Enterprise Channels MEA April 2018

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“AI might one day provide another attack vector for cybercriminals. But that point—while distressing—is irrelevant,” -SUNIL GUPTA, COO & PRESIDENT, PALADION.

“Machines are very good at, and sometimes even outperform tasks that are complicated for a human to do,” -VINOD KRISHNAN, HEAD OF THE COMMERCIAL BUSINESS FOR MEA AT AMAZON WEB SERVICES (AWS)

and transporting heavy goods to the point where it is sent to the customer. For supposedly easy tasks, by contrast, the robot is overwhelmed; an example is recognizing a box that has landed on the wrong shelf.” So, how do we bring together the best of both? By letting intelligent robots learn how to identify the right goods from humans, take on various


A P R I L 2018


“The future is bright; provided we as humans accept the limitations, know the risks, mitigate threats and leverage on the computing capabilities,”

“We start with solid business use cases, contextual data and good governance, management and control to quickly add value to the way work gets done,”



orders, and navigate their way autonomously through the warehouse on the most efficient route. This is how we take away the most tedious part of the task and shift resources to more interaction with the customer. This is not making humans redundant but, rather, it helps gain more personal and economic freedom — for interpersonal relationships, for our creativity, and for everything that we humans can do better than machines.

The famous physicist, Stephen Hawking had stated – “The rise of powerful AI will be either the best or the worst thing ever to happen to humanity. We do not know which.” Fortunately, these concerns are not ignored by the tech industry. In September 2016, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, Google and IBM joined forces to ensure the benefits of AI are maximized in society and safety issues are addressed. For ServiceNow, the approach is very simple. “We start with solid business use cases, contextual data and good governance, management and control to quickly add value to the way work gets done. Without these core attributes, anything I suppose, could get out of hand,” said Paul Hardy, Chief Innovation Officer - EMEA, ServiceNow. Aadesh Gawde, Principal R &D and Innovation at ProVise Consulting believes that the future is bright; provided we as humans accept the limitations, know the risks, mitigate threats and leverage on the computing capabilities. “We are Intelligent species who made computers let’s not forget that.”

AI – A THREAT TO HUMANITY? The potential benefits of AI are huge and success in creating it would be the biggest achievement in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, if we do not learn to avoid the risks. “AI is a technology and like any technology there will be those that will misuse it but in the main I think it will enhance our lives and let us focus on what is more important while AI will provide us with the tools we need to do our jobs better,” said CEO of Neuromem Technologies, Dr. Prof Pierre Brunswick. Sunil Gupta, COO & President, Paladion believes that we will still need human cyber security experts to ask the AI questions, evaluate the AI’s recommendations, and decide what action to take. “AI might one day provide another attack vector for cybercriminals. But that point—while distressing—is irrelevant.”

FINALLY AI is for sure set to transform in many ways, but it is also important to know that, there are still certain areas where human touch cannot be replicated. And with all the hype, let us not underestimate the supercomputers we carry around our skulls! ë

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