The "福爾摩沙巴洛克古樂團  Formosa Baroque" user's logo

福爾摩沙巴洛克古樂團 Formosa Baroque

福爾摩沙巴洛克古樂團以「返璞歸真、重現作曲家當時之藝術理念」為己任,喚醒音樂界的溯古意識,重現西方古典音樂不同年代的風格與詮釋。團員由海內外優秀的古樂音樂家組成,除來自台灣外,還包括中國大陸、日、韓等地,加上多位歐洲重量級古樂演奏家與古樂團密切的客席合作,使本團晉升為一支水準精湛的優秀古樂團體。精緻的古樂器搭配細膩的演奏技法,所呈現出的巴洛克、古典時期的作品在臺灣樂壇中顯得獨樹一格。2022年古樂團更以第一張數位專輯 «巴洛克・歌劇・舞曲» 入圍第 33屆傳藝金曲獎出版類最佳藝術音樂專輯。 FORMOSA BAROQUE The formation of Formosa Baroque was inspired by a desire to develop knowledge of Early Music in Taiwan. The ensemble had its first national tour in March 2016. Formosa Baroque is made up of young Asian musicians from Taiwan, Japan, China and Korea, who completed their Early Music and period instrument studies at some of the most important European conservatories. Set up under the guidance of Taiwan Early Music Society and directed by the flutist Yifen Chen, the orchestra aims to bring the richness of the repertoire to Taiwanese audiences. Since 2010, various tours of chamber music, master-classes, and numerous workshops for young people have been organized, with the aspiration of seeing Early Music movement flourish in Taiwan. In April 2019, for the first time, Formosa Baroque has been invited to perform in China. The ensemble performed at the Forbidden City Concert Hall (FCCH) for the Early Music Festival in Beijing, as well as in Tianjin Grand Theater and Weiwuying National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts. This year, Formosa Baroque was nominated for the Best Art Music Album in the publishing category of the 33rd Golden Melody Awards for Traditional Arts and Music with its first digital album «Baroque·Opera·Dance».
