Essential Macau | February - March 2020

Page 4

雅士度 总监




澳门开放博彩业以来,一众超豪华综合渡假村 纷纷落成,并为城中创造了庞大的大型购物空 间,面对如此重要的一个市场,将地区总部设 于香港的众多奢侈品牌,却一直对澳门这个小 地方不屑一顾。 看看某些品牌的业务规模吧,在新八佰伴仅占据 一个小柜台的一个知名化妆品品牌,每月便可进 账 500万 澳 门 元 。 如 果 , 扩 大 售 卖 空 间 并 将 其 设 于赌场入口旁更豪华的地方呢...... 各奢侈品牌的区域一哥缺乏远见,导致许多品牌 选择将区域决策中心移至上海。 尽管澳门博彩行业有所放缓,但大部分奢侈品牌 仍能从珠三角这个滨海小城中获得丰厚利润。然 而,这些品牌本身存在的无知与藐视,仍阻碍着 澳门的奢侈品行业发展,同时更阻碍了这些品牌 的股东们进一步获益。对处于名利场上的奢侈 品行业而言,无论是品牌自身存在的偏见和无 知,还是香港的社会动荡,乃至目前因新冠状 病毒暴发而引起的公共危机,无一不会为业内 带来更多问题。 例 如 , Louis Vuitton路 易 威 登 被 迫 关 闭 其 在 香 港 的一家店铺——这可能不是一个单一案例。 来澳旅游的游客数量庞大,且澳门还拥有令人赞 叹的优质大众旅游产业,不把赌注压在澳门这 样的新兴市场,将被证明是错误的。 尽管有高低起落,但在澳门发展良方还是这 一条:不断的努力,远见,投资以及持续调整 去适应变化的市场。

Luxury brands with regional headquarters in Hong Kong have always shown an indescribable disdain for Macau, even though Macau is of extreme importance to them, especially after the liberalization of the gaming industry and the launching of mega-luxurious Integrated Resorts and the huge retail spaces created in them. To give you an idea of the volume that certain business generate, a well-known cosmetics brand in a small counter in New Yaohan can make as much as MOP 5 million a month. Now, enlarge the space area and place it in a more luxurious place right next a casino entrance... The lack of vision by regional bosses with regards to luxury brands has led many to choose to move their regional decision center to Shanghai. Even with the drop in the gaming sector in Macau, most luxury brands continue to grasp huge gains in this small town in the Pearl River Delta. But disdain and ignorance remain an obstacle, to Macau and especially to the shareholders of those brands. That and the political situation in Hong Kong as well as possibly - hopefully not - this new public health crisis with yet another outbreak of pneumonia (coronavirus) will bring more headaches to everyone who opted to sit in the shadow of fame. Louis Vuitton was for instance forced to close one of its stores in Hong Kong, and this will probably not be the only case. Not betting on emerging markets like Macau – with enormous tourism numbers and quite an impressive premium mass tourism – will prove to be a mistake. The recipe in this town continues to be the same, despite ups and downs: continuous effort, vision, investment and permanent adaptation to market conditions.

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