49 Signs Of A Cheating Partner

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28. Country music anyone?: If your partner suddenly starts developing new taste in music or in food, then you might want to question him or her about it. It may be that they are dating someone who is fond of a certain cuisine or music, and they are beginning to take a liking to it. Developing new tastes out of the blue can be a revealing sign that your partner has found someone new to be devoted to. 29. What’s up with the Brazilian?: Another infidelity sign is a sudden change in personal hygiene and body grooming habits. If your man used to shower every morning and is suddenly taking several showers a day for no apparent reason, there might be something going on. If your lady didn’t used to pay attention to her private parts being groomed, and begins getting Brazilian bikini waxes, she might be trying to impress someone else. He or she may also buy new underwear and use it, or may start putting on a lot of perfume or after shave. Pay attention to these little details if you suspect your partner of cheating. 30. Condoms away!: Another sign that there might be a sexual affair going is the increased use of contraceptive methods. Is she on the pill when you have gotten a vasectomy? Is he carrying out condoms when you are on the pill and haven’t used condoms since high school? If there is no valid explanation for this behavior, then this is a big red flag that your partner may be cheating. 31. Blue pill wonders: Another sign of cheating is that your partner is suddenly interested in purchasing medication for sexual performance. He may get erectile dysfunction medication such as Viagra. She might order breast enlargement herbal supplements or lubricant for herself. This is especially suspicious if it is done secretively through online ordering or he or she hides the objects once they arrive or takes them in secret. 32. The answer lies in clothes: There may be unexplained stains, smells or rips on your partner’s clothing. This may include the clichéd lipstick smudge on your man’s shirt, but also other types of stains and smells that just aren’t typical of your partner’s clothes. This can also lead to suddenly excessive laundry washing at weird hours of the day or night, unexplained purchasing of new clothes, or finding clothes in the trash can that your partner may have thrown away to hide evidence. 33. Knock knock, is anyone in there?: Your partner may be caught daydreaming or checked out at many times during the day, and doesn’t tell you what they’re thinking about and is unwilling to interact. He or she seems to be in another world, but denies it and can’t seem to be bothered to engage in activities with you. Your partner may just be absorbed by work or something else might be bothering them. Don’t be quick to assume that they’re thinking of somebody else, but if this becomes excessive and no good explanation is given for it, then he or she might be cheating. Visit www.BustACheatingPartner.com To Catch A Cheating Spouse Or Partner

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