Livelop Spring

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mma Watson is an English actress who was born in Paris in 1990. She became famous at an early age playing Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film series. Since then she has been playing in such films as The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Noah. For her great acting she has been awarded for several times. ost of the actresses building a great reputation and earning worldwide success tend to forget their personal lives. But not Emma: her two best friends are from secondary school and her life is not full of scandals. oreover, she also attended the Brown University to major in literature and she would be graduating from Brown at the end of semester in May 2014.

ccording to Emma, studying has an important role in her life: ‘It sounds so geeky, but I really do like studying and reading, and if I'm not working on 'Harry Potter,' then my greatest relaxation is to sit with a book.’ page 5

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Science and technology always needs beautiful young minds


he Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) is a great competition to discover new inventors, but the young scientist always find a way to break out with their great ideas. They are the Einstens and Marie Curies of the 21th century . These teenagers are helped by the modern technology and they revolutionize the application of the information. The outstanding programming prodigies created the world wide web and the social networks, so the population of the world became connected, and the long forgotten relationships became renewed. Others brought to perfection mobile phone charging by reduction the charging time to one minute. Let us show some of these teens who changes the world with their ambition.

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esha Khare was the runnet-up at the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. The idea of the supercharger came up when Eesha felt the need of a faster method of charging her mobile phone. The nano-tech device, a carbon fiber with titanium dioxide and polyaniline maximize the device’s surface area. She has been contracted by some of the world’s biggest names in tech companies. After the ISEF she has been interviewed by Conan O’Brien and she has many goals in the future. Eesha’s wish is to ‘set the world on fire’, she hopes that her charger, which is now only used to charge a light-emitting diode or LED, could one day be used to power phones and cars too. She is now a student at Harvard University, where she plans to continue her research. Photo from:

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The Cancer-Test Kid


ack Andraka was born in Maryland in January 1997. According to him, he created a paper sensor that can detect a wide array of diseases and some noble examples are pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer and lung cancer.

The motivation to begin this research was the death of a close friend of the family, caused by pancreatic cancer. Jack has quickly realized that pancreatic cancer can only be cured if it is detected at its very early stage. He went online to a teenager’s two best friends: Google and Wikipedia. After going through 4000 proteins, he finally found a popular biomarker called masothelin. Connecting the informations about this protein and the carbon nanotubes, Jack created the very cheap, accurate diagnostic test for pancreatic cancer. It costs $0.03 per test and takes five minutes: 26000 times less expensive and over 400 times more sensitive than the previous standard. With his project, Andraka won the 2012 Intel ISEF.

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If Romania can be proud of someone, then Ionuț Budișteanu is the perfect student for this. The winner of ISEF 2013 participated in over 130 national competitions and in 18 international competitions, proving the intelligence of his nation. Although he has almost uncountable medals and diplomas, he is still modest, he consider himself a simple, normal Romanian student. He invented many thing so far: AILab (scripting language for Artificial Intelligence), X-THEFT (a software which recognize the burglars wearing black criminal masks), Human Computer Interface – Using Artificial Intelligence to help blind people to see with their tongue and his latest and most successful project, the Self-driving car, winner of Intel ISEF 2013. He has been named freeman of his city, Râmnicu Vâlcea and the country Vâlcea.

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So long as you have the right blueprint, you can print off whatever you want. This fantastic new technology helps you bring your creativity to the surface. For now, it is a bit expensive for personal use, but the fashion industry and the health care have already applied 3D printing. For example, the Blizzident, a new 3D-printed toothbrush can make brushing your teeth much more easy, because it cleans all of your teeth simultaneously. This toothbrush reduces the brushing time to 6 seconds. We can hope that there will also be 3D-printed food in the future, which is quite imaginable. page 13

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