ESN IUE | Survival Guide 2017

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what ıs esn?


meet wıth our board

what to brıng?

to do lıst

socıal medıa Links



resident permıt


This book will save your life! Better preserve it!

Hello to All of You Who are lucky enough to start their Erasmus Journey in Izmir University of Economics aka IUE, As an Erasmus Student Network; ESN IUE, Sincerely welcomes you with a warm hug just like our mascot “Skyler - the Koala� loves giving warm hugs! We prepared this Survival Guide to assist you during your adaptation. We kindly suggest you to keep this guide under your hands and read it properly beforehand coming. But no worries, Your buddy is also ready to help you during your Erasmus experience. Regards from ESN IUE Family

what Äąs erasmus student network? “Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a Europe-wide student organization. Its goal is to support and develop student exchange. It is composed of around 13,500 members from 500 local sections in 37 countries in Higher Education Institutions, including universities, polytechnics, and university colleges. Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is the biggest student association in Europe. It was born on the 16th October 1989 and legally registered in 1990 for supporting and developing student exchange. We are present in more than 800 Higher Education Institutions from 39 countries. The network is constantly developing and expanding. We have around 15,000 active members that are in many sections supported by so called buddies mainly taking care of international students.Thus, ESN involves around 34,000 young people offering its services to around 200,000 international students every year.â€?

meet wıth us

ESN IUE BOARD EGE Isıksoy President +90 530 766 0504

Bülent kalaycı treasurer +90 533 679 00 67

eren çelik Human resources +90 542 459 2398

süleyman Gürel vice-president +90 531 714 79 59

simay esmek PR / Communıcatıon desıgn +90 538 388 6103

Can zoraloglu Local representatıve +90 535 745 74 67


1- Findıng a Flat

You can also check these Erasmus Facebook Groups for more option


DO NOT FORGET TO Accept our invitation to Official Spring Semester 17/18 Facebook closed group We use this group to communicate, make announcements (If you have no invitation, make sure you add Esn Iue as a friend)

Resıdent permıt

2-Application for resident-permit Link: Use this QR Cod e for quick access




Fill in the pre-registration form and hit save

Hit Okay and check your e-mails (or your messages from your mobile If you choose that option)

You must receive an e-mail or a text message that includes a Verification Code & Application Number. Click the link for next step

After you open that link, you paste the codes on the new form and click Save and also you must click Print. Print the document for later and take it with you when you are visiting notary. That’s all for pre-registration part. You will find more information about getting your resident permit when we are going to hold a meeting about it. We’ll be escorting you during that process. Disclaimer This was a “Pre-Registration Form”. To be able to Register, you must do all of these steps and print-out the final form. You should take it with you just in case while you are applying for a resident-permit. You MUST have an insurance to be able to apply for a resident-permit. (You can find more info about Insurance on next page) The list of things you have to take with you while you are going to apply for your Resident Permit are: -Your Passport’s photocopy and your Passport itself -Your Student Certificate (You will find it in your welcome pack) -Another paper that you will find in your welcome pack which is different than Student Certificate -Your Insurance Papers (and Turkish cover letter - International Affairs Office will help) -Print-Out of Your Pre-Registration Form -4 Biometric Photos of you (Not older than 6 months) -If you are sharing a flatmate and the rent contract is on him/her, you must ask him/her to go Izmir Population and Citizenship Directorate (Nüfus) and get “Vukuatlı Nüfus Kayıt ve Oturma Belgesi” (they will understand what the document is) and Ikametgah (Residential) which will cost 10 ₺ and finally a document that proves you share a place together (45 ₺). -Tax paper (this paper will be provided to you) -58,5 ₺ fee receipt (You will pay it to 9 Eylül Tax Administration in Fahrettin Altay and get a receipt < receipt is all that matters) Attention! You must carefully check all document and papers as If your name and information listed correctly. (Especially your adress, It must be detailed & correct) Otherwise It will cost you a great amount of time and money to re-start your resident-permit application process. Please apply for your resident-permit as quick as possible. You might be planning to use your 90 visa days but we do not recommend doing that. You may pay fees when you go back to your country or have problems on the border. DUAL CITIZENSHIP: Turkish/German-Dutch or any other turkish dual citizens does not have to get resident permit.


3-Insurance This is your guide for getting an Insurance in Izmir. While this is helping you to save some time on insurance procedure, it will also inform you to solve it in cheaper ways. ESN Turkey’s official sponsor and globally known insurance company, AIG has private insurance packages for the students who will be either going or coming for Erasmus Movement. The policy you can find on the attachment is valid on all Schengen countries while providing the cheapest rate and it is specifically prepared for Erasmus students. This is prepared as an advice by ESN IUE which is aims help. We must inform you that this method is not a must. This solution is listed here with the aim of making it as an alternative, you can create your own alternative ways.

already have an ınsurance? To be able to make your insurance valid in Turkey, you must get a coverletter or a document that shows the fees and content clearly in TURKISH. If you are feeling stressed out about all of these documents and little details, don’t worry. You may ask help from ESN IUE & International Affairs Office. They will also explain these steps very clearly during ResidentPermit Meeting!


4- Transportatıon There are 3 popular ways that is commonly preferred for traveling in Izmir 1- ESHOT Bus, Metro, Izban and Ferry that needs Izmirim Card (No Cash Accepted) Standard Fee is 2,40 ₺ 2- Minibuses that only works with cash: The standard fee is 2,25 ₺ (May vary according to destination) 3- Taxi that starts with 3 ₺ minimum fee and the fee keeps growing up according to destination You can check this website for bus lines, fees & departure times: http:// Attention! There are no buses, minibuses, metro and Izban after 24.00 till 06.00. There are only few lines after 24.00.





If you want to grab an “Izmirim Kart” for yourself, you can buy it from any ticket office inside the metro/izban stations and also the other places like Tekels & Bakkals around Izmir may sell it. The card itself costs 6 ₺ and once you have the card, you can load cash in it from the same Tekels, Bakkals and the “Kart Dolum” machines that is located in Metro/Izban stations. (See the Images)

While taking a bus, Izban, Metro or Ferry You touch your card to those card readers and it withdraws the fee

To put some cash into your card You show your card to the area in dark blue and hit “devam (continue)” button then insert cash to pointed area (BUT BE CAREFUL, It does not give any changes, If you put 100 ₺ there, It will take all of it) again hit “devam” and show your card again. You can also go to grocers and ask as If they fill Izmirim Kart, it is less complicated.

HINT: You can check your card’s balance from here: tr/en/PublicTransportationCardBalance/369

HOW TO GO IZMIR UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS FROM THE AIRPORT? It’s logical to try going university, because, most probably your apartment will be near the faculty and you can easily walk or take a cab from there.

First Option 2 Buses or 1 Bus + 1 Minibus

Take “202 ESHOT BUS Adnan Menderes Airport-Fahrettin Altay” which departures from SAW Airport to its final destination “Üçkuyular-Pazaryeri” bus station. You need to take another bus which is “169 Balçova-Konak” that goes towards Teleferik bus station direction. You can ask the driver “Izmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi Stop” or you can use TRAFI app to check your location and stops until University. Dolmus/Mini Buses: You can also use minibuses to go to university (after Üçkuyular) which is named “Oyak Sitesi-Inciraltı” also departures from “Üçkuyular-Pazaryeri”. There is no bus station for these mini buses, so you can get off on the way by waving to them. You can also ask If it goes to “Izmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi” SECOND Option 1 Izban + 1 metro + 1 Minibus or Bus

You can take the Izban from airport through Aliaga direction.You will change the line from Izban to Metro at Hilal station or Halkapınar station through Fahrettin Altay direction. You will get out at the last station which is Fahrettin Altay. Inside the metro you will follow the “Pazaryeri” exit. Then you will use the second step’s second pard, exactly. It is the same. thırd Option 1 Taxi

You can take a cab to University. It will cost around 60-70 ₺. Generally, cabs are open to negotiation but generally they don’t know english :)

Useful notes & what to brÄąng

FROM Izmir University of Economics TO Konak (City Center)

1 Bus

FROM Izmir University of Economics TO Alsancak (Main Entertainment Places) 2 Buses

169 Balçova-Konak: You can use this bus to go to Konak from the “Ekonomi” bus station to the last station “Konak”.

169 Balçova-Konak: You can use this bus until Konak from the “Ekonomi” bus station, then take 253 Konak-Halkapınar Metro Bus until “Devlet Hastanesi” stop.





YOUR ID, PASSPORT AND ALL OF THE PAPERS THAT YOU MIGHT NEED (JUST A REMINDER) swımsuıt, summery clothes eventough ıt’s wınter now, when summer comes, you mıght want to vısıt beaches!

Bring your own traditional drink

to share wıth frıends on pre-parties (It ıs quıte handy)

the most ımportant thıng: brıng your erasmus spirit & friendliness

We will post welcome week schedule soon on our facebook page! Stay tuned :)

CREDITS Content Creation, Graphic Design Information Source / Consultancy Created for by the efforts of

Simay Esmek (ESN IUE PR) Burak Bilen (ESN IUE Alumni) ESN, Izmir University of Economics ESN IUE BOARD

For Suggestions and Improvements, Contact

Disclaimer: We don’t own or pretend the rights of the imagery and text that has been used in this guide. It is designed under the rights of Creative Commons. 2017Š ESN IUE For Inquiries send an e-mail to

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