potty time

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Potty Training Made Easy Hi and welcome to Potty Training Made Easy. Have you been having trouble getting your tot to go? Having trouble ditching diapers/pull ups? Well, we may have a solution for you that will make you tot a potty trained super star in no time.

Know your child‌ Every child is different. Knowing and understanding your tot is a must. Know your child’s habits and understand them. This will help you in working with your tot in this important milestone.

Potty ready signs Is your child showing interest in the bathroom/potty? Your child can take a nap without soiling their diaper Have your tot made an attempt to change themselves? Your child can pull pants up and down

Potty Signs continued If your child can let you know their wet/soiled. Your child show interest in toilet or bathroom When they tell you they want to go potty When your child can follow and understand instructions When diaper changing decrease.

Put yourself in their shoes All your child know is what you show them. Don’t expect for your child to understand it’s your job to help them understand. Be patient forcing your child will only make matters worst.

Have you ever thought Your child may be frightened of the toilet have a fear of the bathroom?

Your child might be sick Which in this situation your child can not control their bowel.

Show Your Child The Ropes This may seem gross but hey it works!

Properly show your child how to go to the toilet by letting them experience what its like when you go.

Place a potty in the area your child spend the most time. So they can become familiar with the potty. Let your child explore the potty by letting them sit on it with or without diaper/clothes on.

Talking Potty Stay positive. Suggest to your tot that he/she is ready for big boy/girl underwear. Be consistent. Choose words both parents are comfortable with. BE CONSISTENT with encouraging your tot to go potty!

Make Potty Training Fun Take your child to pick out their own potty accessories

Show them how the potty works! Teach them effective ways to go potty. Hand washing Flushing Clean up

CHILD TYPE: INDEPENDENT Your child learn by: Exploring new thing with/without you. Trial and error. Using his/her senses and try to avoid unpleasant incidents. Sharing with others when completing a new task.

Intrigue your child by: Using their sense of feeling for training with potty cues.

Reward Recommendations: Take your child to a new place and let them explore with you such as the toy store, out for ice cream, or children fun center.

CHILD TYPE: CURIOUS/INQUSITIVE Your child learns by: Asking questions Taking an interest in the world. So give them their space to reflect. Taking on new challenges and stopping and thinking before they attempt to solve the problem themselves.

Intrigue your child by: Showing them visual cues for potty training.

Reward Recommendation: New toys Stickers

Learning a new activity

CHILD TYPE: ACTIVE Your child learns by: Sharing newly learned things with you and others. Pointing out what he/she learned on a daily basis.

Engaging in sensory activities. Order and place.(cleans up without putting up a fuss)

Intrigue your child by: Using hand on potty training cues.

Reward Recommendations: Build potty chart and let your tot place stickers on the chart every time he/she go potty.




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