OURINHE project´s magazine

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PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254

Ies. Pobra do Caraminal Galicia - Spain

ADLIP - Escola Profissional do Pico Aรงores - Portugal

Mehmet Munever Kurban Anadulu Lisei Konya - Turkey


1st EPAL Karditsas Karditsa - Greece

Tamsalu Gymnasium Laane-Virumaakond Estonia

Our Project

Content Our Project .................................................................................................................................... 3 OUR INTANGIBLE HERITAGE, A VALUE FOR THE FUTURE ......................................................... 3 Schools .......................................................................................................................................... 6 Ies Pobra .................................................................................................................................... 6 Mehmet M.K.A. Lisesi ............................................................................................................... 6 Tamsalu Gymnasium ................................................................................................................. 7 1º EPAL Karditsas ...................................................................................................................... 7 Escola Profissional do Pico ........................................................................................................ 8 Meetings........................................................................................................................................ 9 1st LTTA in Pobra....................................................................................................................... 9 2st LTTA in Karditsa ................................................................................................................. 19 3rd LTTA in Konya.................................................................................................................... 25 4th LTTA in Tamsalu ................................................................................................................ 31 5th LTTA in Madalena do Pico ................................................................................................. 37 Activities ...................................................................................................................................... 39 Traditional games ........................................................................................................................ 39 Estonian traditional game (Tamsalu Gymnasium) .................................................................. 39 Traditional Game (Tamsalu Gymnasium) ................................................................................ 40 Chicken Dance (Tamsalu Gymnasium) .................................................................................... 41 New traditional games (Ies. Pobra do Caraminal) .................................................................. 42 Folklore and oral transmission traditions ................................................................................... 43 Saint Catherine’s Day in Tamsalu (Tamsalu Gymnasium) ....................................................... 43 Oral transmision at Konya (Mehmet Munever Kurban Anadulu Lisei) ................................... 44 Storytelling and oral transmission with Soledad Felloza (Ies. Pobra do Caraminal) ............... 45 Traditional patterns (Tamsalu Gymnasium)............................................................................ 48 Storry telling at Karditsa (1st EPAL Karditsas) ......................................................................... 52 A Seminar from a Turcologist (Mehmet Munever Kurban Anadulu Lisei) .............................. 53 Oral transmission session (Escola Profissional do Pico) .......................................................... 55 Traditions and oral transmisión at Pobra (Ies. Pobra do Caraminal) ...................................... 58 Products of the project: 2 magazines (Ies. Pobra do Caraminal) ............................................ 63 Oral transmission: Madialeva (Ies. Pobra do Caraminal) ........................................................ 65 Mythological places..................................................................................................................... 67 Mythological places near Tamsalu (Tamsalu Gymnasium) ..................................................... 67

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A tour trough mythological places (Ies. Pobra do Caraminal) ................................................ 68 Traditional celebrations and gastronomy ................................................................................... 74 Greek Honey Cookies (1st EPAL Karditsas) ............................................................................. 74 Gingerbread cookies (Tamsalu Gymnasium) .......................................................................... 75 “Dia de Amigos” – An Azorean Tradition (Escola Profissional do Pico) .................................. 76 Carnival (Escola Profissional do Pico) ...................................................................................... 77 Shrove Tuesday (vastlapäev) (Tamsalu Gymnasium) .............................................................. 80 Traditional Turkish Drink (Mehmet Munever Kurban Anadulu Lisei) ..................................... 81 The Holy Ghost Festivities in the Azores (Escola Profissional do Pico) ................................... 82 ERASMUS DAYS (10-11-12/10/2019) (Mehmet Munever Kurban Anadulu Lisei) ................. 87 St Martin’s Day (Martinmas) – 11 November (Tamsalu Gymnasium) .................................... 88 Planning the design ................................................................................................................. 88 “São Martinho” (Escola Profissional do Pico).......................................................................... 89 Bolo Rei (King’s Bread) (Escola Profissional do Pico) .............................................................. 91 ETLİ EKMEK (Mehmet Munever Kurban Anadulu Lisei) ............. ¡Error! Marcador no definido. ŞİVLİLİK (Mehmet Munever Kurban Anadulu Lisei) ................................................................ 92 Okra Soup (Bamya Çorbası) (Mehmet Munever Kurban Anadulu Lisei) .... ¡Error! Marcador no definido. NEVRUZ (Mehmet Munever Kurban Anadulu Lisei) ............................................................... 93 Celebration of International Mother Language Day ................................................................... 94 21 days spoken Galician (Ies. Pobra do Caraminal) ................................................................ 94 International Mother Language Day (1st EPAL Karditsas) ...................................................... 95 International Mother Language Day (Escola Profissional do Pico) ......................................... 97 International Mother Language Day (Ies. Pobra do Caraminal) ............................................. 99 Mother Language Day (Tamsalu Gymnasium) ...................................................................... 102 Day of coexistence and celebration .......................................................................................... 103 Coexistence party (Ies. Pobra do Caraminal) ........................................................................ 103 St. George’s Day (Tamsalu Gymnasium) ............................................................................... 106 St Michael’s Day (Tamsalu Gymnasium) ............................................................................... 107 Recipie book .............................................................................................................................. 108

Our Project

Our Project OUR INTANGIBLE HERITAGE, A VALUE FOR THE FUTURE 2018 is declared as the European Year of Cultural Heritage; so we decided to address this issue from the school perspective: What can we do about it from school? What can the study of this subject contribute to the school? We decided to focus on the intangible heritage, which we believe provides great cultural richness and is close to being lost due to changes in customs and relationships, the uniformatization promoted by the media, … PROBLEM: a lot of intangible heritage is being lost. FIRST ANALYSIS: there is a great lack of intergenerational communication, both inside and outside the family nucleus; the media impose standardized behaviors and products on a national and even global level; traditional games are lost in favor of digital entertainment. The new generations are unaware of their cultural heritage and therefore are not aware of its value and importance. DEEPER ANALYSIS: There is a great atomization of the families, decreasing the time for communication between generations. This has an impact on the education of children, which do not get the transmission of values or adequate emotional and behavioral education. This in turn affects to the school, since is expected that school assumes these functions of education in values and attitudes that are not carried out at home. There are very few play activities among teenagers, type of dances or traditional games. This entails less relationships between them and there are no group bonds, with the loss of emotional and social integration. Sometimes these group relationships are sought in others less healthy environments. Loosing the physical activity that many traditional activities usually had, we get sedentary lifestyle. Ignorance of the cultural heritage prevents it from being valued. It is considered belonging to the past and lack real value. There is absolutely no awareness of the added values they bring: adaptation to the environment, sustainability, creation of bonds in the community, closeness of families, artistic expression, physical activity, knowledge of one’s own roots, .. and direct economic effects, such as the promotion of sustainable and quality tourism. CONCLUSIONS: Choosing the intangible heritage as a central theme of the PBL for the next courses, we can address several crucial aspects of learning, development of our students and their training as adults and as future citizens in a changing society.The European dimension will allow us to add value to our work, allowing us to understand our peculiarities, which give us a unique identity that makes up our person; enhancing the use of a common language; the international meetings provide, among other things, a great motivation to our students, …

By other hand, within the modernization programs of most of the schools, new teaching methodologies are included, among which Project-Based Learning (PBL) stands out, establishing itself as an innovative method adapted to the current social reality.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


By putting together these two questions, we get a project that aims to address several important problems: – The great atomization of the families, with less time and spaces of contact and communication has an impact on the education of children, which affects the functioning of the school, since is expected that school assumes functions of education in values and attitudes that are not carried out at home. – There are very few collective play activities among teenagers. This entails fewer relationships between them and there are no group bonds, with the loss of emotional and social integration, and also promote a more sedentary lifestyle. – Ignorance of the cultural heritage prevents it from being valued. Not only the adaptation to the environment, sustainability, creation of bonds in the community, artistic expressions, knowledge of one’s own roots, … even direct economic effects, such as the promotion of sustainable and quality tourism. Through 5 main activities and 4 LTT meetings we will address some crucial aspects of learning, development of our students and their training as adults and as future citizens in a changing society: – Development of the autonomy and “learning to learn” competence of students, necessary for lifelong learning, and their communicative skills – To promote intergenerational communication and improve affective education, values and attitudes – To enhance social integration – To combat sedentary lifestyle – To establish links between the participating students We also address important objectives for the school and the educational community: – To generate new dynamics of school organization – Improvement and modernization of teaching methods – To get the participation of the entire educational community in the Erasmus+ project – Better coordination between school staff with the cultural environment. – To exchange good educational practices and development of PBL. And for the Cultural Heritage and the European spirit. – Increase in cultural actions related to intangible heritage – Preservation of the intangible heritage through its better knowledge and the dissemination of recordings related to it. – To value of the cultural heritage as a source of knowledge, inspiration, dynamisation and current wealth – To promote the European spirit.

Our Project

ACTIVITIES P3 Recover a traditional game. Students investigate through their families and learn a traditional game to play it. Descriptions and rules will be developed and shared. P4 Folklore and oral transmission traditions Along the regular classes they will learn about this topic; bring grandfathers to tell stories about old times. Students will record it, to write it down and draw about the story. P5 mythological places A local map on google will be elaborated with the location of mythological places, with their traditional names, pics and a review of the history linked to the place. It will be proposed to the municipality the realization of touristic routes. P6 Traditional celebrations and gastronomy. Students will investigate in their families the traditional way of celebrations, the associated music, dances and gastronomy. Also images and old photos. A book with the recipes of all the schools will be elaborated. P7 Celebration of International Mother Language Day Because “Languages are the most powerful instruments of preserving and developing our intangible heritage.” P8 Celebration day At each international meeting there will be a coexistence day with students and families, cultural associations, other schools and city council staff; with music and traditional dances and games, recipes, crafts workshops. These activities will be mostly developed in the context of the normal classes (an activity for each educational level) with their teachers, based on the PBL method. The main target groups, apart from students (12-17) and teachers, are families and cultural associations, and general public that could be interested in traditions and culture. The associations with which we´ll collaborate in this project will be benefit in several aspects, since they will be better known through the activities, and they will increase the nº of them they carry out. Most of the products and results have a lasting character, so they will last beyond the life of the project.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


Schools Ies Pobra The IES Pobra do CaramiĂąal is a center located in Galicia, Spain, in a coastal city of nearly 10,000 inhabitants. It counts with about 440 students and 55 teachers, teaching ESO (1216) and secondary education (16-18) as well as vocational (adults). The IES Pobra is committed to the improvement of the quality of education, participating in multiple projects for training and innovation. This school seeks to improve the quality of teaching, study and learning, as well as optimize the organization of the work at the center and classroom level, in order to obtain results in line with what is expected of the current school. The aim is also to achieve a higher level of basic general skills, and the technological implantation, in particular, as well as to promote multilingualism. In recent years this center has participated in some European projects, which have been a screening of the school both domestically and at social level.

Mehmet M.K.A. Lisesi Mehmet Munevver Kurban Anadulu Lisesi is located in Konya, Turkey. Its mission is to educate knowledgeable and creative, self-confident, resourceful and advanced individuals who acquire our national values. Its vision is being a leader institution with a strong corporate identity and culture. In this school there are 502 students and 35 staff members who are competent and experienced in their fields and have innovative perspectives to support the students in all aspects. Classrooms are designed with high technological education systems; there are smartboards and internet connections in all classrooms. Students are chosen with a Central Testing System after the low secondary level education, and come from different regions and from low secondary schools all over Konya. It is a State School providing the students with a strong background for higher education. Every year approximately 70% of graduated students pass the exams and continue to higher education. They have lots of achievements in local and regional events such as, sports activities, competetions, science projects and social events, and they are willing to develop their knowledge and skills, their foreign language competences and learn more with the participation in transnational projects.


Tamsalu Gymnasium Tamsalu Gymnasium is a comprehensive secondary school in North Estonia, founded 145 years ago, in a small town and surrounded by a rural area, with excellent sports facilities. At present there are about 40 members of staff (highly experienced and opened to new ideas and cooperation at international level); and about 400 students (aged 7-19) who have participated in different contests, at local and national levels, and shown good results. This school’s curriculum focuses on subjects such as foreign languages (English, Russian and German), Art, Music, History, the Estoniam Language and Literature, Psychology, Civics and Citizenship Education, Career Education, Economic and Business Studies. In grade 11, students have to do a research project. The school has started to improve the use of ICT by purchasing tablets for classroom and teachers have been attending courses on ICT. Present priority is to improve the situation with ICT at school and fight with truancy and bullying in its different forms. Transnational projects help the students and teachers to gain new knowledge and learn from others’ experiences in those fileds and to put the knowledge into practice.

1º EPAL Karditsas 1ST EPAL of Karditsa is a full time vocational upper secondary school, located in the city of Karditsa, in central Greece. The school has 43 teachers and 281 students, all of them from middle and lower class families. The students come from disadvantaged areas and face problems of social and economic exclusion. In fact a fierce crisis has affected the industrial and agricultural sectors which represented the traditional core of the local economy and the effort to develop alternative sectors such as agri-tourism, crafts and still has to produce relevant effects. In order to contrast the negative aspects of a disadvantaged area, the 1ST EPAL has engaged itself in the effort to improve its learning environment through technological educational instruments and innovative experiences. The school has built strong relations with local authorities, associations, trade unions, social networks, collaborating with them, connecting theory with practice, worlds of school and of work.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


Escola Profissional do Pico ADLIP – Escola Profissional do Pico is a vocational secondary school located on Pico Island (Azores – Portugal), which is mainly rural. The Azores, even though belonging to Europe, are considered far from its borders. Pico Island represents a small community of about 15,000 inhabitants. The most important economic sectors, on the Island, are agriculture, viticulture, cattle raising, fishing, tourism, wine and cheese production, commerce and other services. The school has a total of about 150 students, between the ages of 15 and 25 seeking technological qualifications; 22 teachers/trainers and 15 other staff members. Throughout the 20 years of existance, this school has promoted a variety of courses, in many sectors, such as, Tourism, ICT, Commerce, Construction, Electricity, Electronics, Viticulture, Sports, Reception, Restaurant Management, Accounting, Social and Health Assistance, etc. Students have participaed in many local, regional and national skills contests and the school has participated in various European projects. There was a big motivation to join this project because Pico Island is very rich in traditions. It is believed that we can motivate students to look into their roots and understand better their identity and also learn about other countries’ histories and traditions and become more aware of their impacts, also gaining a wider European consiousness.


Meetings 1st LTTA in Pobra Erasmus+ short-term joint staff training event at Pobra (Ies. Pobra do Caraminal) 12.- MONDAY The first act was to welcome the visitors. In the presence of 3rd and 4th grade students, the principal of Ies Pobra do CaramiĂąal, Margarita Saborido Ojea, made a brief reminder of our involvement in European projects and told us some close old stories.

She then proceeded to individually greet each one of the participants, while giving out the identification cards.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


Teacher Alejandro Bobillo also made a greeting speech to the visiting teachers. Finally the coordinator of the project, Angel Vidal, also addressed them a few words about the concept of education itself and the motivation that an Eurpean project provides to the school.

We then went on a guided tour through Ies Pobra facilities, visiting workshops, computer rooms, gyms, ‌ as well as recycling points and Erasmus+ corners and boards, one in each building of the school. A special stop was made at the art classroom, where each teacher printed a poster sheet specially designed for the occasion.


After the coffee break, the students of the host institution held four presentations about Saint Jacques Way and Finisterrae.

After completing the presentations, we set of on a journey to know an old Galician manor: “Pazo de Rubianes� where we enjoyed a casual meal in a special atmosphere, as well as an interesting visit to the main house built 600 years ago and the spectacular botanical winter gardens, between vineyards and camellias.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


13.- TUESDAY On Tuesday we began the day with a short introductory meeting to European projects, based on IMPACT, held in the Erasmus + classroom. Secondly, we held a coordination meeting about the activities, including a presentation made by the coordinator J Angel Vidal, and time for debate. After the coffee break, back again to Erasmus+ classroom for a conference about Project Based Learning. The morning came to an end and we departed to Finisterre. In the afternoon, we had the opportunity to enjoy the amazing scenary of Finisterrae with all it´s myths and legends and a short visit to Ezaro, the only waterfall in Europe that casts its waters over the sea.


14.- WEDNESDAY On Wednesday we spent the day doing cultural activities outside the school, visiting Santiago de Compostela, the main pilgrimage center in Europe. The first thing we did was to visit the “Museo Pedagóxico de Galicia” where the guide showed us how education and classrooms evolved through the lastest decades.

The second visit, already at the old core of the city, was at the Town Hall, to the library of the “Consello da Cultura de Galicia”. There, the historian and writer Manuel Gago delighted us with a long dissertation about Galician history and culture, very participated by the teachers.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


And, before to eat into a restaurant located at the Quintana square, we visited the Cathedral, the outside and the inside, with the guidance of our history teacher Alba Dominguez.

15.- THURSDAY In the first session, we had a presentation, made by coordinator Angel Vidal, about “Communication and Dissemination”, followed by a debate sessionabout the project website, etwinning and the responsabilities of each school. Then we had a workshop about Europass. After the coffee break, we enjoy a speech and a workshop about “working on eTwinning”, guided by Mrs. Maria Malliora, teacher in the Greek team.


After this, Mrs Angeles Miguens made a presentation about “Money and Mobility Tool�. And, while the coordinators held a work meeting, all the other teachers enjoyed a tradiciontal party at the school: Magosto, a typical galician chestnut gathering celebration.

Then the moment to celebrate a common meal came, followed by an afternoon of celebration and coexistence among students, teachers, families and other guests.

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We enjoyed traditional food, some of ir cooked on the spot and we had performance by folk groups, which encouraged to everyone to dance their songs.

16.- FRIDAY On Friday morning, we decided to make a little change on the scheduled time. So the first activity was a workshop about Learning, Teaching and Training Activities, at the end of which we decided on the calendar for them and we agreed to some changes in the activities to be developed in them.


Along the coffee break was also the moment for the jury of the logo contest to take a decision. The winner was the one presented by ADLIP school.

Then it was the turn For Angeles Miguens to talk to us about evaluation and for the delegations to fill in the lasting items about the meeting evaluation. The director of the 1st Epal of Karditsa, Mr Sokratis Pappas, made an introduction to the next LTT Activity at their school.

The last activity of the morning was the reception of Pobra do CaramiĂąal Mayor in the Town Hall, in which we had the opportunity to chat for a while about the objectives of the project.

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After lunch we took advantage of a short visit to the near town of Boiro to make the last moment purchases. Just a short free time to pack and prepare for the farewell dinner and, after that, the delivery of attendance certificates.


2st LTTA in Karditsa Within the framework of the new European Erasmus+ Project materialized by the 1st EPA.L. of Karditsa, 13 teachers and 20 students from the participating schools are hosted in our city and in our school from 8th-12th April, for the 1st LTTA.

First Day of the Meeting 08.04.2019 The day started with the school and country presentations. P5 Mythological Places presentations

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


Visiting Fanari village and Fanari Castle. We learned the importance of the castle’s location and what it was used for.

The second day of the meeting 09.04.2019 Visiting the ancient site of DELPHI We visited Ancient town and seat of the most important Greek temple and oracle of Apollo.

Our pupils and we learned about mythological Greek Gods and their battles for victory.


And after Delphi we had a tour at Trikala. A winter destination for tourists.

Third Day of the Meeting


Amazing trip to Meteora. Meteora is a rock formation in central Greece hosting one of the largest and most precipitously built complexes of Eastern Orthodox monasteries. Originally there were 24 monasteries, where today only 6 remained. We visited Holy Monastery of Great Meteoron which is also known as Holy Monastery of Metemorfossis. It is only for male monks.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


Visiting Trendmill and first laundry of the village.

Coffee break at Krioneri and workshop about traditional songs and recipes. A visit to Plastira’s lake dam.

We went to the Priest home, his wife and daughter showed us how to make a traditional pie with vegetables.


The Fourth Day of the Meeting, 11 April The day started with the Workshop: presentations of traditional games. We learned some child games from the partner schools.

Then host school presented us Karagiozis, a character of Greek folklore Workshop: construction of Karagiozis figures.

Workshop Traditional Games: Gaitanaki, Ostomachian and Coexistence day with families and Tarditional Carnival dishes.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


The Last Day of the Meeting, 12 April A Visit to Archeological Museum and, visit to Municipal Art Gallery. A Visit to city Hall and Folk Museum of Karditsa and Certification ceremony and Farewell dinner.


3rd LTTA in Konya «Our Intangible Heritage, a Value for the Future» 2nd Learning Teaching Training Activity Konya 21st– 25th October 2019 October 21th , 2019 For the welcoming ceremony; Ayfer Gök Middle school students performed folklore dance about the harmony of Turkish traditional dances. Our school’s Music Teacher Levent Yılmaz and three of our students gave a little concert accompanying clarinet. After being taken photographs everybody gathered in the project room to listen welcome speeches of the Headmaster Bahaddin Demirci and the School coordinator Banu Bildirici. Time schedules and other useful items were given to the partners by giving details about a week schedule. All participants presented a video of their own school. We watched the Mevlana introduction. After the coffee break; we all did the ‘What we have done at the 1st year’ Presentations then all together had a school tour to meet our students and join the classes. Students met each other. For lunch we had the most famous Konya food ‘Etliekmek’ then we headed to visit Mevlana Museum,Historical Bazaar, Jewlery Bazaar and a small city tour in downtown. In the evening only Coordinators held a Project meeting : 2nd year: new Erasmus teams, variations from 1st year,

October 22nd , 2019, Konya On Tuesday morning all groups traveled to Antalya a place of unique natural beauty and archaeological significance for the whole world. We were guided to the archaeological area and to the museums. We visited; Aspendos Antique Theater, Manavgat National park and waterfall, Side Antique City tour, Side Apollon temple, Antique Theater and a traditional Side house. We had lunch and dinner at Side.

October 23th, 2019. Konya On the third day ; all schools presented their traditional games and then their traditional meals .Our school made the mythological story presentation (Kızlar Kayası/Girls Rocks). After coffe break guest students played games and spent some time with their peers, teachers as well. After having lunch at Meram we had a tour in Meram and Kızlar Kayası we had a coffee break at Akyokuş with the great views of Konya.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


October 24th , 2019. Konya Fourth day was the Coexistence day. Before coming school we all gathered for visiting The Institute of Traditional Handcrafts, Gastronomy and Clothing. We learned some important information about Turkish handcrafts such as; Keçe, hand and machine embroidery. Tasted some old times food which was almost disappeared nowadays. After that we had a tour to Sille the oldest part of Konya. As lunch we had the traditional Konya’s Wedding Meal. As our subject is Gastronomy and Celebration, we tried to introduce our partners ;the local music, dances, ceremonies and traditional Konya Cuisine (Tasting and cooking together while listening their stories). They enjoyed while trying Konya’s traditional Handcrafts such as; çini ( tile painting), ebru (marbelling),iğne oyası (needle lace). Students also played traditional games together, We made a Henna night show with the guest and host students. Everybody enjoyed and danced with the music of both guest and host countries. We had two exhibitions in the school building; our student’s oil painting exhibition about Mythological Stories and another exhibition was about Old Times Traditional Life and Household Goods of Konya. Coordinators Project meeting :2 nd year activities calendar and final products organization.

October 25th ,2019,Konya On the final day at school coordinators and some teachers planned the next project meeting; Students and other teachers shared the classes for doing some language workshops. Then all together we visited the City Hall and got some information about Konya. Presents were exchanged and we spent a good time in there. After having lunch we headed to Çatalhöyük (In July 2012, it was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The evaluation forms were filled in electronically.

Meetings During the final evening, the participants were given the certificates and souvenirs. The headmaster of the M.M.KURBAN ANADOLU LÄ°SESÄ° gave a farewell speech. Banner of the project delivered to Estonian Coordinator for the next meeting. Souvenirs and traditional local products to remind them of the training activity and the project were exchanged. In Dedeman Hotel ballroom a farewell party was held including food, dance and good mood.

October 26th 2019, Konya: Departure Day

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254



PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254



4th LTTA in Tamsalu March 1, 2020 Tamsalu Arrival Day March 2, 2020 Tamsalu The day started with a welcoming meeting by the head teacher and a performance by the students. The participants get acquainted with the school and students, they were introduced to the programme and plans for the week. They watched a video about LääneVirumaa and its sights.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


After that they were taken sightseeing in Tamsalu and Porkuni where they visited the Limestone After lunch they had a Rakvere castle tour and the city.

The next activity was getting to know each group member:  students form 4 transnational groups as there were four/five students participating from each country  the teachers acted as group leaders. Other teachers also helped students during group work.  each student and teacher had 5 minutes to introduce themselves and answer questions  they put together a group picture to introduced themselves to other groups later. After dinner at the sports centre they could enjoy water aerobics.


March 3, 2020, Tamsalu Each country presents their school and a story or a legend from their region. It was followed by group work. He previously formed groups (and teachers) worked together using PowToon to make a presentation of an animated story based on the legend or story they got to work on. Each group had a different story and presented their PowToon story.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


In the afternoon students had a cooking workshop and prepared Estonian traditional food prepare karask, kama and made butter with Reena Curphey.

In the evening the students played games and socialized at the sports centre. The coordinators had a meeting to discuss the results of the project and plan further activities for the next LTTA in Pico.


March 4, 2020 Tamsalu The students visited the most famous place in Estonia where cultural heritage is preserved – THE OPEN AIR MUSEUM in Rock al Mare, where they learnt about games, school life and the way Estonian peasants lived 100 years ago.They also had a tour in the Old Town, which is a UNESCO Heritage Site. The participants could sample Estonian food in a unique atmosphere – Kolu inn, which is also part of the Open Air Museum. The evening was zumba and games at the sports centre.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


March 5, 2020 Tamsalu The day started with a WORKSHOP on felting, which was followed by a WORKSHOP on making bone spinners – a Shrove Tuesday tradition and they played some Shrove Tuesday games. The participants also had a chance to learn how to play the zither – the Estonian musical instrument and had fun in the folk dance workshop. In the afternoon, they visited Reena Curphey’s art studio, where she showed her work and different types of wool for felting. In the evening, the students were engaged in multinational teams playing flooball. The participants also visited Sagady Manor and Nature school to learn about Estonian forestry and history.

March 6, 2020 Tamsalu Friday was devoted to INTERNATIONAL MOTHER LANGUAGE DAY. Our Estonian teacher presented the South Estonian dialect (a presentation of the dialects spoken in the south of the country). Students give presentations of their mother tongue. Group work – a phrasebook of languages presented was compiled and presented – English and the languages (Estonian, Spanish, Portuguese and Turkish) were included. The phrase book will be an online brochure available for the public use. Teachers recorded the phrases and the audio files will be added to the phrasebook. After lunch the students and teachers filled in the evaluation forms of the project activities and signed the participants’ lists. During the final evening was given a certificate and each school got a souvenir made from the local limestone. In addition, each participant got a coloring in book with Estonian national patterns. March 7 2020, Tamsalu Departure Day


5th LTTA in Madalena do Pico The 4th and last LTTA Meeting was scheduled to take place from 27th April to 1st May 2020, but, unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, schools were closed, flights were cancelled, governments did not allow any type of international projects to be carried out during this period. Our school was supposed to be the host for this meeting; the programme had been organized and all entities contacted; visits to museums, sites, workshops, restaurant and hotel arrangements, etc, which had to be, obviously cancelled. The programme was:

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254



Activities Traditional games Estonian traditional game (Tamsalu Gymnasium) We are going to pick flowers, who wants to join us in making a flower crown? Hey, dear fellow, would you like to keep up company? Estonian folklore “We are going to harvest rye” How to play: The number of players has to be uneven. The players pair up and make a circle holding each other’s hand. One player remains alone. The pairs start singing and going round in the circle clockwise until the end of the first verse. Then the partners release hands, start singing the chorus and seeking for a new partner. Hopefully, there will be a new player that remains without a partner. The idea is to choose a new partner in each round. The main goal of the game is to find a partner and not to be alone.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


The lyrics: Verse 1: Me lähme rukist lõikama, kes tuleb vihku köitma? Kas, armas sõber, tahad sa ka meie seltsi heita? We are going to harvest rye, who wants to join us in sheafing?. Hey, dear fellow, would you like to keep up company? Chorus:

Mina otsin ja sina otsid ja igaüks otsib oma. Ja mina leidsin ja sina leidsid, kes hooletu, jääb ilma.

Everybody´s seeking for a new partner, the careless one should remain alone. Verse 2: Me lähme lina kitkuma, kes hakkab linu köitma? Kas, armas sõber, tahad sa Verse 3: Me lähme heina tegema, ka meie seltsi heita? Chorus: Mina otsin …. Chorus: Mina otsin …. kes hakkab loogu võtma? Kas, armas sõber, tahad sa ka meie seltsi heita? We are going to make hay, who wants to join us in making haystacks? Hey, dear fellow, would you like to keep up company? Verse 4: Me lähme lilli noppima, Kes hakkab pärga köitma? Kas, armas sõber, tahad sa ka meie seltsi heita? Chorus: Mina otsin ….–

Traditional Game (Tamsalu Gymnasium) UKA-UKA I AM FREE! (UKA- UKA MINA PRII!) Step 1- choose a playground and agree the borders. The players can`t cross the borders.


Step 2- choose who is Uka. Step 3 -Uka player must close his/her eyes and count to 100. The others have to hide. After counting Uka starts to look for his/her friends. There must be some kind on checkpoint ( tree, wall or something similar) what the players have to reach before the Uka. If the player reaches to the checkpoint before Uka, he/she touches the wall/ tree etc. and says: “Uka, Uka I am free” then he/she is a winner. If the Uka finds a player and reaches to the checkpoint and says: “Uka, Uka player (… name) is caught! ” then the player is out.

Chicken Dance (Tamsalu Gymnasium) A popular dance for Estonian children. It is loved, known and engaging for any age.

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New traditional games (Ies. Pobra do Caraminal) Into the framework of the Erasmus+ OURINHE, particularly in “traditional games” we also decided to play with our imagination and create our games in the traditional way: with the elements we have at hand and better if they are recycled. One of them is what we call “prison escape”.

As simple as holding the feet of two people together, with a stick and a few pieces of rope.


Folklore and oral transmission traditions Saint Catherine’s Day in Tamsalu (Tamsalu Gymnasium) Kadripäev – Saint Catherine’s Day According to traditional accounts, Saint Catherine was beheaded by Emperor Maximinus II around 305 AD in Alexandria. 25 November became the commemoration date in the 10th century, and many churches and particularly nunneries in Europe were dedicated to Saint Catherine. In Lutheran countries, this day has also been associated with Catherine of Aragon, the first wife of Henry VIII. Saint Catherine’s Day marks the arrival of winter and it is associated with women. In Europe, Saint Catherine became a popular guardian spirit of cattle and an assistant to women in labor. Saint Catherine’s Day (Kadripäev) is similar to another day called Saint. Martin’s Day (Mardipäev) and Halloween in America. Comparison: Saint Catherine’s Day and Halloween Similarities – on both events people put on clothes that they usually don’t wear and visit other people homes. Differences – on Halloween people make themselves look more like superheroes or creepy creatures. They ask “Trick or treat”, take their candy or perform some mischief if candy is not given. In Estonia, the day was first celebrated in the 16th century when the ancient religious rituals and daughter’s initiation ceremonies merged with Saint Catherine’s Memorial Day. It was considered a women’s holiday because by that time women managed to finish livetock-related work. On Saint Catherine’s Day motly girls go outside, turn themselves into kadris, kadri beggars (kadrisandid). Kadri beggars sing, play instruments, dance or recite poems to get premisson to step inside a house. Then they say different wishes to people and the household for good luck, get treats and leave the house singing. Kadri`s Day Clothing Kadris have always worn white and pretty clothes, they dress as women. Their masks and costumes are not dramatic, but femalely delicate and lovely. The main components of the costume are stockings, dresses, skirts, coats, scarves, hats, veils and gloves, all white. They also paint their cheeks and nose red. Later they also make fake braids from linen, cotton wool, clothes and other convenient materials. The most important idea is to look beautiful.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


Oral transmision at Konya (Mehmet Munever Kurban Anadulu Lisei) One of the designated activities included in our Erasmus+ European program titled “Our Intangible Heritage, a Value for the Future� is the Folklore and Oral transmission traditions (activity P4).

In this month some students brought a family elders and asked them to tell some stories about Konya and its surrondings to the class.

It was a great experience for the students they listened them carefully. Thanks to this Project we can learn by oral transmission.


Storytelling and oral transmission with Soledad Felloza (Ies. Pobra do Caraminal)

This activity is framed within the context of the Erasmus + project “OUR INTANHIBLE HERITAGE. A VALUE FOR THE FUTURE “, which seeks, among other objectives, the preservation of our intangible cultural heritage and, in particular, the very rich tradition we have in Barbanza of myths and legends of oral transmission. This week, in the Ies Pobra do Caramiñal, we could enjoy the erudition of Soledad Felloza, an irreplaceable figure in the current panorama of Galician culture: writer, photographer, actress, promoter of cultural events, training and, above all, an exceptional narrator and storyteller. First thing she made clear to us, was precisely the importance of the current youth approaching these “stories”, which were previously told on the winter nights shared around the fire, and that are now about to be losing, mainly due to the timeshare failure with grandparents and old people in general, who are the last connoissants of this cultural wealth.

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And it is not a minor problem, since in these stories, ancient knowledge is essential for anthropologists and archaeologists, but also for our roots and it is the base of what we are today and our way of thinking and seeing the world. Luckily, thanks to her, now we know legends about birth and death; very close stories about lavender, mouras or even ordinary people; legends about spells or how to get rid of them; about the Carregal lagoon or the stone cross of Moldes; two hours that they gave up for long, but that seem very short. For once the students ignored the bell that announced the recreation and asked for “another story”. Sole’s great professionalism lets her cheat the audience, playing with the times, pauses, intrigue and emotions. So the answer was easy for her: “How do you want the story? About living people or the dead ones? With a cheerful or a tragical end?“

When the adolescent audience answered “about dead people and with a tragic end,” the smile seemed to accentuate in her face: this can only happen in Galicia, where proximity to death is a sign of identity. Once again it was shown that our culture has its own characteristics and that we have to know and preserve it, if we do not want to fall knowing who we are.


Once the presentation comes to an end,the activity begins a long and interesting second part: first of all, share and contrast with the own family all this wealth of knowledge, and then students will have to reelaborate these stories and write them under the tutelage of the Galician language teachers, then rewrite them in romance style, then musicalize them with the supervision of music teachers, create appropriate illustrations in the art classes, and even theatrical ones. After all, the best ones will be chosen to translateinto English and publish them on the project’s website, to share them with the other participating schools in Turkey, Greece, Estonia and Azores. Some of these students will be fortunate to be able to tell the stories in person to the Greek students in the next month of April. Others will have to be content with going to tell them to the boys and girls of elementary schools. In one way or another, it will mean continuing the tradition of oral transmission of stories.

Learning this way, and not just by books, is a highly enriching and motivating way. We hope to continue taking advantage of the opportunities gave to us living on a land that is so rich in culture and traditions, and to count on it with people of the highest level such as Soledad Felloza.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


Traditional patterns (Tamsalu Gymnasium) Estonian traditional costumes are a very important part of

our folklore and

culture. Each region has its own traditional garments with


techniques and patterns. Embroidered and knitted patterns have been mostly



floral. The Mulgi region is famous for its archaic patterns –

medieval patterns

embroidered in irregular order. These embroidered patterns are

found mostly on

aprons and shawls:

Seventh-grade students in Tamsalu Gymnasium learnt about Estonian traditional culture. First of all, they studied a wide range of different patterns including archaic, floral and geometrical ones in Estonian traditional folklore and regional garments. Secondly, they were introduced to the meanings of the symbols used in the traditional archaic patterns. For example, the circle (sþþr) symbolises the universe, eternity, harmony and the sun:

The cross is the symbol of life and light:


The rose motif is known from medieval times and symbolizes God and perfectionism:

There are also lots of irregular patterns inspired from nature and flora:

They also learnt about the colours used in these embroidered garments (blue, red, yellow and green). Finally, students had to design a rug using traditional irregular archaic patterns with colours common in these traditional embroidered garments from the Mulgi region. Examples of the work completed by the students are included below:

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254



PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


Storry telling at Karditsa (1st EPAL Karditsas) Near Plastira’s Lake, 32 km from the town of Karditsa on the “Agrafa” mountain, at an altitude of 1200 meters, there is the picturesque village of Fylakti. The inhabitants of Fylakti in the winter are mostly elderly people who, despite their everyday adversities, choose to stay in their birthplace. One of them is Mr. Vassilis (a well-known storyteller of the region), an emblematic figure of a man who lived all his life in the mountain, rearing animals and merchandising their products. The hard life in nature sculptured a tough face and formed a mild character at the same time. With his endless narrations, using idioms and humor, he has a unique ability to capture his audience.

One of the few young residents of the village is Vassilis, a student of the1st EPAL of Karditsa. On the occasion of the current Erasmus program, accompanied by a teacher of the school, he met Mr. Vasilis in order to listen and write down stories of the village. He narrated stories about “good luck”, beautiful female figures -sometimes dangerous- who used to appear in the woods, rivers and pasture lands only at nights, singing and playing the violin. He told the story of the forest his village shares with the neighboring village called Petrillo, when its inhabitants paid the ransom for a murder that took place in this forest. He narrated the story of his own village as it has been orally transmitted, for its first position in the “Great Puliana” and the destructive epidemic that led the inhabitants to choose another position to move in and settle down. Other stories were about the “Paliokazarma”, the “Voutsikaki” mountain and the “Gavel” position, a blind passage on the mountain… It was a wonderful meeting with a master of narrative, in the shadow of snowy “Agrafa”.


A Seminar from a Turcologist (Mehmet Munever Kurban Anadulu Lisei)

Within the framework of the project “Our Intangible Heritage A Value for the Future”, we invited Turcologist Prof. Dr. Saim Sakaoglu. He is an important academician and has many books about Konya’s folklore. He gave a lecture about intangible heritages of Konya. We learned about some forgotten traditional games and toys. Origin of streets and squares names in the town. Some festivals only belong to Konya. Some stories and fables, passed down from generation to generation. He pointed out the importance of our intangible heritage. He gave homework to all students to learn, where their ancestors and surnames come from.

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Oral transmission session (Escola Profissional do Pico)

On May 10th 2019 we organized a session for the whole school community on Oral Transmission, which is one of the very important topics of the project. We invited Manuel Goulart Serpa who is very knowledgeable on anything pertaining to Azorean cultural heritage. It was a very interesting moment in which our guest spoke, with passion, about the history of the Island, the difficult ways of life of the people who cultivated the harsh lands and the economic importance of whale hunting which has now become a great touristic attraction in the form of Whalewatching.

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After the event, the participants were asked to write some sentences about the stories which were told that most captured their interest, to be displayed in the school entrance.

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Traditions and oral transmisión at Pobra (Ies. Pobra do Caraminal)

This day we held another interesting activity framed into the Erasmus+ Project, more detailed, into the activity of “Oral transmisión”.


The most siginificative aspect was the colaboration with the nearby school EEI Fernรกndez Varela; their students came to visit us and enjoy with us of this activity, which had 2 different sections.

In the first one, some of our students of 3ยบESO told us several legends that they had listened from Soledad Felloza some months ago.

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Alonsg the last weeks, they were working on the stories, writen different versions of them, making romance versions, and creating artistic interpretations. Today the were able to told the stories to an enthusiastic audience.


The second part of the activity was about tradicional musical expresión: “regueifas”. This time were the 1st year students those in charge of developing it.

In the preparation of these students were involved several academic departments: Spanish Literature, Galician language, music, art,…, but also ENLG team and Library team.

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Today we enjoyed a nice morning with our youngest neighbors and, surely, we will do it again shortly.


Products of the project: 2 magazines (Ies. Pobra do Caraminal) As a result of two activities of this project at the end of the first year, we got a lot of stories, poems and pictures related with the activity P4 Folklore and oral transmission traditions and P15+ Nicknames. We shared this material in the best way, making exhibitions into the school and outside.

The reactions of the people who saw these exhibitions led us to wonder about to make something more enduring and we decided to publish it in two magazines, one by each activity.

This way we got a lasting product and gave value to the work of our students.

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At the same time we got a little gift for some people that collaborated with us, people from the municipality, cultural associations, storytellers and so on. Due to the school calendar, we hardly got the magazines printed on time but, fortunately, they arrived from the printing press on the last days of course and every single student and teacher who worked on them could have their own book.

The students were very proud of themselves, looking at their works printed and going home to share it with their families. And now they are motivated for the nest year to work again on the project.


Oral transmission: Madialeva (Ies. Pobra do Caraminal)

On Febrary/2020 we enjoy the visit of our former teacher Ana Moreiras, who delighted us with the story of her experiences throughout the years of preparation of her recently published graphic book.

Under the suggestive title of Madialeva, Ana M offers us a compilation of stories of the Galician rural, from the feminine perspective. PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


His characters are village women, perhaps irrelevant from the perspective of History but, through their stories, we come to value them as basic in family livelihood and social development.

From her facets of illustrator and compiler of stories, A.M. told us about the importance of transmitting the experiences of previous generations; of the need not to lose the knowledge acquired and value all that our elders have to transmit to us. At the end of her presentation, our students had the opportunity to quench their curiosity, asking her about those aspects that had caught their attention. Even they told her some short stories from their own families. We spend a great time with our dear teacher and learn a lot about our own culture and recent history. Ana said goodbye, encouraging students to pay attention to their elderly relatives and spend time listening to their stories.


Mythological places Mythological places near Tamsalu (Tamsalu Gymnasium) Porkuni floating islands Poor maid Kaie was noticed by the squire while working at the manor. He wished to marry her, but fueled by anger pushed her into the lake, when he heard that she had already chosen a husband. Kaie refused any help and drowned, and from the hay that was carrying floating islands were formed. There once lived an angry bishop, who regularly punished his servants. One day he thought that his slaves were carrying too light amounts of hay on their shoulders and decided to drown them. A siren noticed the men in need of help, threw dirt on the hay and instantly floating islands were created, which the slaves got on and escaped from drowning. The siren tragged the bishop into the water so that he would scare the fish from getting caught onto hooks. The treasures of Porkunis fortess During the Livonan battle in 1558, before the Russians came, the head of the fortress decided to collect all valuables from the walls and everywhere else and hide them in the basement of the fortress. They were not found by the Russians. The treasure is guarded by an evil spirit who carries a hot pitchfork. To find the treasure one must follow the guides on a piece of parchment located in the archives. Neeruti lakes The lake is said to have been created from the kidneys of the horse belongign to Kalevipoeg (Kalev’s son). At the bottom of both lakes, there lies a chest of money, but only the back lake’s chest is possible to be collected. The birth story of the name “Rakvere” Once upon a time Kalevipoeg came home from Russia with a big bag of gold and stopped at Rakvere to take a nap. An enemy spotted him and sent Raki, the dog, to attack Kalevipoeg. Kalevipoeg killed the dog and that is how Rakvere got its name. (Raki’s blood, blood=veri, Rakvere or Raki veri.) Kalevipoeg came from the war, tied his horse to Käru clearing and then he fell asleep. The horseflies and mosquitos annoyed the horse because of which the horse scraped up so much dirt and that Emumägi was formed. Another version is that the wolves attacked the horse. Turje Cellar-Near Muuksi there was a cave in which wine was flowing and the Devil made it a source of gold, possibly a pub. Kalevipoeg (Kalev’s son) came from Finland to drink in the pub. The Devil then called Sorts (a wicked warlock – who was Kalevipoeg’s enemy) to the pub. Just as Kalevipoeg(Kalev’s son) was about to leave the pub Sortsattacked him. It was a hell of a fight. Kalevipoeg(Kalev’s son) found some pieces of a table and tried to knock out Sorts with it but he had a hard head. Suddenly, someone shouted from the bushes, “Hit him with the edge, hit him with the edge!” He did so and Sorts fled. (Later the Devil decided to escape and sent his minions to chase Sorts.)Kalevipoeg (Kalev’s son)found out that his helper was a hedgehog and he gave the hedgehog a piece of his coat. That’s how hedgehogs got their spines. The Knight of Toolse -In Toolse Fortress there once lived a belligerent knight who, for a long time, thought injustice of people and found that it is the time to marry. A simple fisherman’s daughter caught his eye but he didn’t know that she already had a lover. The knight accidentally stumbled upon their wedding and got so angry that he chopped off the grooms head and killed some of the guests. As the pride fainted, the knight took her and rode off on his horse. On horseback, the girl woke up and said, “If I have no right to be on the ground, then someone have mercy on me.” Right then gloomy thunderclouds emerged and the lightning bolt hit the knight, the girl, and the horse, instantly killing them all.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


A tour trough mythological places (Ies. Pobra do Caraminal) One of the last activities of this first year of the project “OUR INTANGIBLE HERITAGE, A VALUE FOR FUTURE” was a guided tour trough some of the mythological places in which the students were working on, mainly related with P5 and “P4-oral transmission” activities.

Our first step was the higher point of Curota mountain, from where we could wee and located “cruceiro de Moldes”, “lagoa de Carregal”, “dunas de Corrubedo” or “illa de Sagres”, all of them included in the stories “the man os Sagres” and “the submerged city of Valverde”.

Whit the help of our two guides, Julian and Ezequiel, from ARA archeologies, we continued the walk trough a fantastic place, with the company of wild horses and visiting the rests of ancient buildings of more than 2.000 years old.


After a detour, the landscape changed and, after a while, we faced the view of the sea in the distance.

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Even though the goat trail demanded all our attention, this amazing landscape deserved a short stop.

After a while, we found the ruins of “monastery of Miserela” and, finally, one of the most intriguing and comented lengend along this year: “Saint Mauro´s stone boat”, which our students had painted in many different ways, without a single picture of it.

Activities Also located an old stone linked with the story of “A Moura”.

After the long trip, we won a time to eat, relax and a bit of fun.

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We are lucky to have these places so close to us. For some of the students was first time visiting these sites and, for all of us was a great day, plenty o apprenticeship and friendship.

Thanks to Erasmus+ for providing us with these opportunities.


PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


Traditional celebrations and gastronomy Greek Honey Cookies (1st EPAL Karditsas)

MELOMAKARONA (Greek Honey Cookies) One of the designated activities included in our Erasmus+ European program titled “Our Intangible Heritage, a Value for the Future” is the presentation of each country’s traditional celebrations and gastronomy (activity P6). To this end, two of the school’s teachers decided to actually make a Greek traditional Christmas treat in class with a group of students. Mrs Katerina Giannakoudi and Mrs Eleni Theodoraki, along with some students of the 10th grade, found information about the history of a dessert called ‘melomakarona’, and how it is tied to Christmas celebrations. They then decided to make it in class; they found the recipe, gathered the ingredients and prepared it, using the oven from the school canteen. (They were really delicious, by the way!) The students showed great enthusiasm for the whole process, since they were actively involved in all stages of preparation. Moreover, they had the chance to learn about the tradition behind this dessert, and to share the spirit of Christmas within their own class!!


Gingerbread cookies (Tamsalu Gymnasium) One of the designated activities included in our Erasmus+ project “Our Intangible Heritage, a Value for the Future” is the presentation of each country’s traditional celebrations and gastronomy. Reena Curphey, the teacher of art and home economics made gingerbread cookies, which are a typical and the most common Christmas treat in Estonia, and also felted Christmas decorations with year 7 and 8 girls in their regular art classes.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


“Dia de Amigos” – An Azorean Tradition (Escola Profissional do Pico) It’s a tradition that may be a century old. In the different towns around each island of the Azorean Archipelago people would gather for weekly Thursday evening meetings, which were known as “Serões”, to choose the cereals, wheat and corn, that would be used for the Holy Ghost Festivities. During those evening gatherings, songs were sung and poetry was recited, all exalting and honoring Friendship. As the years went by this tradition was kept but the objective evolved according to times. Nowadays, the four Thursdays before “Carnival” are dedicated to differentiated meetings and gatherings. The Azorean people dedicate these four Thursdays to very particular festivities, which begin with “Amigos” (this year on Thursday, the 7th of February), followed by “Amigas” (on Thursday the 14 th of February, which this year also happens to be Valentine’s Day!), followed by “Compadres” and ending with “Comadres”, just before the Carnival celebrations weekend. According to tradition, “Dia de Amigos”, or “Boys’ Day Out” is reserved for a good evening get-together only between male friends. A friend invites another friend who will bring yet another. A group will join another group and may get so enlarged that soon you will be making new friends. They will eat and drink and have fun. It’s dedicated to reuniting old friends and strengthening brotherhood ties. There are restaurants that will close doors to the entry of women, only authorizing men. On “Dia de Amigas”, or “Girls Day Out”, women will take their “revenge”! Men will stay at home while the girls will go out to dinner with best friends, sometimes using Masks or Carnival Costumes to celebrate the values of Friendship in a joyful and fun way. In general, these are very happy, laid back evenings where old friendships are cemented and new ones, many times, arise. “Dia de Compadres” and “Dia de Comadres” aren’t so profusely celebrated, they generally take place in a more familiar environment. A very popular Carnival sweet is the “filhós”, which is a kind of fried dough. Grandmothers and Great grandmothers say that in old times they would prepare baskets and baskets of filhós for the whole family and friends to gather and enjoy. Back in those days when families were numerous and food was not served in abundance, this was a big reason to smile, also because this sweet would only be eaten during this particular holiday season. Let’s all celebrate because: “A treasure may not always be a Friend, but a Friend is always a Treasure”


Carnival (Escola Profissional do Pico) In the Azores “Carnaval” is celebrated with a mixture of festivities, dances, parades, marches, satirical plays and even typical popular theatre that ironizes the Azorean lifestyle and regional political figures. During the “Carnaval” weekend and the following Monday and Tuesday, hundreds of people will get together, wearing all sorts of costumes and masks, dancing and partying till late hours. It is a period of great fun, just before lent (for Christians), where people usually put aside their typical individuality to experiment a high sense of social unity. Our school, Escola Profissional do Pico, joined in the typical parade which roamed through the streets of Madalena, on Friday March 1st, representing Spring (Primavera) characters. It is very typical to say: “A Vida são dois dias, e o Carnaval são três!” (Meaning to say that: Life is only a couple of days, but for Carnaval we have three!)

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PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


Shrove Tuesday (vastlapäev) (Tamsalu Gymnasium) Is celebrated 7 weeks before Easter, either in February or March (no fixed date). IN THE PAST People went sledging on that day. Sledging was considered to be an important activity as the longer the slide, the longer the stem of flax would grow during the summer. It was a day to cut hair, as it was believed that your hair would grow strong and it was advised to brush your hair seven times. Women’s jobs were forbidden, especially spinning yarn as it was thought such activities would bring bad luck to sheep. It was allowed to tie and make ropes. Lighting a fire was believed to be harmful to horses and livestock. After eating, the bones left were labelled with a name and given to the dog. Whose bone the dog picked first was to find a husband. Bone spinners were made of bones of pigs’ feet and there were competitions for the best spinner.

It was forbidden to light a fire or to spin lamb’s wool. It was advisable and customary to comb and cut hair. Traditional food was soup made of peas and beans and boiled pigs’ trotters. NOWADAYS Sledges, boards and plastic are used for sliding. Children learn to make humming spinners using big buttons. These days the most important and popular Shrove Tuesday food is pea soup and buns with whipped cream. They are served at schools and kindergartens, and at home.


Traditional Turkish Drink (Mehmet Munever Kurban Anadulu Lisei)

Turkish Boza is one of those very traditional drinks and it’s typically sold in winter although it’s not a hot drink. It’s associated with cold days and snow because it has a warming effect, but I think it would be a great summer drink too since it’s served cold. It is a malt drink made from bulgur and it’s so rich in carbs. It’s almost as thick as a pudding with a sweet and tart flavor. You might find it weird when you first try it, but then you easily become addicted before you realize! It was known as a great drink to warm and strengthen your body. You don’t feel cold and you get stronger as you drink Turkish boza! What’s more, it is suggested to new moms since it increases breastmilk quite lot.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


The Holy Ghost Festivities in the Azores (Escola Profissional do Pico)

It is said that this devotion came from the Portuguese mainland which in turn acquired it from Germany. In Portugal it was introduced in the 13th century by Queen Isabel and King D. Dinis. In a special ceremony the King and Queen would coronate the poor and would complete the ceremonies with a big feast for all. The nobles and knights asked the King’s authorization to have an identical ceremony in their properties using a replication of the King’s crown.


In the Azores the Coronation Ceremonies are still very much alive and in most towns and villages throughout the islands it is with much pride and honour that the people collaborate in the preparations of such festivities.

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An alter with the exposed crowns and the symbols of the holy ghost, duly decorated, is usually prepared. There are elected commissions and each year there is an “Emperor� who together with his family and friends organize the processions with the crowns and flags which are topped with the figure of the holy pigeon and serve the traditional meal, sometimes to hundreds of guests.


The typical dish for this time of the year (7 weeks after Easter) is called “Sopas”, which are made with cooked meat and vegetables; the broth in which the meat was cooked is poured over buttered bread with mint leaves. A typical roast beef is also served as a second dish, and for dessert there is rice pudding. “Massa Sovada”, a typical sweet bread, is usually abundant throughout these days

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. Another ceremony associated to the Holy Ghost Festivities are the traditional processions where usually the women carry baskets of decorated “Rosquilhas” (sweet bread rolls) on their heads, and at the end of the day everyone who comes to the festival will receive one, as a symbol of abundance for all. It is a festival where the main intention is sharing; even some of the folk songs evoke that this time of the year is for “the rich and the poor” !


ERASMUS DAYS (10-11-12/10/2019) (Mehmet Munever Kurban Anadulu Lisei)

Mehmet Münevver Kurban Anatolian High school joined the Erasmus Days in their city and introduced the project and the project products.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


St Martin’s Day (Martinmas) – 11 November (Tamsalu Gymnasium) Mardipäev (Martinmas) has been one of the most important days in the Estonian folk calendar. Martinmas celebrates the end of the agrarian year and the beginning of the winter period. On this day children disguise themselves as men and go from door to door, singing songs and telling jokes to receive sweets. This year we decided to make masks for ourselves. It was an international event – introducing our culture and traditions to people from Thailand, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Syria, Ghana and Kyrgyzstan.

Planning the design


Team work

Nice mask, aren’t they?

“São Martinho” (Escola Profissional do Pico) “São Martinho” or Saint Martin of Tours was a Roman Soldier who was baptised as an adult and became a bishop in a French town. The most famous legend concerning him was that he had once cut his cloak in half to share with a beggar during a snowstorm to save him from the rain and the cold. That night he dreamt of Jesus wearing the half-cloak and saying to the angels: “Here is Martin, the Roman soldier who is now baptised; he has clothed me”. Saint Martin died on November 8th, 397, and was buried on November 11th, 397. In Portugal November 11th is commonly associated with the celebration of wine maturation from that year, and is traditionally the first day in which the first wine is tasted. It is also tradition to have a big “magusto”, eating roasted chestnuts on a fire. It is also said that the “magusto” represents the sacrífice in honour of the dead. Many years ago, in some villages, it was a tradition to light fires and prepare, at midnight, a table with chestnuts for the family of the deceased to eat. An old typical Portuguese saying related to Saint Martin’s day tells us:

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


“On Saint Martin’s Day go to the wine cellar and taste the wine” This date is also very popular because of the good weather which occurs in Portugal during this period of the year, typically called “Saint Martin’s Summer”. This is related to the miracle of the soldier’s legend who claimed that the weather had remained sunny during three days after the blessing of Jesus.


Bolo Rei (King’s Bread) (Escola Profissional do Pico)

Bolo Rei is a typical Portuguese bread which is eaten traditionally between Christmas, New Year’s Day and even until the Epiphany (The Three Kings’ Day, which is the 6th of January). Its name alludes to the Three Wise Men who visited new born Jesus and brought him gifts. The bread has a round shape with a hole in the centre. It consists of a sweet dough mixed with raisins, dry nuts and candied fruits.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


ŞİVLİLİK (Mehmet Munever Kurban Anadulu Lisei) ŞİVLİLİK has been celebrating only in Konya for hundreds of years. It consists of night and day time activities. At night; Adults make a big fire for jumping over it while wishing something, and there is a colorful Lantern Parade for kids. At day time; collecting sweets from neighbors. However,

In the past people gave whatever they had prepared in their houses and what they had grown in their gardens. PiŞİ, a kind of fried dough, is made and delivered for this day. People do these to celebrate for the beginning of the holly months. Although their aim is religious, all of the details’ roots came from Turks. ŞİVLİLİK is a celebration of Islamic event by Turk's customs.


NEVRUZ (Mehmet Munever Kurban Anadulu Lisei) Nevruz Celebrations in Turkey and in Central Asia. The day accepted as the New Year’s Day by the Turks living in Central Asia, Anatolian Turks and Iranians is called Nevruz. It is a combination of the Persian words Nev (New) and Ruz (Day). It corresponds to March 22nd according to the Western calendar and March 9th according to the Moslem one, when the day and the night are of equal length and ıs known by such names as "Nevruz-i Sultani,” "Sultan Nevruz," "Sultan Navriz" and "Mart Dokuzu" (Ninth of March). The principle view of Nevruz is the celebration of independence. In other words that it marks the day of departure from Ergenekon. Hence, Nevruz has been accepted as the beginning of the new year by Turks and has still been celebrating with festivals. Among the Turkish communites of Central Asia, the Azeris, Kazakhs, Khirghiz, Türkmens, Uzbeks and Uyghur Turks, the Anatolian Turks and the Balkan Turks have kept the Nevruz traditon alive up to the present day.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


Celebration of International Mother Language Day 21 days spoken Galician (Ies. Pobra do Caraminal) Once upon a time there was a committed Galician Language Teacher in a distant school in a small village called Ies da Pobra do Caramiñal. This teacher, according with her deep implication in the promotion of the Galician language, launched a challenge to all the students of that little school: “could you spend 21 days speaking only Galician?, at school of course, but also at home, on free time, shopping, …” The newborn challenge was called “21 días co Galego” (21 days with Galician language) and was complemented with games, digital contents, videos, performances, interviews,… From that day until now, hundreds of students and teachers have accepted the challenge of Pilar Ponte “A Profa” and made an extra effort to maintain and use our mother tongue regularly . Even other schools took up the challenge and passed it on to their students, so they became thousands. We want to share this activity not only because the own language is a basic “IN.HE.”, so every action aimed at its defense deserves our recognition, but also because it´s a clear example of “good practice”: most of the “must have” of any activity are included on it: impact, low cost, exportable, lasting over time,… In fact, over the years of its short life, some awards gave to the activity the recognition that hard work deserves. This year, the 21 days won a “+”, just like our Erasmus+ and became “21 días co Galego e +” and it´s officially carried out by other 4 schools spread throughout the 4 provinces of Galicia. All of it developed under the promotion of Secretaría Xeral de Política Linguística, the highest educational authority for the Linguistic Promotion in Galicia. From here our congratulations to the teacher Pilar Ponte, the main driver and visible head of the activity and special thanks for the dedication of the 12th day to one of our issues: Traditional celebrations, and specifically to the celebration chosen by our school for this year: Carnival.


International Mother Language Day (1st EPAL Karditsas)

Within the framework of the European program Erasmus+ materialized the 1 st EPA.L. of Karditsa, an informative seminar was organized on hursday 21 st February in the premises of the school. The aim was to celebrate the International Mother Language Day. The students of our school, in cooperation with their teachers, prepared an interesting presentation, which both students and teachers of the school attended.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


Bearing in mind that the title of the European program is ÂŤOur Intangible Heritage, a Value for the FutureÂť, it is important to mention that one of the most vital aspects of this heritage is our mother tongue. The overall goals of this program are: the fundamental need to preserve our culture and local customs, the search for information regarding oral traditions lost in time (e.g. traditional songs, games, recipes ), as well as their presentation among the participants in the form of projects.


International Mother Language Day (Escola Profissional do Pico)

In the framework of our Erasmus+ Project “Our Intangible Heritage – A Value for the Future”, to celebrate International Mother Language Day (21st of February) Teachers and Students from Escola Profissional do Pico organized a Peddy Paper which aimed to share experiences about the countries which integrate the Community of Portuguese Language Speaking Countries (CPLP), namely: Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, São Tomé e Príncipe, Equatorial Guinea, Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau and Timor Leste. The activity integrated 55 students and staff members divided into various teams. Also, students created an exhibition with information about each of these countries’ flags, presidents, main touristic attractions and proposed a work of literature from a famous writer of each country. It was an interesting day, full of culture and where Project Based Learning was applied effectively!

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254



International Mother Language Day (Ies. Pobra do Caraminal)

To celebrate the International Mother Tongue Day on 21/Feb, according to the project activity, at Ies Pobra do CaramiĂąal, we have organiced a bounce of activities.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


Writing in the air: We wrote several poems by Galician authors over the windows of the school. This way we could all enjoy the poems when walking through the corridors.

During recesses of the school day, we also read poems by RosalĂ­a de Castro.


And a spectacular activity: a “regueifas� workshop, a kind of traditional Galician rap. The students of 3rd and 4th of ESO were able to learn and practice this traditional activity, under the guidance of Lupe Blanco.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


Mother Language Day (Tamsalu Gymnasium) Estonia celebrates Mother Tongue Day on 14 March. The day is devoted to the Estonian language and its survival. We celebrated the day playing “Jeopardy�. The questions were about Estonian films, proverbs, writers, foreign words and characters from literature. On 20 March, we celebrated International Mother Language Day. The guests were from Syria, Kurdistan and Pakistan. They introduced the native languages and culture of their countries.


Day of coexistence and celebration Coexistence party (Ies. Pobra do Caraminal)

Last Thursday-15 we enjoyed at the Institute a day different than usual. Although the morning began with classes as usual, after 12 the atmosphere began to change with fire and smoke, since at that time began to prepare the roasted chestnuts, central element of the traditional Magosto. After a while, all the students and teachers began to incorporate, filling the next two hours of activities and entertainment.

But, actually, the difference began when the bell rang, which marked the end of the morning, since from that moment, and crossing with those who had to go home, some fathers and mothers arrived at the institute, along with provisions to share in an informal meal.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


This happened because it had been programmed so long ago, within the activities of the Erasmus + project “Our intangible cultural heritage. A value for the future.� The objectives of this activity were very basic and, therefore, very important: share a pleasant time, get to know each other better, create bonds of friendship and communication between students, families and teachers (both those of the school and visitors from other countries). So we enjoyed some empanadas and some tortillas, followed by cheese, fruit and sweets. A complete traditional menu for this type of celebration. Even












with strings or dancing at the songs of traditional music. But before we can call the meal to an end, it was necessary Rosa to cook us some delicious filloas, more typical of the carnival than of the Magosto, but which are enjoyed at any time of the year. Then arrived the time for a musical after-meal by a folk group: O Son das FerreĂąas.


Then we fully launch ourselves to relive games and ways to share the fun we already have almost forgotten:. the rope, the stilts, the frog, the tops, …

The enthusiasm of the students was such that even the most reticent adults ended up participating in the games.

Throughout the afternoon there was also time for the traditional bagpipers, because without them a party is not complete. The group “Cherumia do liceo de Noia” delighted us with its selection of traditional songs.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


St. George’s Day (Tamsalu Gymnasium) In the Estonian traditional calendar, St George’s Day marks the beginning of spring chores and moving. In the past, starting with April 23, farmhands and servants arrived at their new master’s farm with their belongings, and settled in. St. George’s Night Uprising, beginning on April 23, 1343 and lasted for two years. It was one of the most significant Estonian revolts during the Middle Ages. Estonians tried to rid themselves of the foreign rule for two years. The uprising was not successful, as Order’s forces residing in Livonia were too powerful. The Estonians make St. George’s Night’s bonfires, organize torchlight processions and special running and orienteering races to commemorate the famous uprising of 1343. St. George’s Night race in Tamsalu Gymnasium The students of Tamsalu Gymnasium have a tradition to organise a race to celebrate St George’s Day. The parents also participate in the event. This year it took place on 7 May.


St Michael’s Day (Tamsalu Gymnasium) We celebrate Michaelmas on 29 September. It is the day chores outside were finished and people started working indoors. In the past, it was the day when the herding season ended and the shepherd was able to go to school. That day was like a holiday for shepherds. The proverb “every buck has its Michaelmas” (igal oinal oma mihklipäev), which is used when somebody has a misfortune or punishment refers to the fact that a sheep was slaughtered for Michaelmas. The main food was mutton dishes but fresh bread, and cakes were also served. Turnips and yellow turnips were cooked and beer was drunk. On the eve of Michaelmas, all animals should be at home. When left in the forest, they are believed to be killed by a wolf. On that day it is a tradition to organise fairs. St Michael’s Day Charity bazaar at our school took place on 26th September.

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


Recipe book Throughout history, each human group has developed its own culinary customs and traditions around the products that nature provided or those that they learned to cultivate and elaborate. And because of man's unavoidable need for food, offering food to guests is everywhere a widely recognised and expected sign of hospitality. Over the centuries, various rituals have been developed around food and its preparation. Some practices involve in the ritual the knowledge necessary for the correct preparation of food that otherwise could be dangerous to eat. Religious rituals also often involve some form of food intake. But it is in the popular festivals and family celebrations where we find the greatest diversity of recipes, many of them strange in their names and ingredients, linked to seasonal products and often with preparations so elaborate that they are only prepared on holidays, when family and friends gather, and the hosts want to feast their guests with refined and abundant delicacies. Often, during these long hours of preparation, songs were sung and stories were told. Thus a symbiotic relationship was created between gastronomy, music and stories. Within the activities of the OURINHE project, we have tried to know and preserve some of these recipes and stories. Unfortunately the songs do not fit in this small recipe book, and many of the stories could not be transcribed due to the unfortunate circumstances in which the project was terminated because of COVID-19.

Digital version available: https://issuu.com/erasmuspobra/docs/re cipes_20book


Project number 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254 COORDINATING SCHOOL: Ies Pobra do Caramiñal - Spain Coordinator: J. Angel Vidal PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS -1o EPAL KARDITSAS, KARDITSA - Greece. Coordinator: Sokratis Pappas. - MEHMET MUNEVVER KURBAN ANADULU LISESI, MERAM/KONYA, Turkey Coordinator: Banu Bildirici - TAMSALU GYMNASIUM, Tamsalu - Estonia. Coordinator: Anne Kraubne - ADLIP, MADALENA DO PICO. Ilha do Pico - Azores Coordinator: Maria Silva Layout of this magazine: Nuno Porto

PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-1-ES01-KA229-050254


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