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Ruben Unzueta

Ruben Unzueta

Greetings Ruben, tell the readers about yourself.

My name is Ruben Uriel Unzueta. I am 36 years old. I am Mexican American. My favorite hobby is rowing a vegetable garden. I love the mandalorian and the lord of the rings. I re-watch them all the time. My biggest accomplishment is to have made it this far and learning to accept that I am a creative person who is happiest when making art.


I see you’re quite the artist and craftsman, what would you say your medium of creativity is?

My medium for creativity is searching for a feel or wholeness in a piece. If a piece makes me feel satisfied, I know I’ve reached the desired point. It’s like eating good food. You just feel good afterwards.

Have you always been into art & creativity your whole life? What inspired your creativity?

Yes, I have. Although, seeing myself as creative was not always as clear as it is to me now. I would say play and imagination inspired my creativity because as a young kid I definitely used my imagination to be creative.

How did you cultivate the artistic and wood sculpting skills?

I am introverted so finding time to cultivate my sculpting skills came natural to me. A lot of practice and error went into my current skill level.

Do you create with materials other than wood such as glass or metal?

I am interested in bladesmithing, but so far I only make wooded art pieces.

What inspires you to create a new piece? What does that creative process look like?

My instinct and need to create. It usually starts with and idea or a sketch. From there I create a template, find a nice piece of wood and get to work. A commission can also prompt me to create a new piece.

Other than art and wood sculpting, what other passions do you have in life?

I love to sing. I especially enjoy harmonizing in a group or choir. It’s such a beautiful and unifying experience to perfectly harmonize with other singers. It’s elevating to the soul.

What’s something that you feel people should know about you, that ultimately influences your creativity?

Curiosity, chasing a feeling of completion, wholeness, and satisfaction of making a well made piece.

What does creating do for you emotionally, spiritually, and mentally?

There are moments of frustration, but for the most part it is like a therapy/meditation session. I’ve worked through tough times and tough emotions while working on art.

Based on your experiences throughout your journey, what advice would give to an aspiring creative/artist?

Be curious, be humble, be honest, don’t stop being you, and stay safe.

THE Katana

TiTle: Wooden Katana

Year: 2017

What is your mantra for 2023?

Finish what you started.

Any final thoughts you would like to add?

People, use us creative people. We exist, and we make cool stuff. Follow me on ig lazyturtleworks. I take commissions!!

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