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==== ==== To Quit Your Day Job and Work From Home Read This ==== ====

How to earn money fast online and legal is no joke. Just imagine if you could take something you love or know a lot about, and turn that into cash. Would you be interested? All you have to do is put your passion or knowledge on paper, and with good content and an interesting title, you can get paid to publish your article online. Lets Begin With an Example Let's say you have a popular pet fish of the type called Betta fish or "Siamese fighting fish" and know lots about them. In fact, you managed to take care of a fin rot problem that almost killed one of your fish. People are always looking for information to solve a problem with search words like: cure, fix, solve, tips, remedy, solution, & treatment. So now you write a little article of a few hundred words telling your story of how you solved your Betta fish fin rot problem. And the best title for these 'problem-solution' articles usually begins with "How to". So a title like 'How to cure Betta fish fin rot in 3 easy steps" would be an excellent title. What Other Guidelines Do You Need to Publish an Article? (1) Be sure to follow the publisher guidelines for submitting articles. Articles that do not follow the guidelines are usually just deleted and all that content and work is lost. (2) Make sure your content in your article is formatted properly. Publishers are usually too busy to make any corrections and you will not see your article published. They'll simply delete it and move on to the next article submission. (3) Keep your author biography under 6 lines. Too long a biography may also not get you published. (4) Create an eye grabbing headline that invites curiousity. You want the reader to stop, and read your article. (5) Be sure to always use a spell checker before you ever consider your article completed. (6) Write your article to be helpful and informative, just like if you were conversing with a friend to help them. Where Do I Publish and Get Paid? Now that it is time to publish your article and start getting paid, you will want to go to and click on the signup/publish button. It is free to join. The site features articles on just about any subject imaginable. I have written a handfull of articles for them. They pay much better than anywhere else online that

accepts freelance articles. Associated Content accepts both exclusive and non-exclusive articles. If you submit as Exclusive, you give AC the Exclusive rights to publish your original content. Exclusive is the best option if you want to maximize your potential for payment and distribution and you don't plan on publishing your content anywhere else. If you submit as Non-Exclusive, you give AC limited rights to publish your original content. NonExclusive is the best option if you want to re-publish this content elsewhere, but still want it to have potential to earn Upfront Payments and distribution through AC. If your articles are rejected for pay, you can still publish them for Display-Only payment, and you'll receive payment for the page views you receive. Currently its $1.50 per 1,000 views. For up-front payments, it usually takes about a week to get your article reviewed, and a few days after that to get paid. The Display-Only articles are paid for once a month if you've received at least 1 thousand views on all your articles. They pay by PayPal. Depending on your content, length of article, and other variables, you can expect anywhere from $4 - $12 per article. Other Types of Content You Get Paid For * Tutorials * Humor * Poetry/Prose/Creative Writing * Movie/Music/Television show reviews (except sneak-previews) * Video game reviews (except of recently-released games, cult-classic games and comprehensive video game guides not readily available online) * Website reviews * Editorial/Opinion pieces * Recipes Associated Content also accepts content from other media such as video, audio, and photo-slide shows.You must be over the age of 18. If you are not a US citizen or legal resident you can still make money with AC through their Performance Payment option. The site as a very comprehensive FAQ page if you would like to get more details and being working now that you know how to earn money fast. One final tip and word of advice. The only way you will ever see your first of many dollars from working online is to take the first step. That means taking action. Please don't just read great information. Act on it. With action you will see results, and with results you will see the fruits of your labor, personal wealth and financial freedom.

The author is this article is Will Campbell. Mr. Campbell is an author and advocate of 'how to earn money fast' the old-fashioned way; you earn it. Give value to your customer and you will reap the rewards. To discover the next best way of how to earn money fast online, then take the next step. Take the next step now and click here How To Earn Money Fast Go now and check it out!

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==== ==== To Quit Your Day Job and Work From Home Read This ==== ====

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