A student grammar of spanish cambridge ronald e batchelor 2

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the beginning of the democratization process, tu´ and vosotros/as have ousted Ud. and Uds. to a very large extent, except in very formal circumstances. It is unthinkable to use anything but tu´ and vosotros (not vosotros in M) in the following circumstances: a addressing children and animals, God b among relatives, friends of whatever age, workmates, soldiers of the same rank (but not across the ranks), colleagues in the same profession. However, you may come across in some country areas and small towns of Mexico the use of Ud(s). by children when addressing their parents. This usage is fading and need not trouble you. Just recognize it, and let the author know if you ever hear it! Tu´ is always used in the sense of one, or you (general). It is normal to use tu´ and vosotros (vosotros not in M) in the following circumstances: a among young people (i.e. students), whatever the circumstances b among people of different ages in almost any informal situation, as at a party c addressing priests d wherever it is desirable to establish a friendly atmosphere, even in semi-formal situations as in a bank, restaurant, shop e in public speeches, especially politicians (and particularly on the left) to their audiences f in advertisements where someone is trying to sell you something (this is standard procedure now, and a cunning psychological device?) g when a person addresses a stranger who is indulging in an activity the person disapproves of. If someone touches a car, for example, possibly with some evil intention, you could certainly hear the owner call out: ¡Oye! T´u de la chaqueta / chamarra (M), ¿Qu´e haces all´ı? (You with that jacket, what are you doing?) or ¡Qu´ıtate de all´ı! (Clear off ! / Beat it!). This is a practice you should not imitate in your early incursions into Spanish-speaking countries. It is not going too far to say that Ud. and (in Spain) Uds. are used only: a in very formal, public situations (a ceremony, for example) b when writing to strangers (booking a hotel room for example) c to old people not known to the speaker d wherever it is desired to show respect Compared to usage of tu and vous in France where there was a temporary flowering of the tu form following the social upheavals of 1968, which has now withered away, the tu´ and vosotros/as forms have taken on a new vigor. Most of the foregoing comments on Uds. as used in Spain do not of course apply to the Spanish American countries where vosotros/as no longer obtains. A word of caution When visiting a Spanish-speaking country in your early days, you should not automatically embark on the tu´ form, when a person uses tu´ to you and is much older. Just wait and see how the conversation or relationship unfolds. Examples with tu´ and vosotros/as El pueblo espa˜nol os recibe satisfecho y consciente de la alta significaci´on que este acto encierra (Speech of King Juan Carlos to visiting diplomats) ¿Has probado el nuevo turbo? ¡C´omprate un Chevrolet! (Have you tried the new turbo? Buy a Chevrolet!) 162

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