The QuarterDeck: Fall 2020

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Paddling the Columbia: From the headwaters to the Columbia River Bar by hand-built kayak

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Above photos (clockwise from top le ): Pond Boats: Guests enjoy using a wide variety of boats on the Warnock Model Boat Pond. Nate Sandel Photo. Young visitors enjoy the Columbia River marine life display in the Brix Mari me Hall. The Museum was proud to host a Naturaliza on Ceremony for 42 new ci zens from 19 countries shortly before the pandemic reached Oregon and caused the Museum to close for 101 days. Photo courtesy Bruce Jones. On the cover: Feature author Claire Dibble paddles a Columbia River tributary creek in Bri sh Columbia. These side creeks along the reservoirs oered a glimpse of the ecosystems that this landscape once held.

Thank you to Anne Meyer for her sponsorship of this issue of the QuarterDeck. 2

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From the Wheelhouse A 1,200 mile voyage from the headwaters to the mouth of the Columbia River This Quarterdeck features an ar cle by Claire Dibble about her 1,200 mile voyage from the far headwaters of the Columbia River in Bri sh Columbia to its mouth. Claire is a keen observer of her surroundings, and her wri ng shines with an apprecia on of the sights recorded on her journey. In reading her ar cle I could not help but think about what the river looked like before contact with Euro-Americans, before se lement, and before the dams that now control the river’s flow. According to the journals of Lewis and Clark and other early explorers, nearly every river, stream, creek, and rivulet flowing into the Columbia was the site of a village or seasonal camp. In the lower Columbia alone, between The Dalles and the mouth of the Columbia, more than eighty sites on both sides of the river were occupied by Indigenous people (see map). Rather than being a lonely wilderness, the river hosted a sophis cated, well-developed mari me-based culture. Hundreds of canoes plied the waters from the mouth of the Columbia upriver to The Dalles. These villages began disappearing as the indigenous peoples were displaced from their Chinookan Villages of the Lower Columbia. Henry B. Zenk et al. lands, first through the catastrophic epidemics of the early 1800s, and then by the se lers and foreign governments that followed. The tribes of the lower river were nearly ex nguished. Lost was much of the knowledge of the elders and the strength of the younger people along with much of the culture that had existed for thousands of years. Fortunately, despite incredible challenges, these people did survive, demonstra ng their remarkable resilience. Over the genera ons since, the river’s seasonal flows have been altered for flood control, agriculture, transport, and power genera on. Gone are the sand beaches and exposed rocks of the summer. Gone are the rapids of the winter and spring freshets. And gone are Celilo Falls and Ke le Falls. The river above the Dalles According to the journals of Lewis and is now a series of lakes. Below The Dalles, the shoreline has been Clark and other early explorers, nearly dras cally modified by dredging, wing dams, and extensive rip-rap every river, stream, creek, and rivulet and other measures to control erosion. Though all of those unique shoreline Indigenous villages and flowing into the Columbia was the site camps are long since gone, it is a great gi that images of the people, their villages and the free-flowing river were captured by of a village or seasonal camp. early ar sts and photographers. Some of the best of these were shown in an exhibit at the Portland Art Museum and are also available in the book: Wild Beauty by Terry Toedtemeier and John Laursen available from our Museum store. Descendants of these indigenous people are preserving and reanima ng many aspects of their remarkable culture, providing us with historical knowledge of their ingenuity and inven veness. More important, their eons of deep knowledge of shoreline and mari me culture s ll offer vital lessons to us for wisely managing the present land along this ancient, iconic river.

Sam Johnson, Executive Director 3

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Paddling Source to Sea Solo: a Journey Down the Columbia • Story by Claire Dibble • Photos courtesy Claire Dibble

The author and her father, Keith Dibble, framing the kayak in Golden, Bri sh Columbia in November 2018.

The sun was bright and warm on July 1, 2019 when I started paddling at the headwaters in southeastern Bri sh Columbia. My general direc on was north for the first while, which felt oddly like heading in the wrong direc on. My end des na on was to the southwest, but rivers don’t take the direct route, so neither would I. Contrary to the good omen of sun on day one, it rained and rained during those first few weeks. Luckily, I’ve always enjoyed paddling in the rain. Se ng up a tent in the rain? Less so. I was carrying camping gear and cameras, enough homemade dehydrated food to last a couple weeks (with restocks planned along the route), a sail and a spare paddle, an underwhelming solar panel, and the guidebook that had inspired the trip, Paddling The Columbia by John Roskelley. It all fit in or on the 14’ kayak I’d built for the journey, a skin-on-frame Cape Falcon F1, designed by Brian Schulz. I was ready to spend the next few months on the river. 4

The Columbia River is about 1,200 miles long and dumps more water into the Pacific than any other river in North or South America.

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Map showing the path of the Columbia River (and the author’s journey) through Bri sh Columbia, Washington, and along the northern border of Oregon. Map via Google Earth (

The Columbia River is about 1,200 miles long and dumps more water into the Pacific than any other river in North or South America. It drains a basin roughly the size of France, pulling from Bri sh Columbia and seven US states. It’s the fourth largest river in the US by volume, with 14 hydro dams on the main stem, and more than 60 throughout the watershed. Before I go further, let me tell you a bit about me. I’m a photographer, an ar st, a writer. I’m curious, a person who learns best through lived experiences. I’ve enjoyed and sought out adventure, travel, and me alone in the

wilderness for much of my adult life. For a decade or more, I spent a lot of my me on rivers, first as a ra guide and then as a whitewater kayaker, but I was new to kayak touring when I started out on the Columbia. I’m not a scien st, not a historian, not a policy wonk. My understanding of this river and the issues that arise along its banks is based on personal experience and a surface level of inves ga on and research. I’ve learned just enough to know that there are a lot of hard ques ons and no easy answers. It is a complex system with a rich and controversial history, and there are as many opinions of the river as there are people who live along it. 5

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The Columbia Wetlands north of Invermere, Bri sh Columbia, as seen from the Cessna of a pilot and river enthusiast Ms. Dibble was fortunate to meet on July 1, 2019, the first day of her trip.

I am one of those people, someone who lives along the Columbia. My home in Golden, Bri sh Columbia sits at the confluence with the Kicking Horse River, deep in the Rocky Mountain Trench, on a rare piece of free flowing water. I’ve watched the river swell and shrink with the seasons, change from green to grey to blue. It has been a place of rest, play, and medita on for me. When public mee ngs about the renego a ons of the Columbia River Treaty started to be more frequent in my town, I realized I knew very li le about the issues related to this working river. I decided the best way for me to learn would be to travel the length of it, slowly, solo, at water level. As a project-driven ar st, I built the plan into my career, wri ng grants and exhibi on proposals that would allow me to explore the river and the topics surrounding it as part of my ‘day job’. Having an opportunity to be outside day and night for months was an added bonus. The project served as an experiment, tes ng my hypothesis that it is possible to feel deeply connected to the natural world in altered landscapes, places that have been impacted greatly by humans. I was asking as I travelled “Is it possible for me to reconnect to natural rhythms in such places, with logging trucks and power boats and busy highways?”, and I came to 6

the conclusion that yes, it is possible. It was not without its challenges, but I was able to appreciate what’s here now even as I mourned the loss of pris ne landscapes and a free flowing river. I was able to find beauty in the current situa on, and I con nue to stretch my mind to imagine a sustainable future. But back to the river. I found the wetlands near the headwaters to be maze-like in places. Sliding along the surface of the water with reeds all around, it could be hard to pick out the main channels through sloughs. I would see this again in the final days of the trip, working my way through the marshy islands east of Cathlamet Bay, an interes ng bookend for the travels. In those early days, I scooted past low muddy banks, tu s of grass waving atop them, interrupted by holes and slides made by the travel of many beavers. There was the constant symphony of birds, song sparrow and wood thrush, blackbird and tanager. The river is braided in this upper sec on, with side channels snaking through and logjams hal ng progress at the end of narrow passages. I carried with me a simple map dra ed by locals to help one another avoid hang ups, prin ng if off in home offices and passing it along at potlucks and in the general store.

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With more than 260 species of resident and migratory birds, the Columbia Wetlands became a designated wildlife management area in 1996 and is protected by stringent environmental regula ons. Spanning 112 miles through the Rocky Mountain Trench, it is the longest con nuous wetlands remaining in North America and covers an area of 64,000 acres. I camped on sandy islands, with beaches that would shrink overnight as the rains con nued to fill the valley. It was cool and dark for early July, so I had the river to myself for the most part. Just me and the mosquitoes. In those early days, I was s ll finding a rhythm, s ll ge ng to know my boat, my gear, and the extent of The first bridge over the Columbia, built as part of the Source of the Columbia Trail our individual and collec ve in Canal Flats, Bri sh Columbia. Dibble had to duck her head to pass underneath capabili es. The kayak was unlike any for a few reasons. I wanted to expand my art prac ce to I’d paddled before, in part because it was made by my own include more woodworking, and I wanted to have an excuse hands and in part because I had only paddled whitewater to spend a week learning from my very skilled father, a boats up to that point. During a cold week in November career boatbuilder on the coast of Maine. I also knew that 2018 my father, Keith Dibble, worked with me to turn a building would lengthen the adventure — they say handful of boards into the frame of the kayak. Made from an cipa on provides as much joy as the trip itself — and I watershed-sourced Western Red Cedar and White Oak, the found myself immersed in the experience many months frame is lashed together with ar ficial sinew. I finished the before ge ng on the water. And importantly, a skin-onprocess the following spring by hand-s tching a single piece frame boat would be the lightest op on, a worthy of ballis c nylon over the frame, ght as a drum, and then considera on when I wasn’t sure if I’d have to walk around coated it with 2-part urethane. some dams. I chose to build the kayak that would take me to the sea

Day two of the trip, on moving water between Columbia Lake and Windermere Lake. The first of many rainy days in July. 7

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The water was rising as the author paddled through the uppermost reservoir on the Columbia River system, known as Kinbasket Lake, but it was s ll roughly 65 feet below full pool in mid-July, revealing evidence of the forest that once stood here.

What I didn’t account for, didn’t an cipate, was how much I would enjoy paddling this li le homemade boat. With only a thin membrane between me and the river, I felt everything. The gentle sway of aqua c vegeta on, the smooth stones as I approached the shore, the change in temperatures of waters blending at confluences, where a cold creek melted into a warm reservoir. Shortly a er paddling through the town that I call home, I le the free flowing Columbia and faced the first of many reservoirs: Kinbasket. This 170-square-mile reservoir was created by the 1973 construc on of Mica Dam, a direct result of the Columbia River Treaty. It is notorious where I live, for wild and unpredictable weather and for the wildlife that roams along its uninhabited shores. This was the most remote sec on I would paddle, the most northern, and perhaps the most in mida ng. The lightning storms that accompanied me through days and nights on this reservoir represented some of the most frightening moments of my trip. Kinbasket is a storage reservoir, collec ng rainwater all summer and releasing all winter according to demands for power downstream. It func ons opposite to the natural rhythm of nature, drained down in the spring and at its 8

fullest in late fall. The fluctua on of water level over the course of a year can be as much as 130 feet. When I was paddling through, it was about 70 feet down from the full pool line, revealing thousands of stumps of trees has ly harvested in prepara on for inunda on. I was photographing as much as I could as I went, o en from my phone if the weather was too intense to risk pulling out the big camera. I kept my waterproof phone tethered to my life jacket, easily accessed throughout the days on the water. I was also carrying a small drone, which I would fly when the weather permi ed. I only had two ba eries with me, allowing for a total of 26 minutes of fly me, so I was careful about when I flew. As a new drone operator, I also didn’t want to test the limits of the aircra against strong winds. And there were plenty of strong winds, o en in places or moments when I would have loved to capture an aerial view. I was charging ba eries with a ba ery pack that I kept hooked up to a lacklustre solar panel during the day. Maybe because of the number of dark cloud days, it never made much of an impact and eventually I ditched it, choosing to charge the ba ery pack once a week when I could find access to an AC outlet.

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Log booms at the southern end of the Arrow Lakes Reservoir wait to be tugged through the naviga onal lock at Keenleyside Dam near Castlegar, Bri sh Columbia.

All the midsummer rain meant that there was a lot of water pouring into the reservoirs I traversed. When me and energy allowed, I would paddle up side creeks, seeing them raging through forest and gorge in a white tumble of energy, stopped suddenly by the atness of the reservoir. I found myself thinking about how certain salmon, for millennia, would have swum all the way from the sea to this exact creek, not the one upstream or downstream or across the reservoir, but this one. Not so in the last 80-ish years, not since Grand Coulee Dam blocked passage between the sea and the spawning grounds. Unlike the salmon, I had ways of ge ng around dams. Though I had mentally prepared myself for the possibility of having to portage on foot, I got rides around all but one of them: Keenleyside near Castlegar, BC, one of two Treaty dams on the main stem. Keenleyside was the only one I actually looked forward to approaching, knowing that I would be permi ed to go through the naviga onal lock, as all recrea onal boaters are. For the other 13 I was shu led by friends, family, county employees, and kind strangers. At Keenleyside, I waited for a oa ng boom of logs wrangled by a tug boat to pass through the lock ahead of me, and then I paddled into the concrete-walled pool, feeling ny and in awe as the water level dropped about 60 feet before the lower gate opened at river level.

Members of several indigenous groups gathered on August 16, 2019 for a cultural release of 30 salmon near Keller Ferry above Grand Coulee Dam in celebra on of an agreement between mul ple par es working together to bring salmon back to the upper Columbia River. Prior to this release, salmon had not swum in these waters since 1940. 9

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Columbia River Maritime Museum 2020 Board of Trustees Board of Trustees Stephen M. Andersen George F. Beall John C. Braestrup Sarah Brix Tennant Patrick Clark John D. Dulcich Dale A. Farr Terry D. Gra Jerry F. Gustafson Ted H. Halton, Jr. Donald M. Haskell Carol Ihlenburg Senator Betsy Johnson Nick Johnson Captain Dan Jordan Kenneth Kirn Gary Kobes Irene E. Mar n David M. Myers David Nygaard Capt. James E. Richards William T. C. Stevens Shawn M. Teevin John Tennant Dr. Gerald Warnock

Execu ve Commi ee Michael Haglund, Chair Don Vollum, Vice Chair Nick Johnson, Secretary John McGowan, Treasurer Helena Lankton, Past Chair Ward V. Cook, Advisor Steve Fick, Advisor H. Roger Qualman, Advisor Kurt Redd, Advisor Dr. Samuel E. Johnson, Exec.Director

Trustee Emeritus Peter J. Brix Alan C. Goudy Donald W. Magnusen

Advisory Trustees Guy C. Stephenson Ambassador Charles J. Swindells Willis Van Dusen Bill W. Wya

Museum Management Dr. Samuel E. Johnson, Exec.Director Bruce Jones, Deputy Director

In Memory Cheri Folk Denny Hall Russell Keizer Lou Larson Jack Loacker David Phillips Jeanyse Snow

The Quarterdeck - 2020-21 The Quarterdeck is published by the Columbia River Mari me Museum 1792 Marine Drive Astoria, Oregon 97103 503-325-2323 Editor: Bruce Jones Printed by: Lithtex in Hillsboro, Oregon Layout/Design: John D. Bruijn, The Astorian

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CRMM Fireworks: A surprise Independence Day ďŹ reworks display sponsored by a team led by CRMM Business Member Bob Dorn of Hyak Mari me made for this spectacular photo by local photographer Sco Saulsbury.

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Morning calm on the Columbia near Chelan Falls in central Washington/

Naturally free flowing sec ons were always a welcomed sight a er many days of paddling across the s ll reservoirs, with full exposure to sun and wind. Some were short, only a few miles before I was again paddling in slackwater, backed up behind the next dam. The sec on between Keenleyside and the northern part of Roosevelt was a longer stretch of moving water and it felt like a gi to see the true nature of the river, to see the size and power of the flow. Moving current carried me past the Teck refinery complex in Trail, BC. This zinc and lead smelter has been in opera on since 1896 and the EPA es mates that Teck released 400 tons of slag into the Columbia every day — at least 23 million tons between 1896 and 1995 — before the company agreed to install an interim slag collec on system. Last year the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reserva on finally won a 20-year legal ba le with Teck and were awarded $8.5 million. 12

Naturally free flowing sec ons were always a welcomed sight a er many days of paddling across the s ll reservoirs, with full exposure to sun and wind.

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John Roskelley, author of the guidebook Paddling the Columbia, paddled with the author past the White Blus on the Hanford Reach sec on of the Columbia River in Washington. This land was frequented by the ancestors of the Wanapum People, Yakama Na on, Confederated Tribes of the Colville, Confederated Tribes of the Uma lla Reserva on and the Nez Perce prior to 1943, when it was restricted to public use as a security buer for the Hanford Nuclear Site.


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A shallow island near Boardman, Oregon served as a good place to stretch the legs on a hot a ernoon.

The border between the US and Canada sits just downstream of Trail, at the confluence with the Pend Oreille River. Ever since increased border security in 2001, river boaters have to cross on the road rather than on the water. A friend helped me portage across the line, where the agent showed a mix of curiosity and incredulity at my reason for entering the states. I felt a bit of trepida on at the start of each new sec on, and par cularly when entering into the US por on of the river. There were different hazards that came with each region, and a unique combina on of factors to consider when trying to find a safe place to set up a tent each night. Over me I shi ed from being bear-aware, to cau ous of ra le snakes, to garnering the vigilance required of any woman traveling solo through populated places. I found plenty of so sandy beaches to camp on below the high water line on Lake Roosevelt, which I always referred to as Roosevelt Reservoir in an effort to use language that is 14

accurate to the ways of rivers and the impacts we’ve had on them. The trees thinned and eventually disappeared, the air grew hot, the memory of rainy days faded. I shared the broad reservoir with house boats and water skiers, and I was startled again and again by the thunderous roar of fighter jets tracing the river overhead. Midway through the gigan c reservoir of Roosevelt, I caught a ride to a ceremonial salmon release above Grand Coulee. The release was in celebra on of a shared commitment to bring the salmon back to their historic range, the headwaters of the Columbia River. Representa ves from the Syilx Okanagan, Ktunaxa, and Secwepemc peoples, along with the BC and Canadian governments had signed a le er of agreement just weeks before the event. The three-year commitment between the five governments will see them work together to explore ways to reintroduce salmon to the basin with $2.25 million in support.

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There are a lot of opinions about efforts to bring the salmon back, ranging from hopeful to en rely dismissive. Like many of the issues on the Columbia, it’s complicated. But the experience of serving as a witness to this ceremonial release was invigora ng. The atmosphere was full of healing, resilience, and outright joy. Mul ple genera ons of people from several bands came together to celebrate connec on to land and water, and the spiritual significance of salmon. A er the ceremony, I con nued plodding along the immensity of Roosevelt, stopping for midday swims from sunny beaches. The novelty had worn off by the me I arrived at Grand Coulee, and when I put my kayak in the moving water below the dam I felt a surge of fresh energy and enthusiasm for the beauty of the river. The next several dams are run-of-the-river, making the reservoirs behind them less stagnant and less daun ng to a paddler. I floated past the first of many irrigated orchards, past fish hatcheries and tule reeds, past loons and American White Pelicans, past towns with as many signs in Spanish as in English. I stopped more than once to augment my dehydrated meals with fresh tacos and cold horchata. Central Washington felt not like a river, but like lake country. The average property along the water seems to be a holiday home with a vast expanse of perfectly It was rare to have favorable winds for gentle kayak sailing, but a whisper of a tailwind groomed and regularly watered was enough to help work against the push of a rising de near Knappa, Oregon. grass, and a dock with two boats — one for wakeboarding and one Eventually I dropped below the last of the central for water skiing. When I stopped into a local fruit market, I Washington dams, and met up with John Roskelley, the overhead people talking about the ‘lake’ rather than the author of the guidebook that I’d been referring to daily. ‘river’. While paddling during a long weekend, I was acutely Together we paddled the Hanford Reach on a hot day with aware of the quan ty and speed of boats and jet skis, a bright blue sky. This is the only non- dal free flowing coming and going in all direc ons. I felt invisible, but not in sec on on the Columbia in the US, a 65 mile stretch of river a powerful way. that runs alongside the Hanford Nuclear Site. 15

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The final bridge over the Columbia, the 4-mile long Astoria-Megler Bridge. Claire did not have to duck her head as the outgoing de carried her underneath this one.

Established in 1943 as part of the Manha an Project, the site was home to the B Reactor, the first full-scale plutonium produc on reactor in the world. The cold consistent waters of the Columbia allowed for extrac on of plutonium that was used in the bomb detonated over Nagasaki, Japan. Produc on ramped up throughout the Cold War and by the me the reactors were decommissioned, decades of manufacturing le behind millions of gallons of high-level radioac ve waste in 177 storage tanks. The efforts to deal with this waste are ongoing. Below the Snake River confluence, I expected strong headwinds and lots of barge traffic. By chance, there was an issue preven ng passage through the naviga onal lock downstream at Bonneville during this me, and I was more or less alone on the water. Just me and the wind, and the constant rumble of highways and railways on both sides of the river. It comes as no surprise that the river valley — and 16

the river itself — serves as an essen al thruway for transport of all kinds. It has always been this way. But this sec on tested my ability to feel connected to the living world amidst the bustle of capitalism. I spent a few windbound days pondering my rela onship to capitalism and consumerism, to repair and refuse, to needs and luxuries. During those three days and nights, I was confined to a small gravel beach next to a busy train track on the north side of the river. Across the reservoir I watched the constant spin of 338 turbines at the Shepherds Flat Wind Farm. Eventually the winds relented and I con nued on through the Gorge un l I found myself below Bonneville Dam, in water that might have tasted salty if I’d been bold enough to sample it. Downstream of Portland I adjusted to the swi silence of container ships coming and going around me, to the unpredictable movements of dredging vessels, and the pull and push of des.

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In the final stretch, the dal sec on between Bonneville and Astoria, I put in unusually long days. I built my trip schedule based on a goal of 13 miles per day, adjus ng as needed based on weather and energy and poten al camp spots. But on the lower river, with the threat of incoming autumn storms and the chill of October coa ng my gear in frost, I was mo vated to paddle longer and harder than I had upstream. It took only one evening of paddling in full dark, naviga ng through wing dams, to realize I preferred daylight. From then on I would wait un l the sun was soon to rise before folding myself into the kayak. Some nights I saw the moon rise before I landed. By this me, my husband had arrived in our camper van to provide support. As a result I was able to spend me paddling rather than se ng up camp or cooking a hot meal. Weather models during this me showed a series of incoming rainstorms and intense wind, leading us both to ques on if I could compete my journey to the sea before the intensity of autumn hit. Carrying this uncertainty with me, I launched from Jones Beach near Clatskanie, OR just before dawn. I was hoping to make it around Aldrich Point, maybe even as far as Knappa. The de was going, but not for long, and I set out with fingers crossed. The air was s ll for most of the day, except for a gentle tailwind in early a ernoon. With that gi of weather, I made it all the way around Tongue Point by evening, feeling a sense of calm and sweetness and suspended disbelief as the Astoria Megler bridge came into view, backlit by a sinking sun. The following morning I scooted across Youngs Bay and out to Clatsop Spit just as the winds and rains came up. We celebrated with a late morning coffee in the van, toas ng to 3.5 months on the water and massaging sore shoulders.

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Columbia River Maritime Museum Execu ve Leadership Sam Johnson Execu ve Director Bruce Jones Deputy Director

Columbia River Treaty The Columbia River Treaty is an agreement between the US and Canada that was ra fied in 1964 and involved the construc on of four dams in the upper sec on of the watershed. These included Mica and Keenleyside, both on the main stem of the Columbia in Canada. Treaty dams formed storage reservoirs that mediate the downstream flows for both hydroelectric genera on and flood control. Now up for renewal, the renego a ons of the agreement are ongoing as of 2014. Either country has the op on to terminate most treaty provisions any me a er 60 years (September 2024), given at least 10 years advance no ce. For some stakeholders, a modernized version of the Treaty would add ecosystem func on to the agreement, as well as inclusion of Tribes and First Na ons in decision making.

Controller Connie Silverman Controller

Curatorial Opera ons Jeff Smith Curator Ma hew Palmgren Assistant Curator Meg Glazier-Anderson Registrar Marcy Dunning Librarian

Educa on Nate Sandel Educa on Director Kelly McKenzie Field Educator Kathy Johnson Volunteer Coordinator Julia Triezenberg Museum Educator

Facili es Opera ons Gary Friedman Facili es Manager Rino Bebeloni Technician Aaron S nne Technician Patric Valade Technician

Membership & Marke ng Caroline Wuebben Manager Kate Casler Assistant

Store and Visitor Services Blue Anderson Visitor Services and Store Manager Ann Bronson Associate Store Manager Helen Honl Associate Visitor Services Manager Elaine Bauer Sales & Visitor Services Paula Bue Visitor Services Blaine Phelps Sales & Visitor Services/Facili es Natalie Osburn Visitor Services Kim Werst Visitor Services

Administra ve Services Elizabeth Hayes Administra ve Assistant

Barbey Mari me Center Chuck Bollong Instructor/Curatorial Technician


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CRMM: New Members

12/1/2019 - 8/14/2020


Phil Harwell and Susan Baxter-Harwell

Will and Vera Broyles

Nathanael Andersen

Christopher and Laurie Johnson

Joshua Colby and Yadira Lopez

Katherine Blue

Jeff and Laura Jones

Thomas and Karen Cur s

Susan Bowe

Chris Kelley and Kris ne Gardner

John H. Durkheimer

Dean Carmine

Joe Kelly

David Ehlen and Hayley Hendrickson

Roberta Kennedy

John and Mindee Klimek

Mike and Kate Farthing

Lore a Maxwell

Oleg and Galina Kovalenko

Jorge and Sandra Garcia

Ellen Norris

Jacob and Rose Lee

Tom Gibson and Robert Oyakawa

Charlene Tagas

Doug Mark and Rebecca Sofie

Ravi Gill


Jason and Lisa Marlowe

Duke Harjo and Sarah Stevenson

Chris na Allen and Joyce Allen

Tom Mar chuski II and Ashley Mar chuski

Dan and Erin Har ord

Gretchen Amann

Sean McCombe and Jennifer Campbell

Cameron and Lori Hillstead

John and Jeane e Anderson

Gent and Chau Phan Mende

Bill and Ruth Hutmacher

Marty and Ka e Baldwin

Brian Milless and Jennifer Reed-Milless

Ryan and Faith Bales

Michael and Kelly Muller

Mike and Tyfani Balzo

David and Alisa Neil

Landon and Jamie Baron

Luke Olson

Doug and Chris Bell

Julian and Laila Orr

Bob and Jill Bemrose

Steve Peschl

Allan and Nancy Bowles

Jason and Robyn Pfeifer

Kent and Sharon Bradley

John Pickering and Robin Arrington-Pickering

James Bri ain-Gore and Carly Stevens

David and Deena Price

Michael and Danielle Brown

Tim and Suzanne Regan

Darlene Burtsfield

Aaron Reichenberger and Kathryn Mascorella

Erin Carlsen

Greg Ringer

James and Maureen Casterline

Shane and Heather Robinson

Dave and Renae Cavallaro

Vince and Leah Sanders

Lisa Christensen

Shane and Courtnay Seager

Neal Coppola and Allison Rorvik

Jeffrey Shelton and Allison Topaum


Andi Costello and Kelsey Atwood

Robert and Kirsi St. Marie

Joseph and Rebecca Altomere

Ka e Crocker and Amy Thomas

Tara Stein

Elizabeth Campbell

Kristopher and Lisa Dean

Joe Tanner and Catherine Graham

Sean and Nicole Green

Bruce Debolt and Nicola Robertson

Jerold and Rhonda Topliff

Rob and Lindsay Ledgerwood

Preston Devereaux and Carol Jennings

Michael and Kathy Walker

John and Nim Rawlings

Shane and Rachel Downing

Dan and Jen Washburn

Chuck and Marcia Ridley

Dave Drury and Carol Smith

Dianne Wilcoxon and David Roche

Linnea Ryan

Sco and Erin Ence

Cliff Wilkey and Randy Maquiling

Pamela Wev

Mark Knecht and Valerie Clemen Daniel Kramer and Melissa Cadwallader Kevan Krebs and Katherine Pretzer Kevan Krebs and Katherine Pretzer David Landsman and Sarah Fort Mike Malmberg Danielle Mansfield Moises and Rosa Marquez Tyler and Michelle Murray Mark and Jessica Petemell Steven and Amy Rens Ka e Stone and Judith Stone John and Shona Tanner Shane and Kim Thur Richard Von Wald Gerald and Loredana Wilkerson

Joe and Karen Goulet


Rebecca Gross

Matvey and Marina Adzhigirey

Peter Hamilton

Aaron and Kathleen Breckenridge


Devin Hanson and Danae Ripley

Aaron and Kathleen Breckenridge

John Black

In Honor Of

Donivee Nash and Donivee Finnell

12/1/2019 - 8/14/2020

In Honor of Peter J. Brix and his contribu ons to the Mari me History of the Columbia River John Stephens In Honor of Arnold Cur s’ Special Birthday Paul and Helen Cur s



In Honor of Eric Paulson and his re rement from LEKTRO Inc. Kim and Dan Supple In Honor of my dad, Joe, on his birthday Kathleen Phillips

Quarterdeck Fall 2020:QDeck



10:59 AM

12/1/2019 - 8/14/2020

Rolf H. Bremer Meltzer-L’Esperance Family Charitable Gi Fund Orabelle Bruneau Sam and Julie Henzel Joan Dukes Jerry Ostermiller and Lynne Johnson Thomas V. Dulcich Jeff Dulcich and Lauren Kuhn Tony and Jodi Obradovich John A. Elorriaga Donald and Veronica Magnusen Daniel “Dan” James Fay Bob and Barbara Canessa Nathaniel Folkert Dan and Kim Supple Carol Welch Mary J. Frame Ron and Gayle Timmerman Donna M. Gustafson CRMM Patrick Kearney and Molly Kearney Anne McAlpin Anne and David Myers Mar n Nygaard Bill and Sara Orr Jerry Ostermiller and Lynne Johnson Violet Paulson Kim and Dan Supple Leonard and Marie a Zell

Page 19

Walter Dennis “Denny” Hall Ward and Lois Cook Douglas and Mary Grim Herbert Hsu Louis and Daiquirie Loeb Larry and Susan Murray H. Roger and Katy Qualman Esther K. Jerrell Captain Fred B. Jerrell John Robert “Jack” Loacker Ward and Lois Cook John W. Dixon and Julie Dixon Suzanne S. Dixon Mel and Diana Emberland Endeavor Capital – “In memory of our dear friend” H. Roger and Katy Qualman John and Marilyn Ritchie Marty and Mary Lou Smith

Ruth Shaner Ann and Anthony Syre Jeanyse Snow Randy Snow Jeremy Snow John and Jus e Braestrup Ward and Lois Cook HFO Investment Real Estate, LLC Donald and Carol Jean Haskell James Jarvis Kathi and Ray Merri Bill and Sara Orr Jerry Ostermiller and Lynne Johnson John Edward “Ed” Steve Captain Fred B. Jerrell Dr. Philip H. Wilson Laurie Holdner-Wilson

Robert M. “Bob” Oja David and Heidi Fastabend Deborah H. Morgan Chris and Kellyann Pinkstaff

Gordon “Gordy” Wolfgram Teresa and Joe Hubbell Mar n Nygaard Bill and Sara Orr

Richard Quigley Bart Oja Marie Yost and Toby Dyal

USS Knapp DD-653 Danny Dolan, IC3 Stan Smith, GMSN George Ziebol, CS2

Gus and Sheila Ramsdell LuCore Family Sandie Ramsdell LuCore Family

Eve Morgan Bryan Whitlow Arthur and Barbara Hildebrand Bill and Debbie Underwood

Carol Seppa Bill and Sara Orr

Back cover photo: The 555-foot bulk carrier Ansac Phoenix, built in 2014, faces the sun rising over Tongue Point while wai ng in the Astoria Anchorage for its berth to open upriver. Photo by Michael Mann/Above the Northwest Photography


Quarterdeck Fall 2020:QDeck


2:34 PM

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