency medical (assist EPH): 2 tion to respond in department apparatus • Detector/Alarm Activation: 1 with specialized equipment. • Motor Vehicle Crash: 1 Estes Valley Fire • Alarm/Detector Activation: 1 • Mutual Aid: 1 During the week of March 14, the Estes Estes Valley Fire

4 » Friday, March 26, 2021

Recovery And Behavioral Health

By: Jody Shadduck-McNally concerned about more than just physical health. It’s mental and behavioral health, As we celebrate Women’s History th th too, by those experiencing depression Month, the 100 anniversary of the 19 and anxiety; many are Amendment ensuring impacted no matter the right for women to what our age, race, vote, and the many gender, age, or democontributions women graphic. have made in our society, I’m proud to be the With the passage of first woman elected to the 2018 Behavioral serve as Larimer Health Initiative, County Commissioner Larimer County is in District 3. I thank leading the way by voters who have enconnecting residents in trusted me to serve the our county with muchLarimer community. needed resources. The Behavioral Health ImMy last few months pact Fund Grant Prohave been full since gram was created to remy swearing-in. My sponsibly invest in commissioner colcommunity behavioral leagues and I have Jody Shadduck-McNally health services. In been working hard to 2019, $1 million was distributed to comidentify our shared concerns. One of my munity organizations through 29 grant top priorities for our county is heightenawards, followed by another $2.5 million ing awareness of behavioral health redistributed in 2020 through 43 grant sources in our community. 2020 has awards. In 2021, another $2.5 million is made that effort all the more urgent. available to distribute to community orThe last year for many of us has been nothing short of life-changing. Reflecting ganizations. In December 2020, Larimer County on the past year, I am reminded of how held a ceremonial groundbreaking for the we’re all in this together, navigating the same circumstances. We’ve adapted to the new regional behavioral health facility approved by voters to enhance behavioral loss of the “normal” - and we share the hope that we will eventually return to our health services. While Larimer County is leading the state with the new facility and “new normal.” Our community also batgrant program, the Behavioral Health tled a historic wildfire and many are Services website dashboard striving to recover from that as well. We’re all living history together with the data stress of socially isolating from family shows we still have work to do since drug and friends, disruption of learning for overdoses have trended upward in the children, economic challenges, isolation from working remotely, or worries about past year. We’re living in unprecedented times, vaccine access that have left an emotional and we will recover physically, mentally, toll on many of us. It’s OK to not be OK. and economically. Larimer County has a I’m also concerned about the front-line workers, health care professionals, emer- proven record to work through disasters and challenges. We are on the road to regency services workers, isolated older covery and will be stronger and more readults, and children who have been imsilient than ever. pacted by this pandemic. Jody Shadduck-McNally is a Larimer We need to practice kindness, patience, County commissioner representing all of tolerance, hope, and compassion. The Larimer County. pandemic has health care professionals

Meet At The Flagpole Wednesday, March 31 Let’s join together as a community to meet at the flagpole at Town Hall, 170 MacGregor Ave. on Wednesday, March 31st at 12:00 noon. to recite The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, sing our National Anthem: The Star Spangled Banner and God Bless America! Let’s stand together as a community in a show of support and gratitude for our great country, The United States of America. See you at the pole! God bless you!

Stepping Up To Keep Estes Park Safe Estes Park has a long-tradition of its townspeople voluntarily sharing of their expertise and skillsets for the benefit of the common good. They step up during good, as well as trying times. That they do so, and do so in large numbers is a tribute to the character of the people who chose to call Estes home. Case in point is Cathy Ochs, PA-C. Last April—I remember the day well because I was preparing to be sworn in as Mayor— Cathy emailed me an offer of help in researching ways of keeping the townspeople of Estes safe and informed about COVID-19. Relatively new to Estes, Cathy explained she’d been in touch with Larimer County Health officials and Estes resident Kay Rosenthal, RN about testing

cussions ensued between town administrator Travis Machalek and Larimer County officials. One month later, Cathy, after receiving the go ahead began building a team of volunteers. Five days later team members-consisting of Town staff and two nonemployee volunteers—completed their self-paced training organized by Larimer County. An efficient and local way for monitoring the spread of the pandemic here was underway, increasing the safety of people here and easing the work load of the county’s 116 contact tracers. When Cathy stepped up, others did too. Processes for training and supporting Estes-based contact tracers were developed and put in place. A team was formed, consisting of volunteers Ochs and Barbara Headley, and town staff Elaine Hunt-Downey, Derek Fortini, Beth Headley, Stephanie Kephart, Julie Klett, Claire Kreycik, Michael Madachy, Curt Plassmeyer and Jolene Svancara. “I am proud of our dedicated and engaged volunteers and employees who provided extra capacity and support for contact tracing efforts in Estes Park and Larimer County,” says Machalek. “These trained contact tracers have been an invaluable asset for our community. Having a team of local people trained in this skill will benefit the Estes Valley should COVID-19 cases surge again.” Thankfully, Estes Park does not have enough cases to warrant continuing to have these non-employee volunteers nor Town employees continuing their contact tracing duties. The team will disband effective Cathy Ochs, PA-C enjoying life in Estes. March 26. Larimer County’s focus will continue to shift from contact tracing Estes’ wastewater for the presence of the to vaccine administration. virus. She believed the novel approach During the dark days of the pandemic, would help keep people safe. Thanks to the efforts of Ochs and others are powerCathy stepping up, testing has been a ful reminders that stepping up, not selfvaluable tool for monitoring the virus ishness is a source Estes Park’s strength. here. That people who voluntarily share and Then on December 4, 2020, during the sacrifice are a big reason why Estes Park peak of the pandemic, Cathy stepped up continues to be an amazing place to live, again. Offering to put together a team to work and grow. A point I vow not to forhandle contact tracing for the Estes Valley get when the sunny, post-pandemic days and when needed to supplement efforts of arrive. Larimer County Health Department. Dis-

Friday, March 26, 2021 « 5

6 » Friday, March 26, 2021

Honor An Estes Park Health Physician Or Staff Member On National Doctors Day Doctors’ Day is Tuesday, March 30, and over the last year, the doctors at Estes Park Health have worked hard to keep the community healthy and safe. From operating with limited supplies during the early days of the pandemic to working long hours to administer vaccines today, doctors and staff at Estes Park Health have gone above and beyond to ensure the safety of the residents and visitors to the Estes Valley. If you’d like to honor a doctor or staff member of Estes Park Health, consider donating on Doctors’ Day. All donations go toward COVID-19 response in the Estes Valley and Estes Park Health Foundation Staff will deliver a personalized note to the staff member you choose to honor. Visit or call 970-577-4370 to donate. Doctors’ Day was conceived by Eudora Brown Almond, a physician’s wife in Georgia. March 30th is the anniversary of the day that surgical anesthesia was first administered to a patient, and the first Doctors’ Day took place in 1933 when a few doctors’ wives put together a luncheon for physicians in Georgia. On March 30, 1958, the “Resolution Commemorating Doctors’ Day” was adopted by the

U.S. House of Representatives, and, in 1991 Congress declared Doctors’ Day a national holiday. The Estes Park Health Foundation increases community awareness of Estes Park Health, and develops, manages and distributes funds to assist EPH in fulfilling its mission. To learn more about initiatives or to volunteer, contact them at or 970-577-4370. Estes Park Health staff.

Courtesy photo EPH Foundation

Friday, March 26, 2021 « 7

The League Of Women Voters Meeting April 14 The April 14th meeting of the League of Women Voters of Estes Park will be a virtual event starting at 10:00 a.m. The speakers for this meeting will be Darla Sidles, Superintendent, and Kyle Patterson, Management Specialist/Public Affairs Officer, at Rocky Mountain National Park. They will be discussing last year’s timed entry system and this summer’s plans, fire impacts and recovery, Darla Sidles and long-range Visitor Use Management next steps including public input opportunities in late May. The meeting is open to members of the League as well as the public. To participate in this meeting, you must register for the event at Once registered, a link to the Kyle Patterson meeting will be emailed to you. Darla Sidles has been Superintendent at Rocky Mountain National Park since August 2016. Prior to that, she served as

superintendent at Saguaro National Park in Tucson, deputy superintendent at Independence National Historical Park in Philadelphia, and superintendent at Grand Canyon Parashant National Monument. She also served two short term assignments in Washington DC. Sidles began her career as a Student Conservation Association (SCA) volunteer, and worked seasonally in the North Cascades, Denali National Park, Arches National Park, Big Bend National Park, and Zion National Park. Kyle Patterson is the Management Specialist/Public Affairs Officer at Rocky Mountain National Park and is part of the park’s Leadership Team. Her main duties include media relations and community outreach. She has been at Rocky in this position since 2001. Prior to this she was the Public Information Officer at Mount Rushmore National Memorial. If you are interested in learning more about the League or joining the League, please visit our website at or contact us at

8 » Friday, March 26, 2021

Meet The Buyers For The Trail Ridge Store And Café! Attention all local vendors, artists, and authors! Xanterra Travel Collection is having a virtual Meet The Buyer event. Xanterra is always looking for locally made, unique, and good quality products for the guests who visit Rocky Mountain National Park and the Trail Ridge Store & Cafe. Take this opportunity to talk with one of Xanterra’s corporate buyers without leaving your home! Xanterra Travel Collection is planning this virtual Meet The Buyer event for April 15th & 16th, 2021. Appointments are being scheduled now to meet with our corporate buyers virtually. Buyers will be available from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p. m. each day to talk about your products and the potential of incorporating your crafts into our assortment for the 2021-2022 seasons. Categories we are interested in from Local Vendors and Artisans are: Locally made Rocky Mountain souvenirs; tee-shirts, mugs, etc. Handcrafted pottery, carvings, paintings, gifts, and jewelry

Handcrafted local candies, jams, jellies, and snacks Xanterra will be scheduling 30 minute interviews to talk with artisans and learn more about each product. Please have available a selection of products and details about each, wholesale pricing, and information on your business or an artist bio.

Courtesy photo

Please schedule your appointment for either date by contacting Nancy Strong at the information below. Xanterra Parks & Resorts Rocky Mountain National Park 945 Moraine Avenue Estes Park, Colorado 80517 970-586-2133


Friday, March 26, 2021 « 9

This is a reprint of a portion of a column I wrote on July 27, 2012, with changes made to address the mass murder in Boulder last Monday. I am sorry that nine years after this column initially appeared in the Estes Park News, the issue remains unresolved today. It is every sane American’s constitutional right to own a gun and I accept that. I don’t like it but I accept it. (What happened to the right to life of the 10 people in Boulder?) However, I do not believe it is a right to own an assault weapon. These highly lethal firearms were originally produced for the military and are designed to slay numerous humans quickly. No civilian needs a gun like that unless he intends to commit widespread murder. Sixty-seven percent of Americans—including half of all Republicans—are in favor of a ban on assault weapons. What are we waiting for? How many more people must die before we restrict access to these deadly guns? —SD I often use this space to reminisce about the things that made the old days good—the music of yesteryear, the games of my childhood, hand-crank pencil sharpeners, food made from scratch. As The Thunker I also avoid addressing highly controversial or political issues. Former Page 9 columnist and my mentor, Mr. Balderdash, warned me against those matters before he himself chose to take that perilous path, which eventually ended his term as a columnist for the Estes Park News. The dear man meant well but got a little carried away. Today I am going to take the risk and express a concern I have over the loss of the old-fashioned values I so often write about. First, I will tell you that when I watch TV or a movie, if there is the least bit of violence on the screen I close my eyes and plug my ears. I’m not making this up. I can’t stand to see humans be destructive, even if it is just pretend. If there is offensive language, abuse, yelling or screaming, certainly guns or bombs, or even a chase scene that wrecks cars, if I don’t hide my eyes I leave the room, choosing not to expose myself to such barbarity and slaughter. I don’t watch any violence on the Internet and my main source for news is National Public Radio, where I only have to listen and not watch. I bet I haven’t seen the clip of an airplane diving into the side of the World Trade Center more than five times. I choose not to watch. I don’t need to be physically sickened by seeing that terrible event again and again. So when I read a text from my dear friend Kris in Boulder, saying there was an active shooter at the King Soopers

where she shops, I was horrified. Again. Just like when I heard about Aurora (17 lives lost), Sandy Hook (27 killed), Orlando (50 dead), Las Vegas (59 murdered), and Parkland, FL (17 killed). These were senseless deaths at the hands of men and their assault weapons. And this doesn’t take into account the hundreds who have been wounded, which is not usually something as minor as a skinned knee. It may mean an eye shot out, the loss of a limb, brain damage, or the inability to ever walk again. It used to be if two men had a disagreement they “took it outside” and settled things with their fists (which also bothers me but is a whole lot better than killing each other with assault rifles). They didn’t have access to semi-automatic weapons designed specifically to blast deadly holes through the human body. Because of this, there was much less manslaughter in the world than there is today. (In 2019, there were 10,213 murders committed with firearms compared to 397 by a blunt object.) It is estimated that American civilians own 393 million guns, ranking the U.S. number one in the world in firearms per capita. Ask the owners of those guns why they have them and 67 percent will say for protection. Yet my right to feel protected from guns is as essential as the other guy’s right to feel protected by owning one. I have an unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These rights are difficult to attain if I fear I’m going to be blasted away the next time I go to my neighborhood grocery store. I don’t propose we take away gun owners’ possessions. The Second Amendment says if you want a gun, you can have a gun. I only suggest that we ban assault weapons and keep firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill, criminals and terrorists. To do that we must strengthen our background check system and expand treatment for those with mental illness. Please meet me in the middle, where I’ll be standing with an olive branch in one hand and extending my other, not pointing a gun but with an open palm, hoping for a handshake. Sources: Giffords Law Center, Pew Research Center, Switzerland-based Small Arms Survey, Statista You may let The Thunker know what you think at her e-mail address, © 2021 Sarah Donohoe

g Reopenin , Wednesday March 31

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Estes Valley Crisis Advocates Spring Into Advocacy online silent auction fundraiser! Beginning Monday, April 5 until Saturday, April 10, 2021. Over 50 locally donated items! Online at Learn more at or reach out to for questions.

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10 » Friday, March 26, 2021

Estes Valley Community Center + Estes Park Health Elevated Connections: Wellness Talks In collaboration with the Estes Valley Community Center's “Elevated Connections” program, EPH healthcare providers will be resuming some of the wellness talks that were interrupted by COVID a year ago. Note that there are socialdistancing and masking restrictions in place, but the capacity of the room is sizable. If you have questions, you may contact the EVCC front desk for details. Reservations not required. Healthy and Whole: Your Mental Health Plays a Vital Role! by: Lena Belleau, ARNP, FNP-C, PMHNP In our First 2021 Wellness Talk from

Estes Park Health, Lena Belleau will present on the importance of mental health. In this talk she will address general statistics, most common mental health matters in the older populations, signs and symptoms and how the pandemic has affected mental health. She will also talk about management options and coping strategies. This is a presentation you won’t want to miss! Date: Wednesday, April 21st Time: 10 a.m.-11 a.m. Fee: Free with membership to EVCC or daily fee of $5 Location: EVCC Community Room C.

We’re honored to be #1 in life insurance.

March Is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, and it’s well-known in the medical industry that screening and early detection is the key to effective treatment. Colorectal cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States for both men and women combined. This year, approximately 140,000 new cases of colorectal cancer will be diagnosed, and 56,000 people will die from the disease. The unfortunate thing about those numbers, says general surgeon Dr. Jennifer McLellan of Estes Park Health, is that “colorectal cancer is a disease that can be prevented through regular screenings, a healthy diet, and regular exercise.” You can lower your risk of getting colorectal cancer if you: • Get regular colorectal cancer screenings after age 50. Between 80-90% of colorectal cancer patients are restored to normal health if their cancer is detected and treated in the earliest stages. • Eat a low-fat, high-fiber diet. • Use alcohol only in moderation. If you use tobacco, quit. If you don't use tobacco, don't start. Alcohol and tobacco in combination are linked to colorectal cancer and other gastrointestinal cancers. • Exercise for at least 20 minutes three to four days each week. Moderate exercise such as walking, gardening or climbing steps may help. Colorectal cancer can be cured, but it must first be detected. Since there are very few symptoms associated with colorectal cancer, regular screening is essential. Screening is beneficial for two main reasons: colorectal cancer is preventable if polyps that lead to the cancer are detected and removed, and it is curable if the cancer is detected in its early stages. “If detected, colorectal cancer requires surgery in nearly all cases for complete cure, sometimes in conjunction with ra-

diation or chemotherapy,” said Dr. McLellan. “Between 80-90% of patients are restored to normal health if the cancer is detected and treated in the earliest stages. However, the cure rate drops to 50% or less when diagnosed in the later stages.” The risk of developing colorectal cancer increases with age. All men and women aged 50 and older are at risk for developing colorectal cancer and should be screened. Some people are at a higher risk and should be screened at age 45 or younger, including those with a personal or family history of colorectal cancer or polyps; inflammatory bowel disease; ovarian, endometrial or breast cancer. Current screening methods include testing the stool for blood, stool tests for cancer DNA, and colonoscopy (a visual examination of the entire colon). Colonoscopy is the best test to PREVENT colon cancer because it allows for removal of polyps before they become cancer. Colorectal cancer screening costs are covered by Medicare and many commercial health plans. You should find out from your healthcare provider which screening method is right for you and how often you should be screened. Some guidelines recommend starting colon cancer screening at age 45, but not all insurances are covering this yet. If you would like to schedule a colonoscopy, one option is to call the Estes Park Health Physician Clinic at 586-2200, or talk to your primary care physician. Dr. McLellan will also be giving a talk called Colonoscopy vs. Home Testing: How to Decide? as part of the Estes Valley Community Center “Elevated Connection Wellness Talks” on May 19, 2021, at 10 a.m.-11 a.m., in Community Room C room at the EVCC. The talks are free if you have an EVCC membership, or it’s a daily fee of $5 otherwise.

Wildlife Responder Available To Help Helping you protect your #1. State Farm® is #1 in individual life policies* because people trust us to help protect their families and the moments that are most important in life. Let’s explore your options. CALL ME TODAY.

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Knowledge, experience, skills to assist and educate individuals with and about wildlife encounters/situations. Specialty is elk, deer, bears, mountain lions. Part of Rocky Mtn. Cat Conservancy Research. If you see a kill site, call asap, or if you want more information or help with a wildlife situation, call Jayne the “Bear Lady” at: 970-685-8756.

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Friday, March 26, 2021 « 11

Estes Valley Crisis Advocates Offers Trauma Support

Estes Valley Crisis Advocates would like to offer support to anyone who may be experiencing trauma, secondary trauma, or who may have been triggered by Monday’s tragic shooting event in Boulder. We can provide trauma informed counseling services and resources to help if you are experiencing any the symptoms of trauma. Please reach out to any of our trained advocates. Our services are free. We also serve victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and harassment, sudden and unattended death, accidents (vehicle, drowning,

climbing, etc.), emotional crisis, hate crimes, human trafficking, suicide survivors, assault, elder abuse, and robbery. Estes Valley Crisis Advocates is a confidential organization and we are available 24/7 with trained advocates to listen to you or guide you to appropriate resources for any difficulties you may be having. We are available by phone, Skype, Facebook Messenger or email. 970-577-9781,, www.crisis EVCA is a 501- C-3 non-profit organization.

EVICS is currently revving up for the Be Ready Fair, where children gearing up for Kindergarten. EVICS along with Larimer County believe that all children should be prepared for their next educational step. The Be Ready Fair will be a Drive-Through Be Ready event where parents can visit different tables and pick up many educational preparedness items for their Kindergarteners! The Estes Park Be Ready Fair will be held on Thursday, May 6th at the Estes Park High School parking lot. *More information is still to come, so please keep an eye out!

Needs At EVICS Spring is just around the corner here in Estes Park, but the looming snowstorm does not seem to indicate a change. Though here at EVICS, Spring has already started, and we have undergone our change as a team! What does this mean? Well, Estes Valley Investment in Childhood Success (EVICS) Family Resource Center Board of Directors are looking to fill the Executive Director position. EVICS is a close-knit culture where we place a high priority on serving the Estes Valley Community to strengthen and support families and children in the early years of life. The EVICS Board of Directors and EVICS Staff are looking for an Executive Director who is aligned with our culture and will enhance it through positive leadership. EVICS is looking to bring on more Parent Educators to work in collaboration with families, help educate staff and community partners ensuring that the program meets the needs of the Estes Valley community. If this snippet has piqued your interest, please visit, to view the job postings and to apply or call 970586-3055 for more information!



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12 » Friday, March 26, 2021

Updates From Estes Park Quota Members of Estes Park Quota want the community to know that their usual Taste of Estes event won’t take place again this year, due to Covid restrictions. We’re getting closer to things being back to normal with people being vaccinated, but we’re not quite there just yet and Quotarians want to keep everyone safe and well. That being said, they are excited to tell us to watch for a special new fundraiser they are planning, their Taste of Spring Geranium Sale! Details coming soon! Another announcement: due to space constraints, their Quota Loan Closet is currently unable to accept donations of medical equipment at their Loan Closet location. They are very thankful for equipment donations in the past, and they still will accept monetary donations for equipment loans which go towards equipment repairs and other Quota projects such as providing new ambulances, hearing & speech needs, student grants and other community projects.

Rotary Grant Will Help Feed The Community

Roxy Hause (left) and Rev. Bruce Brackman (right) happily accept the $1,000 grant from the Rotary Club of Estes Park representative Beth Weisberg to help with the Community Corner Café.

By: Rita DuChateau The Rotary Club of Estes Park has a longstanding commitment to address areas of need in the local community and has recently awarded a grant to help with a shortfall of holiday collections by The Salvation Army. Due to the COVID pandemic, the bellringing campaign sponsored by The Salvation Army came up short this year. The Community Service Committee of the Rotary Club of Estes Park, which vets and recommends grants funded by the club, recently delivered $1,000 to the Community

Corner Café to help provide weekly free dinners for all Estes Valley residents. Half of the amount came from the club’s Friendship Card proceeds, and $500 was donated by a generous club member. The Community Corner Café is based at Shepherd of the Mountains Lutheran Church on Dry Gulch Road, near Good Samaritan Village. Free meals are provided every Friday between the first Friday in October and the last Friday in April, between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. Due to COVID, meals are “to go” during this CCC season.

“Community Corner Café is about Community, celebrating our ‘common unity.’ We provide good nourishing meals at no cost to anyone in Estes Park and surrounding areas, ” said Bruce Brackman, pastor of Shepherd of the Mountains. “So far this year we are averaging over 225 meals every Friday night. We are so thankful for the Noon Rotary’s grant of $500 and a $500 match by an anonymous donor. We absolutely would not be able to serve without the generosity of the Noon Rotary and other organizations that consider Community Corner Café an important ministry to Estes Park and surrounding areas. CCC is funded purely by grants and donations.” Founded in 1926, The Rotary Club of Estes Park is a service organization open to all. The club currently meets on Zoom on first four Thursdays of every month. Meetings begin at noon, with an optional lunch served at 11:30 a.m. Interested in joining? Contact Anne Slack, membership chairperson at To help the club’s philanthropic efforts, consider buying a $10 Friendship Card for local discounts at any of the following locations: Cabintique, Country Market, Macdonald Book Shop, Mad Moose, Nicky’s Steak and Seafood House, Quality Inn, Safeway Guest Services, Rocky Mountain Gateway, Wynbrier Home and Wynbrier Ltd.


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Friday, March 26, 2021 « 13

Sunrise Rotary Club Welcomes New Member Austin Logan

Retirement Open House For Scott Logan

Scott Logan is retiring from Safeway after 35 years of dedicated service. His family is hosting a special retirement open house for him on Saturday, April 3, from 1-4 p.m. at the clubhouse at the 18 Hole Golf Course. Estes Valley Sunrise Rotary is proud to welcome Austin Logan as a new member. Austin is the Manager of Golf Operations for the Estes Valley Recreation District and a member of the Professional Golf Association. Austin grew up in Estes Park and is a 2009 graduate of Estes Park High School. He is passionate about golf and wants to encourage more young people to take up the sport. Austin’s membership was sponsored by Rotarian and fellow golfer Ray Leaycraft. Austin is joining our Community Service Committee and will be working

Congratulations, Scott! Enjoy your retirement. We will miss seeing your smiling face at Safeway but we know you will be out on the golf course enjoying your days of leisure or busy volunteering for our community.

with Rotarian Dr. Aaron Florence on our various service projects. Austin and his wife, Colleen, recently got married in the midst of the pandemic. Sunrise Rotary is proud to welcome Austin as a new member. Rotary International is the world’s largest service organization with over 1.2 million members worldwide. We are always looking for interested people to join our energetic morning club who want to be of service to the community and the world. For more information, go to:

Kiwanis Club Prepares To Resume Youth Programs-Volunteers Needed The Coronavirus has been hard on all of us as we well know. It has been uniquely hard on youth. School closures, separation from friends, restrictions from theaters, gyms, sports, hang-out places, Zoom learning... The list goes on. With our mission of supporting youth, the Kiwanis Club of Estes Park has had a very hard year too. For the protection of youth, the Estes Park Schools made the wise decision to restrict entry to essential personnel. No volunteers have been permitted into school buildings resulting in the closure of almost all of the youth interaction, education and development projects that Kiwanis provides for kids K through 12. In the face of this, a big salute goes out to the high school Key Club that has sustained itself through strong youth leadership and faculty advisor support. We are pleased that there is a growing light at the end of the tunnel for conquering the pandemic. How and when the schools will return to normalcy is in the hands of the school board and staff. Still, members of Kiwanis Club want to be poised to jump back in as soon as new policies permit. Some

programs will be easy to re-start, others will require planning with school staff, and there may be new opportunities for meeting specific youth needs that can use Kiwanis help. The Kiwanis Club of Estes Park is reaching out to our community for those who would like to join us in this period of preparation. We seek men and women of all ages who enjoy and are effective working with youth. Retired teachers, counselors, coaches, youth leaders and others interested in working with youth are welcome to visit us and hear directly what we are doing and planning. And we look for new ideas for projects that can help youth especially in this time period. We meet on Zoom the first and third Friday of each month at 7:30 a.m. Meetings last about an hour. On the second meeting of each month we invite a guest speaker to present information relating to town and youth activities. To receive a Zoom invitation and to provide enough information about you so you can be introduced, please contact Kiwanis Club of Estes Park President, John Long, at 713854-7076. Please call. We welcome you to be part of our work with youth.

g Reopenin , Wednesday March 31

14 » Friday, March 26, 2021

Happy 91st Birthday Elvin Spreng

Northern Shrike

From your friends and family! We love you!

The Northern Shrike is a predatory songbird that has been seen in Estes Park this week. These birds nest up near the arctic and winter here. They eat other small birds, insects and animals and are about the size of a robin. Photo by Scott Rashid

Who Made These Tracks??

See answer on page 22. Photo by Scott Rashid

Friday, March 26, 2021 « 15

Jett, the Estes Park News pup needs your vote! Vote for Jett today! Thank you!

16 » Friday, March 26, 2021

Nonprofit And Business Partnerships Contribute To A Resilient Community Rock Cut Brewing Co. threw a carwash at the start of the pandemic. Giving back is a foundational pillar of their business model. The car wash engaged employees who often use nonprofit social services and empowered everyone involved (for-profit staff, nonprofit partners, and customers) to help grow the Nonprofit Relief Fund. Photo by Alex Ho.

The solid ties between local nonprofits and small businesses energized during a year of pandemic. Partnerships and collaboration among small business and local nonprofits ensured our community had what we needed. But, this isn’t happening only during times of intense challenge. Local nonprofits and small Estes Park businesses have been collaborating to support the community for years. Poppy’s and Mama Rose’s restaurants held Giving Thursdays. They would donate 25% of their day’s sales at both restaurants to a specific nonprofit. The nonprofit would invite their donors and supporters, help promote the day of giving, and often be at the restaurant to help greet friendly and familiar faces. The tradition of business and nonprofit partnership carried on through COVID. Estes Park Nonprofit Resource Center (EPNRC) facilitated a temporary Nonprofit Relief Fund, which directly supported local organizations as needs and

services intensified during the most critical periods of COVID. This fund ensured there were no gaps in social services during COVID. Businesses were an integral part of rising up to support the fund. For example, Rock Cut Brewing Co. supported the fund with a COVID safe—and charmingly traditional— drive thru car wash. Community members waved to each other as they drove thru, while brewery employees joyfully washed cars and accepted donations.

There was dancing! Funds raised at this event provided technology to enable critical nonprofit services to be offered virtually. Rock Cut Brewing Co. owner Kirby Hazelton notes that giving back has always been a foundational pillar of their business model, pandemic or not. “The car wash came as an opportunity for action when we were so limited in so many other capacities. Our staff has a passion for our community nonprofits—many of them utilize their services, volunteer for their

events, etc. —and we all wanted to be able to give back in a meaningful way. We had a blast (thank you weather gods!), kept our staff engaged, and felt like we were able to contribute.” Later in 2020, Estes Park experienced a wildfire evacuation. Rock Cut Brewing Co. and EPNRC partnered again, this time joined by Roaming Rations food truck, to provide a warm “Welcome Home” community meal. This free meal was a chance to reconnect with neighbors and share resources for how to access food, mental health support, health and safety services and more. Partnerships between local nonprofits and small businesses reinforce the spirit of resiliency that exists in Estes Park and broadens the reach of essential services. Local nonprofit organizations are grateful for the support of local businesses, especially in times of crisis. You show your small-town spirit and contribute to the resiliency of Estes Park when you shop, dine, drink and stay local.

Friday, March 26, 2021 « 17

Duck Lake: Ballet Renaissance At The EP Rotary Duck Race Festival

Celebrating the upcoming appearance by Ballet Renaissance at the Rotary Duck Race are: (from left) Big Duck ’21 Bill Solms, Leslie Glover, Nick Mollé and Sean Doherty. Ballet Renaissance photos From: Ballet Renaissance

dents in the dance, or in relation to their Ballet Renaissance is pleased to support placement in the performance space, ” Furnish said. this year’s annual Estes Park Rotary Duck Race Festival. Select students will Enter Leslie Glover, adult Ballet Renhave the opportunity to perform for the aissance student and supporter extraorDuck Race dinaire. live-stream, Leslie and produced by her husNick Mollé band Mark and ProducHoldt have tion Manager stepped up Sean Doherty, in a signifiairing Saturcant way, day, May 1. providing outdoor re“The Duck hearsal Race is an imspace on portant event their deck. in our community, and “We did the Duck Race several balfilm project let filming gives students projects something to and classes look forward outside on to during a our deck particularly last sumchallenging mer and time, ” shared fall, and it children’s baljust made let instructor sense to ofand supporter fer reBrianna Furhearsal nish. space for Leslie Glover poses with Nick Mollé (left) and Sean the Duck The nonDoherty (right). Race Festiprofit has been val film as conducting online classes for a year, since the March well,” Glover said. 13, 2020 shut-down, which canceled all Without Glover and Holdt, Ballet Reindoor, in-person group activities due to naissance’s participation in the Estes COVID. Park Rotary Duck Race Festival livestream simply would not be possible. When the Rotary Club first extended the invitation for Ballet Renaissance to “Leslie and Mark have gone above and participate in this way, Furnish was unbeyond,” said Furnish. certain she could accept. Her concern The Estes Park Rotary Duck Race Feswas how to bring dances together via tival will air live on Saturday, May 1. For Zoom, without any in-person rehearsals. more information, or to support a non“Students can learn movement phrases profit of your choice by adopting a duck, over Zoom, but online rehearsals do not Quack Pack, or more, visit give students the opportunity to practice these phrases in relation to the other stu-

18 » Friday, March 26, 2021

Resilience Without Regrets: Acclaimed Physician On Finding Miracles And Facing Adversity Mar 26 – April 1

Starts 3/31

tions on the COVID-19 pandemic from Dr. Rotbart’s expert perspective as an infectious diseases physician, including coping mechanisms and paths for going forward as individuals and as a society. Dr. Rotbart is a man of science who also believes in, and “collects,” miracles. No Regrets Living is the muchawaited follow-up to his previous book, Miracles We Have Seen – America’s Leading Physicians Share Stories They Can’t Forget. “I have a simple definition of a miracle,” Dr. Rotbart says. “Miracles are objects and events in nature and in Many people reach the end of their our lives that cannot be fully exlives wishing they could change the past. Turning back the clock is impos- plained or re-created. Yes, like the unimaginable true stories written by sible, but Dr. Harley Rotbart’s new physicians in the Miracles We Have book, No Regrets Living, offers sage Seen book, but I believe the inside of guidance to help us better appreciate the living human beings I have seen in what we have in our lives, and take the operating room greater pride in what we’ve hu and the tiniest of hudone man cells I have seen with our under a microscope in lives — my laboratory are without equally miraculous spending and unexplainable. precious And you needn’t go time and to medical school or energy use a microscope to wishing ubiq appreciate the ubiqthings had uity of miracles. turned out They are all around differently. us — we only need Dr. Rotto open our eyes bart bridges recog and hearts to recogscience and nize them. ” faith from A nationally his unique renowned infectious perspective disease specialist, as physician, Dr. Rotbart is also scientist, par a pediatrician, parheart surgery enting expert, patient and edu speaker and educhild of a Profes cator. He is ProfesHolocaust sor and Vice Chair survivor. In Emeritus of Pediatrics at the University No Regrets Living, he prescribes the of Colorado School of Medicine and auseven keys to a life of wonder and conthor of more than 175 medical and scitentment: Belief, Discovery, Healing, entific publications, and five previous Appreciation, Acceptance, Seeking and books for general audiences: Miracles Growth, and how to cultivate each in We Have Seen; 940 Saturdays; No Reyour life. grets Parenting; Germ Proof Your Kids; Woven into the timeless message of the book are especially timely observa- and The On Deck Circle of Life.

Friday, March 26, 2021 « 19

20 » Friday, March 26, 2021

Five Fun Facts About… The Killdeer By: Dawn Wilson

This week’s featured animal is the killdeer. With the first day of spring now behind us, the summer birds should start to be seen around Estes Valley. One of the early birds to arrive is the killdeer. Here are five interesting facts about the largest “ringed” plover. 1. Killdeer, a member of the plover family of birds, are very common and

can be found throughout the U. S., although killdeer in northern and higher elevation regions of the country, like Estes Valley, do migrate south. 2. These birds are named for its shrill kill-deee call. 3. Killdeer have a unique method for protecting their eggs and young. If a predator or threat approaches, one of the adults will perform a “broken-wing”

act by dragging one of its wings as it walks away from the nest or young. The tactic makes intruders or threats think the bird is struggling so they turn their attention to the adult rather than the nest or babies. 4. A group of killdeers are known as a “season” of killdeers. 5. Killdeer can be differentiated from other plovers by their two thick black

bands across upper breast. Dawn Wilson is a professional and award-winning nature photographer who lives in Estes Park year-round. You can see more of her work, join one of her Rocky tours, and purchase prints and calendars at or follow her on Instagram: @dawnwilsonphoto.

Killdeer may be a shorebird, but they are one of the few that can be found far from the beach, like in Estes Park.

A killdeer will build a nest in the open but disguise it so well that it can be easily overlooked.

Killdeer chicks leave the nest within a day or two of hatching and take their first flight at about 25 days.

Killdeer are one of the early birds to arrive each spring in Estes Park, like this one that got caught in a spring snowstorm in 2020.

Killdeer parents will pretend to be injured to lure threats away from their nest and babies.

Friday, March 26, 2021 « 21

Spring Weather Brings The Reminder To Be Bear Aware In Colorado The official start to spring brings the annual reminder from Colorado Parks and Wildlife that bears are emerging from their slumber and beginning the search for food. Residents and visitors to bear country statewide need to do their part to help conserve our wildlife by working to reduce the chances of human-bear interactions. Improper food storage and forgetting to lock a vehicle resulted in a Colorado resident's car being destroyed in just the first week of April. "We stress it every year, small behaviors

nate because there is a constant source of food ranging from garbage to bird feeders to dog food and whatever they can find in open garages," said Frank McGee, area wildlife manager for the Pikes Peak region. "That is why we asked Manitou Springs to pass an ordinance to mandate bear-proof trash cans. And we believe it's working. We're making a similar effort with Colorado Springs." In the spring, bears should find natural food sources when they emerge from hibernation as new plants and grasses be-

ent in their search for human-food sources. Being bear aware not only protects your home and property, but it can also save a bear’s life. “Our area staff worked hard this winter to get some rehabilitated orphaned cubs back into the wild and give them a second chance at life in the wild,” said Kristin Cannon, area wildlife manager for Area 2, covering Boulder and Estes Park. ”The hard reality is that most orphaned cubs lose their mother due to humans being careless with trash and feed. When a bear has easy access to

Use a bear-resistant trash can or dumpster. These are available online or from your trash hauler. Clean all garbage cans regularly to keep them odor free. The scent of ammonia can deter bears. Take down all bird feeders by April 15 – bird feeders are a major source of bear/human conflicts. Birds don't need to be fed during the spring and summer. Hang feeders again in mid-November. Don't leave pet food or stock feed outside – never provide food sources for any wildlife.

Keeping trash secured is a major responsibility for being bear aware in Colorado. Human-bear conflicts are most often due to people's careless treatment of trash and food. You can help save bears' lives by being Bear Aware. Photos by Kris Hazelton

As bears begin to emerge in Colorado, ensuring trash is properly stored, food and supplies are not left in cars, and taking down birdfeeders help keep bears from seeking easy food sources. Let’s all do our part to keep our bears safe!

by people can make a huge difference for bears," said Tom Davies, district wildlife manager in Summit County. "We need people to keep cars and garages locked, keep attractants out of reach and properly use and lock bearproof trash cans. When you are living Do your part to keep wildlife wild by being Bear Aware. in bear country, you have a gin to sprout. Bears are omnivores and responsibility to follow ordinances and primarily eat vegetation such as grasses, be conscientious. If you don't, you forbs, berries, acorns, and seeds – food should expect that we will be issuing sources that span their waking seasons. warnings and fines." But if natural food becomes scarce, or if In some Colorado communities, bears human-provided food is easy to access, were spotted during normal winter rest bears will begin looking in residential periods because ample food was available all season as humans failed to prac- areas for their next meal. Though most human-bear interactions tice good bear aware behavior. In Breckoccur in the late summer months, a late enridge, two bears that had access to frost or prolonged dry weather could trash all winter not only didn't hiberlead to localized natural food failures, nate, but put on over 60 pounds. pushing black bears to be more persist"Some bears near our cities don't hiber-

garbage or pet food, the need for calories will trump that animal’s natural fear of humans. Unfortunately, that makes bear

conflicts much more likely to occur.” We all play a role in minimizing interactions with bears by establishing strong bear-aware habits that can help prevent conflicts throughout the year. Tips to prevent human/bear conflicts include: Keep garbage in a well-secured enclosure and only put out garbage on the morning of pickup; bring in empty cans back inside before dark.

Keep garage doors and windows closed and locked, especially between dusk and dawn. Don’t leave attractants such as snacks, food wrappers, gum, or even scented hand lotions in your car; and always lock vehicle doors. Use bear boxes or bearproof containers for food and scented items when camping. Don't leave food outside while camping. If bear boxes aren't available local all food in a vehicle. Review CPW’s Bearproofing Your Home Fact Sheet and conduct a home audit to be sure you are not attracting bears to your property. Talk to your neighbors and kids about being bear aware. For more information about Living with Bears in Colorado, visit

22 » Friday, March 26, 2021


A movie of bygone years tells the story of a hero, Oskar Schindler. Now Schindler was not of impeccable character, having been a womanizer and heavy drinker. He bribed officials and was a member of the German Nazi party. But, buried deep in his heart was a deep sense of compassion for the condemned Jews of Krakow, Poland. People Hitler determined to kill, these Schindler sought to save. He could not save them all, but he could save some, and he set about to do so. He had a factory, a factory for profit but which soon became a haven for eleven hundred Jewish people whose names were on his list…Schindler’s list. If you saw the movie…Schindler’s List…you may remember how it ended. With the end of the war and the Hitler’s defeat, Schindler became the hunted, even as the Jewish prisoners went free. Oskar Schindler prepares to escape at night. As he walks to his car, the refugees line both sides of the street. They’ve come to thank the man who saved them. One of them presents him with a letter, signed by every person he had rescued. He was also given a ring, formed out of the gold extracted from a worker’s tooth. On it was carved a verse from the Talmud, “He who saves a single life saves the world entire.” In that moment, in the cool air of the Polish night, he stands surrounded by the hundreds of people he liberated…husbands with wives, parents with children. Each knows what Schindler did for them, each will never forget him. What were his thoughts at that moment? Was there a sense of pride at what he had accomplished during his ‘rescue mission’? Not so much! As the movie ends, in the presence of the survivors, he tucks the letter away in his coat. He accepts the ring, and looks from face to face. For the first time he shows emotion. He leans toward Isaac Stern, the factory foreman, and says something in a voice so low, Stern asks him to repeat it. He does. “I could have done more,” he says, gesturing toward the car he could have sold. “That would have released ten more prisoners.” The gold pin on his lapel would have bribed an official to release two more. In that moment, Schindler’s life is shown to prize only one thing. Not profit… the factory doesn’t matter. The only thing that mattered to Schindler was ‘people’. The messages of Schindler’s story are so evident. As I watched the last few frames of the movie again, I wept. Why? Because Schindler had learned a lesson that so often escapes people in our day and time…that people are so important and must be the primary focus of our lives. We see parents so focused on ‘getting ahead’ and pampering themselves while their children are ‘lost’. When we consider the enormous crime rate among ‘children’…teens who have never had the attention and guidance of parents that ‘brought them into the world’, while the parents are focused on the ‘cars’ and the ‘pins’ that could have been sacrificed so that they ‘could have done so much more’ to save their children and, in doing so, to greatly contribute to and bless our society. Another message that I took away from that movie is that ‘heroes’ like Oskar Schindler, often have difficulty accepting the ‘kudos’ of people whose lives they have blessed, because their spirit is so much like his. “I could have done more!” Their spirit is such a spirit of giving and helping and saving that they don’t spend much time basking in the limelight of ‘missions accomplished’ because they are concerned about and preparing themselves for ‘missions ahead’. I certainly see that in the spirit of the firefighters, the health professionals, the law enforcement personnel, the teachers in our schools, even in the spirit of the neighbors who have stopped to help others during our recent snow storm. You, no doubt, thanked those who pushed, shoveled, or snow-blew the snow that kept you from functioning as you normally do. We certainly did. However, in most cases these were people, like Schindler, who were, like the Bible says: “Forgetting the things which are behind and pressing on to things that are before”. What can I do more? These are the true heroes who make a difference in our world. And remember, this must begin at home. Bob Lewis

Estes Park Senior Citizens Center Menu March 29 – April 2 Monday, Mar 29

Meatloaf w/ mashed potatoes, gravy & vegetables

Tuesday, Mar 30

Buddha Bowl (mixed greens topped w/ rice, sweet potato, tomato,

An Otterly Exciting Find In RMNP

A river otter made the slide and tracks on page 14! Otters often move by sliding on ice, snow or mud. Scott Rashid discovered this otter earlier this week in Rocky Mountain National Park. Adult river otters weigh between 1530 pounds and are one of the larger

members of the weasel family (called mustelids). Otters have long, slender bodies with short legs which lends to their slinky locomotion with a preference to slide whenever possible. This is an exciting and very interesting find in our area! Photos by Scott Rashid

Hallett Peak

cucumber, red bell pepper & hummus) & soup of the day Wednesday, Mar 31 BBQ Pork Ribs (4) w/ Baked Beans & coleslaw Thursday, Apr 1

Crispy Chicken BLT Sandwich w/ tomato salad

Friday, Apr 2

Shrimp Platter (4 grilled & 4 fried) w/ Rice Pilaf & soup of the day

Monday, Apr 5

Club Sandwich on wheat bread w/ homemade chips & soup of the day

Tuesday, Apr 6

Grilled Chicken Breast Sandwich (topped w/ Swiss cheese, mushrooms

April 5 – April 9

& avocado) w/ tomato salad Wednesday, Apr 7

Hot Roast Beef Sandwich w/ mashed potatoes, gravy & vegetables

Thursday, Apr 8

Shrimp Alfredo w/ Spaghetti, garlic bread & side salad

Friday, Apr 9

Trout (4 oz) w/ Rice Pilaf & soup of the day

All noon meals are $5 for current EP Senior Citizens Center members and are by reservation only. Reservations must be made by 1:00 PM at least one business day in advance. Note, if you want to reserve a meal for Monday, Mar 29th, you need to call before 1:00 PM on Friday, Mar 26th. For reservations call 970-581-2195 and leave a detailed message. Pre-paid meal tickets and membership forms are available at the Estes Park Senior Citizens Center located at 1760 Olympian Lane and at

The Center is still closed, but MedX is hosting TriFit and Yoga/Balance classes at the Senior Citizens Center building! Meals-to-Go will be delivered to your vehicle at the Senior Citizens Center! Pick up times 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Check out our website: or call for the latest information

EP News photo

Friday, March 26, 2021 « 23

Crossroads-Helping Neighbors In Need By: Brian Schaffer, Crossroads Ministry

Many of the folks coming in for groceries are in need of more than a can of soup and this is where our dedicated staff of volunteers serve as empathic listeners. It’s a big thing for people to be heard, but it’s even bigger to be understood. This requires empathic listening skills that convey a loving message that what they’re saying is important enough for me to give them my undivided attention, to be nonjudgmental, and restate what I think I heard them say. Having a sounding board to bounce ideas and feelings off of is therapeutic and many times will resolve issues that people have allowed to build up over time. I’m grateful for the kindhearted individuals who serve alongside our staff as volunteers. A few days ago, I received a call from one of our neighbors who we’ve helped find a secure place to live, get her driving documents in order, assist her with medical support, supply her with necessary food items, and give her counsel in making important life decisions. As I listened to her for several minutes I could sense she was anxious about her upcoming medical appointment and how it could potentially put her in a place where she would need people she could trust to keep things going in life. She commented on how her independence is being threatened and she is

scared. I assured her that we, the Crossroads team, would be there for her. This seemed to bring some comfort to the way she responded with, “Oh, that would be so nice if you could do that for me.” Because of the loving compassionate care she’s been given over the last year through our staff and volunteers, relationships have developed in such a way that she would be okay trusting us enough to help her in the next season of her life. What you might not know is that she was living in her car last winter, because she had no one in her life to turn to for help. I’m so glad she kept coming back to Crossroads to let us know how things were going in her life and that she eventually allowed us to intervene enough to get her into a better, warmer, and more secure place to lay her head at night. Helping our Neighbors in Need is what we’re all about, so join arms with us in this worthy endeavor to love our neighbors in word and deed. Coming up in April and May we will have our $50,000 matching challenge going on. Send us a dollar and we’ll double it. $100 turns into $200, so consider making a secure online donation at www. or mail a check in to P.O. Box 3616, Estes Park, CO 80517. We appreciate the way our town supports the work we’re doing.

Week 7 Results Stray Cats Linda’s Boys

5 12

MOB Right on Cue

4 14

2021 Spring Session Standings Right on Cue 71 Stray Cats 56 Linda’s Boys 56 MOB 51 If interested in playing or starting a team contact Joyce Hughes at (970) 290-3516

24 » Friday, March 26, 2021

What’s Happening At The Estes Valley Library HOURS & SERVICES Current Open Hours: Mondays - Thursdays, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Library collections are open, along with five Internet computers and printing on the first floor. The second floor and all meeting and study rooms are closed for now. Curbside pick-up service and 24/7 outdoor Wi-Fi are available. Full details at Curbside Service by Appointment Place holds in the catalog, then watch for an email notice, and schedule a convenient pick-up time. Full details at VILLAGE CATALOG A Million Items in one Catalog Thanks to a partnership among the library, the Estes Park School District, and Eagle Rock School, library patrons and local students can search one unified catalog and request materials from the public library or from any of the school libraries. Materials will be delivered to the library location you regularly use. Full details at STORYTIMES Bunny Storytime Now on YouTube. Children ages 0 to 6 and their fami-

lies can enjoy stories, songs, puppets and activities, online each week with new themes. Bunny Storytime is now online, along with previous storytime recordings on the library’s YouTube channel. (Look for the YouTube icon at the bottom of the homepage at BOOK-A-LIBRARIAN College Planning One-on-One Appointments available. College planning—from choosing a school to financial aid—is made easier by a one-on-one telephone visit with Kaye Orten, retired Vice Chancellor for Student Financial Services at CUBoulder. Visit the “Book-a-Librarian” link at to learn more and schedule an appointment. COMMUNITY PARTNERS Seasonal Paid Parking: Virtual Office Hours Every Thursday from 11 a.m. to noon, via Zoom.

d ir b e u l B n i a t n Mou

Do you have questions about paid parking in 2021? Visit with Matt Eisenberg, General Manager of The Car Park, who will explain how the payment and permit system will work in 8 of the downtown parking lots this summer. Register at to receive the Zoom link. AARP Tax Aide Volunteers from the AARP Tax Aide program are assisting with tax preparation. The service is especially for seniors and low-income tax filers with basic filing status. Appointments are required, along with Intake Forms to be completed and signed in advance. Appointments at or by calling (970) 586-8116. BOOK DISCUSSION Chamber Book Club: “Creating We”

Friday, April 9, 11 a.m. to noon, via Zoom. In “Creating We,” author Judith Glaser presents a vision for business leadership, explaining how good communication skills and a team-approach creates unity, commitment, and shared goals. Conversation facilitated by the Estes Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, Donna Carlson. Sign up at RESEARCH & PERFORMANCE Young Chautauqua Performances Saturday, April 3, 7 - 8:30 p.m., via Zoom. After weeks of research and practice, local costumed performers present live first-person monologues as historic characters and answer questions. Sign up at to receive the Zoom link. FRIENDS & FOUNDATION Cliffhanger Used Books Cliffhanger Used Books, operated by the Library Friends & Foundation, offers gently-used books, movies, and music at discount prices. The store is open Mondays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Wednesdays through Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and Sundays from noon to 4 p.m. (closed on Tuesdays). During March, books in the Do-It-Yourself, Sports, Pets, and Romance sections are on sale: $2 hardcover, and $1 paperback, plus tax.

Photo by Dawn Wilson

Friday, March 26, 2021 « 25




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26 » Friday, March 26, 2021

More Connected Than Ever: Meet Our School Partners By: Jamie Murphy, Technical Services Librarian

dents and local students. There’s never been a better Springtime in time to prethe Estes Valley pare for colis brilliant. As lege or a rivers thaw and new career, days grow research longer, what that mounpiques your cutain sport riosity? How will you conquer your you’ve been next goal, inspire joy for yourself and dreaming those around you? As we look ahead about, or toward connection and regrowth – a discover new normal – the Estes Valley Library new authors, new movies, new ideas. is grateful for the opportunity to serve It wouldn’t have happened without you in new ways. our enthusiastic local partners. Speaking of connectedness: five local To find out what it means for local libraries have joined together to create students, we spoke with Anne Dewey, the new Village Catalog. The result: Instructional Technology Coordinator you can now search the combined One at Estes Park School District R3: Million Items of our public library and Tell us about the school libraries all four school libraries: Elementary, and the role they serve. Middle, High School, and Eagle Rock “The school district has libraries in School. Each location is ready and ea- each of the three schools, serving our ger to share–connected with courier 1000+ students and staff. In our disdelivery. It’s a win-win for local resitrict, libraries are more relevant than

ever, providing not only materials, but a space for working and learning from books, online, and each other. Our libraries are active centers for each of our schools, which really mirrors the experience at the public library.” What are the benefits you envision with the new Village Catalog? “Being a library card holder is such an important part of being a member of a community; we are proud to be part of a community that welcomes patrons of all ages. Becoming part of the Village Catalog expands the materials selection for our students exponentially, since the school library budgets are limited. Of particular note are the digital holdings and access to full-text news

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articles. This was a missing piece for our high school students in particular who were trying to do research, but struggled to find relevant, timely, and reliable information for their areas of study.” What are other ways the schools collaborate with the public library? “Our school district has valued the partnership of the public library for many years. We have collaborated on many projects, including author visits, book studies, and college planning programs. We are excited to fortify our partnership through the addition of these services.” Thank you to Anne and to our partnerships with both Estes Park and Eagle Rock Schools. Curious about the Estes Village Catalog? Need help narrowing down your search results? Wondering how to request a new book? Maybe you have a favorite author–and want to find similar writing styles? We’re here to help. A million items is a lot to sort through, but the possibilities are as bountiful as springtime.

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Friday, March 26, 2021 « 27

Adopt A Duck (Or Six) To Benefit EVICS Childcare Scholarship Program Estes Valley Investment in Childhood Success (EVICS) has entered the race and is looking to lead the pack! The annual Estes Park Rotary Duck Race Festival being held virtually on Saturday, May 1, 2021. Duck adoptions are a great way to support the families at EVICS. Ducks can be adopted for $22 each, with $19 going toward childcare scholarships. Ducks can also be adopted as a six-duck Quack Pack for $110 (Adopt five ducks, get one free), where you will be helping provide even more childcare scholarship assistance!

of Estes Park and the Estes Valley communities. ASK EVICS – Parent Conversations will be via Zoom every first Thursday of each month, starting April 1st at 6-7 p.m., and will be EVICS led with Parents participating with a question and answer or resource inquiries. The ASK EVICS – Parents Conversations Group will continue this path of every first Thursday via Zoom from 6-7 p.m. from April – July 2021 (unless otherwise noted on

Please visit the EVICS website at, for further information! The EVICS website will have the Zoom Scholarships are a part of how EVICS link and other pertinent information on helps families with temporary childcare how to gain the materials and other exassistance who demonstrate the financial citing activities planned. If you have need. When adopting your little yellow any questions that arise, please contact duck, you not only help with childcare Erin Berryhill at scholarships, but are helping the parents and I can make sure that you have your be able to work and thrive as part of the questions answered by myself or other Estes Valley Community. Family Support Staff here at EVICS. Please go to to help give those ducks a home as well as supporting EVICS families through childcare scholarships! Estes Valley Investment in Childhood Success (EVICS) – ASK EVICS, Parent Conversations Night! Parents of Estes Park, we invite you to the new and improved ASK EVICS Parent Conversation Night! This ASK EVICS – Parent Conversations is for all

28 » Friday, March 26, 2021

Mountain properties... where dreams come home.

Let us sell your home for you.

Wendi Bryson Opens New Business, Technically Millennial Support

Photo by Anna Oberg. Estes Park, Colorado.


number of days homes are on the market

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Average rate for 30yr. mortgage


listing commission

of their asking price in the Estes Valley.


Why pay more?



Alissa Anderson

CNE, CMAS, EcoBroker


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1863 HIGHWAY 66 Sweet Cabin, Sweet Location! Perfect starter home or vacation home with Longs Peak views. With some additional work this property will be a gem! Sitting on a .34 acre lot bordering National Park land, this 2BR/1BA cabin with NEW ROOF offers an open design kitchen and living room, as well as a separate dining area with wood burning stove. Remodeled interior with newer stainless appliances, flooring and paint throughout. Separate laundry, and basement for storage, also a quaint front patio to take in the amazing view. Enjoy the peace and quiet of your own yard, or head off into Moraine Park, just a short hike away. $400,000



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*Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. | | Madison & Company Properties, LLC

Wendi Bryson opened her new business, Technically Millennial Support located at 873 Crabapple Lane in Estes Park on January 1, 2021. Wendi said, “I worked at Visit Estes Park, (VEP) as their operations/office manager. I left VEP during the pandemic, and I was helping various groups and people around town to get going on virtual platforms and better use their technology. I saw a need that would only grow with the changing times, so I decided to start my own company to support the Estes Valley.” About her experience and background, Wendi said, “I’ve worked in various positions, from help desk to server support for 16 years. I worked as both a contractor for an upcoming national IT support firm to a full time employee of global company. After I moved to Estes in 2016 to be closer to my parents, I worked for VEP as their Operations/Office manager for three years. While there, I took over their IT support because I missed it so

that's easy for them to understand. I can do everything from creating inventory databases to software and hardware support to home networks.” Her hopes and future plans for her business is to help educate locals that didn't grow up with technology the way she did. Wendi said, “I want to work with individuals, and local small businesses that don't have access to affordable IT support like you get in larger corporate environments. I am currently teaching myself web development, so that I can help local businesses to have well built websites to better support their business needs. I plan to use my programming skills along with everything I learned about effective marketing techniques at VEP to provide locals and much. I completely re-did everything from their computers and phone system tourists with better resources. I'm also working on launching a mini technical to their data storage, so that they were tutorial/how-to video series on social better able to work from anywhere.” When asked what sets her new business media. I just have to get past my nerves first.” apart from others she said, “I'd say it's Wendi offers free consultations either my varied experience. I love teaching over the phone or on Zoom to discuss people how to better utilize the technolwhat services are needed. Give her a call ogy they have available to them in a way at 970-235-1808.

Friday, March 26, 2021 « 29

act! tr on C er d n U

Madison & Company Properties Expands Into Estes Park With Addition Of Long-Time REALTOR® Heidi Riedesel Madison & Company Properties has expanded its Colorado presence with the addition of longtime local REALTOR® Heidi Riedesel and the opening of the company’s seventh front range location at 131 Stanley Avenue, Suite 101. Riedesel, a 10-year veteran of the Estes Park real estate market and Certified Mountain Specialist, has called the community home since 2007. An annual family vacation visitor to the YMCA of the Rockies as a child, Riedesel turned the trip into a permanent stay following an 18-year career as a public-school teacher in Minnesota. She quickly “fell in love with real estate” and has grown her business over the past decade. “Looking to continue my growth and level of service to my clients, I was fortunate enough to connect with Madison & Company’s Justin Knoll as a coach and mentor who was able to help walk me through a very thoughtful business process,” said Riedesel. “While I wasn’t necessarily looking to change my environment, I quickly realized everything I was looking for in terms of structure, team support and resources was right there as the foundation of the Madison platform. They were literally already doing the things I had hoped to create for my own business and, coupled with likeminded passionate professionals, the decision to join their team and help grow this business in Estes Park was a dream come true.” The addition of Riedesel continues a consistent and well-planned growth strategy for Denver-based Madison & Company. “We’re ecstatic for the opportunity to grow our company with the addition of a highly successful, well respected and dedicated REALTOR® in one of the most beautiful communities in our state” said

Madison & Company Properties Founding Owner & CEO, Todd Narlinger. “Our focus and ability to provide the highest quality, personalized level of real estate services to our clients and our brokers in a cost-effective model is a perfect match for the short- and long-term goals Heidi has established. There is tremendous opportunity ahead in Estes Park and we know that together, we will now be able to deliver our synchronized approach to an even greater number of homebuyers and sellers in a community that has long been one of Colorado’s true gems.” Business and political leaders in Estes Park have worked hard to carefully drive responsible growth and develop the infrastructure and resources needed to welcome new, residents to their community while respecting the history, stories and often family memories of people like Riedesel who were first introduced to the area as young family vacationers. “My story is very similar to how so many people get introduced and ultimately choose to call Estes Park home,” said Riedesel. “I’ve literally lived this experience and now I’m in an even better position to help sellers take the next step toward their future and buyers realize their dream home as I serve them under the Madison & Company brand. As the saying goes, ‘We weren’t all born here, but we got here as fast as we could!’" Founded in 2008, and with 169 agents working from offices in central Denver, Cherry Creek, Brighton, Greenwood Village, Washington Park, Evergreen and now Estes Park, Madison & Company continues to expand its metro-area footprint. Working hard to establish roots and relationships, Madison & Company Properties focuses on incorporating itself and defining market expertise in each community the company serves.

Photo by Jim Ward

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30 » Friday, March 26, 2021

United Way Of Larimer County Announces Four Regional Leaders As New Board Members The United Way of Larimer County is pleased to announce four regional leaders have joined its Board of Directors to help lead the organization’s writing of its next chapters. Yolanda Bevill- Vice President for University Communications, Colorado State University, Esq. Yolanda earned Electronic Media degree from Syracuse University and her J.D. from South Texas

Law College. María Gabriel- Director of Language, Culture & Equity, Thompson School District. María earned her Bachelors of Arts from University of Colorado – Boulder, her Master’s in Education from University of Phoenix, and her Ph.D. from Colorado State University. Tina Harkness- Director, Northern Regional Office, Employers Council, Esq. Tina earned her Bachelors of Art and J.D. from the University of Denver. Linda Hoffmann- County Manager, Larimer County. Linda earned her Bachelor of Landscape Design from Kansas State University. “The new Board members have a variety of backgrounds and diverse community experiences. Their expertise, strategic thinking, and commitment to ensuring a resilient Larimer County complement our current work and leadership team – now and for years to come,” said Deirdre Sullivan, President and CEO of United Way of Larimer County. “We are thrilled to welcome Tina, Yolanda, María, and Linda to our Board of Directors. Expanding the Board helps to bring the best and brightest leaders to the organization, as stewards of donor gifts, and impact investing. We are grateful to our current Board members who are dedicated champions for United Way’s work,” stated Justin Davis, Chair of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors consist of 19 committed volunteers who dedicate their time, creativity, expertise, and enthusiasm to help solve community problems. They provide pivotal funding priorities, operational direction, and community leadership. United Way of Larimer County Board

of Directors • Justin G. Davis, Board Chair Founder/CEO & Managing Director, Impact Financial Strategies • Tracy Oldemeyer, Immediate Past Board Chair - Litigation Attorney & Partner, Cline Williams Wright Johnson & Oldfather, L.L.P • Rob Wagner - Senior Director, Cardiovascular and Critical Care Service

Lines, UCHealth • Kelly McBartlett- Real Estate Broker/Partner, The Group Inc. Real Estate • Anne Folk - Vice President of Human Resources, Nutrien Ag Solutions • Denise McFann - Partner, Summit Hard Cider & Perry Co. • Kevin Cory - President, Human Capital Solutions, LLC • Joni Friedman - Outside Consultant, Skillful | Markle Foundation • Molly Ghent - Accountant/CPA, Colorado State University Research Foundation (CSURF) • Mike Hooker - Executive Director of Public Affairs & Communications, Colorado State University • Jeffrey Jackson - DRU Center Manager, Enterprise Holdings • Paul Mueller - Managing Director, Mueller Pye & Associates CPA, LLC. • Lorna Reeves - Private Banker and Consultant, Great Western Bank and Strata Leadership • Wendy Sparks - Chief Operations Officer, Banner Health Northern Colorado • Laura Jo Washle - Broker Associate/Partner, The Group Inc. Real Estate • Lise Youngblade - Dean, College of Health and Human Sciences – Colorado State University Human Development & Family Studies The United Way of Larimer County has 25 staff members, 40 committee members (volunteer leaders), and 20 Board of Directors. In 2019-2020 (the latest full fiscal year), the United Way of Larimer County invest $4.5 million into the community through donations, donor designations, grants and programming.

Government, Business, And Individuals With A Common Goal By: Judi Smith The realization that mankind indubitably contributes to the condition of our air has evolved into the discovery that mankind has the power to affect changes for the better. This has brought new interest: governmental, economic, and individual. There is a multitude of ways to preserve and protect the air, but three prominent approaches lead the pack: 1-energy production, 2-transportation, 3-our system of waste disposal. If we, as a nation, pursue a program to improve our breathable air, we will reverse the trend to increased lung problems, like asthma and COPD. This can only be a good thing, for the nation and, incidentally, for the world. Some steps can be undertaken by government; some can be encouraged and assisted by government. But, in a free, democratic, capitalistic society, some actions belong solely to individuals. Government can respond in three ways: by directly investing resources into required infrastructure and support, by regulating under law, and by incentivizing others to act. Xcel Energy currently provides for Estes Park locals with natural gas heat and appliances. Xcel has pledged to pursue renewable energy sources. They invest in wind and encourage household solar. Since 2005, they have cut carbon emissions by 44%, and have announced goals of 80% renewable energy by 2030, 100% carbon free electricity by 2050. Where will this lead? Our local electricity comes from the Poudre River Power Authority, a utility owned by Fort Collins, Longmont, Loveland, and Estes Park. The PRPA pledge to convert coal to renewable sources was an economic decision. When investigated, wind energy proves to be less expensive than the existing coal plant and will likely become more so. But the retirement of the coal plant will also be beneficial to the Earth’s atmosphere. With the problems of Texas and California in the forefront, what is safe, secure, dependable, and judicious? The addition of a natural gas plant as backup does no harm (beyond the financial cost) IF it is not used. Any natural gas produced and sold to the grid helps to offset that up-

front cost, but also reduces the ecological improvement. Necessary or detrimental? Time will tell. The individual energy production option available locally is solar, which more and more households adopt. There is an initial cost, but a long term financial savings. I expect there will be increasing tax incentives, both national and state, for solar panels (and solar roofs) and for individual household windmills (common in Michigan). These will help balance the up front investment. Visitors come to the Estes Valley for the ambiance, but they expect the services that keep them aligned with the world. This has been ever more obvious with the visitors who sequester here to hide from the pandemic, but continue to work and connect. More than one household, arriving temporarily, have decided to make this move permanent – which shows that the current broadband endeavor is vital to keeping our economic balance, both governmentally and, for many local residents, individually. To maintain our quaint village atmosphere, we must find ways to use the new technology without changing the existing persona of our village. Estes Park is on the cutting edge of research and development in transportation. Our new trolley (purchased under a grant) looks like a relic of a by-gone age, but is electrically powered and operation provides significant savings over gasoline models. Built for use here, it is one-of-a-kind. After a successful beta test (last summer) we will be getting a second trolley (also under the grant) to supplement the fleet. The Town of Estes Park also provides electronic charging stations for visitor (and local resident) use. Local lodging and restaurants have installed additional stations. This attracts affluent tourists who drive electric vehicles. The resulting sales tax more than pays for the cost of the service. This, in turn, helps to keep local property taxes low. Everything is connected. Agree? Disagree? Questions? Comments?

Easter Church Services Our Lady of the Mountains Catholic Church, 920 Big Thompson Ave., Estes Park, CO 80517, 970-586-8111 Weekly services: Saturday: 4:00 p.m. & 6:15 p.m. (Memorial Day thru Labor Day Only) Sunday: 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. Monday - Thursday: 8:30 a.m. Friday: Communion Service 8:30 a.m. Easter Services: Easter Vigil, Saturday April 3, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. and Easter Sunday 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. Estes Park Baptist Church, 2200 Mall Road. Good Friday communion Service Friday, April 2 at 6:00 p.m

Easter Sunday Service April 4 at 10:30 a.m. Everyone welcome! If you have Easter services at your church that you’d like to share with our readers, please email them to us by Tuesday, at noon to

Friday, March 26, 2021 « 31

Orval Kendall Orval Kendall passed away on Friday, March 19, 2021. He had just celebrated his 97th birthday on March 13th with family and friends at his winter home in Cave Creek, AZ. Orval’s wife of 77 years Orpha Kendall passed in 2018. Orpha and Orval had four children, Del, DeEtta (deceased), Sheila and Dan. Orval was born in Phillips County, KS in 1924 to William and Irma (Nichols) Kendall. He served in the Army during World War II in Honolulu, HI, where he learned the building trade that he brought to Estes Park in 1964 and started Kendall Construction with his sons Del and Dan. He was a builder for Estes for over 50 years. He was a great friend to the community and a big help to Orpha who worked as a volunteer and trustee for the McGregor Ranch for 40 years. Orval is sur-

vived by his brother-in-law and best friend Howard Morgan of Loveland, CO, son Del and wife Judy of Estes Park, CO, Daughter Sheila Coleman and husband Steve of Crown King, AZ and son Dan and wife Lynn of Greeley, CO. Orval has 10 grandchildren and some greatgrandchildren. He was a pillar of the community and built numerous homes and friends along the way. We will miss him every day. Services will be held Saturday, March 27, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. at the Hyde Chapel at the YMCA of the Rockies. The chapel will follow social distancing guidelines and require face coverings. All are invited to the graveside service at Estes Valley Memorial Gardens following the service. Please visit to leave a message to the family.

Laura Jane Dalton Laura Jane Dalton, Born in 1943 in Dallas Texas and passed on March 4 2021 in Windsor CO. She was raised in Oklahoma City and she was a proud member of The Chickasaw Nation. Lolly was busy with her husband Frank "Babe" Jimenez raising five children. Her hobbies were, being a great Girl Scout Troop Leader, PTA and involved with her son's sports. She enjoyed cooking, and wow could she cook! She thrived on large family events and good times. In 1977 they moved to Estes Park, Colorado opening The Emporium Gift Shop. She had exquisite taste and loved all things beautiful. She was one of the funnest people you would ever meet and is survived by children Tony, Jason and Joel Jimenez, Mark Cross and Susan Pedersen. Lolly leaves

grandchildren Little Tony, Blake, Alyssa, CI and Journey and was preceded in death by granddaughter Alexandra.

Alice “Kasey” Troutman Alice Kay McCollum was born in Hammond, Kansas to Alice Glessner and Lester Donald McCollum on September 15, 1942. Her early years were spent with her mother and her aunt, Bonnie Claypool, on the farm that belonged to her maternal grandparents, Bernice and Blake Claypool. In Hammond, Kay began a lifelong love of music, first in the farmhouse standing by the piano bench as her grandma played piano and the two of them sang duets, and later in the little country church singing those wonderful old hymns. Kay learned many World War II songs that remained lifelong favorites while Kay’s father was serving in the Army Air Corps in the South Pacific. Following his honorable discharge from the Army, the little family reunited and moved to the “big city” of Fort Scott, Kansas. Soon afterward little brother Tommy completed the family. During the summers in Fort Scott, Kay would spend her days at the town swimming pool and her nights chasing fireflies. When Kay turned 12, her parents moved the family moved to Denver, Colorado. It was quite an adventure to leave Kansas and head into an unknown land: Kay had understood there would be mountains everywhere and year-round snow. What a disappointment to see a “Welcome to Colorado” sign on Colorado’s eastern border, but no mountains or snow in sight! Kay attended Denver’s South High School, where she played violin in the school orchestra and sang in the concert choir. After graduating high school in 1960, Kay decided to start calling herself Kasey and began college in Greeley, at Colorado State College where she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Music Education with a vocal emphasis. At the same time Kasey also started work in the insurance claims field – eventually completing 50 years in that occupation. After her college graduation, Kasey began her other calling - as a church music director. She spent the first 18 years of that “career” at University View Christ Church in Denver and then another

18 years at Grace Chapel in Englewood, Colorado. It was with great joy that she directed choirs of all ages – leading them in cantatas and musicals and dramas. In addition, Kasey enjoyed directing and singing the beautiful chords of barbershop harmony with Denver’s Sweet Adeline chorus and the Tempo Tones quartet. In 1968 she married the love of her life, Edwin Alvin Troutman, Jr. Their son, Kevin Leon Troutman, was born in 1970 and diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at five months of age. Although Kevin fought a long and valiant battle, he succumbed to C. F. at age 38. After many years of living in Littleton, Kasey moved to Estes Park, Colorado, where the family had enjoyed a wonderful cabin on the Big Thompson River for many years. In Estes Park, Kasey was privileged to direct the Mountain Aires women’s chorus as well as take part in the music ministry at Mountain View Bible Fellowship. Kasey died on March 20, after a long battle with cancer. She was preceded in death by her parents and in-laws as well as her husband Ed and son Kevin. Along with many dear friends, Kasey leaves behind her beloved son, Will Huskie of Golden, and her daughter, Joy Gray of San Clemente, California. Grandchildren are Autumn and Tristan Huskie and Trevor Gray. Kasey was a dearly loved wife, mother, and grandmother. She was a wonderful mentor to so many. A memorial service will be held at Mountain View Bible Fellowship in Estes Park, Colorado on Saturday, April 10 at 11:00 a.m. Donations may be made to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation or to the Alzheimer’s Association. Please visit to leave a message to the family.

32 » Friday, March 26, 2021

Norm Glowacki Norm Glowacki passed away on March 20, 2021, the first day of Spring after a four year battle with Lung Cancer, he was 70 years old. My Dad’s Obituary: My dad never wanted an ordinary life, he was an adventurer, the kind of man that wouldn’t let fear stop him from experiencing excitement. Norm lived on a homemade raft on the Colorado River for a summer, made skateboards from his mother’s bread board and his sister’s roller skate wheels and even added a sheet for a sail so he could go faster downhill. He surfed in the first West Coast Surfing Championship, winning his age group. He served in the Army in Vietnam, driving explosive ordinance trucks through the DMZ and experiencing firefights. My dad was a hunter and fisherman and hang-glider, downhill skier, kayaker and golfer, even scoring a “ hole in one” on the nine hole course. He was a master craftsman who could build giant signs, custom homes and wood wagons for his grandchildren. My dad could strike up a conversation with anyone, tell true stories and tall tales and hold someone’s attention for hours. My dad taught me many things, that I will pass on to his two grandchildren, Jude and Scarlett, like how to be generous, how to be a friend, how to live with and respect nature, how to have both a creative side and how to work hard. My dad’s greatest gift to me was the pride he bestowed on me, on my wife Becky and on our children. Norm is leaving behind his wife of 46 years, his son, daughter-in-law, grandson, granddaughter, eight younger siblings, 11 in-laws and 29 nieces and nephews. He will be truly missed by me, his friends and family. – Miles Glowacki

Local’s Grill

A good-bye to my husband I met Norm right before he joined the Army in 1969. We both grew up in Southern California and he was my Surfer Boy with long blond hair and turquoise beads. We married after he returned from Vietnam and have been best friends and soulmates for over 52 years. He loved the sense of adventure and we drove Highway 1 all the way to Canada and back for our honeymoon. We backpacked in Hawaii and camped out all over Colorado. He loved Estes Park where we’ve lived for 35 years. He enjoyed being able to look out our bedroom window and see Longs Peak and Twin Sisters and determine what kind of day it was going to be, to see if he could ride his Harley. He would easily put 50 miles on his motorcycle without leaving Estes Valley. He loved life and played hard and cared for his many friends, he would help anyone that asked. He had fun at impromptu barbeques, golf tournaments, and the famous boys “gone camping” trips. I always felt safe and protected and loved when I was with Norm. I will miss him and think of him every day for the rest of my life. -His loving wife Becky Norm didn’t want flowers or donations but asked if you or someone you love smokes cigarettes to try to quit so you won’t have to go through what he did. And if you work in the trades to protect your lungs by wearing a mask. When we can get together again we will have a celebration of life for Norm and lift a shot and a beer and say “Norm” as loud as we can just like in the TV show Cheers. We will spread his ashes in his favorite places. If you would like to share your stories or thoughts on Norm at please do.

George Dean Hockman George Dean Hockman, Estes Park, aged 90, passed peacefully at home, March 15, 2021. George was born January 12, 1931 in Kansas. Son of an oil geologist, James Hockman and Mother Gladys (Halstead) Hockman, George spent his childhood moving around Kansas, Oklahoma and Illinois, graduating from H.S. in Salem, IL. He then attended the University of IL graduating with a B.S. degree in geology. After university he was drafted during the Korean conflict, serving two years in the Army engineers working in the photomapping program. After discharge from the Army he spent several years working as a petroleum geologist for his father in IL. During this time George met the love of his life Mary Jo, and he followed her to Southern IL University, stretching a year long Masters into three years. After graduation with a Masters of Education, George and Mary Jo were married, and moved to Peoria, IL where George taught science at Richwood High School for four years. Following this, he attended Emporia State University, KS, graduating with a Masters in Biological Science. He and Mary Jo then moved to Littleton CO where he taught science for 21 years at Littleton High School., and soon found his favorite job as a summer/seasonal Park Ranger Naturalist for Rocky Mountain National Park where he would work off and on for over 40 years. George always said this was the most fun job of his life. At RMNP, George was always one of the trusted experts when it came to questions on geology or flowers. After taking an early retirement from teaching high school, George built a house in Estes and he and Mary Jo moved

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Year Round Position Send resume to Solitude Cabins & Lodge is looking for a person with excellent customer service skills.

Front Desk Murphy's Hotels are looking for a person with excellent customer service skills and flexible hours.

Call Jenna 1-970-480-2955 for interview.

Shuttle Drivers

(Part-time, $15-17 hour)

Apply at: under the contact us page.

Front Desk Service Agent Full time Pay based on experience Pick up application or call and ask for Kay. 970-577-7777 1885 Sketchbox Ln.

there full time in 1989. George's hobbies and interests were centered around the outdoors. His love of hiking took him to trails all around CO, especially in Rocky Mountain National Park where he climbed every peak but one, and summited Longs Peak 35 times, the last time at age 71. His love of flyfishing included tying his own flies. He was also an avid outdoor photographer. George was a certified Master Gardener with Larimer County where he worked farmers markets and other events and he was a member of the Estes Valley Land Trust and Estes Land Stewardship Association. He was always educating others and working on eradicating toxic and invasive non-native weeds and plants. He could often be seen walking his neighborhood pulling up invasive plants along the roadside. He made and installed-bluebird boxes around the valley, and hosted multiple sessions providing free kits and guidance for others to build their own boxes. George was a man of integrity and faith. He loved his Lord, and always served a role in the various Estes church's they attended through the years. George is survived by his wife of almost 60 years, Mary Jo Hockman, his sons David and daughter-in-law Debbie, son Bob, daughter-in-law Christine and grandchildren Kathryn, Shannon and William. A memorial service will be held at the Estes Park Baptist Church 2200 Mall Rd. Saturday, April 3, at 11:00. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Crossroads Ministries

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Staff Photographer

Full details on open positions can be found at The Town of Estes Park is accepting applications for: Communications Center Manager Close Date: Open until filled Equipment Operator I/II Close Date: Open until filled, first review April 5, 2021 Groundworker Close Date: March 29, 2021 Payroll Technician Close Date: Open until filled Streets Maintenance Worker Close Date: Open until filled, first review April 5, 2021 Seasonal Positions Parks Maintenance Worker Close Date: Open until filled Transit Program Assistant Close Date: Open until filled First review March 29, 2021 Job Applications are available at: Return Application to: Town of Estes Park, Attn: HR; by mail to PO Box 1200, Estes Park, CO 80517; or via Email to or via Fax to (970) 577-4770. The status of applications will be communicated via email. By choice, the Town of Estes Park is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer.

Volunteer/Committee Board Positions Community & Family Advisory Board (4 positions open) Close Date: Open until filled

Come work at the Recreation Center Year-round full-time Facility Maintenance Manager Year-round part-time- Front Desk Attendants at the Community Center evening or afternoon schedules available. Lifeguards-Summer and year-round positions with part-time and full-time hours available. Want to work outside this spring/summer? Golf and Parks and Trails Ground Maintenance positions available with part-time or full-time hours. If you love golf, come and work as a Ranger/Starter or as a Cart Attendant at one of our golf courses. Do you have retail experience? Pro Shop Supervisor and Pro Shop Attendant positions are available at the golf course and Lake Estes Marina Workers are needed for the Marina Shop. Part-time and Full-time hours are available. Enjoy sharing your knowledge of Estes Park with visitors? Join our team as a Lake Estes Park Greeter! Shifts are 8am-1pm and 1pm-5pm To apply go to

EVRPD is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (11 positions open) Close Date: April 9, 2021 Parks Advisory Board (2 positions open) Close Date: Open until filled Transportation Advisory Board (3 positions open) Close Date: Open until filled (Committee application required) Committee Applications are available at: Return Application to: Town of Estes Park, Attn: Town Clerk; by mail to PO Box 1200, Estes Park, CO 80517; or via Email to or via Fax to (970) 577-4770. The status of applications will be communicated via email. By choice, the Town of Estes Park is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer.

Friday, March 26, 2021 « 33

The Historic Crags Lodge Housekeeping - Full Time Year Round, $14/hr w/ Benefits

Front Desk Agent - FT $15/hr with Benefits Apply online at Stop by and see us or call us at


Full time | Creative Location: Estes Park, CO Reports to: Stakeholder Services Director General Summary: Visit Estes Park (VEP) is seeking a self-motivating, innovative, outdoorsy, creative person to fill the role of Staff Photographer. The ideal candidate will have an inspirational style, one that will create excitement and a sense of urgency around visiting Estes Park. This is a key role on our marketing and sales team that will conduct a mixture of shoots for our stakeholder businesses as well as shoots for our external marketing efforts. Essential Job Functions • Execute general and special assignments requiring professionalism and technical expertise using digital cameras, including: - Creating stakeholder portfolios for advertising purposes (75%) - Candid coverage of Town of Estes Park events (10%) - Ability to shoot nature, scenery, wildlife, and adventure pursuits with minimal direction (15%) - Willingness to follow creative direction for shoot assignments ● Create engaging blogs with photography and creative writing ● Ability to edit all images using digital tools ● Love of the outdoors, adventure pursuits, and a familiarity with and love of the Estes Park area ● Contribute to the Visit Estes Park website and official visitor guide ● Willingness to work weekend and evening assignments ● Manage archive of all Visit Estes Park creative content (Brandfolder) ● Ability to work in all types of environments from offices to mountain tops ● Ability to work independently with minimal supervision ● Demonstrate initiative and follow-through on areas of responsibility Minimum Job Requirements ● Four-year degree in relevant field is preferred but may be substituted with experience ● Proficiency in Photoshop (provided) or equivalent software ● Sound knowledge of general techniques and technical processes required in multiple areas of photography ● Must be able to work effectively in collaboration with clients to create motivating photographs Salary Info: $41,000 - $52,000/yr Benefits & Perks: ● Medical, Dental, Vision, Life Insurance available ● Colorado government employee pension (PERA) ● Annual photography equipment allowance ● Vacation & Sick leave ● Live & Work in the most beautiful place in the world - Estes Park, Colorado For consideration please submit your resume & portfolio to: Applications will be accepted through 4/2/2021 or until filled. All applications must contain a portfolio to be considered. Creative writing examples are a plus but not required to be considered for the position. NOTE: Due to the large amount of applications we have received for this position in the past any applicant that fails to meet the criteria above or fails to include a portfolio will automatically be rejected. No relocation package is available with this position

300 Riverside Drive Estes Park, CO 80517 Equal Opportunity Employer

Come join our fast-paced and growing organization. This Office Manager and Property Manager role requires strong organization and communication skills to deliver quality customer service to the Estes Valley Community. Hiring range is $38,000 to $42,000 for this full-time position and includes health, dental, vision, and PERA retirement benefits. Knowledge of office management and property management is preferred. Duties will include managing our front desk and office operations, accounts payable, and maintaining current compliance with various state, federal, and local programs for a 10 unit property. Applications and full job description available at the EPHA office or on our website. EstesHousing.Org 363 E Elkhorn Ave Suite 101 Estes Park, CO 80517 Or call 970-591-2535 for additional information Resumes are accepted and encouraged. Completed EPHA Employment Application MUST be submitted for consideration of employment. Position open until April 9, 2021. The Estes Park Housing Authority is an equal opportunity employer.

Della Terra is seeking dependable, energetic Staff for various positions.

Non-Profit Executive Director Estes Valley Investment in Childhood Success (EVICS) Family Resource Center is seeking a full time Executive Director to lead this dynamic and growing non-profit organization. EVICS Family Resource Center provides support and coordination around early childhood services, connects families to community resources, and provides parent and provider education. Executive director responsibilities include staff supervision, resource development, budget and financial management, program leadership and broad community involvement for the health and well-being of families and children in Estes Valley. For full job description and qualifications visit: Please submit letter of interest, resume and three professional references to EVICS Board Vice President Garrett Faillaci at through April 1st, 2021.

PART-TIME BREAKFAST SERVER Prep work, food service, clean up. Shift 6am to 12pm Starting rate: $15/hr + tips. PART-TIME/FULL-TIME NIGHT LINEN LAUNDRY & EVENT CLEANERS Laundry and clean up of event spaces. Shift 5pm to 12:30am, Starting rate: $16/hr FULL-TIME MAINTENANCE WORKER Primary responsibilities: Hot tubs, ACs, grounds.. Secondary: golf carts, fireplaces, appliances Starting rate: $16 but may increase depending on experience Send resumes to or apply in person at 3501 Fall River Road, Estes Park

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34 » Friday, March 26, 2021

Join Our Team! TELLER Full Time

Ideal candidates will have prior cash handling and customer service experience. Additional requirements include attention to detail, strong computer and problem solving skills, and the ability to work in a fast-paced team oriented environment. Excellent benefits including medical, dental, 401(K) and paid time off. Please apply at : Member FDIC

Paratransit Driver in Estes Park, CO

Join Our Sweet Team! Full and Part Time Positions Available Now

Our business has two very busy, year round locations! We are looking for dependable, energetic, and friendly staff to join us. Must be able to do physical work and have great customer relations. Weekends are required. All ages are welcome to apply. Apply in person: The Old Fashion Candy Store 102 W Elkhorn Ave. Estes Park General Store 184 E Elkhorn Ave.

Full-time or part-time Via Mobility Services No CDL Required

M-F 6:45 am - 5:30 pm, $17.00/hour

Paid training for up to three weeks in Boulder Paid holidays, paid time off, bonuses

Benefit Package - 1st of month after 30 days Must be at least 21 years of age, have a good MVR

Must pass pre-employment physical, drug screen & background check Apply online: We are an EEO Employer

Youth Development Specialist

We are looking for high energy individuals to help foster a fun, safe and positive after school experience for kids ages 6-14 at the Estes Park Elementary School. You will assist in one or more of the following program areas: homework help, technology, sports, recreation and the arts. Must be 17 or older to apply. Paid and volunteer opportunities are available. Apply at

THE WORK YOU DO HERE MATTERS YMCA of the Rockies - Estes Park Center

Year-Round Opportunities:

Why work with us?

•Conference Set-Up & Audio Visual Manager •Regional Philanthropy Director (Remote) •Buildings Maintenance Technician •Conference Director

Hiring for Part-Time and Seasonal Positions

Employee Perks Staff Culture Our Mission


Full Benefits YMCA Retirement Plan

•Housekeeping Staff (Flexible Schedule) •Human Resources Interview Assistant •Conference Set-Up & Services Team Member •Guest Registration Desk Attendant

Must apply online at


We’re looking for a Branch Administrative Assistant to join our team. The Rich Flanery Team has been serving Estes Park for over 23 years and is a leading lender in the region. You will be joining a team of professionals who love serving their Estes Park neighbors.

Email Sherry Flanery at to apply for this position.

Sherry Flanery Branch Manager

501 Saint Vrain Lane, Suite 101 Estes Park, CO 80517

Equal Housing Lender ©2021 Mortgage Solutions of Colorado, LLC, dba Mortgage Solutions Financial NMLS #61602, headquartered at 5455 N Union Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80918, 719-447-0325. AR 104413; AZ BK-0928346; CO Mortgage Co. Registration; FL MLD902; MT Lender & Servicer Licenses 61602; TX-SML Mortgage Banker Registration & Residential Mortgage Loan Servicer Registration; WY MBL1022. RIch Flanery NMLS #256117.


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Friday, March 26, 2021 « 35

Employment Opportunity with Estes Park Housing Authority Spa receptionist position

Do you have interest in the world of wellness? Have great phone skills, computer skills, can multi task? P/T flex hours good pay, healthy atmosphere. Contact or call 970-586-6597

Murphy Hotels are looking for full time and part time house keepers Signing Bonus Possible! Apply at Murphy’s Resort 1650 Big Thompson Av or call Jenna 1-970-480-2955 for interview.

Housekeeping Positions 2 full time, 1 part time Pay based on experience Pick up application or call and ask for Kay. 970-577-7777 1885 Sketchbox Ln.

Forestry Day Labor

Drug and alcohol free worksites. Own transport and local digs. Pay commensurate with experience. 970-577-9276

Rams Horn Village Resort has year round full time and part time positions available in our Guest Services/Housekeeping Department: Competitive pay based on experience, plus benefits package for full time employees. Great working environment in Estes Park’s only Gold Crown Resort. Our business stays busy year round and 40 hours per week are available through the winter. We are looking for energetic, dependable people who are able to perform physical labor and who have strong customer service skills. Fridays and Saturdays are required. Fill out an application at Rams Horn Village Resort, 1565 Colo. Hwy 66. EEOE

Silver Saddle Inn Now hiring: Breakfast Attendant Housekeepers General Laborers

Are you looking to put your various maintenance skills to work in a long term career opportunity? If so, Estes Park Housing Authority invites you to apply to our fast-paced and growing organization. This Maintenance Technician role requires strong and effective maintenance skills and abilities to manage the needs and improvements of our properties. Hiring range is $40,500 to $42,500 for this full-time position and includes health, dental, vision, and PERA retirement benefits. A housing option is potentially available. Knowledge of routine and preventative maintenance for buildings, systems (plumbing, electrical, HVAC), appliance, landscaping, and equipment. Construction trade skills are necessary to perform work and quality desired. Applications and full job description available at the EPHA office or on our website. EstesHousing.Org 363 E Elkhorn Ave Suite 101 Estes Park, CO 80517 Or call 970-591-2535 for additional information Resumes are accepted and encouraged. Completed EPHA Employment Application MUST be submitted for consideration of employment. Position open until March 26, 2021. The Estes Park Housing Authority is an equal opportunity employer.

Must be non-smoker. Apply in person 1260 Big Thompson Avenue

Check Out Our Current Openings... • Driver, PRN (as needed), starting wage $13.50. Please apply on line at

• Line Cook - for breakfast, lunch

Lead Shift - Front of House


Year Round & Seasonal Positions Available Housekeeping - Laundry - General Hotel Duties. Great hourly wage End of season bonus. E-mail or apply at 2801 Fall River Road

and dinner. Experience preferred.

• Bartender - for dinner. • Servers - for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

• Dishwasher - for breakfast. Please apply at 900 Moraine Ave.

All qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or protected veteran status.


Dad's Commercial Laundry Hiring now through October... Part time... Possible days or evenings...weekends... send an email to or stop by.

We’re gearing up for the winter season and hiring for the following positions starting at $13.80/hr.: • Drive-up & Go Service Helpers • Checker • Courtesy Clerk • Day-Stocker • Overnight Stocker • Bakery Clerk • Deli Clerk • Produce Clerk • Seafood Clerk • Cake Decorator • Meat Cutter Get your application at: After your application has been completed, please call our hiring manager Ann at 970.586.4447.

Help us Help Others Become a CAREGiver Starting at $16 per hour No Medical Background required Flexible Schedule Training and Local Support provided Rewarding & Meaningful Job! Apply online at or call for more information 970‐494‐0289

Do work that matters every day! Join the Harmony Foundation, an Estes Park drug & alcohol treatment facility, as a full-time Housekeeper. This year round position contributes directly to creating a clean and friendly environment for our clients & employees. If you are an early riser or get up a little later, we have a shift for you. Shifts are scheduled from 5:00 am to 1:30 pm or Noon to 8:30 pm. You will enjoy full-time benefits (medical, dental, & vision insurance), Paid Time Off, Paid Floating Holidays, & a 401k plan. Harmony is a tobacco free facility and pre-employment drug testing is required for candidates who are offered positions. Hourly rates begin at $15/hour. Send an email to for an application.


is looking for a full time team member! Come to work in a fun atmosphere with over 1,300 styles of STUFFED animals! Must be energetic, outgoing, and like working in fastpaced environment. Work hours will be 10:00 - 5:00. Must be available to work weekends. No evenings. Please stop by 145 E. Elkhorn, or email

P/T or F/T Contact Armando at 970-402-9963 or email to set up interview.

The Ridgeline at Estes Park is hiring! We have openings for Front Desk Clerks, Servers, Maintenance, Housekeepers and more. We offer competitive hourly rates, and associate discounts on meals, retail, and lodging. Apply Online:

Aldrich Builders is seeking Office Assistant please call 970-586-5796.


Full-Time and Part-Time Positions Available for

• Front Desk • Housekeeping • Maintenance

Some Evenings and Weekends

Apply at, mail or email resume to: Fawn Valley Inn, 2760 Fall River Road, Estes Park, CO 80517 Email:

36 » Friday, March 26, 2021












Estate Sales

Remixed Custom Sewing First Class cleaning Services and Industrial service. Retired Army Repair SGT looking for a few Cushions, benches, homes or offices to clean. leather, campers and outHave Fridays and door furniture. Monday’s open. Call today. Local - call Beth Call 618-214-2124 970-492-5446

Affordable Apartments Available! 1, 2, and 3-Bedroom Apartment Homes availHome Repair/Service Piano Tuning able to families & individuals currently living and or KEVIN COOPER CONSusan Novy, local piano working in the Estes Park tuner. Call for appt. STRUCTION-Licensed Valley! 577-1755 Specialty Trades Apartment home openings www.estesparkpiano Contractor: Specializing in available at Falcon Ridge, Decks, Home Repairs, Lone Tree, and Talons Garages and Siding. Will Pointe Bid Projects for Gen. Affordable Rents Vary Other-Misc Contractors: 303-882-6875 1-Bed - $610-$963 or kevincooperconstruc2-Bed - $737-$1,160 3-Bedroom - $856-$1,345 Households Must Income Qualify Landscaping Pickup your application at the Estes Park Housing Authority, in person or online: 363 E. Elkhorn Ave Suite 101 (First floor of U.S. Bank Building) or at Need Help Around The House? I do household Email chores, yard work, housewith questions, or call keeping, run errands, auto 970.591.2535 detailing & yes... I do winEarth to Sky LLC FREE TREE CARE CON- dows! I am a long time resident having now lived in SULTATION Estes Park for 38 yrs! ISA CERTIFIED ARPlenty of references! BORIST Insured, SAFE! Call Janice at educated, experienced Commercial Rentals 970-215-6612. and professional Veteran Let me help you! owned small business Single office, includes inWINDSORTREECARE.COM ternet, access to kitchen (970) 821-5411 and handicapped bath-

For Sale bedroom furniture, king size bed, 2 side tables, 1 dresser with mirror, $100. Very good shape. Call 970 586 4926.

Pineda Auction Service, Located out of Allenspark, CO! Specializing in Estate, Antique, and Consignment... you name it, we can do it because “everyone loves a good auction!” Get your items SOLD! Call (303)7472806, we have the best prices around!

REAL ESTATE Homes FSBO 4br and 2bth, 590 Hondius Circle. Open House 3-27 and 3-28. From 11 until 2. Property to be sold AS IS. Will accept offers until 4-4-21 contact trustee at,

Commercial Commercial Spaces for sale and lease. Call Eric. Anderson Realty. 586-2950

Personal Training available in your home or at RMHC. Health and fitness, ESTATE/GARAGE SALE post-rehab, osteo-related Need to have one, but issues, sessions cusseems overwhelming. tomized to your goals. We do the work, you make Michelle: 586-5303 the $. Local, Affordable, References. CALL NOW 970-215-5548


Technically Millennial Support - Providing technical support to the Estes Valley for hardware, software and cyber security. Call 970-235-1808 or email me at

rooms. $350.00/month. Call Peggy 970-232-5588.


ACCOUNTING Tax Minimization


QuickBooks Support








Friday, March 26, 2021 « 37




Synergy Electrical Solutions LLC Quality Electrical work at an affordable price. Call for free estimate today. Licensed and Insured (970) 652‐8450



38 » Friday, March 26, 2021






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HEARING & TINNITUS CARE Cory D. Workman, Au.D. Phone: 970-586-5255 • Hearing Aids / New & Repair • Hearing Evaluations • Hearing Protection • Ear Care / Wax Removal • Dizziness / Balance

1186 Graves Ave., Ste. B Estes Park, CO 80517 Fax: 970-577-7260



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Basic Plumbing, Electric, Drywall, Repair & Remodel, Doors, Windows & Flooring






Friday, March 26, 2021 « 39







SECURITY HOME WATCH Call us for all of your painting or staining needs!

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40 » Friday, March 26, 2021

First Colorado Realty named one of the Top 20 Small Companies in the USA America’s Top 20 small real estate firms based on service excellence are being honored for exceptional customer service satisfaction with unique industry recognition through Quality Service Certification, which recognizes the delivery of the highest levels of customer satisfaction and service quality in real estate in North America through independently measured service quality of verified actual customers. The 2021 QE Award recognizes the Industry’s Top 20 Small Companies, in delivering the highest levels of customer satisfaction. QE Award recipients span more than 22 states, from Florida to Minnesota and California to Massachusetts, and includes some of the most respected independent and well-known national and regional brand names.

The 2021 QE Award is based upon the results of an independent survey of every closed transaction for participating real estate companies for Calendar Year 2020 and is administered by Quality Service Certification, Inc.. Surveys provide feedback on both the assessment of overall satisfaction and satisfaction details of key elements of service important to consumers. QSC offers the only customer service rating system for real estate agents that is accessible by consumers providing accurate, reliable, independently validated survey results of individual agents including all transactions. The information is completely transparent and can be accessed by visiting

Leading Estes Park in Quality Service!

Brad Barnett 970-212-6780

Mike Ryan


Christian Collinet

Jeremy Collinet 970-302-1850


Julia Daley

Breeyan Edwards

Lori Smith

Jess Stamper

Cathy Stano

Tom Thomas







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