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retrofits are conducted within the scope of the MassSAVE program, and hence are similar to retrofits available to other homes in Massachusetts (Sherman 2012). They are expected to achieve energy savings of 20% or more in each home, reaching to 40% in some cases (Commonwealth of Massachusetts 2011). Most relevantly, the 2,725 homes that participate in the retrofits will each receive a building energy rating. These ratings will be conducted after the retrofit is done, according to Alex Sherman, a Clean Energy Fellow at Massachusetts DOER (Sherman 2012). The home ratings, titled Energy Performance Scores, are advertised by the state as “similar to the MPG ratings for cars and trucks� that homeowners can share at time of sale (Commonwealth of Massachusetts 2011, Massachusetts EEA 2012). A draft version of the rating proposes to include the projected energy use of the home over the year, with this use being interpreted into a numerical score as well. The projected energy consumption will also be interpreted into an annual home carbon footprint. The ratings will be comparable between homes (Massachusetts EEA 2012), with the main objective being to help prospective homeowners and residents value energy efficiency in their decision-making (Sherman 2012). As an additional component of the program, exterior thermal imaging is being used as a complement to the Energy Performance Scores (Commonwealth of Massachusetts 2011). Specifically, DOER utilized $325,000 of the federal grant to conduct thermal imaging of homes and subsequent image analysis, contracting Sagewell, Inc. for this work. Starting in March 2011, Sagewell collected images in the seven towns using vehicle-mounted thermal imaging equipment; imaging was completed over one-and-a-half months. The equipped vehicle was driven down streets between 8 PM and 6 AM, as this time of night is best for identifying temperature differences in the house envelope. The resulting thermal image analysis can be used to help determine where insulation and additional air sealing can be most effective.


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