1 minute read
The Myths of Fairy Rings
Fairy rings are a beautiful phenome- non that occurs in nature. Fairy rings are found in open grassy places and in forests. They’re formed when fungi spread underground and the mushrooms above ground are just the tip of the iceberg (so to speak).
The mushrooms are connected by mycelium—a network of threads that grow out from the center of the original clump of mushrooms. In this way, fairy rings can grow over large areas of land, making them truly magical.
Myths behind the fairy rings.
The name “fairy ring” comes from the folklore surrounding these natural formations. Nearly every culture has their own mythical unique story as to what these circles could be. In English folklore, it’s said that fairies dance in circles at night, leaving behind these rings as evidence of their presence on Earth.
Some believe these circles are por- tals to another realm (so is it possi- ble you could step through one and not return.) Who knows the truth, nonetheless it’s still a peculiar phenomenon!