Find Out About Video Marketing And It’s Use In SEO Services For Free

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Chapter 6 – What about Video Content?

Now that you are ready to begin using video advertising on the internet, you are probably wondering what type of content you should put in your video? How long should it be? Should it be funny? Should it feature people or just items? The one thing that you want to make sure that you express in your video is what you are selling. This seems like common sense, but advertising executives in the 1980s often came out with “clever” ads that did not exactly represent what their client was selling. These ads were mostly for upscale products that were supposed to appeal to “intellectuals” and not to the commoners. The ads were mostly pretentious and not successful. While you do not want to be obtuse about your product, you also do not want to keep hammering the name of the product throughout the ad as if the client is either demented or deaf. Keywords work well with SEO articles, but are not necessary in a video ad. You want to make sure that you mention the name of the product at least twice, the benefits of having the product and where to get it. You can do this quickly, but must make sure that the name of your business and website is clear.

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