Get Ready for Summer! Ideas for Teachert to share with Families

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Get ready for summer! Ideas for Teachers to Share with Families In summer, school bell may stop ringing; however summer could be a nice time for every kind of learning opportunities for kids. We have packed a bag filled with activities for teachers to help families make preparations for summer and to launch students to fun, enriching summer experiences.

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Ideas for Summer Learning            

Use easy, everyday activities Helping with meals by writing up a grocery list Finding things in the grocery store Writing name of food taking in a meals Learning name of colors from his/her dresses. Preparing cards of their favorite cartoons Prepare a scrapbook of summer adventures Sing/read Poem and makeup rhymes together Play with words Make patterns when counting forwards and backwards Talk about the story and the pictures Learn shapes - circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles in daily routines  Encourage your child to read all sorts of things – the TV guide in the newspaper, street signs, and food labels.  Encourage your child to use the library  Encourage them about nature and environment

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