TPIN January 2014

Page 115


COMING HOME: It Takes a Village to “Raise” Residual Wealth by P.S. Perkins COMING HOME I decided to relocate back to my birth-home area of the Southeastern United States. No, not really. I left part of me in the suburbs and the rest of me returned to an urban city. That part of me was wary, tired, and fed-up with the pre-prescribed formula of who and how folks are supposed to act. The part of my life that had fled in search of the status consciousness I grew up being groomed for. Well, after time and circumstances enticed me to return home, that is when it got real interesting. And I mean REAL… My personal “stuff” is irrelevant to the point-ofview I would like to share. And yes, I do realize that ALL my writings are just that: a “point-of-view”— but that’s why I write. Maybe you should too if you have something to say to try to be a part of the solution; but I digress, anyway… My repatriation “home” presented a common story for millions of baby boomers returning to their roots caring for aging parents and “didn’t quite figure out the formula of American success” struggling family members. Or… maybe they were not sincerely invited. Whatever the situation, the story I am speaking of is becoming a huge bowl of baby-boomer CULTURE SHOCK! We look around and say, “Wow! Nothing has changed!” Really? In 40 years? How can that be? How can I have experienced such a full, rewarding

LIFE and return home to Bookie still hustling on the corner? What happened? Oh, I see…these people are/were caught in a vacuum. This kind of vacuum results in the gradual and sometimes swift removal of resources vital to the sustainability of a community. The physical resources that help create and retain residual wealth. RESIDUAL WEALTH Residual Wealth is a term I coined to explain HOW wealth remains and is maintained within a community while being siphoned into its families, businesses, schools, community centers, foundations, social institutions, and churches. We all understand these resources are vital to the healthy development of ALL children! “So you mean that is why Pookie the Bookie is still on the corner?” Yes, and the fact that Pookie may really be the trifling, conditioned person waiting on his lotto ticket that begins to form after many years of acclimatizing. Yes, something like that. At the Human Communication Institute, LLC, understanding WORDS matter and the word RESIDUE is a huge one for us. Residue explains all the left over stuff that forms our opinion of others, our surroundings, and OURSELVES. “Do I really deserve the American dream?” Sadly, too many have been told enough times in enough ways that they do not. So…How does this work?


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