Destroy wallpaper

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Venn Destroy Wallpaper

Walls Are Talking wallpaper, art and culture, 6 feb - 30 august 2010. The Whitworth art gallery, Manchester. The first major UK exhibition of artists’ wallpapers with work by over 30 artists including Andy Warhol, Sarah Lucas and Damien Hirst. Kitsch ideas of home decoration are turned upside down as artists subvert the stereotypes of wallpaper to hit home messages about warfare, racism, cultural conflicts and gender. Destroy Wallpaper Audio-visual installation Much of Erwan Venn’s work refers to wallpaper, partly as a result of childhood experiences. For example, he remembers being in the room containing the body of his dead grandfather where, unable to bear viewing the body, he gazed fixedly at the pattern on the walls. In this work, which includes pink wallpaper remembered from his parents’ bathroom, Venn explores the dynamic potential of pattern. This animation shows a succession of patterns mutating and collapsing, in imitation both of the natural processes of change and decay and the man-made destruction of the Berlin Wall and Twin Towers. He has adopted the graphic language of computer games in which characters move across the screen to be zapped by the player. Sometimes the destruction appears to be generated from within, producing effects similar to those of a computer virus that causes text to fall to the bottom of the screen. In this case the demolition is accompanied by sound effects conjured by the artist. Christine Woods

Destroy Wallpaper The Whitworth art gallery, Manchester 2010 photo :

Destroy Wallpaper 520 cm x 520 cm x 280 cm VanitĂŠ au 2010 nain The Whitworth art gallery, Manchester digital print, 42 x 30 cm., 1997.

Destroy Wallpaper 520 cm x 520 cm x 280 cm The Whitworth art gallery, Manchester 2010

Destroy Wallpaper, animation flash, the dimension vary with the installation, 2003.

Destroy Wallpaper The Whitworth art gallery, Manchester 2010 photo :

Destroy Wallpaper 520 cm x 520 cm x 280 cm The Whitworth art gallery, Manchester 2010

Destroy Wallpaper The Whitworth art gallery, Manchester 2010 photo :

Destroy Wallpaper The Whitworth art gallery, Manchester 2010 photo :

Destroy Wallpaper 520 cm x 520 cm x 280 cm The Whitworth art gallery, Manchester 2010

Destroy Wallpaper The Whitworth art gallery, Manchester 2010 photo :

Micro-Onde, VĂŠlizy, 2004.

Walls are talking isbn : 978-0-9842260-0-9

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