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What will the mineral identification quiz consist of? 1.

Moh’s Hardness Scale: you will be given the numbers 1 through 10; you are to write the names of the minerals and objects next to their appropriate hardness according to those as defined by Moh’s Scale (see slide on Moh’s Hardness Scale).


You will be given five (5) mineral samples from those we have identified in class. You will be asked: Its hardness on Moh’s Scale (you are allowed to use the tools/objects) Whether the mineral has cleavage or fracture Is it a silicate or non-silicate? What is the family name of the mineral? (Example: micas, feldspars, silicates, non-silicates) What might a practical use be for the mineral? (paperweight or jewelry are NOT practical uses)

3. You may NOT use your notes or flow charts on the quiz. However, you will be provided with the names of all minerals studied.

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