How to Make Maxinum Money in Minimm Time

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How to Make Maximum Money in Minimum Time

By Sylvester Oti

An Expose of a System that Spits Out Money like the ATM


Copyright Š 2018 by Sylvester Oti. All rights Reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without express permission from the author.


Dedication I dedicate this work to God Almighty who, on that blessed day, guided me to a seminar venue where I listened to a presentation on Miropass earning system that is fast changing people’s lives in Nigeria. It’s God who opens our eyes to new opportunities and gives us power to get wealth - Deut 8:18b.

Table of Contents





Table of Contents






Two Ways to Make Money in Miropass


Vendor Hub


Affiliate Membership


How the Affiliate Program Works


How You Are Paid


Let Me Give You a Tip


Now Think About this


Now, Let Me Tell You a Story that Will Shock You


You Won’t Believe this


In Summary, Let Me Give You a Recap


Some Disclosures that Will Excite You


Other Benefit


Why I Trust Miropass and Why I Think You Should


Still in Doubt? No Problem


How to Register for Miropass A Mart Affiliate Program


How to Complete Miropass Registration Form


Payment by Bank Wire


Payment Notification Email


Payment by E-Wallet


Payment with Debit Card


How to Receive Your Payment



Acknowledgement First, I want to express my gratitude to God for the inspiration to write this report/guide. My thanks go to that young, enterprising woman who told us about Miropass. Her name is Onyi. A trail blazer. She had travelled all the way from Lagos to share with us the immense business opportunity in Miropass. She has indeed written her name in gold in Miropass. I also want to thank my friend and business partner, Carson with whom I work side by side in this business. He’s been a great source of inspiration and support. I’d also like to thank my numerous friends and contacts by whose yearnings I saw the need to write this guide that now serves as a work manual for the business.

1 Introduction The business I’m about to introduce to you is Miropass A-Mart, an online and offline shopping mall that has brought an innovation that empowers many Nigerians by putting real money in their pockets. A couple of months ago, Miropass management proudly announced in their Whatsapp Group that it had made over 150 Nigerians millionaires in less than four months of its commencement of business in Nigeria. Think of what the figure is likely to be now, the seventh month. This report, How to Make Maximum Money in Minimum Time, is more of a tutorial and a guide that defines, breaks down and elucidates on Miropass imaginative business concept of lavish empowerment of people who participate in its programs. It kind of provides an explanation of how the system functions, the role, mandate and expectations of members, and the reward system. It then goes on to aptly describe the prolific manner and brevity of time at which the program can generate unbelievable amounts of money for its subscribers. Many people have struggled over the years to achieve financial freedom, yet they haven’t been able to escape the grind of no work, no food. The reasons could be either that they have not been exposed to very good opportunities or that they can’t recognize one when they see it. One only needs a good program like Miropass to witness a turning point in one’s life. Having said that, I want to congratulate you for obeying your intuition to download a copy of this report. It’s one of the best decisions you have ever made. I’ll advise that you take time to read and digest every word in it. Believe me; it will radically change your fortunes.


Miropass A-Mart, the Most Astonishing Platform Where Affiliate Members Earn in Millions It’s Incredible! Learn How Ordinary People Like You Make Real Money with this AMAZING Program A System that is Fast Turning Jobless People into Responsible and Dependable Bread Winners in their Families A Scheme that Affords Even the Working Class Opportunity to Earn Extra Income that Enables them Comfortably Pay their Bills and have Surpluses for Savings and Investment Making money has not always been easy. And making the kind of money envisaged in this business in other economic pursuits can be extremely difficult. But this one is darn too easy. If anyone misses it…I don’t know. I really don’t know.

With your permission, I'd like to open your eyes to a new money making idea. One that has the potential to radically and forever change your life. Big claim you will say, but just hear me out for one minute... Miropass A-Mart is an online and offline shopping mall that gives opportunities to everyone to earn good income on a continuous basis while participating in its programs. Miropass is currently available in five countries – USA, Australia, Germany, Turkey and Nigeria. Miropass A-Mart prides itself as “Africa’s largest online and offline A-Mart,” and it’s determined to live up to that claim.

3 With only 5 months in Nigeria (in fact Miropass A-Mart was officially launched in Abuja, Nigeria on April 14, 2018), it’s already taking the country by storm, empowering as many people as have embraced it’s highly profitable money-making programs. It won’t be an exaggeration to say that Miropass has already made millionaires of many Nigerians within this few months. Two Ways to Make Money in Miropass A-Mart 1) Vendor Hub 2) Affiliate Membership Vendor Hub Are you a producer of goods or services? Are you an importer, a wholesaler or retailer? Whatever you’re selling that is of high quality, Miropass A-Mart provides you a great opportunity to sell your products online and offline on the platform. All you have to do is to register for vendor hub, go through a little verification and training, and then upload or supply your products to Miropass A-Mart, setting your prices. Miropass A-Mart will add a little mark-up as its own profit and sell. Your money will accordingly be credited to your account as sales take place. The advantage of this arrangement is that you have a huge marketplace to showcase your products before over 100,000,000 shoppers at no cost to you. And guess what! Sales will hit the roofs and profits unimaginable. Indeed, the dream of every business owner. Application fee for Vendor Hub is between N1000 and N2000 only. However, it’s required that you first register as an affiliate before applying for vendor hub. Continue reading to learn how to register for the affiliate program.

4 Affiliate Membership The affiliate membership program is quite an amazing, simple and highly profitable way of making good money in Miropass. To start with, who is an affiliate? An affiliate is any person who refers buyers to purchase other people’s products for commission. Miropass A-Mart says, “No little effort made to patronize and to advertise Miropass to your friends and associates goes unrewarded.” For you to become an affiliate member of Miropass A-Mart, you’ll have to buy any of the following customer packages of your choice: CUSTOMER PACKAGE CP-1 CP-2 CP-3 CP-4 CP-5

PACKAGE COST N10,000 N20,000 N50,000 N100,000 N200,000

DAILY LIMIT N5,000 N15,000 N40,000 N120,000 N300,000

TEAM BONUS 5% 10% 15% 20% 30%

When you subscribe to one of the above packages, you have indicated your commitment to participate in a profitable business with Miropass. Then, Miropass will be paying you a weekly pay back of 3% of the amount of your subscription for 52 weeks, guaranteed. This is just to allay your fears as to the safety and profitability of the money you have subscribed. If you do your calculations, you’ll discover that you’ll be getting 156% of your money at the end of one year, with 56% return on investment (ROI). Isn’t that impressive?

5 Now, if you put your money in a fixed deposit account in a bank for one year, you’ll only end up getting something between 5 and 7 per cent, or at most 10% if at all, return on investment payable only at the end of the fixed period. The point I’m making is that the return on investment on a fixed deposit is a peanut compared with Miropass A-Mart’s 3% pay back for 52 weeks. However, this is just a tip of the iceberg. It’s not the main reason I for one sign-up with Miropass. There are lots of money to be made from this business than just 3% weekly pay back. How the Affiliate Program Works Remember, you’re signing up with Miropass to be an affiliate. As an affiliate of Miropass, your duty is to tell people about the shopping mall, share and advertise the Miropass affiliate program and its earning potentials to your friends, associates and others. As you do this, Miropass will be paying you incentives such as referral bonus, purchases bonus and monthly activity bonus. As an affiliate, you’re expected to lay the foundation for building a team of other affiliates under you, beginning with one team member on your right leg and the second on your left leg. Example:

Just two members only and you’re good to go. That is basically all you’re required to have.

6 Believe me, it’s not a difficult job to do. It’s just the least thing anybody would do in order to qualify to earn the kind of money that this system pays to every single affiliate daily. Then, your right leg and left leg members will also get their respective two team members each, left and right thus…

Similarly, the two members registered by your right leg and the two members registered by your left leg respectively are also required to get their own two members each as projected in the diagram above. And so, the process continues, ad infinitum, as you and all your team members work to build and grow a larger team. As you do this, watch and see how money will be pouring into your account on daily basis from sources you cannot quite explain, but apparently resulting from the daily activities of your sponsor (the person who registered you for this business), you and your entire team below you. It’s simply breathtaking!

7 The best way for any affiliate to live up to expectation in their affiliate duties is to direct more and more buyers to the product they promote. In your own case, you'll effectively be fulfilling your mandate if you’ll continue to share Miropass affiliate program and it’s earning potentials with as many people as possible. Now, as you or any of your team members get newer members, the system requires you to fix them under any of your larger team members below you where there is gap. You cannot have more than two persons directly under you. When you do so, believe me, both you and your team members concerned will benefit in no small measure from this gesture. As you do this and your team grows in size, Miropass will pay and will continue to pay you and your team members generously on daily basis with referral bonuses, purchases bonuses, monthly activity bonuses, which all add up to lots of money for you and every member of your team at the end of the day. Remember, the harder you and your team members work to further enlarge your team, the more money you earn and the richer you'll become. Believe me, this system is extremely good. How You’re Paid If you joined with Customer Package, CP-1 which is N10,000, for example, you’ll be entitled to 5% team bonus but limited to N5,000 daily, even if you earned more than that. For CP-2, which is N20,000, you’ll be paid 10% of team bonus but not exceeding N15,000 per day. If you joined at CP-3, which is N50,000, you’ll get 15% of team bonus with daily limit of N40,000. For CP-4, which is N100,000, you’ll be entitled to 20% of team bonus but limited to N120,000 per day.

8 And for CP-5, which is N200,000 and the highest, you’ll get 30% of team bonus but not more than N300,000 per day, though you may have earned more than that amount. Let me give you a tip... If you want to maximize your earnings as a Miropass affiliate, do whatever you can to register with a higher customer package (CP). But if you cannot commence with a higher package, start somewhere and upgrade later. An affiliate can only upgrade once in a given year. Now, think about this… If you ask me, I would say that Miropass A-Mart wants to be a household name on the lips of every Nigerian. It’s therefore offering incentives to as many Nigerians as possible to win their loyalty and patronage, and by so doing, increase sales and dominate the market, far beyond its closest competitors. The plan is to make you a committed member of Miropass A-Mart affiliate team by spoiling you a little bit with money, thereby turning you into a happy, devoted customer of the Mall in order that you may help in the achievement of this organizational goal. >> SEE THE GUIDE FOR REGISTRATION BELOW! << Now, let me tell you a story that will shock you… This program was launched on April 14, 2018. A young woman who had seen the compensation plan and was eagerly following up to the official launch, was invited to briefly do a presentation on Miropass A-Mart at a seminar I attended. Somehow, I didn’t actually plan to be at that seminar. It was by Divine arrangement that I was there that day anyway. She introduced Miropass A-Mart with the slogan ‘Shop, Earn and Live Better’.

9 The name and flyer, made the whole thing sound and look drab and a waste of time to me. However, three things she said captivated my interest. The first was the 2:1 binary earning system, which she said if you find in the compensation plan of any company, you should not hesitate to join them because they will definitely pay you handsomely. The second one was the daily earning limits attached to each level of the customer package. I reasoned that if for investing N10,000 only, an affiliate would be entitled to earnings up to a pegged daily limit of N5,000, then that business must be exceedingly profitable. That means that the efforts of the affiliate and the larger team members as explained above, are productive enough to generate as much or even more money every day, than the daily limit of N5000. Come to think of it, which other business with low capital investment, pays its investors as much as N5000 a day? And the third one, and I believe this one also got the interest of majority of the audience, was when she logged into the back office of her Miropass affiliate account and showed us the amount she had made in the interval of two months. It was a whopping N5,000,000 and a fraction of hundreds of thousands of naira, which I did not quite take note of. Shouts of “How?”, “How?”; “Show us how!”, “show us how!” reined the air in the hall. Now, what does this tell you? It tells me that the audience did not quite take her serious initially until she showed them how much she had earned in so short a time. This is the attitude of most of us. Believe me; the lady would have walked away from that hall without as much as one person

10 willing to understand what she espoused, much more benefiting from such a rare opportunity. How most of us at one time or the other overlooked or dismissed otherwise vital tips or information that would have been the break we needed to transform our economic lives for the better and live the lifestyles of our dream! As expected, she politely went through the explanation again, drawing a sketch to show how to place team members on the right and left legs respectively as I have just done above. You won’t believe this… In spite of all the above clarifications, I did not join immediately. I wanted to tread with caution as I tried to learn more. I was still thinking this over, when about less than two months later the same woman and her colleagues who are all making real money in Miropass, were invited to town again by a group, among who is a friend I had done business with previously, for a full scale seminar. This time around, she was reported to have hit over N20,000,000 in income as Miropass affiliate. She made in less than six months the amount of money that over 90% of persons within the productive bracket of the population have not been able to make in ten years, working 8am to 5pm every day. In summary, let me give you a recap of your simple job as a Miropass A-Mart affiliate and how to get started… All you’re required to do to commence a journey of wealth creation as a Miropass A-Mart affiliate is to – 1.

Register immediately with a customer package affordable to you;

11 2.

Share this opportunity with other people and register two persons - one on your right leg and the other on your left leg;


Encourage and assist these two team members of yours to do the same;


Continue with your team members to share this opportunity with more people as you all individually and or collectively work to build and grow a larger team.

Then, watch as money begins to roll in on a daily basis. And you’ll soon find each of you consistently making unbelievable amounts of money in a matter of months. It’s simply incredible! >> SEE THE GUIDE FOR REGISTRATION BELOW! << Some disclosures that will excite you… Do you know that as you read this post now, Miropass Affiliates on CP-5 across the country, some of them possibly living around your locality, are waiting for the close of business tonight to be credited with the maximum daily earning of N300,000 each? Surprised? It’s amazing indeed! Without doubt, this amount is the monthly salary of the head of a government agency or the CEO of a corporate organization. And here we have some persons who hitherto may be comparatively regarded as nobodies, earning as much or close to that amount on daily basis without working their asses off. In the same vein, affiliates on CP-4 are waiting to receive their maximum daily earnings of N120,000 each or close to that amount at the end of business, after mid-night every single day.

12 And by the same token, affiliates on CP-3 are waiting to receive precisely or close to the maximum daily earnings of N40,000 each at the conclusion of business tonight and all other days…. This also applies to the rest of the customer packages, according to each affiliate’s subscription. Many people have earned millions and are still earning more millions with this system ever since its inception only on April 14, 2018. Sounds like a joke but it’s real. I have not seen anything like it! The big question is would you like to join now or would you vacillate in indecision while others, who’re fast catching the vision are busy making money from this system? If you want to change your financial fortune for the better now and the future, sign-up now as a Miropass A-Mart affiliate. >> SEE THE GUIDE FOR REGISTRATION BELOW! <<

Other benefit… 10% Shopping Voucher Miropass makes it possible for all its affiliates to live enviable, exotic lifestyle by setting aside 10% of each affiliate’s earnings and converting them to shopping vouchers for affiliates to shop with at will in its Malls at a discount. Thus, affiliates have adequate financial provisions to satisfy their tastes on all types of products, including choice food items and other consumables; high quality clothing, shoes and jewelry. Others are state-of-the-art electronic gadgets, house furnishings and kitchen equipment; mechanical equipment, automobiles and any other products and services you can think of.

13 By this arrangement each member’s continued patronage is guaranteed while sales and overall business of the company is sustained. Why I Trust Miropass and Why I Think You Should... Miropass is an international company primarily involved in oil and gas business. Recently, however, it diversified to online and offline shopping business with targets for the largest markets in Africa. By creating a system that empowers a large number of people who'll in turn constitute a substantial chunk of their customer base, Miropass has indeed demonstrated inventiveness in business. Of course, you and I know that no business; more so a sales outlet that has assembled such a massive army of buyers would ever want to toy with them. Remember the saying, "the customer is king." And these affiliates-turned-customers are the backbone of their business. Consequently, Miropass cannot afford to play pranks or engage in any fraudulent or questionable practice to renege on their promises and obligations to affiliates. Such a faulty step will be counter-productive as it will undermine their integrity and goodwill, and obviously ruin business for them. And they know it. This is what makes the business sustainable. And this is the confidence I have in them. >> SEE THE GUIDE FOR REGISTRATION BELOW! <<

14 Still in doubt? No problem… Miropass A-Mart is established live in Nigeria at Plot 1578 Cadrastal Zone A03, Ahmadu Bello Way, Garki 2 FCT Abuja. Meanwhile, Miropass is building more shopping malls in other locations in Nigeria to serve different parts of the country. Lagos branch of the Mall is now about 65% completion. You can visit Miropass A-Mart at Abuja and verify all the information I have given here from competent officials of the Mall. When your doubts are cleared and you’re ready to join, please do me a favour. Remember to use 9703819 as your sponsor’s id during registration. Write down 9703819 now so you don't forget it. Just enter those 7 figures in the column for sponsor's id when you want to register with Miropass. I’ll advise that you first click the link below to learn the process of registration. >> SEE THE GUIDE FOR REGISTRATION BELOW! << For inquiries or clarifications, call Sylvester on +234-805 188 2288 or +234-703 678 0121.


HOW TO REGISTER FOR MIROPASS A-MART AFFILIATE PROGRAM A COMPLETE STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE If you’ve followed the guide and or tutorial up to this point, you’ll understand why this segment is absolutely necessary. Indeed, it’s meant to guide would-be affiliates in a manner that is like holding them by the hand, to single-handedly sign-up and hit the ground running in the process of building their own financial empire. As such, the first thing you’ll do when you finish reading this guide is to go to The moment you type this web address in your browser, a website page like the one below will open.

Click on the Register Here tab in green colour within that white ‘Affiliates Member Login’ rectangle. I have a red arrow


pointing to it. It’ll open a new page that contains the registration form just as the one below.

Below is a direction on how to complete the registration form. Accordingly, I have numbered the fields from 1-16 to guide would-be affiliates on filling the form.


HOW TO COMPLETE THE REGISTRATION FORM When you come to, follow the steps and guidelines given below to complete the registration form above. I have assigned each of the columns and spaces numbers 1 – 16 for ease of identification. Here we go... Column 1: Sponsor Id – Sponsor is the person who told you about Miropass. In this case, I’m your sponsor. Type my Id which is 9703819 in that space. Just the figures 9703819. Column 2: Click on the drop-down sign and select your preferred package from CP-1 N10,000; CP-2 N20,000; CP-3 N50,000; CP-4 N100,000 to CP-5 N200,000.

18 Column 3: Type in your username. Any name you like; petname, nick-name or even your first name. Any name you choose is ok. Column 4: Click on the drop-down sign to select Right if you're born within the months of January and June. And select Left if you're born within the months of July and December. This is to ensure balance and avoid lopsidedness in the placement of team members in the binary. Column 5: Type in your password. Column 6: Repeat your password to confirm you’re sure of what you chose as your password. Column 7: Type in the same or a different password for transactional purpose. Column 8: same.

Repeat the second password to confirm they’re the

Column 9:

Type in your first name.

Column 10: Type in your last name or surname. Column 11: Type in your phone number. Column 12: Type in your functional email address. Column 13: Click on the drop-down sign to select your country. As a Nigerian, scroll down to “N” and select Nigeria. Column 14: Type in your address.


Column 15: Click inside the small circle to check or dot the Terms and Conditions. Column 16: Lastly, cross-check your entries and then click Continue in yellow tab to go to the next step. A page like the one below will open.

This page contains the payment options available for you to make your payment. You can see E-Wallet, Bank Wire and Debit Card. In this guideline, we will discuss all the three methods beginning with Bank Wire, which in other words means payment by bank. This is the one I believe virtually everyone can do easily without stress.


Payment by Bank Wire To make your payment through the bank, click on the BANK WIRE tab above. It’ll take you to a page like this one:

This is the Bank Wire Payment Option page. Here, the system will generate particulars of the bank account you require to make your payment. As you can see, there is the name of the bank, the account name and the company’s account number. Copy them down, making sure you get everything correctly copied. However, note that the Account Name is now “De-Miropass Technologies”. This is how it is in the GTBank account and no longer “De-Miropass Investment Ltd”. You may give the cashier the above account number to confirm the correctness of the account name before you complete the teller. Next, click Continue in yellow tab. It’ll take you to a page like the one below.


On this last page in the bank wire payment process, the system will generate your Payment Ticket Number; a unique voucher number like the one you see above that will identify your payment when it’s received. Copy it out like you did with the bank particulars, making sure you copied the correct figures. Next, head straight to any branch of GTBank in the area you reside and pay in the amount of money relating to the package you have chosen. Payment Notification Email After making your payment to De-Miropass Technologies in any GTBank branch, send an email to giving details of your payment as follows:


TICKET NO: YOUR USERNAME: DEPOSITOR: AMOUNT PAID: DATE OF PAYMENT: When you send the above information to the company’s support, they will relate with the account deposit information they had received from the bank vis-à-vis your sign-up information and then activate your account. It may take some days before your account is activated. But if you wait for a couple of days and it’s not activated, please resend the email. Miropass Customer Care Service number 08168852715 is open for you to call for enquiry or complaint. However, it's heart-warming to know that Miropass is determined to remedy the lull in wire bank payment activation when it recently announced, "We now activate Bank Wire request almost immediately." Payment by E-Wallet A second method by which you can pay for your registration as an intending Miropass affiliate is by the use of E-Wallet. This is how it works. After you have filled your registration form (Columns 1-16) as directed above, you’ll, as usual, click the Continue tab to proceed.

23 It will again take you to the Payment Options page like before as you’ll see from the screenshot below. Next, click on the EWallet tab.

It would open a page where the owner of the E-Wallet account from where the money would be drawn, will enter his/her username, password and the amount to be drawn, and click Submit. Payment for registration by E-Wallet is fast and such registrations can be activated within 24 hours. However, fund transfers and withdrawals via E-Wallet attract 2% charge against the owner of the E-Wallet account. May be you’ll like to quicken your registration process via EWallet option but you don’t have an E-Wallet account yet. What

24 do you do? Get in touch with your sponsor and I’ll help you or direct you on how to go about it. Payment with Debit Card Payment for registration by the use of Debit Card, which also serves as your ATM Card, is the third method by which an intending affiliate can pay for registration. Like in the previous two options, you’ll fill your application form, as illustrated earlier above and click the Continue tab. It then takes you to the Payment Options page below. Click on the Pay with Debit Card tab as you can see below.

It’ll open a page where you’ll enter your debit card information, the amount of money being paid out and submit. You’re done! Activation under this method can equally be fast. A debit card transaction like this will attract a 2% charge.


HOW TO RECEIVE YOUR PAYMENT KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER (KYC) Finally, the last form you’ll fill in order to accomplish your full registration and begin to receive your commissions and other earnings from Miropass into your bank account is the KYC (Know Your Customer). When you register for Miropass affiliate program as illustrated above, and your account is activated, you'll be required to log in to your dashboard and provide additional information. At the top left, immediately below your User ID, is the KYC tab in yellow colour. Click on it and it will open a page where you'll fill in certain information that will make it possible for you to transfer your commissions and earnings to your bank account whenever you want.


In this form, you’ll fill in the particulars of one of your identity cards such as international passport, drivers licence or voters card in the spaces provided. As you can see, you’ll enter the Identity Card number in the first column and the type of card i.e. "National Drivers' License" or "International Passport", as the case may be, in the second column. Next, you’ll upload the Id Card image by clicking the “Choose file” tab. When you do that, it will open the picture file in your computer, tablet or smart phone, from where you’ll select your Id Card image that you have earlier scanned and saved in your picture library, and upload.


Next, click the button to tick Self Approved. The next thing you’ll do is to enter your bank particulars. You’ll see the columns for your Account Name and Account Number. Fill them. And like in Id Card, click “Choose file” to upload a passport photograh of yours from your computer or mobile device. Next, enter the name of your bank in the column provided, and enter the branch of your bank in the next column. Next, click the button to tick Self Approved. Click Confirm in yellow tab. You must ensure that all the information you supplied here are correct. Congratulations! You’ve concluded all about registration as a Miropass affiliate. Now, follow the above guidelines and register yourself as a Miropass affiliate and join the hundreds of thousands of Nigerians who’re using this platform to change their lives! I believe you've learnt something in this tutorial that will help you start this business in earnest. Now, go to and register. Remember to type in 9703819 as your Sponsor Id. You're welcome to the millionaires' club! Before you go, I want to share this secret. Just as you have this information now, dozens of other people download this report or visit our website also from where they get the same information. And as people sign up and join our team, hundreds of other people who are joining after them automatically fall behind them


to constitute their team members, thus generating thousands of points that translate to money for them, for me and for those above me. That is just the magic behind this team work. You're welcome on board.

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