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During decades when powerful elements in our nation have engaged in an all-out assault on Biblical values and have attempted to rewrite our national history to eliminate all vestiges of God from our

When the history of the pro-life movement among Southern Baptists is finally written, Dr. Richard

founding, Richard Land has stood tall as the key voice challenging us to become salt and light in our

Land will figure prominently in it. During the turbulent decades of the 1960s and 1970s, the SBC was


drawn more and more into the orbit of mainline Protestantism, at least at the level of denominational leadership. Nowhere is this more evident than in the support voiced for the abortion license, often

He has always spoken with the voice of a prophet, calling us out of the vagueness of religious

on the slimmest of pretexts. When the most horrendous decision in the history of the United States

formality to demonstrate the convictions of genuine followers of Christ. Consistently he has

Supreme Court, Roe v. Wade, came down in 1973, the SBC was prepared to accept it as a step forward.

reminded us that we must stand with what the Bible reveals is right and always stand against what it

The moral voices raised in dissent against this judicial travesty were few and far between.

declares is wrong. He will not let us forget that we are not spectators but participants in the cultural challenges of our day.

However, over the next three decades evangelical believers and Roman Catholics, among others, formed an unofficial coalition of conscience on behalf of the sanctity of every single human life. At the

His influence has led the Southern Baptist Convention to speak up concerning the critical issues confronting America: sanctity of life, sacredness of the family, Christian involvement in all areas of national life, social justice, racial equality and reconciliation, religious freedom, human rights, and

forefront of this new movement was Dr. Richard Land. In addition to his work as an educator, he served ably as an advisor to the governor of Texas where he gained a national reputation as a champion of the most vulnerable members of the human community, children still waiting to be born.

scores of other significant issues. Richard Land has always admonished us to embrace the moral and civic responsibilities God has given to us. He has called us continually and effectively to always live and minister with integrity and to stand upon the principles and values that have made America the greatest nation in the world. While leading us effectively these past 25 years, Richard has maintained his passion to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He has served as interim pastor in

The election of Dr. Land as president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (then known as the Christian Life Commission) of the SBC signaled a major transition in the ethics leadership of the denomination. Since then, through his writings, public speaking, and advocacy, he has emerged as one of the most articulate, thoughtful, and persuasive promoters of the sanctity of life in our country today. Though a Southern Baptist through and through, his influence has extended far beyond the bounds of his own denomination.

many churches and as a speaker at events of all kinds. He is widely acclaimed as a brilliant thinker and strategist, a consistent man of courage, one whose sound counsel has been sought by leaders in our states and nation. For me, Richard has been a cherished friend and co-laborer for our Lord Jesus Christ for over 40 years. His energy and enthusiasm have been mainstays for all of us. His leadership at the ERLC will be sorely missed, but we rejoice that his voice will not be silent as he moves into a new ministry in the years ahead. Jimmy Draper, President Emeritus LifeWay Christian Resources

I am pleased to be a friend and fellow traveler with Richard Land in his courageous witness as a defender of the rights of the unborn. May the next leader of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission stand with similar courage, conviction, and consistency! Timothy George, Founding Dean Beeson Divinity School, Samford University

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