Enzo Zelocchi – What’s Next For The Multi-Talented Actor, Producer, and Social Media Personality?

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He is literally a man with many hats- Enzo has been a producer, director, and writer, all of which he used to bring films, trailers, and sneak peeks to life. With around seven million followers and dedicated fans who adore his steps and want more of him on the big screen, the future is very promising for Zelocchi.

The Birth of an Entrepreneur and Star

Enzo has a deep passion for the entrepreneurial niche- he has been pursuing it and dreaming about making it big since he was a child.

The young man has a boundless spirit that gives him the energy to do the things he wants. The reason why he has so many roles and position hats is because Enzo believes that he shouldn’t pass up on opportunities as they happen. Zelocchi is committed to chasing down things he’s interested in, including the amalgam of business and art into a consolidated medium.

With six new and upcoming films under his belt, it’s an exciting time for fans of Enzo. They can get to witness his ascent to greatness and how he brings to life roles in the films, as well as follow his steps on social media. What’s interesting is that Enzo doesn’t feel like he has reached the pinnacle yet- there’s more to be done in various industries, and he has yet to shape the ‘art and business’ platform (which he’s working on with 100% commitment).

Enzo Zelocchi and A-Medicare

The entrepreneur’s latest project is not in the entertainment industry but in healthcare. The launch of A-Medicare serves as an example of Zelocchi aiming to simplify medical complexities in the healthcare business.

The inspiration came from the movie ‘My Little Princess’, where it was revealed that the healthcare system is difficult to navigate, especially for those who have a terminal illness like cancer.

A-Medicare was launched as a solution to provide reduced costs and greater convenience. New and modern technology, including blockchain cryptography and machine learning, was introduced to make quality healthcare more affordable and viable. Zelocchi intends to launch the system to the whole world once it gains ground in the United States.

Enzo Zelocchi - "NO WAR" - Trailer


Enzo Zelocchi - Midnight in Paris


Click below and know more about Enzo Zelocchi. https://instagram.com/enzozelocchi

https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1738420/ https://a-medicare.com/about-the-company/ceo-enzo-zelocchi/

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