Suffering From PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), Try Himalaya Evecare...

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Suffering From PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), Try Himalaya Evecare Cheeks84, I am also suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome plus hirstuism. I am a 26 year old women, height 5 feet 5 inches, current weight is 70 kg, and my periods were regular, but just some months before my marriage, my periods started getting delayed and two months after my marriage, I skipped my menses for the first time. I consulted a gynecologist in New Delhi and she advised me to take Glyciphage (generic Glucophage) three times a day for diabetes, Asmita one at night), Finast (generic name finasteride) once a day, and Aldactone once a day. I continued this treatment for around twelve to thirteen months and then due to pressure from family members against taking so many pills at a time, I discontinued this therapy in end of March 2010. After that, I have had two periods, one in April on time, one in May got delayed by 5 days, and one in June failed to happen. However, I just noted here in your thread that my golgappa intake had increased incredibly during the last two months. I will control that. Also, I have moved to Bangalore, so I need to consult a doctor there. I was wondering about an Ayurvedic doctor in Bangalore for some personal consultation regarding PCOS. I started my earlier treatment in Feb of 2009 and at that time my weight was 74.5 kg and then I reduced my weight to 65 kg, but after discontinuation of pills, it swung back between 66.5 to 68 kg. Right now it is 70 kg. Hi cheeks84, Ayurvedic medicine has a long-term cure for this problem. You can take Menstricare Evecare available from Himalaya Healthcare. If you are having amenorrhea beyond 50 days to 60 days, you need to

do nagkesar method mentioned in my previous article on PCOS. As soon as you commence your menses, start Evecare ayurvedic syrup for at least three months. Always remember you need to consume this syrup for at least three months (as mentioned on the bottle) for getting desired results. Also you can try Menstricare veg capsules which have the same effect as Evecare syrup. You can buy Menstricare Evecare veg caps from Amazon online store. You can also buy Evecare form an Ayurvedic drug store in your area. But remember that no medicine in the world would help with PCOS if your weight is uncontrollable. You need to lose weight as women with PCOS always have a tendency to increase weight. By decreasing weight, I don't mean that you start dieting and stop eating and skipping meals. You just need to reduce weight with proper diet, exercise, and jogging. Some yoga asanas like pranayamas when done in a relaxed environment help calm the symptoms of PCOD. Other breathing exercises beneficial in PCOD are mild kapalabhatti, anuloma-viloma, and ujjayi. Some women who changed their diet to sattvic and yogic have also found lots of benefits. Regarding allopathic medicine, yes the same happens with most women with PCOS. Up until the time you will keep on taking hormone replacement medicines, your periods will be regular but when you will stop these medicines, slowly and slowly your periods will start becoming irregular and in severe conditions totally absent. This condition is known as amenorrhea or absence of menses. Amenorrhea is a worrisome situation mainly for women who are married and would like to get pregnant. Because being pregnant requires ovulation and if there is no ovulation, the situation is termed as infertility. For this, allopathic doctors give some medicine to induce ovulation and treat infertility. One more tip for controlling weight is eating high fiber low fat diet that means you need to include fresh salads, sprouts, and seasonal fruits in your diet. Also, you need to avoid full cream milk and its derivatives like excess butter or ghee. Put a hold on golgappas as mentioned in my previous article and it is just because water of golgappas is spicy. Also you need to avoid fried and fatty food products. I know doing this is very painful and leaving golgappas for women is sometimes depressing but

always remember if there no pain, there is no gain.

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