Stayin' Alive- Outdoor Techniques (Eric Boettcher Survivalist Book 1)

Page 158

Improvised Hooks Gorge Hook

The gorge hook is one of the easiest primitive fishing hooks that you can make. Essentially the hook is not hook shaped at all rather but a small sharpened stick or bone. The idea is that when the fish swallows the bait, the hook will lodge itself in the throat of the fish. It is essential to allow the hook to be swallowed before pulling the hook. It is also important to make the hook the appropriate size according to the size of fish that are trying to catch.

Using what nature provides such as thorns or pieces of bone can make excellent improvised hooks. These have been used by natives for thousands of years. Select a thorned bush or tree (preferably dried to increase strength). Using the natural shape of the thorn simply cut above and below the thorn to achieve the desired shape. Then attach the thorn to fishing line and bait it accordingly. Use caution when handling the thorns. Some thorns can cause what is know as a dirty wound. There are certain types of plants that carry harmful bacteria on their thorns and can infect a wound severely.

Thorn Hooks

Safety Pin Hook The paperclip/safely pin method is considered to be among the best improvised hook methods. Easily transformable to the desired tool and built with fishing line attachments. These are able to be made into a improvised lure or treble hook by adding more than one pin using wire or string. Paper clips are not as strong as safety pins but can be used in the exact same way if needed.

Trash Hook The top of a soda can serve as a fish hook with only slight modifications. Unfortunately there is trash left all over the planet, but in a survival situation trash becomes a tool. There are many techniques to turn garbage into useful objects. Video tape, floss, thread, key rings , even tape can be easily turned into fishing tackle.


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