Guia de crochet libro

Page 51

Begin each square with a chain 4; slip stitch in first chain to forma ring. Round 1 (right side): Chain 3 (counts as dc here and throughout), 2 double crochet in ring, *chain 3, 3 double crochet in ring; repeat from * twice, chain 3; join with a slip stitch in top of beginning chain-3 – 12 double crochet; 4 chain-3 spaces. Fasten off. Round 2: Slip stitch in next 2 double crochet and chain-3 space, chain 3, (2 double crochet, chain 3, 3 double crochet) in same chain-3 space, *(3 double crochet, chain 3, 3 double crochet) in next chain-3 space; repeat from * twice, join with a slip stitch in top of beginning chain-3. Fasten off if changing color. Round 3: Slip stitch in next 2 double crochet and corner chain-3 space or join next color with slip stitch in any corner chain-3 space, chain 3, (2 double crochet, chain 3, 3 double crochet) in same chain-3 space, *3 double crochet between next two 3-double crochet groups**, (3 double crochet, chain 3, 3 double crochet) in next corner chain-3 space; repeat from * around, ending last repeat at **; join with a slip stitch in top of beginning chain-3. Round 4: Slip stitch in next 2 double crochet and chain-3 space, chain 3, (2 double crochet, chain 3, 3 double crochet) in same chain-3 space, *[3 double crochet between next two 3-double crochet groups] twice**, (3 double crochet, chain 3, 3 double crochet) in next corner chain-3 space; repeat from * around, ending last repeat at **; join with a slip stitch in top of beginning chain-3. Fasten off. Weave in ends.

Fruit Platter Scarf This pretty scarf patterns lets you practice your color changing skills. Remember to work the last stitch in the row until you have two loops on your hook and then draw the new color through the two loops and snug up your yarn. Turn your work and continue the pattern in the new color.

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