Guida di Genova 2014 - Centro, Centro Storico e Porto Antico

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Palazzo Ducale - Palazzo San Giorgio With the majestic facade of Palazzo Ducale (Doge’s Palace - Piazza Matteotti) behind you, go down along Salita Pollaiuoli, then turn right in the narrow alley. The sun struggles to make its way through the roofs in Via di Canneto il Lungo, where walls and shops embrace you like a sweaty miner. Walk past Palazzo Donghi, dating back to the 17th century, and take Vico Sauli. Its square is sweetly placed among buildings. From the steps of the Antonio Sauli palace, the ancient low reliefs of the main doors echo the voices coming from the houses when the temperature is warm. The yellow and green shutters are open, allowing you to see the dark wooden beams of the ceilings. If you go on, you will reach Via dei Giustiniani, alongside the historic ‘sciamadda’ (typical Genoese restaurants with wood stoves baking typical products) in front of the winding, unstable profile of Vico di S. Rosa. It looks like the roofs are touching one another and the walls are looking for one another beneath the draft of an absent-minded sky. Keep right along Via dei Giustiniani and you will be in Piazza San Giorgio (it is thought to have been Genoa’s forum in Roman times), the church of the same name, the S. M. Immacolata parish and San Torpete from the 12th century (rebuilt in 1730). The church of San Giorgio, though rebuilt many times, is an ancient religious building (the first document dates back to 947). Go down along via di Canneto il Curto, is crowded at every hour with people and odours of every kind and origin. Once in Via San Lorenzo head towards the seaside, and turn to your left to admire the marvellous 19th century balcony of Palazzo Boggiano Savotti. When you are in Piazza della Raibetta in front of the ancient pharmacy keep right and you will get to the start of the Sottoripa arcades and the historic Palazzo San Giorgio, now the office of the Port Authority, an example of medieval architecture from 1260, in the prison from which Marco Polo dictated his travelogue “Il Milione”. The right hand side of the building leans on Piazza Caricamento, behind the old port, where goods were loaded and unloaded by dock workers.

3’ Ristorante Sapori di Genova

Salita Pollauioli 17r +39 010 4037622 Aperto 12/16 19.30/23 Sapori di Genova è situato a pochi passi da Palazzo Ducale; qui potrete gustare straordinari piatti ispirati alla tradizio­ ne culinaria genovese e ligure comodamente seduti nello stesso locale in cui nacque nel 1892 il Partito Socialista Italiano

It is situated only a few steps away from Palazzo Ducale; you will be able to taste typical Genoese and Ligurian dishes, while comfortably sitting inside the restaurant where the Italian Socialist Party was founded in 1892

7’ Trattoria Il Grillo Parlante

Via San Bernardo 7 - 9r +39 340 3122169 FB IL GRILLO PARLANTE Aperto dalle 12.30 alle 24, chiuso lunedì

Un luogo dove respirare l’antica storia della Superba e gustare piatti della tradizione ligure e mediterranea di carne e pesce. A cinque minuti dal centro, vicino al Porto Antico e all’interno della movida A place where you can breathe the ancient history of Superba and taste meat and fish courses typical of the Ligurian and Mediterranean tradition. 5 minutes away from city center, near from Porto Antico, in the middle of movida

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