Entrepreneur & Investor Issue 12

Page 57


Become a Financial Entrepreneur: Trade Stocks like a Pro I

f you are looking at becoming a financial entrepreneur, then there are many investment options open to you. You could, for example, invest in luxury real estate or decide to get involved with a crowdfunding campaign. Among the many investment opportunities to think about, one remains enduringly popular –stocks. However, why is trading in stocks still the main investment that many entrepreneurs make? In simple terms, it is easy to grasp, easy to manage, and can bring in decent annual returns on the initial money put down. If you invest in dividend stocks also, then you get the bonus of dividend payouts a few times each year.

Effective tips to trade stocks like a pro

If you are looking at becoming a financial entrepreneur through stock trading, then the below tips should help you succeed:

Choose how you approach trading


Investing in stocks successfully involves answering some key questions. One of the most important is how you plan to trade. Will you be a shorttermday trader or a longerterminvestor? This will depend

on how quickly you want a return on your investment and also your own personality.

Make an investing plan

A savvy financial entrepreneur will know how key planning is before risking any money. Trading stocks is no different,and you need to have an investing plan written out when you know how you will trade. It should set out how you will find stocks to buy, when you will sell, and how much you will risk per trade. When it is ready, remember to follow it!

Diversification is king

All the successful pro traders will keep a diverse portfolio to help them win overall. This sees you investing your money into different sectors and companies rather than putting it all into one. By doing this, you are spreading your risk and ensuring that any down turn in one asset does not wipe you out.

Sign up for a reliable news feed

The stock markets rely on and react heavily to breaking news and stories. This means that trading like a pro involves having access to the latest

news to trade on. Signing up for a real-time stock market data feed is advisable so that you always have the freshest news and data at your fingertips throughout the day, as it happens.

Drip-feed stocks



One clever trick that most pro traders use is to only put a portion of the money that they plan toinvest into a stock at the beginning. Once they see the stock performas expected, they will then drip-feed the rest into it over time. This gives more flexibility in your trading and avoids you losing it all if you get it wrong at the start.

Trading stocks is a wise move for financial entrepreneurs: If you are already a financial entrepreneur looking for a new investment or someone just starting out, then stocks are a great asset to consider. As with all investments, they carry risk, but with the right approach, they can also bring in handsome rewards. With a combination of hard work and discipline, you should soon begin to trade like an expert.

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