ERIE Magazine Aug/Sept 2015

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aUg/sEPt 2015

Erie’s Bayfront Past, Present and Future

WaterFront DeveloPMent

& BeyonD Erie regional Chamber and Growth Partnership

Potential in Motion Helping young people take advantage of skilled jobs in our community

New ERCGP Team Members

Meet our newest team members

ErCgP board oF dirECtors 2015 oFFiCErs Dr. Keith Taylor, Ph.D., CHAIR Marsha Marsh, VICE-CHAIR David Tullio, SECRETARY Mike Weber, TREASURER

Erie Regional Chamber & Growth Partnership 2015 Signature Events

Save tHe Date

9-23 11-5

Fall member Fest

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015 Shades Beach, northeast, Pa

annual meeting

thursday, november 5th, 2015 Bel-aire Hotel & Conference Center erie, Pa

Sponsorships available; call Steve Walters at (814) 454-7191 x140 for details!

board oF dirECtors Dr. Keith Taylor, Ph.D. Dr. Jay Badams Joel Berdine John C. Bloomstine Carl M. Carlotti, Esq. Terrence W. Cavanaugh Gary L. Clark Mark Denlinger, Esq. Jim Fiorenzo Dr. Ralph Ford Charles ‘Boo’ Hagerty Tim Hunter Bruce Kern Charles G. Knight John Leemhuis, Jr. Candace Littell Marsha Marsh ErCgP staFF Barbara C. Chaffee President/CEO Jacob A. Rouch Vice President, Economic Development

James E. Martin Bob Mazza Marlene D. Mosco Jack Munch Ken Nelson Rick Novotny Neil Parham James Rutkowski, Jr. Nick Scott, Jr. Ron Steele David M. Tullio Tom Tupitza, Esq. Russell S. Warner, Esq. Michael Weber Scott Whalen, Ph.D. Dr. Julie Wollman, Ph.D. Scott Wyman

Nadeen M. Steffey Director of Marketing and Communications Cathy Noble Event Coordinator

August P. Schiava Vice President, Chamber

Susan M. Ronto Membership Coordinator

Linda C. Robbins

Steve Walters Sales Manager

Benjamin C. Pratt Executive Director, Growth Partnership Division

Brett Wiler Director of Business Action Team

Abby Skinner Director of Grants and Research Editor Nadeen M. Steffey dEsign PAPA Advertising advErtising inFormation Steve Walters (814) 454-7191 x140

Front CovEr Photo CrEdit Weber Murphy Fox, Inc.

Presented by our 2015 sPonsors

EriE MAgAzinE aUg/sEPt 2015

new investors


Fe ature ar tiCle S Erie’s bayfront Past, Present and Future by Brian C. Weber, AsLA, AiA


SPeCial eDitionS Erie ambassador new ErCgP team members

4 20

in e aCH iSSue

Mercyhurst Institute for Arts & Culture

2015-16 SEASON

Potential in motion Developing permanent solutions to help young people take advantage of skilled jobs in our community by Jim rutkowski Jr., General Manager industrial sales & Mfg., inc.


organizational Updates


ribbon Cuttings


business after hours


now on sale!



your curiosity

with 14 of the hottest performances you won’t find anywhere else in Erie! Check out the complete lineup at or call the box office at 814-824-3000.

Erie regional Chamber and growth Partnership

new investors 710 glass & vapor Paul Pitonyak 3020 Buffalo road / Erie, PA 16510 PH: (814) 823-1519 /

altair real Estate services

Jimmy John’s

What makes Jimmy John’s different from the rest is that it’s honest, it’s damn good, it’s damn fast, at a decent price! alek hansen 515 State Street / Erie, PA 16501 PH: (814) 315-9334 /

Primary health network’s wayne Primary Care brian sechrist 1001 State Street, Suite 307 / Erie, PA 16501 PH: (814) 622-1121 / FX: (814) 451-1109 /

arthur F. schultz Company

John blakeslee 939 West 26th Street / Erie, PA 16512 PH: (814) 454-8171 /

at home

heather Christensen 650 East Avenue / Erie, PA 16503 PH: (814) 455-5505 /

sight Center of northwest Pennsylvania linda hackshaw 2545 West 26th Street / Erie, PA 16506 PH: (814) 455-0995 / FX: (814) 455-0997

waldrich Coburg na, inc.

Cheryl kelly 2080 interchange road / Erie, PA 16565 PH: (814) 844-3474 /

Jeffrey rupp 2010 Filmore Avenue / Erie, PA 16506 PH: (814) 835-1955 / FX: (814) 835-1996

Community health net

Young’s hot tub sales & service Center

gwendolyn galloway 1202 State Street / Erie, PA 16501 PH: (814) 454-4530 / FX: (814) 456-2375

Cork 1794

bubba Pavelka 18400 Hungry run road / Union City, PA 16438 PH: (814) 438-2512 / FX: (814) 438-2514

Zito business beth lewis 17 West Main Street / north East, PA 16428 PH: (814) 347-9078 /

Fox & hound English Pub & grill

katrina Caccamo 250 Millcreek Plaza / Erie, PA 16565 PH: (814) 864-5589 / FX: (814) 864-8263

Aug/Sept 2015

david smoulder 102 South Main Street / Coudersport, PA 16915 PH: (814) 260-0447 /

Waterfront development & Beyond


Erie regional Chamber and growth Partnership

erie aMBaSSaDor Feature:

Carla LaGuardia Fall 2014 Alumni by Gabriela Naderi, ERCGP Intern AMBASSADORS

Carla LaGuardia is a true native of Erie. From attending grade school at St. George’s to her MBA at Gannon University, you would think that she knows everything there is to know about the city. She says that’s not the case, “what intrigued me the most is that I’ve always lived and worked in this town, I raise my children here and every week I learned something that we did, what we have, what companies have to offer and how they do things”. Carla went right into banking after receiving her MBA and began working at ERIEBank in 2006, that’s where she first heard about the Erie Ambassadors program. She was going through a career change internally. Where Carla had previously been a regional retailer, she wanted to transition into commercial lending.

The second prong was the opportunity to meet people she would not have had the opportunity to meet otherwise. She explained that her job is interactive, a position filled with constant networking and meeting new people. “Our group was such a diverse and interesting group. It was a great mixture as far as natives and non-natives of Erie, career and education levels.” Finally, it was the closing process that she enjoyed, “I liked that at the end it wasn’t a close-minded setting. We all sat down and said this is what we liked, this is what was didn’t like, this is what we would like to see more of. I think that was a nice way to close it off. Cathy does a phenomenal job of bringing the experience full circle.”

“I thought I knew Erie, but EA really proved that there is so much more for me to learn about this city to be an effective citizen.”

“That’s when my supervisor, Bill DeLuca, suggested it would be a nice opportunity for the change that I wanted in my career path” Other co-workers who had completed the program raved about it and Carla quickly became one of those ‘raving co-workers’ after becoming an Erie Ambassador, “I tell all my younger or newer to the area bankers in our company that they should solicit their managers for the opportunity to participate in the program!”

For Carla, there wasn’t just one favorite EA section; it was more of a 3-pronged situation. The first was being able to have that opportunity to see, in detail, some of the operations of Erie. “I thought I knew Erie, but EA really proved that there is so much more for me to learn about this city to be an effective citizen.” Aug/Sept 2015

What does Carla love most about Erie? The summers! Carla and her family are spring and summer sports enthusiasts including, baseball and softball, although she doesn’t play, her family does, and she is a huge supporter. “I’m also a huge fan of golf and the music opportunities that we get to attend here are endless. It seems like they’re everywhere, whether it’s at the peninsula or 8 Great Tuesdays.” Although she was born and raised here Carla enjoys that the city is never fully explored, “You think you know what you need to know about Erie, but this program shows that there is so much more that you need to learn to be effective in this city.” Registration is open for the Fall 2015 Erie Ambassador Program. For more information on participating, contact event coordinator Cathy Noble at or visit chamber/erie-ambassadors.

Waterfront development & Beyond






Aug/Sept 2015

Waterfront development & Beyond

Erie’s Bayfront Past, Present and Future

by Brian C. Weber, AsLA, AiA Great waterfronts are not built overnight. They require dedicated leadership and vision applied over the span of decades before they emerge as vital contributors to a city’s overall economic and social growth. A successful waterfront can symbolize a city’s prosperity, the values of its community, and its quality of life. over the past 40 years Erie has begun to rediscover its waterfront and awaken to the realization of its ability to re-energize and rejuvenate the community. Through past and current efforts of redevelopment, Erie’s waterfront has become a symbol of the City’s potential. As we move forward it is important to learn from our history and take pride in the work we have accomplished while also keeping our focus on achieving the goals that will bring a prosperous future to our City.

into powerful sources for economic growth throughout the 19th, and early 20th centuries, the Bayfront became dedicated almost exclusively for those uses. However, the noise, dirt, pollution and other unappealing qualities that are associated with a bustling industrial port pushed its neighborhoods and other uses in-land. This separation was increased by the elevated bluffs and embankments edging the Bayfront. overcoming this combination of physical and sociological separation between the City and its waterfront continues to be one

“A successful waterfront can symbolize a city’s prosperity, the values of its community, and its quality of life.”

Like most waterfronts around the country, Erie’s began as a center for commerce. As

challenges in the development of the Bayfront. By the mid20th century, the decline of water dependent and underutilized area, but also set the stage for the City to begin to reclaim this important edge. over the past several decades Erie has made great strides in returning its water edge 7

Erie regional Chamber and growth Partnership

to a variety of recreational, residential, and commercial uses. By the 1970’s, urban waterfront redevelopment had become a trending conversation in the nation. City leaders in places such as Baltimore, Boston, and new York began to show the rest of waterfront revitalization. in 1983, the City of Erie waterfront revitalization project – Perry’s Landing. What made this project different from the others happening around the country at that time was that it was being led by private investors. The project was originally designed, developed, and owned by local architects Weber Murphy fox (WMf), and although the project is now over 30 years old, it still stands as one of the most successful redevelopment projects on Erie’s waterfront. Perry’s Landing paved the way for other waterfront development by helping the City and state agencies to its waters edge. The project also helped to expedite the construction of the Bayfront

(Penelec / GPu) decided to close its bayside power generation plant, and use the site for a mixed use development project. GPu gave the Turbine Bay portion of its plant to the state for renovation into a museum and donated the adjacent parcel of land to Erie County for the construction of its new library. The project was designed by local architects Weber Murphy fox (WMf), who not only acted as project designer but also played an instrumental role in bringing together all three entities and combining their interests into a single redevelopment project located on Erie’s Bayfront. Dennis Wilkins, Partner with WMf, states that “the repurposing of the former Penelec plant for use as a Maritime Museum and home to the u.s. Brig niagara resulted in a stunning transformation that enhances the vibrancy of the waterfront while maintaining

“Perhaps the most widely recognized symbol of Erie’s Bayfront is the Bicentennial Tower. Its image can be found throughout Erie on everything from billboard ads to debit cards.”

role of Erie’s Port Authority to include facilitating bayfront development.Brenda sandberg, executive director of the Erie-Western Pennsylvania Port Authority, states that “the Erie-Western Pennsylvania Port Authority has a broader mission than any other Port within the Great Lakes. other Port Authorities concentrate solely on shipping and shipbuilding, while Erie’s Port Authority is dedicated to a holistic approach to development that includes not only industrial but also commercial, residential, and The Blasco Memorial Library and Maritime along the Bayfront. The project began in 1991 and was completed in 1995. The library/museum project is the culmination of three separate opportunities that found a common resolution. Aug/Sept 2015

flagship niagara into an operable ship by the newly formed flagship niagara League. The League next began to look for a permanent home for the new Brig, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s state flagship. At the same time, Erie County was searching for a location to

Today the Library / Museum is one of the Bayfront’s most popular destinations for local residents, students, and tourists wishing to see the us Brig niagara and learn more about Erie’s history. The flagship niagara League operates the Brig as a sailing school vessel, bringing a unique educational opportunity and experience to Erie’s Bayfront, and as an Ambassador of Erie and Pennsylvania in other ports. During the time that the Library / Museum was being developed, GPu and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection began efforts to clean up the surrounding contaminated land. With assistance from the City of Erie, the Port Authority and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, the site became one of the

Waterfront development & Beyond

Perry’s Landing

Raymond M. Blasco, M. D. Memorial Library

Land recycling Program (Act 2) and was the recipient of the Phoenix Award Grand Prize in

water-edge promenades and walkways. Plans for the Bayfront Convention Center began in 2005 and the building opened its doors in August of 2007. The center is owned and operated by Erie Events and hosts conventions year-round with facilities that can hold over 2,000 participants. An elevated pedestrian bridge spans the west harbor inlet and attaches the convention center that sits on the north end of the sassafras pier to the sheraton Hotel and parking garage located on the west end of dobbins landing. The sheraton Hotel was opened the following year in 2008. Planning for future development of the remainder of the sassafras pier began in 2011 and includes reuse of lands previously occupied by the GAf shingle plant that closed its doors in 2007. in 2015, construction began on a Courtyard Marriot hotel located adjacent to the Bayfront Convention Center. The Marriot is part of Erie Events Convention center complex and was designed by an out-of-state consultant with assistance from local architects Kidder Wachter. The hotel is targeted to open in spring of 2016 while planning efforts for the remaining 12.5 acres of the pier, known as Bayfront Place, are ongoing.

2 standards were used for the Erie Events (Erie County Convention Center Authority’s) cleanup efforts for the GAf site. Perhaps the most widely recognized symbol of Erie’s Bayfront is the Bicentennial Tower. its image can be found throughout Erie on everything from billboard ads to debit cards. The tower is 187 feet tall and provides an observation deck with 360 degree views of the bay, Presque isle, and the City. initial studies for improvements to the public dock began in 1990 by WMf, and construction was completed in 1996. The tower sits on the north end of Dobbins Landing and was constructed by the Port Authority to celebrate the City of Erie’s bicentennial. Dobbins Landing and the tower are the centerpiece to various events throughout the year including the Erie regional Chamber and Growth Partnership’s & flagship

smaller projects and studies that brought new development to the Bayfront. These included the intermodal Transportation Center, the Cruise Boat Terminal, state street improvements, the Bayview the Visitor’s Marina, and others. Public access was also enhanced with the bayside bike path, improvements to state street, and numerous

East of Dobbins Landing, plans for a 12 acre mixed-use development are being prepared by scott Enterprises. The project is known as Harbor Place and it occupies the land adjacent to the existing Blasco Memorial Library / Maritime Museum, as well as some additional land at the north end of the Holland street Pier. Completion 9

Erie regional Chamber and growth Partnership

of the project will bring two new hotels, 120,000 square feet of new retail space including restaurants and shops, and 140 new housing units. Planning efforts for the project began in 2012 by local of Harbor Place is anticipated to break ground in late 2015. “simply put, this is a game-changer for our community. our downtown needs an economic boost and this said nick scott sr., President of scott Enterprises. When we consider the current and future development of the Bayfront, it’s important to understand its overall value as something greater than the sum of its individual parts. The seemingly independent projects noted above work together in creating the character of our waterfront while new projects like Harbor Place and Bayfront Place bring with them the potential to unify Erie’s waterfront and reconnect it to the downtown. Herman Weber, founder of WMf, believes that “the next ten years will determine whether Erie’s 40 year process to transform its bayfront will succeed in making this city a unique and delightful place to live… it will take vision, creativity and tenacity on the part of private developers, and the continued the face of a shrinking and aging City population, it is imperative to the future of Erie that we continue to develop our waterfront and realize the profound impact that this unique natural resource brings to the City. Through the balanced effort of investment and dedication to the development of Erie’s Bayfront, the City’s potential and prosperity will grow and improve in the decades to come. Aug/Sept 2015

Exceeding your expectations and providing care of the highest standard since 1980 We are committed to the Erie community with local decision makers. All of our funding remains right here in the Erie community. Call us and see how we can help you or your neighbour

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Waterfront development & Beyond

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Organizational Updates CHaMBer

Mid-Summer Dreams lead to Fall Colors by August P. Schiava, Vice President

I am happy to report that this summer the Chamber Division in partnership with Erie Brewing our staff along with Erie Ambassadors and many other volunteers made Beer on the Bay the success it has become. We have reached the largest number of brewers and vendors ever, which required us to utilize all the grounds of Liberty Park. Represented at BOTB this year were 61 Brewers; 4 Home Brewers; 28 Vendors and 3 Food Vendors. Representing the ERCGP, I will be participating in the PA Free Enterprise Week presented by the Foundation for Free Enterprise Education. As an active board member, I have volunteered to be a Company Advisor (CA) to mentor a team of 19 high school students of the 2,200 who have confirmed to make the journey. The team takes a startup business that they have developed through a condensed two years of operation all in one week. The mission is to heighten the awareness of Pennsylvania’s youth about their future role in the American Free Enterprise system by delivering highquality and practical hands-on learning experiences. I will be a CA during week IV August 2–August 8, 2015 (from dawn to dusk) at Lycoming College in Williamsport. This commitment compliments our efforts in education and in Junior Achievement. The staff is continuously conducting successful Ribbons Cuttings, Business After Hours networking events and Aug/Sept 2015

providing connections and solutions for our members through outreach initiated by the staff or through responding to customer needs and requests. New Member Benefit – LifeLock introduced in response to an increase in data breaches and identity theft. According to LifeLock research someone is a victim of identity theft every 2 seconds; 28 million US adults have been victims of identity theft in the past 12 months; concern about the risk of identity theft is at its highest level in recent times; credit monitoring services can sell their customer data legally! In our continuous effort to provide added value and quality service to our members, ERCGP has provided an opportunity for a group discount that ranges in pricing based on the service features chosen by each employee as a member benefit available through member employers who sign up for this service. Our members in turn can pass on the discounted offer to employees as a new monthly benefit through payroll deduction. LifeLock detects threats to your identity, alerts you as soon as the threat is detected and provides a certified resolution specialist 24/7 if you become a victim. The Division’s staff is working on the sponsorships and all related details for the remaining 2015 ERCGP signature events. Fall colors and the staff’s creative imaginations shape the 9/23 Fall Member Fest at Shades Beach in Harborcreek and the 11/5

Annual Meeting at the Bel-Aire Hotel & Conference Center, both awesome experiences. The Chamber Division provides the platform for business success. Let our staff hear from you and let us know how we are doing.

keep up to date with all of our organizational happenings at

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Newly Renovated All Suite Hotel

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Complimentary Hot Breakfast Buffet

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Indoor Pool / Fitness Room / Outdoor Patio with Firepit and Grill / Business Center

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Meeting Room Up to 50 People

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SpringHill Suites by Marriott Erie 2087 Interchange Road ❍❁❒❒❉❏▼✿●❉❇❈▼✿❁❂❃❄❅❆❇❈❉❊❋●❍■❏❐❑❒▲▼◆❖◗❘❙❚❀✑✒✓✔✕✖✗✘✙✐✍✝✻✽✼✛✌✎✏ ✡✢✣✤✥✦✧★✩✪✫✬✭✮✯✰✱✲✳✴✵✶✷✸✹✺❞✁✠✃✄☎✾✆☛✈✉✿☞❛❝❜✚✜✞✟ Erie, PA 16509 t 814-864-5000 ® marriot_condensed_bold_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`1234567890-=[]\;’,./ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:”<>? å∫ç∂´ƒ©˙ˆ∆˚¬µ˜øπœ®ß†¨√∑≈¥Ω`¡™£¢∞§¶•ªº–≠“‘«…æ≤≥÷ ÅıÇÎ´Ï˝ÓˆÔÒ˜Ø∏Œ‰Íˇ¨◊„˛Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±”’»ÚƯ˘¿ Á¸`⁄‹›fifl‡°·‚—±”’»ÚƯ˘¿|áéíóúâêîôûàèìòùäëïöüÿãñõÁÉÍÓÚÀÈÌÒÙÄËÏÖÜŸÑÃÕÂÊÎÔÛ ”“’‘ '" €

Waterfront development & Beyond O R G A N I Z ATI O NA L U PDATE S

eConoMiC DeveloPMent by Jake Rouch, Vice President

Over the years, we have been asked to meet with a wide array of consultants and businesses looking at the Erie region for investment purposes. These individuals consistently ask us the same question: What makes the Erie economy tick? Our response catches many of them by surprise. We tell them that we are: t A truly balanced economy. t A manufacturing community. t A tourism and recreation community. t An educational community. t A healthcare community. t A professional services community. It was not always this way. In the 1950’s, over 50% of our workforce was in manufacturing. Today, approximately 16% of ou r work forc e i s i n manufacturing. While that number may appear to be shockingly low, it is actually double the national average. That is why Manufacturing Day in October is such an important event for our community. We need to do all we can to maintain our strong manufacturing base of employers and employees. Overall, manufacturers pay family-sustaining wages and provide great benefits. The work is technologically advanced, the facilities are bright and clean, and the work is dynamic. Manufacturing is wrought with opportunities for a career path that runs from entry level to business ownership. While all businesses face the challenge of finding qualified and skilled workers to compete, manufacturing faces an even more steep challenge. Years of shrinking employment options and the nationwide cries that “manufacturing is dead” lead to disinvestment in training programs as the college-bound pathway became ever wider, well-lit, and easily

financed. Society began to look down on manufacturing as something “beneath” them…where you found yourself if you could not make it work in the white collar sector. Today, manufacturing is a highly sophisticated work-place filled with a generation of workers set to retire. Those skilled workers – and their wellpaying jobs – need to be replaced over the next several years. If they are not replaced, we will lose companies and jobs. That is a fact staring us right in the face. Thankfully, a group of our best manufacturers have formed the Erie Regional Manufacturing Partnership to begin a constructive, long-term approach to cultivating a revitalized training system for careers in manufacturing. Stay tuned for more from this group – and put the October 1st Manufacturing Day event at the Bayfront Convention Center on your calendar. Everyone in Erie has a vested interest in having a strong manufacturing sector. Meanwhile, our tourism and recreation sector continues to grow and many believe this is a result of a conscious decision by community leaders to move away from manufacturing. Nothing could be further from the truth. Just as market forces exerted pressure that caused our manufacturing community’s contraction over the last forty years, so too have market forces created opportunity for those in the tourism sector. The growth of our tourism sector is the result of entrepreneurship – seeing a market opportunity and making an investment to capitalize on that opportunity. Scott Enterprises and Paul Nelson are the two most striking examples of that entrepreneurship. Neither received

grants or tax incentives to invest tens of millions over the past 20 years. They saw opportunity and took the risk. The risk paid off and then they reinvested in the community where they made their money – and because of their investments, we are more resource rich in entertainment assets and more people are employed. Which brings us to our Bayfront asset. Since the Bayfront Highway opened in the early 1990’s, the citizens of our region have dreamt, opined, lobbied and advocated for more and better. Much has been done – and ALL of it has been celebrated, critiqued and/or criticized. One thing to keep in mind: while our collective passion and belief in our Bayfront is unwavering, the reality is that market forces and opportunity have not lead to widespread private sector investment. That is not to say it will not come, just that it has not yet there. Now with that said, we clearly have built some amazing assets on our Bayfront – an amazing amphitheater, a world class convention center, a topperforming Sheraton Hotel, one of the Commonwealth’s best public libraries, an active port, miles of public access, and hundreds of boat slips. We have a lot in place – and more is sure to come. As we work to retain our vibrant manufacturing base and build a more dynamic waterfront, let us all be mindful that an economy is a living entity – ever-changing and responsive to its environment. Whatever we can do to create a more conducive environment for growth will serve our entire region better.



GroWtH PartnerSHiP land Banks – a new tool for erie redevelopment by Ben Pratt, Executive Director, Growth Partnership Division There are many different tools and best practices used by communities to help economic development organizations make redevelopment and reuse projects feasible. The resources outlined by the International Economic Development Council’s – Real Estate Development & Reuse program are generally split into 3 different categories. The first category -- financing. The most common tools used by communities to provide financial incentives to a business looking to relocate, finance an expansion of an existing structure, or issue incentives to developers to offset the high costs of redevelopment and often remediation; providing the opportunity to resell or lease their redeveloped property at a competitive market price. These tools take the form of bond financing, loan guarantees (both of which helped finance construction on Erie’s Bayfront), revolving loan funds (actively assisting businesses on a regular basis with facility expansions, equipment purchases etc.), tax credits, tax increment financing (TIF) (which helped incentivize Lord Corp. the to stay in Erie), leases/ sale leasebacks, tax abatements, and special improvement districts (like the KOZ).

t Public sector purchase or lease space agreements t Special improvement districts (like the downtown improvement district) t Sandwich lease The greater Erie community had used many of these incentives to effectively grow, expand & attract businesses locally, but this is often difficult to bring to an effective scale. The third category -- land assembly. The public sector can initiate development by facilitating land assembly. This is important because the market for larger, assembled properties is much greater than for small, fragmented properties typically found in older urban areas. By combining smaller sites into larger parcels, a public agency is more likely to attract private investment.

The second category -- other incentives. There are many ways to make a deal more attractive, however they don’t ultimately make them feasible for an investor. The other incentives category includes different techniques and partnerships that are less structured or restrictive as the first category and often bridge financing gaps for the new investor.

Public agencies can acquire land by the following: t Negotiated purchase with a willing seller (often at close to market value, and outside of our redevelopment budgets) t Eminent domain or condemnation (These properties are traditionally in areas of communities that is difficult to attract new investment) t Tax foreclosures (many of these properties currently go up on sheriff sale) t Escheat (properties not claimed by heirs to an estate, which to be honest are hard to track down) t Land Swaps (Similar to the swap that recently took place between Scott Enterprises and Erie County) t Foreclosure of demolition liens.

Examples of these incentives include: t Land write downs (the sale of land for less than its market value) t Zoning incentives (specific areas can be “rezoned” to encourage new or targeted development stimulating redevelopment in an area)

Land Assembly is a critical tool for redevelopment. Before the public sector “assembles” any land it must be determined that the redevelopment serves a greater public purpose whether for elimination of blight, housing (often low and middle income residents), or

Aug/Sept 2015

economic development. This is an exciting time for economic/redevelopment for the Erie community. There has been a great deal of discussion on the development of a new land assembly tool called a Land Bank. Land banking is the public acquisition and holding of land for future use. This acquisition should be based on targeted investment rather than random odd lots. By strategically gathering smaller pieces of land, a city can assemble large parcels of developable land that can attract and retain firms. The redevelopment authority would gain strength if they had the capacity to obtain this land assembly tool. The strengths in land banking include; mitigating speculative landprice increases in areas slated for redevelopment, and retaining control over future uses and design aspects of the property. In some cities the stock of tax delinquent properties includes acres of available land. Cleveland, for example, has managed to aggressively market its stock of tax foreclosed land parcels to residential developers. Some weaknesses of land banking include; the acting agency need to pay the entire land acquisition cost up front (unless they can secure the land through nonpayment measures), the cost to maintain the properties, and community concerns over the use of public dollars. The Erie Neighborhood Growth Partnership facilitated by the redevelopment authority of the City of Erie has taken great strides to weigh the pros & cons of a land bank and is currently reviewing opportunities to evaluate, review and strategically implement a Land Bank business plan; a first step in the pursuit of adding this necessary tool to Erie’s redevelopment tool box.

Waterfront development & Beyond




7598 Wilson Drive, Fairview

4900 Tramarlac Lane, Millcreek

11316 Lakeside Drive, North East

If you are looking for a beautiful view of Lake Erie, this is worth checking out! This large 5 bedroom home is situated on 4 acres, and each bedroom has a view of the Lake. Inground pool with pool house, 3-car detached garage, 2-car attached garage. A very large (47’ x 10’) enclosed

Spacious and stunning lake front estate on nearly 2 acres with steps leading to 133 ft. of beach. Features include 4 full baths and 2 half baths; custom kitchen with stainless steel counter tops and

Lake front beauty with all rooms designed to enjoy views of Lake Erie. All bedrooms are suites with full bathroom and sitting area. Bright two-story great room with

master suite and hallway. Bright

sale also includes a 100 x 310 vacant lot.

ML#44225 @ $779,000

ML#39936 @ $769,000

ML#44884 @ $588,500

views of Lake Erie. Erie and its fabulous sunsets.

ERIE IS MORE THAN WHERE WE HAVE OUR BUSINESSERIE IS OUR HOME. By volunteering and taking an interest in the organizations that empower our communy, we help build a commitment of caring and hope for future generations. We are proud to be recognized as Erie’s trusted advisors when it comes to buying or selling real estate in Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western New York.

List your home with Erie’s Elite Estate expert, Marsha Marsh. Call 814.866.1865 for an appointment today!


“the trading region, composed of two Canadian provinces and twelve states, accounts for well over half of the u.S./ Canada trade relationship, and is the fourth largest economy in the world.� Aug/Sept 2015

Waterfront development & Beyond

Developing permanent solutions to help young people take advantage of skilled jobs in our community by Jim rutkowski Jr., General Manager industrial sales & Mfg., inc.

As we head toward Manufacturing day on october 1st at the Bayfront Convention Center, it is important to refresh everyone’s memory on what manufacturing really is. Manufacturing is the making or producing of anything. it is the end result of a creative process where we, collectively, envision products to be used by mankind in nearly every endeavor of life and work. it is part of the Maker Movement. Basic raw materials are gathered and processed on equipment that all of us have either a role in making or utilizing. using that equipment, we turn that raw material into products that create value for our customers. The mission statement of one manufacturer states it Today, the preeminent variable for success is people. We are looking for talented individuals who have a commitment to continually set and execute a plan in motion that creates value and who want to compete on a daily basis.

The Erie regional Manufacturing Partnership (ErMP) is a diverse group of 20 Erie county manufacturers who are committed to implementing a strategy to build a highly competitive manufacturing workforce in the region. That strategy includes the development of apprenticeship programs and working closely with a consortium of work-force development agencies, school districts, higher education and training institutions, as well as business organizations to develop permanent solutions that will help our young people take advantage of family-sustaining and skilled jobs within our community —jobs that provide a rewarding career pathway to a sustainable career with the potential for growth in both income and skill levels. The members of ErMP steadfastly believes the future of our manufacturing sector is tied to an intelligent skilled work-force that will help drive our competitiveness and help us innovate for the future.


Erie regional Chamber and growth Partnership

The ErMP group touches many industries from contract manufacturers whose machines fabricate and assemble components to customer supplied to producers of engineered chemicals rubber mounts, rolled rings, precision tool and die parts, heat treated components, air driers, compressors separation technologies, engineered water products, steel, construction equipment, electrical enclosures, high-volume precision machining components, and tasty donuts and snack foods. With over 22,000 jobs, manufacturing is a key industry sector in Erie County. The manufacturing sector is suffering, however, due to a workforce approaching retirement and a lack of interested young adults.

the basic skills and the desire to embrace lifelong The Erie regional Manufacturer Partnership (ErMP) was formed in 2014 by a group of local manufacturers to raise awareness of manufacturing career opportunities in the region, work with education and training providers to create more seamless career pathways, and connect individuals to these opportunities. recognizing on workforce development activities designed to develop a pipeline of skilled workers to support manufacturers in Erie County, PA.

“for the Erie Area to survive, it is imperative that

ErMP employed the model developed by the Mahoning Valley Manufacturers Coalition (MVMC), another industry-led organization with the mission of addressing skill gaps in the Youngstown,

said roger schultz, Manager of Technical Training at Lord Corporation and Vice Chairperson of Erie regional Manufacturer Partnership. “it is only with a continuous supply of individuals who have

impact by educating and mobilizing partners in a comprehensive planning process, taking an inventory of regional assets, and aligning those resources with MVMC objectives.

Aug/Sept 2015

Waterfront development & Beyond

Partnerships such as ErMP give the Erie region a competitive edge. “Partnerships allow for more opportunity to leverage government and community said Jim rutkowski, Jr. General Manager & Treasurer of industrial sales & Manufacturing inc. and secretary of ErMP. With this collective force we can enhance our community’s world class workforce to bring more business to our region. ErMP, in conjunction with the Manufacturer & Business Association, will host the Erie regional Manufacturer Workforce summit on Thursday, october 1st from 11:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Bayfront Convention Center in Erie. Lunch will be provided. The summit will bring together interested regional manufacturers, educators, community organizations to discuss priorities for workforce development. The summit provides a venue where employers can share information about the challenges and opportunities manufacturers face.

Business Banking No matter what your business demands, Northwest delivers. 65453 2 10/45.// 4/ -2,+ 6*,) You

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The event is open to all local manufacturers and will have six breakout sessions: image of manufacturing, assessments, career pathways, collaboration, workforce retention, and workbased learning. The summit will close with and built into a comprehensive Action Plan. The ErMP and its partners are committed to following through on the tasks from the plan.

Words without action result in nothing. so join us in this important effort to craft a future that is competitive for manufacturing and rewarding for individuals. interested individuals can register for the summit online at and choose a the event. 19

Erie regional Chamber and growth Partnership

nEw ErCgP tEam mEmbErs The ERCGP recently welcomed two new team members

Abby skinner

dirECtor oF grants and rEsEarCh Abby Skinner (MA, BS, Certified Grants Specialist) brings fifteen years of diverse grant writing and research experience to ERCGP, its members, and the Erie region. In the past, she has worked as an independent grants consultant, a manager of a community college branch campus, the grant writer for Northwest PA’s workforce development board, a college instructor, a program manager for a county historical society, and in logistics for a Fortune 500 manufacturer. She currently serves as a board member with the Northwest PA Area Health Education Center. You can reach Abby at (814) 454-7191 x148 or

steve Walters salEs managEr

Steven S. Walters (County Level Workforce Development Group Member) brings over 25 years of diverse business leadership, administrative, and sales and marketing experience to ERCGP, its members, and the Erie region. He has successfully served the nonprofit and for profit organizations. A leader in client relationship-building and retention, Steve has held various roles in the community, program manager, business service coordinator, project coordinator and outreach specialist for both career oriented and social service agencies, admission rep for an accredited educational facility, a multi-line insurance agent representing a, director of sales and operations for an independent insurance agency. Steve can be reached by calling (814) 454-7191 x140 or emailing

Aug/Sept 2015

Waterfront development & Beyond


Erie regional Chamber and growth Partnership

Recent Ribbon Cuttings & Milestones June 11th

Erie homes for Children and adults–movE 4950 West 23rd st., Erie

A ribbon cutting ceremony June 11th marked the the Erie Homes for Children and Adults licensed adult day program. remarks were made by CEo Charles Walczak, board president Jeff Presogna, and state senator sean Wiley. Amazing facility and caring staff!

June 16th

Jimmy John’s 515 state st., Erie

June 16th marked the grand opening of the newest Jimmy John’s in downtown Erie. A ribbon cutting ceremony was held to celebrate the 3rd location of the sandwich shop with the best dill pickles ever to open in the Erie area.

June 19th

at home

2080 interchange Blvd., Erie June 19th! A ribbon Cutting ceremony was held at the new retail store located off interchange road near the Millcreek Mall. WoW! Huge, tons of home decorating both indoor and outdoor, furniture, bedding, you have to check it out!

Aug/Sept 2015

Waterfront development & Beyond

June 22nd

lECom senior living Center 5535 Peach st., Erie

10, 2015 at the new LECoM senior Living Center on move into the 151,000 square foot, 5 story facility on June 22nd.

June 27th

Erie City memorials 5114 iroquois Ave., Erie

A ribbon Cutting Ceremony and open House was held on June 27th at the new Erie City Memorials on Buffalo road. The location is an expansion of Ericson Memorial studios and Burton Pet Loss services. Burton funeral Homes and Crematory, inc. has been serving the Erie area since 1876, and is a 6 generation family business.

July 8th

moore research services, inc. 670 West 36th st., Erie

8th in celebration of the opening of the new home of Moore research services, inc., a global market research company. The company has relocated from and Poplar street allowing them to expand their capabilities as a market research company as well as offer top-notch service and results.

July 14th

sarah reed senior living 227 West 22nd st., Erie

A Ground Breaking ceremony was held on July 14th at the sarah reed senior Living center on West 22nd street in Erie. new construction will be a 47,456 square foot addition to the skilled nursing facility with renovation of the existing area of 40,000 square feet. The organization is a Continuing Care retirement Community providing a continuum of care from one level to the next as residents’ needs change.



Manufacturer & Business Association’s

KICKOFF TO MANUFACTURING DAY! To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, contact Patty Welther at 814/833-3200, 800/815-2660 or


When we refer patients to Erie FCU for financing, we do it with confidence. They receive the same prompt, friendly, and professional service that we provide in our own office.

Erie FCU’s Merchant Lending Program allows you to offer on the spot financing at your business at no cost to you! Contact Kristi Bailey, Director of Business Development, today for more details. (814) 825-2436 Ext.1035

& Loans subject to credit approval. Membership eligibility required.

august 20 5:00–7:00 p.m. Panache salon & spa 2501 West 12th street Erie, PA

Business after Hours is a monthly members only networking event of the erie regional Chamber and Growth Partnership. on average 250-300 business professionals are in attendance. Considering being a host location? Contact event coordinator Cathy noble at (814) 454-7191 x146 or for more info.

september 10 5:00–7:00 p.m. bloom Collaborative 138 East 26th street Erie, PA

october 22 5:00–7:00 p.m. grapevine laundry and linens 2345 Warfel Avenue Erie, PA




208 East Bayfront Parkway Suite 100 Erie, PA 16507

PERmIT # 298 Erie PA

Join us for THE EriE rEgional ChambEr and growth PartnErshiP’s 2015 Fall mEmbEr FEst

Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2015

Fall MeMber Fest

shadEs bEaCh Park Pavilion

7000 East Lake Rd HarbOrCreek

4 P.m. – 8 P.m.

Dinner served at 5:30 p.m. TickeTs: $125 per person (Tax and gratuity included.)

Order your tickets online: Space is limited. For information contact Cathy Noble at (814) 454-7191, ext. 146 Thank you to our signature event Sponsors

catering by Petra’s featuring lobster and beef brisket. Live entertainment, cocktails, premium wins & craft beer, hookah, cigar bar and raffle drawings.

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