August 29 13isu

Page 8

8 I Opinion

Essex Free Press


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Letter To The Editor

Clarification on Maidstone Heritage Resource Centre The Maidstone and Area Historical society entered into a five-year conditional lease with the town of Lakeshore to open the Heritage Resource Centre. The agreement was that the MAHS would apply to Trillium for $50,000 to help with the cost of a new roof. At no time was new heating and cooling part of this agreement and this matter has just recently been brought into the equation. The cost quoted for a new roof is $75,000 and $30,000 for heating and cooling on this 50-year old building. MAHS went to work, investing over $10,000 and over 3,000 volunteer hours into opening the Resource Centre for the community. MAHS applied to Trillium three times, unfortunately the applications were denied. After the 3rd application was turned down the town informed MAHS that they wanted to tear down the Resource Centre to build a Salt Shed. MAHS was not given the option to fundraise or explore other avenues of funding for the roof. MAHS still believes that the Public Works Dept. can operate in harmony with in the same location beside MAHS by replacing the old salt shed with a new

larger shed in the same location where the old one now stands. Public Works could also free up space in their yard by creating a storage yard for seasonal equipment, such as snow ploughs, on existing town property at either the former Rochester Public Works yard or the lagoons. It would be far more cost effective then the cost of tearing down the Resource Centre or moving the entire museum operation. MAHS is a 100% volunteer, registered not-for-profit organization that has served the communities of Windsor-Essex County for 28 years with innovative, hands-on children’s programs and an amazing collection of artifacts donated by community families. This is a wonderful contribution to the services needed in Lakeshore and cannot be lost over a salt shed. MAHS is still willing to help with the costs of the new roof and have had offers from other organizations to partner with fundraising. For more information on the MAHS, check us out at www.facebook. com/maidstonebicentennialmuseum. Victoria Beaulieu President MAHS Lakeshore

by Melissa Middleton On “Sleep Walking” The other day, I happened to be using the Internet and I came across an interesting phrase, ‘My bed is a magical place where suddenly I remember everything I was supposed to do.’ Isn’t that the truth! It’s not too often that I catch a nap between suppertime and the time I leave for work on the midnight shift. But, as luck would have it, last Sunday it looked as though I was going to be able to squeeze in that two hour nap from 7-9 p.m. So, I snuggled down in my bed and with the covers pulled up around my neck and a big sigh, I closed my eyes while waiting to drift off. 7:05 p.m. - Suddenly both eyes popped wide open. I had forgotten to put the new insoles and shoe laces in my work shoes. Knowing full well that my poor feet would give me grief if I didn’t address the problem, I flung my blankets aside and sprang to my feet. With new laces and insoles in hand, I fixed up my work shoes for a more comfortable night. Back to bed. 7:15 p.m. - Well I didn’t exactly nod off. Even though I was sure I had fulfilled all the prework chores it suddenly dawned on me that I had forgotten to feed my neighbour’s cats while he was away. Poor babies would be so hungry if I didn’t haul myself up out of bed. Sure enough, both

cats seemed happy to see me and even happier once I filled their food bowls. Back home, back to bed, then once again I snapped to attention. 8:00 p.m. - Tomorrow I had promised to make a dessert for our potluck supper at work. A couple dozen cupcakes later, I was positive I could now return to my nap, albeit a vastly reduced one, timewise. Return to bed. 8:45pm- What the heck!? Since I baked the cupcakes, now I had dirty bake ware strewn across my counter top again. If I wanted to wait until morning, perhaps I would be too tired after work. Better tidy the kitchen and then resume napping, no matter how little time there was left. 9:00 p.m. - Just I was drying the last measuring

cup, my alarm clock rang, trying its best to rouse me from my non-existent sleep. Too late! I flipped the alarm clock button off. Tired as I was, I managed to look around: The dishes were done! The cupcakes were made! The neighbour’s cats had been fed and watered! Even my work shoes were all ready to go! The only thing that wasn’t ready to go was me! You know, tired as I was during that night at work, I did manage to remember to do everything on my list. But, I ask you, why is it these things can’t cross my mind while I am still up? Perhaps, like the ancient television sets, the only ‘hold’ that works is my horizontal hold.

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