EOP, Inc. Annual Report 2019-20

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EOP Vision and Mission EOP envisions a future



2019 - 2020


where all people of our community live with dignity and have the opportunity and ability to live economically productive and satisfying lives.

Message from the CEO


By: Andrea Ogunwumi

To achieve this vision, EOP provides services that create positive change in individuals, families and our community, and encourages and facilitates participation by all people who can help make our vision a reality.

A Path Forward and Change is the vehicle….The Economic Opportunity Program, Inc. of Chemung and Schuyler Counties (EOP) daily embraces a vision and mission of a community…..where all people of our community live with dignity and have the opportunity and ability to live economically productive and satisfying lives. The past year 2020 was turbulent and challenging. We worked under enormous pressure yet maintained high performance during times of crisis. The only constant was change. When the pandemic hit, EOP, Inc. repositioned to help reset lives and strengthen the community. Our #EOPEssential staff and board never stopped serving; our doors never closed. In spite of the losses, EOP, Inc. and our network of 1100 Community Action agencies nationwide were committed to change our communities to wholeness serving by any means necessary.

During the pandemic, although ‘socially distant’, we were ‘collectively joined’ in support and service to the community. #EOPEssential staff focused on providing services that produced results. Significantly, our Covid-19 emergency response provided more than 50,000 meals @EOPCurbsidebreakfast and dinner; provided childcare to essential workers; and supportive care for our homeless veterans @Libertad-Elmira. Most recently, we rallied our neighborhoods with local, NYS, and national partners to set-up Covid-19 related clinics and care for our community. #ChangeForward A Pathway Forward is the strategic focus that guides our program development and performance outcomes to strengthen the fabric of our community. Our programs in Childcare, Family Development, Youth Care and Community and Economic Development help individuals and communities meet challenges and excel

despite continued setbacks related to Covid-19. Expanded innovative and unique education, social and business partnerships garnered with Arnot Health, Chemung Canal Bank, Elmira-Corning Community Foundation, Empower Federal Credit Union, ExcellusBlue Cross/Blue Shield, Ferrario Auto Team, Hilfiger Family Foundation, Perry & Carroll, PVH Foundation, and countless others facilitate programs for more than 5000 people as a pathway to #ChangeForward. We are honored to serve and partner with you in the spirit of #ReSet #ReStart and #ReFocus as Chemung and Schuyler Counties. #ChangeForward.


Financial Highlights Where the Money Goes / "How the Money is Allocated" Child Care $4,452,136 9% Youth Care $918,741 12% Family Development $405,981 5% Weatherization and Energy Services $767,964 10% Administration $1,001,153 13% Total $7,545,975

Our Funding Sources / “Where The Money Comes From” Government Agencies In-Kind Revenue Other Grants and Support Program Fees and Services Donations and Fundraising United Way Change in net Assets Other


5,712,249 1,062,109 298,118 258,986 138,359 87,108 (11,002) 48 7,545,975

76% 14% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0%

2019 – 2020 Agency Annual Report Birth To Five • The Birth to Five(B25) 2019-2020 prices year began like many others. The program worked in September 2019 to successfully adjust classrooms and class sizes for Head Start in response to the closure of the Booth center in August 2019. The program continued its efforts to reach and sustain full enrollment in January 2020 and provide comprehensive services. The first 6 months proceeded in a typical fashion until March 2020 when the Covid-19 pandemic reached Chemung County. As school districts closed for virtual instruction on March 23, 2020, Head Start attendance dropped dramatically. Staff with school-aged children found it difficult to find childcare of their own, and the program experienced difficulties with staffing due to enhanced state unemployment insurance, and a variety of federal CARES Act funding. By the end of that month, the program’s centers were closed, with the exception of Ernie Davis Family Center (EDFC), and the program worked to transform itself to prevent, prepare for and respond to Covid-19. • Guidance poured in from multiple sources and changed regularly. Staff worked tirelessly to keep abreast of Covid-19 guidelines provided by the Governor, the CDC, The Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) and The Office of Head Start. With mandates and

guidelines, new and modified policies and procedures were provided to ensure that families and staff remained healthy and safe. It was not uncommon for guidance to start first thing in the morning and be changed by noon. Classroom environments were re-arranged to allow for social distancing with smaller groups. Masking procedures were introduced for both children older than 2 years of age and staff. Procedures were put in place to ensure proper cleaning and sanitization of classrooms and materials. Staff-child ratios were slashed and family-style mealtimes were discontinued. The remaining staff were daily troopers, facing constant change as essential workers to provide services to attending families. We referred to this as Phase I. • To assist families with the issue of food insecurity during the pandemic, the Family and Community Services staff implemented a creative way to deliver non-congregate meals. This program started in March of 2020 with 590 total meals being delivered. By the next month, the total number of families receiving these meals more than doubled to 1,618 meals. By the end of June, 3,870 meals were delivered! • The Family and Community Services staff along with Education staff engaged personally with families when dropping off meals to the children who would have been in the program but were now staying home and attending the program virtually. This was exciting in the fact that the children could still see their teachers and would look forward to them coming to their door to drop off the food. This allowed the staff a unique way to continue to maintain a relationship with the family and their child. It also allowed the Family and Community Services staff a way to check in on the family to ensure that they were doing okay. Staff delivered meals to the children’s homes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays to ensure that the children continued to have a balanced,

nutritious meal five days a week. • Following Spring Break in April of 2020, the implementation of Phase II took B25 into family’s homes via the internet. All B25 centers closed and staff worked remotely to provide services to families. Sites created Google Classrooms where children and families could gather to learn and connect with their teaching staff through virtual story times, science experiments and dance parties. Staff completed 3,340 Professional Development hours while working from home. In an effort to continue services to our families, the staff provided learning activities, made phone calls, conducted Zoom conferences and uploaded educational videos. • The B25 School Readiness Program acted quickly and with enthusiasm to make sure families could fulfill their enrollment requirements in the midst of the pandemic. The conversion to a paperless enrollment process became essential when Covid-19 hit as families are required to complete an interview before acceptance into the program. The administrative team acted fast to create a fillable application to allow virtual or overthe-phone intakes. They went even further to expand the virtual enrollment process by implementing the use of electronic signatures via SignRequest and DocuSign.The enrollment team can also access birth certificates from Chemung County as well as physical and immunization records for child files by fax. This conversion has been a great success and has made the enrollment process quicker and more efficient. • The program’s focus was on health, safety and responding to Covid-19 cases as they occurred. Staff, children, family members and essential visitors were closely monitored through daily health and temperature checks. Those exposed or diagnosed with Covid-19

were subject to the procedures established by the B25 Program, EOP and the guidance of the CDC, including instructions to contact their primary care provider, and the local Covid-19 helpline for guidance and instruction. Affected classrooms and/or office spaces were deep cleaned, and surfaces were tested by professional vendors to ensure that the environment was safe and sanitary. • Spring of 2020 was also challenging in terms of the collection of reliable data. With child and staff attendance so variable, it was difficult to determine anything with real certainty. Child assessment was difficult to conduct virtually and many families simply weren’t engaged. While teachers continued with planning and instruction, program-wide data collection regarding School Readiness Goals took an unfortunate backseat to the health, safety and social-emotional needs of families and staff as it related to Covid-19.The Office of Head Start agreed, as they suspended School Readiness reporting of third checkpoint data, as well as the annual Program Information Report (PIR). • The creation of the B25 Pandemic Reopening Plan marked a new beginning while facing Covid-19 head-on. It addressed the program’s plan for proper training of staff on the appropriate use of PPE, procedures for selfmonitoring their health and the health of others, cleaning and sanitizing, social distancing and what to do with Covid-19 exposures. It is revisited on a regular basis and modified as necessary.


Community Food for Jobs Program (CFJP) and CFJP Bistro The CFJP Bistro catering gained new partners in the community to provide contractual services and catering for lunch and meetings. We served more than 50,000 meals @Curbside in response to Covid-19. Daily breakfast and dinner meals continue to be provided for the community to address food insecurity issues. During Covid-19, Summer Youth Employment was the highlight of mini-trainings for youth over 18 years of age. • 98% became Serv Safe Certified. • 93% gained employment.

Are you interested in lessons on how to cook

delicious AND healthy food for your family? ,

Join us virtually as medical students from Arnot Ogden Medical Center teach nutrition while cooking with you and your family. Not only will you have some socially distanced fun, but you will also learn about the ingredients behind each dish you prepare!

Call or Email to Register for Free Today **Ingredients will be supplied to each family by the EOP at no cost**

Dates: 1/14/2021 1/21/2021 1/28/2021 2/11/2021 2/18/2021 2/25/2021 Where


Over Zoom in the comfort of your own home!



Instruction and Food will be supplied for FREE to all registered


Economic Opportunity Program Info :

605 Baldwin Street Elmira, NY 14905 Telephone: 607-734-6174 Ext: 228 Email: Tinabrown@cseop.org Follow us at: Facebook LECOM Health Meets :


Instagram lecom.healthmeetsfood :

The Center of Excellence (COE) The Center of Excellence (COE) now provides all-day care for students ages 5-12 years old, along with afterschool programming. The program continues with small groups at Riverside and Diven Elementary Schools during the pandemic. The COE Program also provides afterschool care for Finn Academy Scholars @EDFC who attend school 5 days a week. Class sizes have been reduced due to Covid-19 guidelines. The COE Program provides remote learning at the EOP site with experienced staff from 7:30am-5:30pm to assist with classroom zooms and individual help is available in the EOP computer lab. Students are provided with 3 meals a day. Special activities include arts & crafts, reading, and recreational time daily after schoolwork is completed.

Ernie Davis Community Center (EDCC) 2019-2020 Highlights • 10 youth continued Music studies via Zoom instruction. The Music Consortium Deans conduct lessons with youth to ensure the continuation of studies. • STEM Garden Club yielded over 1,000 pounds of organic produce at the end of the season. EDCC youth, volunteers, and staff delivered produce throughout the community to partners in order to share with youth and families who needed it. • Jr. Culinary Class went virtual for the first time. 6 youth participated with the assistance of parents/ guardians via Zoom instruction from Dr. Beth Dollinger. Medical Students from Arnot Ogden Medical Center assisted

Dr. Dollinger in purchasing and packaging Family Boxes for preparation for virtual cooking. EDCC staff delivered the Family Boxes to each participating family. All families had the necessary items needed to create the recipes and were taught virtually by Dr. Dollinger and the medical students. • Christmas Magic with the support of Corning Incorporated-CBEN and Corning Foundation provided gifts to 300 youth via Drive-through pickup. We also provided 100 food baskets to 100 families. • Youth are participating in Virtual Science and Discovery classes as well as Virtual Arts/Painting classes. • Youth are receiving academic tutoring sessions via Zoom instruction in collaboration with Notre Dame High School. EDCC staff continue to strive to creatively engage the youth. The structured virtual programs have offered a continued and structured extension of programming during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Family Development Literacy Volunteers Literacy Volunteers of Chemung and Schuyler Counties (LVCSC) is a community-based, volunteer organization, a vital part of the Economic Opportunity Program, Inc. in Chemung and Schuyler Counties of New York State. All services of Literacy Volunteers are offered at no cost to the participants. Literacy Volunteers depends on volunteer tutors to fulfill its mission of teaching. Volunteer training is done through a self-directed online platform. Come join us today!! What does Literacy Volunteers do? Literacy Volunteers teaches adult learners to read, write, and speak the English language. Learners include both native English speakers and those learning English as a Second Language. Literacy Volunteers also helps adults improve their math and computer skills, equipping them to function at a level of proficiency necessary to live and work in today’s world. Financial Literacy classes, supported by Five Star Bank, provide individual and small group trainings on writing checks, bank accounts, and credit scores. There are two components of services: Adult English Speakers - The primary aim of LVCSC are those adults that function below the sixth-grade level (Levels I, II as defined by the National Adult Literacy Survey); Speakers of other Languages – Any adult (18 or over) who does not speak English as a native language; and Higher-level learners.


Tutors meet one-on-one with learners, online or in person, in a public place. The classes will continue meeting on Zoom until the pandemic regulations change. Adults learning English as a Second Language (ESL) currently meet via Zoom one evening per week. Where are the LVCSC New Offices? A new office for Literacy Volunteers opened in Schuyler County in Fall 2020. We’re excited that new opportunities for learners and volunteers will be available in Schuyler County. If you love to read and write the English language and would like to help someone else, we’d love to meet you!

Energy Services Bureau

Family Support Services

Our team weatherizes income-eligible homes in Chemung and Schuyler Counties. Services include attic/sidewall insulation, air sealing and draft reduction measures, heating system efficiency tests/service and replacement, and mobile home weatherization. Electric usage reduction includes refrigerator replacement and the installation of LED bulbs. Health & safety measures include carbon monoxide testing, gas leak detection, and installation of smoke/carbon monoxide detectors and mechanical ventilation. The Weatherization Assistance Program was able to re-open during Phase 1 of the NY Forward plan under the construction phase. Our team spent numerous hours of Covid-19 safety training on how to apply the unique work we do under Weatherization Assistance Program to meet the CDC guidelines and NY Forward guidelines. We also conducted several staff meetings to brainstorm how we would not only keep our employees safe as well as our clients, many of whom fall into the vulnerable population, and still deliver the necessary services to the community. After developing a plan, obtaining the necessary PPEs and sanitizing supplies, and the equipment needed, we returned to delivering the services provided through the Weatherization Assistance Program in the beginning of June. The number of weatherized units decreased due to the NY Pause. • 65 Homes weatherized in Chemung and Schuyler Counties. • 33 High efficiency heating systems installed. • 9 Energy Star Refrigerators replaced.

The Family Support Services program aids households in Chemung, Schuyler, and Steuben Counties that have a family member living at home with a developmental disability. Our program promotes the physical and social well-being, education, and financial stability of individuals who have developmental disabilities and assisting families in obtaining support and linkage to community resources and services. The program has three (3) components: Service Access: Individuals served in 2020: 69; Recreation: Individuals served in 2020: 83; and Sensory Room. The program operates with funding provided by the Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). Service Access We assist individuals in pursuing OPWDD eligibility status by coordinating needed evaluations and/or documentation for an eligibility determination, assisting in SelfAdvocacy and Person-Centered Planning, and follow-up with linkages to identified services and supports. Recreation This program offers opportunities for individuals (of all ages) and families to enjoy meaningful interactions with their community through inclusive social and recreational activities. Sensory Room The room can be utilized for relaxation, focused work, stimulation, therapy, and/or stress release. Any member of the community can have access to it; there is no need to be enrolled in the program to use it. We adhere to all Covid-19 guidelines. 7

Libertad-Elmira Veteran and Family Program Where need is met, support is offered, and freedom lives. Between the community outside, and the good vibes within, Libertad has you covered. Soul fed? Check. Needs met? Always. Veterans at Libertad-Elmira receive supportive care and services including guidance with the rental application process, medical and mental health care navigation, transportation to appointments, personal counseling, support groups, banking and financial literacy sessions, wellness checks, and assistance coordinating benefits they are eligible for through the Department of Social Services. Other program services include a Veteran Support Group, Covid-19 Survival kit distribution, Tops Market food support, Head Start classroom facility and co-op/ craft market-The Vault.


The building (Jones Court) previously operated by the Elmira Housing Authority until 1999 became the Second-Place East homeless shelter, which closed in 2003. Libertad-Elmira is the $20 million transformation of the historic John W. Jones Court Apartments into a mixed-use facility located at 624 Baldwin Street. The newly renovated 88,000 square-foot building includes 91 affordable apartments with a Head Start facility and cooperative food market-The Vault. We provide supportive care services for 20 formerly homeless veterans.


Community WellnessInReach/OutReach InReach

The #EOPEssential staff transitioned to several phases of ‘on the ground’ work and operations as a remote workforce. Monthly zoom communication meetings kept us connected with Soul Talks topics. Those included mindwill-emotional wellness, Financial Fitness, Resilience in Stress, SNAP Food Strategies, and Covid-19 Infectious Disease Updates. Our commitment to our employees continues as we put the oxygen masks on ourselves to care for and serve others.

SOUL TALK SEMINAR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BY TRACEY BARLOW, LCSW - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MAY 21, 2020 12:00 PM-1:00 PM LOCATION Zoom RSVP for link to akeita@cseop.org


The care and service of others remains our core mission in addressing food/housing insecurities, and health disparities. Our efforts are supported by innovative and unique partnerships with Arnot Health; Chemung County Executive & AG Office; Chemung County Public Health Department; Clinical Associates of the Southern Tier; Common Ground Health, Excellus-BC/BS; Man2ManForum; Police Reform Committee; Southern Tier RegionalVaccination Network Hub and Vecino-CVS-Libertad-Elmira. Specifically, these partnerships garnered community impact results of 1000 gallons of Milk Giveaway; 250 Covid-19 Rapid Tests administered; the launching of a community-wide Lead Testing Initiative partnership; and three Covid-19 Vaccine Clinics providing more than 190 Pfizer vaccines. Together, we strengthen the fabric of our community. #ChangeForward


Tracey Barlow, a licensed clinical social worker and a registered nurse, shares a variety of life experiences which help us to understand different circumstances in life. Tracey established a community center in Elmira, NY which was a life-changing and transforming experience for both Tracey and the neighborhood.

“Believe in creating an atmosphere that helps an individual launch into becoming who they were created to be.”

“We all take detours in life bu as we go through the journey we can discover how to use our strengths, pain, and resiliency to become our mos beautiful and unique self.”


Board Members

EOP Values...

Herbert Smith, President Mayor Dan Mandell, Vice President Rick Beals, Treasurer Georgia Verdier, Secretary Evelyn Williams, Member at Large Martin Chalk Roland Coleman Catherine Hughes Henry Lattimore Claude Oliver Dr. Mushtaq Sheikh Guy Vickers Margaret Walls Michele Wasicki Nan Woodworth

People living with dignity Families and communities as the foundation for individual stability and growth Diversity and the unique contributions of each individual Active community participation and involvement by government, community leaders, donors, human service providers and others in enabling people to enjoy economic stability and growth A living wage for all individuals and families to promote financial stability

Executive Team Andrea J. Ogunwumi, Chief Executive Officer Anthony Persaud, Chief Financial Officer Bill Brodginski, Chief Program Officer Anita Lewis, Chief Development Officer Jessica Cary, Director, Human Resources

Our Donors

“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” James Baldwin How to give online

With sincere appreciation, we acknowledge all those who financially supported EOP. Space only allows this list, but we thank everyone for your gifts. $20,000-$50,000 Elmira/Corning Community Foundation PVH – Hilfiger Foundation Hilfiger Family Foundation $4,000-$14,999 Corning Incorporated Foundation Ferrario Auto Team Perry & Carroll Inc. James and Susan Rogers Five Star Bank 12 Excellus-BC/BS Hansen Family Foundation


650 Baldwin Street • Elmira, New York 14901 607-734-6174 (Ph) • 607-733-8126 (F) www.cseop.org • www.facebook.com/EconomicOpportunityProgram

Excellence in services that create positive change in individuals and families Effective and efficient use of all human, material and financial resources Integrity in allocating our resources and providing services Collaborative partnerships in the community Competent, caring staff to deliver quality services that honor people’s rights to confidentiality Recognition of staff and volunteers as our most valuable resource in carrying out the mission of EOP Human resource development and support as a primary means for ensuring personal and professional growth

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