Presentacion Buen Comienzo

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A City That Helps Boys and Girls Grow Before They Are Born


In Medellin, boys and girls indeed have a Good Beginning (“Buen Comienzo”)

Outline 1. Medellin: Characterization and context 2. Boys and Girls in the national and local setting 3. Medellin: A model to serve infants 4. Overview of the “Buen Comienzo” Program 5. About the boys and girls served by “Buen Comienzo” 6. Service modes

Outline 7. Program settings 8. Top Quality day care centers 9. The educational model of “Buen Comienzo” 10. Qualification of educational agents 11. Mobilization component 12. Integrated service policy for infants 13. Monitoring and evaluation system

Medellin: Characterization and Context Overview • Brief history •

Medellin: Nicknamed “The Eternal Spring City”

Medellin in the National and Regional Context

Context Location: Northwest of Colombia, 409 km. from Bogota D.C. Medellin is in the middle of the Aburra Valley and crossed by the Medellin River from South to North. Capital of the Department of Antioquia. Limits with the municipalities of Bello, Copacabana, Girardota, Barbosa, Itagui, Envigado, La Estrella, Caldas and Sabaneta Population: 2,249,073. Plus the other municipalities, adds up to 3,312,165. Meters above sea level: 1,479 Average temperature: 24°C The City is set on 38,034 hectares, comprised of: ● 10,677 ha of urban soil (28%) ● 468 ha of urban expansion soil (1%) ● 26.887 ha of rural soil (71%)

Context • • • • •

• •

Main Activities: Manufacturing industry (43,6%), Services (39,7%) and Trade (7%) Corporate Density: 25 businesses per 1,000 inhabitants (second after Bogota) GDP per capita: US$3,794 8% of the domestic GDP Public utilities coverage: – Electric energy: 98.8% – Water system: 97.3% – Telephone communication: 91% Average years of education of the population age 15 and older: 10 years Child mortality rate per 1,000 born alive: 11,6

Brief Background • • • • •

Medellin was founded in 1675 by Miguel de Aguinaga Early on, the city was an agricultural and cattle-raising trade center tied to the booming coffee production economy Transformed into a manufacturing industrial center during the late XIX century, particularly in the textile – garment manufacturing sector During the mid-XX century, Medellin diversifies its activity towards the trade and services sectors Today, Medellin is an important financial center of Colombia, gathering the main industries in the sector of food, construction materials, and large surface trade The City has defined the following economic development strategic clusters: – Electric energy – Textile – Garment manufacturing – Design and Fashion – Construction – Tourism, trade shows and conventions – Health care

Boys and Girls in the Domestic and Local Context

Background of Services Provided to Childhood in Colombia

1968: Incorporation of the ICBF Colombian Institute of Family Welfare.


1989: Colombia signs the international Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted by United Nations. 1991: Through Act 12, the Colombian Congress approves the Convention. Since then, boys and girls are recognized as social subjects and citizens with rights in democratic contexts. These guidelines are

Background of Services Provided to Childhood in Colombia


2006: The Code of Infants and Youth is issued, involving a system of rights and guarantees. 2007: Implementation of the National Public Policy for Early Childhood. 2011: Initiation of the Presidential program “De Cero a Siempre” (From Zero to Forever)

Program Background

Since the previous Administration (2004- 2007), Medellin understood the need to provide an integrated service to Early Childhood. Hence, in the year 2004 and through Agreement 14, “Buen Comienzo” is launched as a strategic project of the Development Plan, to promote the integrated, diverse and inclusive development of boys and girls under 6.

Medellin – A Model for Serving Early Childhood

The current Administration of Alonso Salazar Jaramillo made a significant leap in the 2008-2011 Development Plan through “Medellin is Solidary and Competitive”. Thanks to the increased public and private investment used to expand and improve the services that ensure the development of early childhood, today Medellin is a model worth following in Colombia and in the world.

Our Bet on Early Childhood Boys and Girls: •Active subjects and leaders of their own



autonomous, with an exploring and investigative spirit. •Enjoy good health and nutrition. •Respect themselves, others and their environment. •Trust others and eager to learn.

Our Bet on Early Childhood


Responsible of the development of boys and girls, assuming their educational role.

Our Bet on Early Childhood

A City: •That reads and interprets the needs of boys and girls, transforming the setting and culture with their participation. •That recognizes and promotes playing and expressive languages for communication and interaction. •Open to recognize and highlight its boys and girls.

Our Bet on Early Childhood

…A City that helps its boys and girls grow even before they are born.

Overview of the “Buen Comienzo” Program

With “Buen Comienzo”, boys and girls can play, learn, feel and grow healthy

Program Objective To promote the integrated, diverse and inclusive development of boys and girls, from birth to age 5, within an inter-disciplinary perspective of the vital cycle, protecting their rights and with inter-institutional engagement.

Service Categories of the “Buen Comienzo” Program

Life and Survival Protection Development Education Participation



A ● ct v t y

T P F E S C o a q re o n m ru e a l vcg ia ry tilu n icyre rs e o n s e n g n t

Initial Education Creates Sense for Integrated Service

What does Integrated Service mean to us?

A set of coordinated activities that intend to meet the essential needs to preserve life, such as those relative to human development and learning, in accordance with the constant and variable characteristics, needs and interests of boys and girls.

Inter-institutional and inter-sector alliances led by the Mayor’s Office of Medellin Mayor’s Office of Medelin

Decentralized Entities

National Government Entities

Social and Community Entities

Haga clic para modificar el estilo de texto del patrón 51 allies Segundo nivel distributed ● throughout every Tercer nivel commune of ● Cuarto nivel Medellin With its ● Quinto nivel Secretariats of Education, Social Welfare and Health.

Business Entities

2008-2011 Budget of the “Buen Comienzo” Program

During the past 4 years, Medellin has invested $348,000 million pesos in the Integrated Service of its boys and girls.

2008-2011 Budget of the “Buen Comienzo” Program Figures in Colombian Pesos

Entity / Year Contributions Secretariat of Education Contributions Secretariat of Social Welfare Contributions Health Secretariat Private Secretariat Inder (Sports) Association Agreements International Cooperation Total
















1.000,00 -



520,00 -














Recognitions We Are Proud Of Honor Habitat Award granted by the United Nations to the city of Medellin for implementing strategies to overcome poverty (“Buen Comienzo”, “Medellín Solidaria” and the Quality of Life Survey). Recognition of the Ministry of Education of Colombia for implementing social mobility strategies and inter-sector engagement in favor of initial education.

About the boys and girls we serve in “Buen Comienzo”

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How many boys and girls are there in Medellin?

2010-01 Cupos contratados de Niños y Niñas desde el nacimiento hasta los 12 meses 8.015-90 %

The Boys and Girls Served by the Program

Of the 94,728 boys and girls in the lowest social and economic range of the population, “Buen Comienzo” has set out to serve 82,305 focusing on those that need it the most. This indicates a 90% coverage of levels 1 and 2 of Sisben.

Selection Criteria

Priority access to level 1 and 2 of Sisben. The System for Beneficiary Selection is the focus tool used to identify the potential beneficiaries of social programs based on their social and economic situation. •

Experiencing displacement.

What does the Integrated Service for Early Childhood provided by “Buen Comienzo” involve?

Service Modes

Birth to 1


“Once Upon A Time” Family setting

1 - 2 years old

2 - 4 years old

2 - 4 years old

Family setting

Family, institutional and community setting

Engagement with the school

Family Setting 0 - 4 years old

Family Setting- Once Upon A Time 0 - 1 year old The boys and girls begin, with their families, the cycle of assistance and service to enhance how to raise them and guide them on their growth and development process. Benefits Plan: Family educational meetings for two hours a week, home visits, and nutritional complement containing calcium, iron, folic acid, zinc and B complex. Population served in the year 2011: 8,015

Childhood Development Halls

Spaces furnished particularly for the integrated service of boys and girls, and to promote childhood development from birth until they are one year old. Participation of the family, community, professionals, educational and healthcare agents.

Family Setting From 1 to 4 Years Old After “Once Upon a Time”, the integrated service involving care, nutrition and education expands to children up to 4 years old. This may be extended to children up to 5 years old in rural areas or if needed. The Family Setting focuses on developing competencies for life thanks to the assistance provided by educational agents providing basic furnishings in the rural and urban areas of the City. Population served in the year 2011: 7,255

Institutional Setting 2 - 5 Years Old

Institutional Setting 2 - 5 Years Old

In this mode, boys and girls receive integrated services through educational experiences, affection, nutrition and healthcare, which pivotal for the physical, social, cognitive, psychological and emotional development during Early Childhood. 8-hour Day Care Centers, 5 Days-A-Week Day Care Centers, Educational & Recreational Halls, and Homes for Children, are part of the Institutional Setting provided from Monday to Friday. Population served in the year 2011: 32,398

8-Hour Day Care Centers

Each Day Care Center provides its services to boys and girls 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Educational assistance is given for the development of their educational activities using recreational, active and participative methodologies to enhance the development of their skills. Boys and girls receive a daily calory contribution of 80% at these centers. Population served in the year 2011: 22,302

5 Days-A-Week Day Care Centers

Similar to the 8-hour centers, these day care centers provide healthy and safe settings where boys and girls receive, 5 days a week, the care of experts in childhood, nutrition and initial education, where the kids explore and discover the world. Boys and girls there receive a daily calory contribution of 27%. Population served in the year 2011: 2,450

Educational & Recreational Halls

These halls provide services 5 hours a day, 5 days a week. Here, boys and girls carry out recreational and educational activities, and receive educational assistance.

Population served in the year 2011: 1,230

Homes for Children

These homes are operated by the ICBF (Colombian Institute of Family Welfare) in alliance with the “Buen Comienzo” program. Here, the Integrated Service of boys and girls is qualified, and the role of the educational agents of these homes is enhanced. Population served in the year 2011: 6,416

Community Setting 2 - 5 Years Old

Community Setting 2 - 5 Years Old

Through settings created and furnished in neighborhoods, known as Back-up Educational Units or UPA’s, the Community Homes of Family Welfare access an educational and integrated service process that contributes to improve and complement the services provided. Population served in the year 2011: 28,912

Community Mothers: Engaged with Early Childhood The City’s Community Mothers play an important role at “Buen Comienzo”. Although many are single mothers with low income, they have a great sense of performing social activities, cooperation and human qualities. These women, identified as being engaged with early childhood, undergo learning experiences with the “Buen Comienzo” program and the ICBF (Colombian Institute of Family Welfare), seeking the well-being of the most vulnerable boys and girls of the City.

Service Modes

2006 – 2011 Coverage per Modes: “Buen Comienzo” 2006 - 2011

Quality – Pertinent for the Service

Quality relative to a condition and attribute of every activity made with the boys/girls with “pertinence and sense”, according to the characteristics of the vital cycle, needs and diversity of boys and girls, social, cultural and territorial contexts, and challenges to develop the City.

Facilities where “Buen Comienzo” is provided

Number of facilities and neighborhoods of the program “Buen Comienzo” currently has 721 facilities strategically distributed throughout every commune of Medellin, particularly those which are most vulnerable. Of the 329 neighborhoods of Medellin, the program has facilities in 155 neighborhoods, that is, a 61% coverage in the urban area and a 78% coverage in the rural area.

Service Distribution per Territories Residential Communes Benefitting from “Buen Comienzo” in 2010

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Top Quality Day Care Centers

Top Quality Day Care Centers

The architecture of these facilities is aesthetically attractive, safe and clean, with ample and organized spaces where boys and girls can play, learn and practice sports. These facilities are equipped with multiple items where the boys and girls can play, boost their imagination and express their creativity.

Top Quality Day Care Centers

Each center will serve 300 boys and girls focusing on their rights, vital cycle, gender equality, and social inclusion perspectives. These Day Care Centers improve the quality of life of boys and girls descreasing the differences stemming in the family and sociocultural setting, the drop-out rates, and ensuring their successful transition to the school system.

Design Concepts Used for Spaces for Children Emotional Experience

Spatial Experience

1 Individual + Collective/Group

The module as an element of expression of the child’s world

The world through our senses

Materials where the space is like a stage

2 3 The Garden turns into a story

The module’s assembly as an education tool

Design Concepts for Spaces for Children Spatial Experience Module assembled as an educational tool The toy lived as a spatial experience

Design Concepts for Spaces for Children Spatial Experience

Module assembled as an educational tool

Design Concepts for Spaces for Children The project as children’s prints on the territory

Day Care Centers as Nodes that Join

Centros Infantiles

JARDÍN INFANTIL Hogares Comunitarios


Hogar Infantil

What is Expected when Boys and Girls Attend the “Buen Comienzo” Day Care Center? • •

A sound and healthy life. Means to spontaneously communicate and express their feelings and desires.

Trust in themselves and enthusiasm to learn on their own.

Chance to play and dream.

Create new meanings of their lives.

Learn autonomously.

Grow with equal opportunities without differences based on sex, race, different capabilities or cultural variety.



Calle 99 No 72B - 58 ● Neighborhood: Pedregal Commune 5

Status: In Operation

Cooperation ICBF COMFAMA PROJECT COST GENERALITAT $ 3.535.000.000 pesos VALENCIA ff which $480 M is contributed by MEN OPERATION COST IN AGREEMENT UP TO 2012 $ 3.689 million pesos

We provide the City a space dignified, loved and valued by the community.


Status: In Operation PROJECT COST $ 2.849.000.000 pesos

Cooperation ICBF Fundación Carulla Fondo Catalán

OPERATION COST IN AGREEMENT UP TO 2012 $ 3.291 million pesos

Carrera 96A No 77E-15 (101) Barrio Aures No 2 – Commune 7

Spaces that enable community integration


Status: Under Construction PROJECT COST $ pesos

Cooperation ICBF COOMULSAP Generalitat Valencia

OPERATION COST IN AGREEMENT UP TO 2012 $ 3.385 million pesos

Calle 3 – Carrera 2BE Neighborhood: El Limonar 1 – Commune 80

Environment-friendly spaces.

“BUEN COMIENZO” DAY CARE CENTER Carrera 97 No 69C-50 PAJARITO LA HUERTA Neighborhood: Pajarito La Huerta - Commune 60

Status: Under Construction

Cooperation ICBF

PROJECT COST $ 4.287 million pesos OPERATION COST IN AGREEMENT UP TO 2012 $ pesos

Changes in the collective imagination about Early Childhood.


Status: Under Construction

Cooperation ICBF Fundación Carulla

PROJECT COST $ 3.949.000.000 pesos OPERATION COST IN AGREEMENT UP TO 2012 $ 3.041 million pesos

Carrera 76 No 104D - 01 Neighborhood: Santander - Commune 6

We create direct and indirect jobs that contribute to improve the living conditions of the population in the most vulnerable sectors of the City.


Status: Under Construction PROJECT COST $ 4.517.000.000 pesos

Cooperation ICBF COMFAMA Generalitat Valencia

OPERATION COST IN AGREEMENT UP TO 2012 $ 3.095 million pesos

Unidad de Gestión IV Pajarito La Aurora - Commune 60

A model worth copying in other regions of Colombia and of the world.


PROJECT COST $ 3.504.000.000 pesos OPERATION COST IN AGREEMENT UP TO 2012 $ 2.281 million pesos

Carrera 36 – Calle 85 Neighborhood Las Granjas - Commune 3

A successful experience of inter-institutional engagement to reach common goals.


PROJECT COST $ pesos OPERATION COST IN AGREEMENT UP TO 2012 $ 1.884 million pesos

Carrera 23 – Calle 99A Barrio Villatina Neighborhood: Carpinelo – Commune 1


PROJECT COST $ 3.693.000.000 pesos OPERATION COST IN AGREEMENT UP TO 2012 $ 1.884 million pesos

Calle 57 – Carrera 27 Neighborhood: El Pinal – Commune 8

Calle 57 – Carrera 85D “BUEN COMIENZO “ DAY CARE CENTER Neighborhood Altos de Calazania –Commune CALAZANIA 13

PROJECT COST $ 3.998.000.000 pesos OPERATION COST IN AGREEMENT UP TO 2012 $ 1.741 million pesos


PROJECT COST $ 5.646.000.000 pesos OPERATION COST IN AGREEMENT UP TO 2012 $ 1.183 million pesos

Calle 52 – Carrera 11 Barrio Villatina Neighborhood: Villatina – Commune 8


VALOR TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 4.997.000.000 OBRA pesos $3.234

OPERATION COST IN AGREEMENT UP millones TO 2012 $ 1.884 million pesos VALOR


Carrera 28E – Calle 108B Barrio Villatina Santo Domingo Savio No 2. – Commune 1



OPERATION COST IN AGREEMENT UP TO millones 2012 $VALOR 1.884 million pesos


Carrera 83 – Calle 27 Barrio Villatina Neighborhood: Altavista – Zafra – Commune 16


PROJECT COST $ pesos OPERATION COST IN AGREEMENT UP TO 2012 $ 1.884 million pesos

Calle 81F – Carrera 54C Barrio Villatina Neighborhood: Moravia – Commune 4

Learning Settings

These settings include the categories of space regarding materials and physical aspects, and setting which refers to stimuli stemming from the amount, quality and harmonious distribution of shapes, lights, colors, smells, sounds and textures.

Development Halls – A Setting Rich in Stimulus

Boys and girls feel challenged by the wealth of stimulus and the variety of proposals. These settings incorporate things to see, use, organize, and experiment what they are and how they work.

Educational Mediation •

An educational agent interacts directly, closely and affectionately with the boys and girls. Establish bonds by looking at each other, smiling and other expressions of affection. Address boys and girls in a low voice and with clear words.

A City Worried About Training of its Educational Agents

• • • • •

1,170 agents trained in 10-month courses 5,600 agents in Educational Labs 3,100 agents attend update events 200 Community Mothers 6,100 agents in Conversation Teams during the “Buen Comienzo” Fair

Mobilization Component “Buen Comienzo” Fair The third version of the “Buen Comienzo” Fair expanded the participation and qualification of educational agents, adults and the community at large.

Mobilization Component Walks of Joy (“Caminos de Alegría”) Tours made with boys and girls as well as their families as well as the community and city authorities, in areas displaying violence, to seek a peaceful transit towards the program’s facilities.

The Integrated Service for Early Childhood Policy

A system in which effective and timely responses are given to the obligations and challenges set forth by the City’s boys and girls, based on engaging activities with public, private and community resources. This policy shall be presented to the City in April, 2011.

Scope of the Integrated Services for Early Childhood Public Policy New Bill Regulates the Service provided Defines coordination levels: Territorial, operating, technical and strategic (joint effort of COMPSE and the Early Childhood Team) Establish public, private and community financing mechanisms Expand cores and strategies of activities under the Integrated Protection focus, and manages an Integrated Service Plan for Early Childhood (or PAI) Define evaluation mechanisms

300 ● ●10 300 ● ● 5 5 ● 10 ●

Construction Process of the Early Childhood Public Policy Validation ●

●● ●

Feedback Feedback Validation



Structure of the Integrated Service for Early Childhood Public Policy Boy




Principles •

Universal prevalence

Equitable conditions




Integrated Service for Early Childhood System


Servic e




Loca l

Quality Assurance for the Integrated ServiceConceptual for Early Childhood ● ●


● ●

Creation Creation ●

● ●

Disclosure Disclosure ●

Record of Certification ● ● Technical ● Record of ●

● ●

Monitoring and Evaluation System

“Buen Comienzo” Program: Evaluation and Monitoring

Objective: To validate the impacts of services provided by the program establishing a monitoring system that guarantees higher quality standards.

Variables to be Evaluated: Non-experimental: Anthropometric, Childhood development, health, emotion scales, among others. Evaluation method: Statistical contrasts, field work, observation, experimental and non-experimental tests.

“Buen Comienzo” Program: Evaluation and Monitoring Monitoring •

Optimize oversight, surveillance and control methods

Establish economic instruments for quality assurance.

Constant follow-up of target variables.

Phases of the Evaluation Proposal •

Experimental: Covers day care centers and the “Once Upon A Time” strategy. It is a longitudinal study which starts evaluating pregnant mothers and later on their children. Partial results would be given in the year 2012; final results in 2013. Non-experimental: Covers the remaining modes. Results are given in the years 2011, 2012 and 2013.

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