Entrepreneur Middle East February 2022 | Against All Odds

Page 71



On the Move


Digital billboards startup Override paves the way for delivering hyper-targeted advertisements on the roads of Saudi Arabia (and beyond) b y PA M E L L A D E L E O N

hile out-of-home (OOH) advertisements are a common sight on billboards and public transportation, it appears that there’s also an opportunity to monetize portable digital ads displayed on the top of cars itself, where the content can be viewed by drivers, passengers, and pedestrians alike. Taking the plunge into tapping this opportunity is Override, a KSA-based digital billboards startup that is offering an even more valuable

feature: data and hyper-targeted geofenced advertisements. Using online targeting techniques, the company’s algorithm can tailor a brand’s message for the people that will most likely respond to it, whether they’re on the road or stuck in traffic. For example, if a vehicle enters a business district, an airline’s ad would promote business class tickets, but as soon as the screen moves to an area with a heavy student population, the airline’s ad would switch to showcase economy class tickets with studentspecific discounts. }



Oliver Schmid and Ibrahim Ibrahim

February 2022 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 71

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