Monday santa letters

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Saturday, Dec. 17 2011






Page designed by: Violet Hassler


Enid News & Eagle

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Page A7

L E T T E R S T O S A N TA CHISHOLM ELEMENTARY MRS. WEST’S PRE-KINDERGARTEN Dear Santa, My name is Easton. I am 4 years old. I have been nice this year! I would like to have a four wheeler, a skateboard, a dirt bike, and a DS for Christmas. My favorite thing about Christmas is getting presents. Thank you, Easton Dear Santa, My name is Katie. I am 5 years old. I have been nice this year! I would like to have the movie Cars 2, some Barbies, a pillow pet, rocking house, books, and a toy house for Christmas. My favorite thing about Christmas is presents. Thank you, Katie Dear Santa, My name is Kelsie. I am 4 years old. I have been nice this year! I would like to have a laptop and doll for Christmas. My favorite thing about Christmas is opening presents. Thank you, Kelsie Dear Santa, My name is Cayden. I am 4 years old. I have been good this year! I would like to have cars, video games, books, and a firetruck for Christmas. My favorite thing about Christmas is making snowmen. Thank you, Cayden Dear Santa, My name is Jordan. I am 5 years old. I have been good this year! I would like to have a Rockin’ Roll guitar, microphone, a treehouse, a zipline, furniture, mini fridge, and a sign that says “No Girls Allowed” for Christmas. My favorite thing about Christmas is decorating the tree. Thank you, Jordan Dear Santa, My name is Dani. I am 4 years old. I have been good this year! I would like to have a Dora, Barbies, rainbow seats in my car, rainbow music, and Dora music for Christmas. My favorite thing about Christmas is decorating the Christmas tree. Thank you, Dani Dear Santa, My name is Benicio. I am 4 years old. I have been good this year! I would like to have a tricycle, an X-Box, and Kinect for Christmas. My favorite thing about Christmas is decorating the tree. Thank you, Benicio Dear Santa, My name is Emma. I am 4 years old. I have been nice this year! I would like to have Barbies, dolls to sleep with, new clothes, and shoes for Christmas. My favorite thing about Christmas is putting up the Christmas tree and opening presents. Thank you, Emma Dear Santa, My name is Isaiah. I am 4 years old. I have been nice this year! I would like to have a toy motor car, a toy monster truck, two new green shirts, a Game Boy with two games, and a Lightning McQueen car for Christmas. My favorite thing about Christmas is getting presents. Thank you, Isaiah Dear Santa, My name is Isaiah. I am 4 years old. I have been nice this year! I would like to have airplane for Christmas. My favorite thing about Christmas is to get a toy. Thank you, Isaiah Dear Santa, My name is Kaden. I am 4 years old. I have been good this year! I would like to have a toy truck and a truck show for Christmas. My favorite thing about Christmas is to look at the Christmas tree. Thank you, Kaden Dear Santa, My name is Maddison. I am 4 years old. I have been good this year! I would like to have a Tinkerbell doll, a frog bow, pink boots, a flower, lots of hair bows, and a purple dress for Christmas. My favorite thing about Christmas is putting up the Christmas tree and opening presents. Thank you, Maddison Dear Santa, My name is Teddy. I am 4 years old. I have been good this year! I would like to have a toy truck, a sword, a big huge bike, a toy big monster truck that’s 8 feet tall, and a big 8 feet car for Christmas. My favorite thing about Christmas is I love opening presents. Thank you, Teddy

Dear Santa, My name is Korbin. I am 4 years old. I have been nice this year! I would like to have a game called Skylanders, horoika, paper jam, a real horse, and a dog for Christmas. My favorite thing about Christmas is opening and wrapping presents. Thank you, Korbin

Dear Santa, I want Baby All Gone, a real microphone, and a real tea pot for Christmas. Love, Catherine

Dear Santa, My name is Macey. I am 5 years old. I have been nice this year! I would like to have a real kitty cat, a guitar, and a big doll for Christmas. My favorite thing about Christmas is getting presents. Thank you, Macey

Dear Santa, I want a car and a dog for Christmas. Love, Sebastian

Dear Santa, I want a Baby All Gone and a Justin Bieber for Christmas. Love, Maliya

Dear Santa, My name is Kayson. I am 4 years old. I have been good this year! I would like to have screw drivers, hotwheels powerwheels, and a clipboard for Christmas. My favorite thing about Christmas is presents. Thank you, Kayson Dear Santa, My name is Matthew. I am 4 years old. I have been good this year! I would like to have a video game for Christmas. My favorite thing about Christmas is opening presents. Thank you, Matthew Dear Santa, My name is Kylee. I am 4 years old. I have been good this year! I would like to have a Barbie doll, princess, and a puppy for Christmas. My favorite thing about Christmas is opening presents. Thank you, Kylee Dear Santa, My name is Will. I am 5 years old. I have been good this year! I would like to have an X-Box 360, Wipe Out games, and Wipe Out for Wii for Christmas. My favorite thing about Christmas is getting toys. Thank you, Will Dear Santa, My name is Zane. I am 5 years old. I have been good this year! I would like to have Elfie and Pirates for Christmas. My favorite thing about Christmas is presents. Thank you, Zane

COOLIDGE ELEMENTARY MRS. SHAUGHNESSY’S PRE-KINDERGARTEN Dear Santa, I like all the toys that you brought to me a long time ago. I want a car. Love, Preston Dear Santa, I’d like a wrestler for Christmas and an Indian. Love, Angel Dear Santa, I’d like a big car for Christmas. Love, Dylan Dear Santa, I want a big fishing pole for Christmas. Love, David Dear Santa, I want a big, pink bike for Christmas. Love, Andrea Dear Santa, I want a baseball, glove, and bat for Christmas. Love, Markel Dear Santa, I’d like a tennis ball and racket for Christmas. Love, Alexis Dear Santa, I want a gray cat for Christmas. Love, Marious Dear Santa, I want presents for Christmas. I want some Barbies and dolls. Love, Vanessa Dear Santa, I want a Jessie and a Pork Chop from Toy Story for Christmas. Love, Cooper



Dear Santa, How are the reindeer doing? Would you like some cookies? I have been pretty good this year. I would like for you to bring me the Kirby Returns to Dreamland game for my Wii and a Nintendo 3DS. I am not sure what my sister and my parents will want. They like a lot of stuff! Donovan Spangler Dear Santa, How was your summer this year? I have been really good this year. I wish that you could bring me a phone and a touch screen mp3 player and a bike. P.S. How is Mrs. Claus and the elves? Please tell the reindeer that I said Hi. I am going to lay out some cookies and milk for you, Mrs. Claus, and the elves. Stormy Davis Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? I have been trying to be good. (I’m in the middle) I would like a racing helmet to be signed by the drivers and I would like to have a racing suit. I would like for you to bring my sister a racecar. I will try to wait up for you on Christmas Eve. Tony Dreher

Dear Santa, Thank you for giving us presents. I’d like a dog. Love, Kylee Dear Santa, I’d like a Batman game for Christmas. Love, Simon Dear Santa, I want a puppy dog. Love, Medium Dear Santa, I want kitty cat doll. I wish it could be my birthday. Love, Miyanna Dear Santa, I’d like a Dora for Christmas. Love, Johana Dear Santa, I want a Barbie for Christmas. Love, Marysol Dear Santa, I would like a purple shirt for Christmas. Love, Yoselin Dear Santa, I’d like some cars for Christmas. Love Jobany Dear Santa, I would like a t.v. for Christmas. Love, Alexis

MONROE ELEMENTARY MRS.TOLBERT’S CLASS Dear Santa, My name is Nathan. How are you doing Santa? I think I have tried to be really good this year. This year I want lots of toys for Christmas. I really want some Power Ranger Samurai animal toys and some YuGi-Oh animal cards. Have a Great Day! Nathan Young Dear Santa, Hello, I hope you had a great summer! I have been good this year! I would really like some Lego Ninago toys this year. I really like the Skull Motorbike set. I also like the Fire Dragon and Lightning Dragon sets too! Me and my grandma are going to make cookies for you. I hope you like them and the milk! Anthony Young Dear Santa, Hello, how are your reindeer doing? I have tried to be good this year and I have been trying hard in school. This year for Christmas I would love to get some Spy Glasses and a Cars 2 RC car. I would also like to have a John Cena wrestling match and a 4 wheeler. I hope you have a great Christmas! Thomas Willson Dear Santa, How is life in the North Pole for Christmas? I have been a little grouchy in the mornings, but I usually have a great day. I want some Reebok’ s Zigs in blue. I would like for my mom to start feeling better soon! I will leave lots of cookies and milk for you Santa. Ariyan Levy

Dear Santa, How are your reindeer doing? I want a laptop for Christmas. I also want a Pokemon card game. Would you like some cookies? I would really like to have a Nintendo DS. PLEASE!!! Thanks, Brandon Kellner Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? I have been nice this year. I would like to have a Nintendo 3DS and some Heelies. I would also like some games for the 3DS. My sister really wants a iPad and I would like my dad to get a warm coat for the winter. Whitney Voelzke Dear Santa, How was your summer? I want an Xbox 360 and a Cars game for the Xbox. I would also like the Cars Spy car and the airplane that can spy on people. I would like for my mom to get a new can opener. Thank You! Melvin Grabow Dear Santa, How was your Summer? Are your reindeer doing okay? Can you send me a picture of your elves, your reindeer, Mrs. Claus, and of you? I would like some drums for myself. I would like for my mom to get a new car. Bubba wants a new bike. I would also like a Playstation 4 and a laptop for me. Will you please bring my sisters a Justin Bieber poster? Thanks! Salestriest Bryant

COOLIDGE ELEMENTARY MRS. STRECK’S THIRD GRADE Dear Santa, I want a Playstation 3, a Wii, a 3DS, Xbox, and WWE Action Figures. Happy Holiday’s, Josaphat Dear Santa, I want a Cars 2 game and Game Cube games(rated E). I mostly good and a little bad. Sincerely, Carlos Dear Santa, For Christmas, I want a perfect Christmas, and I want a new bike, a hoola hoop, Sketchers Shoes, a Barbie set, Orbie’s Spa, a new DS, a new bed, new clothes, a Swing Set, a cat, and a new book. Santa, I have been good all year long. Give Rudolf a carrot. Tell Mrs. Close I said hi. Sincerely, Alexia Dear Santa, I want for Christmas is a new bike, an ipod and some new shoes that light up and some books and some games and a scooter. Some games for my Xbox 360, and a Barbie Doll. Love, Abi Dear Santa, 1. I want for Christmas a toy. 2. I want for Christmas a Shirt. 3. I want for Christmas a DC Shoes. 4. I want for Christmas a Doll. 5. I want for Christmas a Laptop. 6. I want for Christmas a video game for my Wii. Sincerely, Wendy



Dear Santa, I want a Xbox 360 and a laptop and a phone. Happy Christmas! Sincerely, Jasmine Dear Santa, I have 15 things on my list and 5 extras. I would like to have for Christmas, Tech Decks, a toy 4wheeler, (Tech Deck Old School), a sling shot, Super Mario Ninendo DS game, a skateboard including (trucks long board). My Haiirold Mcfee clothes my bunny, Finger bikes, and scooter, Tech Deck long board, Xbox 360 game (skate), and a bouncy house. Sincerely, Marlee P.S. Merry Christmas Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is the Wappy Dog DS game, a pink laptop. I also want just Dance Kids 2. A monster high doll, and that’s all I want for Christmas. Happy Holiday’s! From, Amethyst Dear Santa, This Christmas I would like a race track with seven cars that would go with it. I also want a Wii and a Playstation 3 and four more movies like Cars 2 and Toy Story 3, and last of all Joody Moody and the Not so Bummer Summer and I want I want a kid laptop with downloaded music I can listen to on headphones. And some Orbea’s and a basketball setup. I would like a Batman setup to. And I like a Crazy Art setup with crayons, markers, and colored pencils. I would set out some cookies and milk for you Santa and carrots for Rudolf and the other reindeers and I’d like a scooter and a new bike. Sincerely, Jonathan Dear Santa, I have been good. I want a Nintendo 3DS and a video game Sky Landers Spyros Adventure, and Spyros Tale Hero, scooter and Remote control Helicopter. Merry Christmas! Sincerely, Noe Dear Santa, I want a Cross Bow and I want Modern War 4 game Xbox 360. I want a electric guitar and I want a Hot Tub and 1,000,000,000 candy bars and a German Shepherd. Sincerely, Dillon Dear Santa, I want a remote control hovercraft Santa, and a very big cage with a science kit. Santa, I want night vision goggles. I cannot wait til Christmas I love Christmas it is fun. I want a wappy dog and a Nintendo DS, Love, Dax! Dear Santa, I want a Play Station 3, a Sky Lander game. And new lego set called under miners. Nintendo DS, Thor movie, football, Harry Potter Books, laptop, Harry Potter Lego set. I am so so so sorry for my behavior all of the time. I’ve been bad I don’t deserve this stuff. I want the Cars 2 movie and lego set. Science kit, Zombie set and the others Science kit with the bug makes and the heart thing. A sharpener. New Marker, new crayon, hat, Narnia Book Son of Neptune, Orbeas Shooter. Sincerely, Devonte Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is a DSI, DSXL gameboy, black laptop, and a PSI and a bike. Love, Timothy Dear Santa, 1. I would like some puppies. 2. I would like a Orby Spa. 3. I would like a big dolly house. 4. I would like a phone. 5. I would like a puppy book. 6. I would like some kitties. 7. I would like a kitty book. 8. I would like a puppy house. 9. I would like a kitty house. 10. I would like a kitty bed. 11. I would like a puppy bed. Merry Christmas! Aiyanna Dear Santa, I want a DS please sent me it. I am sorry for being bad. Thank you for forgiving me and can you bring me a laptop. And I will not be bad again. Can you bring a ball for my sister Sincerely, Sharon Dear Santa, I want a Wrestling toy of The Rock, and Goldburg, I want a phone, and a Xbox 360. Happy Holiday’s, Chason Dear Santa, I want a Xbox 360, a PS3, and a WWE toy of Stone Cold Steve Austin. Happy Holiday’s, Chris








Sunday, Dec. 18 2011




Page A6



Sunday, December 18, 2011


Page designed by: Violet Hassler

Enid News & Eagle

L E T T E R S T O S A N TA ADAMS ELEMENTARY MRS.AGUILAR’S KINDERGARTEN Dear Santa, I want a Lego guy and some cool Hot Wheels. I want the game “Operation” and a Spiderman. Jacob Dear Santa, I want a tricycle and a teddy bear. I want a toy butterfly. Erica Dear Santa, I hope you come someday. I want a toy phone and a baby that has a little tub that you can push down and water comes out. I would like a toy purse also. Emilie M. Dear Santa, I want a Spiderman toy and some blocks. I want a toy car and a soccer ball. T.J. Dear Santa, I want a baseball and a real dog. I’d like some blocks at home too. I want some Lego people too. Daniel Dear Santa, I want a mermaid Barbie and a yo-yo. I want a princess Barbie too. I want a book to draw in too. Ashland Dear Santa, I want make-up and Barbies and an ice cream shop play-doh toy. I want nail polish too - pink and blue. Layla Dear Santa, I want a monster truck that has a remote control and a toy gun and a car puzzle and Santa books. Tanner Dear Santa, I want a Spiderman toy and a bicycle. I want a pillow pet and a Candyland game. Damian

Dear Santa, I want a butterfly Barbie and that’s it. Naomi Dear Santa, I would like a Spiderman toy and a new jacket and a bigfoot toy. You are awesome! Vincent Dear Santa, I want a Play-Doh ice cream shop and a dollhouse and a pet gold fish and a stuffed animal cat and a ladybug pillow. Zarya Dear Santa, I want a basketball for my sister and me and a toy pony. I want a doll house too. I want a treehouse for my Barbies. Emilie S.

ADAMS ELEMENTARY MRS. CULBERTSON’S MORNING PRE-KINDERGARTEN Dear Santa, I would like fish decorations and a toy fish. John Dear Santa, I would like a Buzz Lightyear with a spaceship and a food called broccoli and a can with a ladybug in it. Gabriel

Dear Santa, I want a truck. Wagner Dear Santa, I would like a guitar and a bike. Devon Dear Santa, I would like some chocolate and a truck. Joseia Dear Santa, I would like a computer that works and a little, small baby. Zahara Dear Santa, I would like a Santa Claus and a robot. Canson

Dear Santa, I would like a Monster High Doll and Fur Real Dog. Molly Mae

Dear Santa, I would like a bike and baby dolls. Seliena

Dear Santa, I would like a race track and some cars. David

Dear Santa, I want a toy new kitten and a new baby doll. Rory

Dear Santa, I would like a stinky toy and Buzz Lightyear. Jesane

Dear Santa, I want an airplane and paper. Andrew

Dear Santa, I would like a Dora kitchen and a Barbie. Ana

Dear Santa, I would like to have Monster high and a Leap frog. I like to have Bratz. La’ anie

Dear Santa, I want a pet and a Barbie and a horse. Yahnelie Dear Santa, I would like a big bear and I like Barbies. I like masks. Priscilla Dear Santa, I would like some hot wheels and transformers. I like Transformers. Creyson Dear Santa, I would like some candy, race cars and cars. Mavrick Dear Santa, I would like Rapunzel Barbie and

Dear Santa, I would like a Christmas present and a apple. Sean Paul Dear Santa, I want a lot of Bay Blades and a police car. Elex Dear Santa, I want a helicopter that has a remote and a puzzle with Spiderman. Jeremiah Dear Santa, I want a camera and that’s all. Luana Dear Santa, I want a dog for Christmas and a cat also. I want a new backpack for Christmas. Taylor Dear Santa, I want a car and a train. Etmi Dear Santa, I like cars and a Spiderman. Braxton


Dear Santa, I want a doll and a book. Laylah

Dear Santa, I would like candy, Transformers and Power Rangers. German

Dear Santa, I want a bumble bee costume and a car. Benjamin

Dear Santa, I would like dinosaurs and dolls. Jazmyn


Dear Santa, I want a dog - a real puppy dog and a washable bear that you can draw on. I would like a night light too because I’m scared of the dark. I want a bear backpack because I love bears. I want a little Christmas tree for my house. Kaylee

another Barbie.

Dear Santa, I really want a basketball to play with and a Junie B. Jones book. I would like a stuffed animal too, like a dog and PlayDoh. Berenice

Dear Santa, I would like playdough and chalk. Frankie Dear Santa, I would like a Barbie and a puppy. Harley Dear Santa, I would like a baby and a Mickey Mouse. Lilyana

Dear Santa, I want a brown horse and a toy puppy that’s pink. Isabella

Dear Santa, I would like a Baby Alive and a Fur Real. Rubina

Dear Santa, I want a scooter.

Dear Santa, I would like a choo-choo train. I want new shoes. Tyler

Dear Santa, I want some cool Hot Wheels and dinosaur toys and cowboy stuff like a horse, hat, or saddle. Houston

Dear Santa, I want a bigger truck with a remote so it can go. Dayton

Dear Santa, I would like some dolls and clothes. Toniko

Dear Santa, I want a Beyblade with a stadium and Spiderman thing that shoots fake webs and a wrestling belt. Markell


Dear Santa, I would like Elmo and a Leap pad. James

Dear Santa, I would like a Buzz Lightyear and a lion. Caleb

Dear Santa, I would like a Princess and carrots. Dixielee

Dear Santa, I want a basketball for Christmas and a pretend phone. I would also like a “big words” book. I love you so much! Samantha

Dear Santa, My name is Caitlin I am 5 years old. I have been good this year. I would like to have a DSI, a water bottle, a baby doll, a purple camera, Hershey bars, sunglasses, books, bouncy ball, a purple bike, a flag, a clock, and a La La Loopsy doll for Christmas! My favorite thing about Christmas is opening presents. Thank you! Caitlin


Dear Santa, I would like candy, some basketballs and a robot thing. Kayleigh



Dear Santa, My name is Emma. I am 4 years old. I have been awesome this year! I would like to have make-up in a box, DS, a Care Bear, a Barbie Movie, Tom and Jerry movie, stuffed animal Chipmunks, and a remote control Tinker Bell for Christmas! My favorite thing about Christmas is my elf on the shelf. Thank you! Love, Emma Dear Santa, My name is Owen. I am 4 years old. I have been nice this year! I would like to have a flag and a hot wheel train, and a skate board for Christmas! My favorite thing about Christmas is seeing santa. Thank you! Love, Owen

Dear Santa, My name is Tanner. I am 4 years old. I have been good this year! I would like to have Spider Man, Bat Man, trucks, tractor, car, helicopter, monster truck, motor cycle, blocks, boat, and Star Wars toys for Christmas! My favorite thing about Christmas is Santa and Presents. Thank you! Tanner Dear Santa, My name is Hayden. I am 4 years old. I have been good this year! I would like to have a toy boat, a toy monster truck, toy jet ski, toy airplane, jeans, big pool, trampoline, and a baseball glove for Christmas! My favorite thing about Christmas is my Thank you! Hayden Dear Santa, My name is Briley. I am 4 years old. I have been amazing this year! I would like to have a Xia-Xia hermit crab, Barbie Charm School, ballerina Barbie, My Little Pony, and a teddy bear for Christmas! My favorite thing about Christmas is opening presents. Thank you! Love, Briley Dear Santa, My name is Jaxon. I am 4 years old. I have been good this year! I would like to have a firetruck toy, Transformers, clock for my room, firetruck man, dinosaur, silver chain, hunting boots, and a monster truck for Christmas! My favorite thing about Christmas is Santa Claus and presents. Thank you! Jaxon Dear Santa, My name is Konner I am 5 years old. I have been good this year! I would like to have a tractor, firetruck, police car, sheriff, a toy Santa Claus, Transformers, pirate ship, monster truck, pickup truck, cowboy boots, and a shovel for Christmas! My favorite thing about Christmas is opening up presents. Thank you! Konner Dear Santa, My name is Abbie. I am 4 years old. I have been good this year! I would like to have a pony, Barbie doll,toy puppy, book, Xia Xia crab, Barbie car, camera, legos, play dough, Hot Wheels, bow and arrow, and Barbie make-up for Christmas! My favorite thing about Christmas is Santa! Thank you! Abbie Dear Santa, My name is Wade I am 5 years old. I have been good this year. I would like to have a wheel barrow, bow and arrow, corn stack, black zigs, riding toys, black semi, tractors, black snow boots, and a dump truck for Christmas! My favorite thing about Christmas is making a snowman. Thank you! Wade Dear Santa, My name is Kelson. I am 5 years old. I have been good this year. I would like to have a Batman and Transformer toy. Also a Jokers play house and Green Lanterns house. A monster truck and Lego’s too for Christmas! My favorite thing about Christmas is going to my families house. Thank you! Kelson



Dear Santa, My name is Emily I am 4 years old. I have been nice this year. I would like to have an American Girl Doll, Barbie doll house, hair bows, clothes and shoes for the Barbie, a Barbie horse, pony tails, and sparkly headbands for Christmas! My favorite thing about Christmas is when I go see Santa and the Elf on the Shelf. Thank you! Emily Dear Santa, My name is Gage I am 5 years old. I have been good this year. I would like to have Lego’s, Ice cooler, pirate guys, Batman cape, boots, hat, rain boots, and Joker mask for Christmas! My favorite thing about Christmas is presents, Santa Claus, and Elfie. Thank you! Gage Dear Santa, My name is Peyton I am 4 years old. I have been good this year. I would like to have a DS, games, Barbie house, clothes, shoes, headbands, ponytails, winter coat, bells, fingernail polish, and a reindeer that flies for Christmas! My favorite thing about Christmas is getting presents, and seeing my family. Thank you! Love, Peyton Dear Santa, My name is Jagger I am 4 years old. I have been good this year. I would like to have Batman tower, bow and arrow, Batman toys, and Transformer cars for Christmas! My favorite thing about Christmas is Rudolph Thank you! Love, Jagger Dear Santa, My name is Langley. I am 4 years old. I have been good this year. I would like to have a vampire cape, Spider man costume, robber cave, Batman costume, BB gun, and a camouflage bow and arrow. for Christmas! My favorite thing about Christmas is Santa Claus. Thank you! Love, Langley Dear Santa, My name is Staysha. I am 5 years old. I have been good this year. I would like to have an elf on the shelf, American Girl doll, scooter, and a bunny for Christmas! My favorite thing about Christmas is opening presents. Thank you! Love, Staysha Dear Santa, My name is Ben. I am 4 years old. I have been awesome this year. I would like to have Transformers, firemen, policemen, big Batman House, candy, hot wheels, Buzz Lightyear, Smokey, Hot Wheels track, and a monster for Christmas! My favorite thing about Christmas is spending time with family. Thank you! Love, Ben Dear Santa, My name is Trevor. I am 5 years old. I have been awesome this year. I would like to have Bakugan figures, Transformers, Generator Rex, Cars 2, Transformer t-shirt, Star Wars figures, Shark Boy and Lava Girl figures, Hot Wheels, and a new Bakugan Bike for Christmas! My favorite thing about Christmas is Santa coming to town. Thank you! From Trevor Dear Santa, My name is Madison I am 5 years old. I have been good this year. I would like to have a trampoline, a Christmas shirt, a stuffed cat, a jingle bell, Hello Kitty Shoes, and a toy horse for Christmas! My favorite thing about Christmas is when I get presents. Thank you! Madison




Page designed by: Violet Hassler


Enid News & Eagle

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Page A7

L E T T E R S T O S A N TA Dear Santa, I would just like a visit from you. Love, Wilmicah

HAYES ELEMENTARY MRS. CRAIG’S FIRST GRADE Dear Santa, I hope you are doing ok and I hope Mrs. Claus is doing ok to. I am a good girl. I want a Victoria doll four Christmas. Love, Audrie

Dear Santa, How are you? I’m being good. I would like a Ds3d. Love, Miriam Dear Santa, How are you and your elves? I’m being good. I would like a new watch and a dog. Love, Emily

Dear Santa, Is Rudolph ok? I want a long strike CS6. I want a lego set. I want a Wii game. I want a new robot. I want a dancing Eric. I want a superman. I want a batman. I want a Robin. I want a X-box 360. Santa have a great trip. Love, Anthony Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? Is he OK? Have I been good? I will give you hot chocolate and a gingerbread man. I want a x-box. Love Keegan Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? Is she ok? Is Rudolph ok? I hope he is. I have been a good boy. I would like a Lego droid carrier, and a Lego castle, and a 3DS and a Lego Milinium falcon, a Lego gunship. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Love, Gabe

Dear Santa, Do you like your home. I want your cd player. I want your computer. With love, Vandi Dear Santa, I hope Mrs. Claus is fine. I hope you a feeling well. I would like a Justin Bieber doll. I would like a pink fishing pole. I would like a KooKoo bird. I would like a DSI game. I would like a Harry Potter game. I would like a x-box. I would like a Lego fishing boat. I would like a Lego Star Wars. I hope you get lots of cookies and lots of milk. I hope you have a good Merry Christmas. Love, Savannah

Dear Santa, I hope you guys have a nice trip on the reindeer and is Mrs. Claus and Santa ok? I want a Justin Bieber doll. Love, Hellentina

Dear Santa, I hope you have all the presents ready for your big night out on Christmas Eve. I have been good and bad this year. But I would like a North Pole play set and a singing Santa. I would like a bouncy ball. I would like more but I can’t write it. I will bring you cookies. Love, Jamie

Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? How are you, Santa? I hope that your reindeer are ok? I am a good girl so I want a KooKoo bird. I want a new bike. I want a bear for Christmas. I want a snow globe. I want a doll. I love you Santa and Mrs. Claus. Love, Jada

Dear Santa, I love you Santa. Merry Christmas. I hope that Rudolph is ok and that Rudolph is ok and that Rudolph will not get shot. Santa I want a DSI game please! I hope you get me a DSI game. I will give you cookies and milk. Love, Madilyn

Dear Santa, I hope you are doing good. How is Rudolph? I want a Shirley Temple DVD Collection and DSI games, remote control helicopter, Victoria doll, a Santa bear. I have been a good girl. I hope you don’t get stuck in the chimney. Love, Ava

Dear Santa, I hope you are ok. I have been a good boy. I want a Lego Pirates of the Caribbean, a game for the Wii, two Lego Pirates of the Caribbean big boxes, tv and x box. Merry Christmas, Kaleb

Dear Santa, Are you and Rudolph ok? I would like a x-box 360 connect and a 3 DS. I have been good this year. I would like a 20 inch flat screen tv and a collection of high school musical DVD’ s. Hope you have a safe trip but I want to look at a lot of presents. Love, Max Dear Santa, How are you doing today? How is Rudolph doing? I have been a good boy. I would like a 3rd player for the wii, an EDS, a DSix1. Love, Nate Dear Santa, How are you doing? Good. Ho Ho Ho! I want a Harry Potter game and a batman toy and an x-box 360D and noisy putty. Love, Ivan Dear Santa, Are your reindeer ok? I have been a good boy. I want an x box 360. I want a train. I want a remote control airplane. I want DS. I want DSI game. I want 3DS. I want Lego Star Wars. I want dogs. From, Zain Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? Merry Christmas. I would like a fishing pole, robot, remote control helicopter, Christmas crafts, snow globe. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX Love, Holden Dear Santa, Is Mrs. Claus doing ok? I want a happy napper, a flat screen tv, a bell, and a snow globe. I hope that Rudolph is ok. Love, Braylee Dear Santa, Santa are your reindeer doing good? I hope you have a great Christmas. I hope you will have a good trip. I have been a good boy. I want a Lego fishing boat and a Lego airplane. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Love, Jimmy Dear Santa, Is Mrs. Claus doing ok? For Christmas I want a DS game, a DSI, Justin Beiber, a fake dog, Shirley Temple DVE Collection, Koo Koo bird, Zoo Zoo pet safe. I love you. Merry Christmas. Love, Abigail

Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? I would like a x box 360. I would like a inside dog. I would like a football. I would like a college football game. I hope you have a safe trip. I have been a good boy. Love, Tanner Dear Santa, How are you Mrs. Claus? I hope I have been good. I would like a Justin Bieber doll and a DSI coat. I would like a ZuZu pet and a KoKoo clock. I would like a Victoria doll. Love, Corisa Dear Santa, How are you doing? I have been good for you. I would like a Justin Beiber doll. I would like a DS game. I would like a tv. I would like a DSL. Love, Avery Dear Santa, I hope the reindeer are ok. I have been a good girl. I would like a gogo puppy, DS, DS game, a new bike, some new costumes and a I Pad. I would like those things. Love, Paige Dear Santa, I hope Rudolph is doing ok. I have an elf at my house. I have been a good girl. I would like a new blue bike and a big pin fishing pole, a new remote control helicopter, a new purple motorcycle that has three wheels and a new toy elf. I would also like a pink DS ZuZu pet game. Love, Danielle

ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN SCHOOL MRS. DONNA EVANS’ FIRST GRADE Dear Santa, I always clean my room. I want a remote control robot, dirt, dirt bike, IPod, and lots of paper airplanes. Love, Chase Dear Santa, I miss you. I would like a Lu Lu Doll and puzzles. How are the reindeer? Love, Krystal P.S. Can I have a soccer ball? Dear Santa, I miss you. I would like a paint ball gun and a remote control helicopter and a new bike. Evante Dear Santa, I would like to have Legos. I hope you are doing great. Christian S.



Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? I would like a DS and a X-Box. I would also like a power ranger samurai sword and rumblers. I help people. would also like a paintball gun, wrestler mask, dirt bike and I pad and I phone. Eryk Dear Santa, I would like a GoGo and a I Pad and an electric guitar and an American Girl doll. I have been good. I also want a dog. Emili Dear Santa, Have you been feeling good? I would like an I phone and some action figures. I have been good. Love Christian R. Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus doing? I have been good. I would like an America Girl doll, shave ice stand and a stocking full. Thank you, Love, Audry Dear Santa, I have been really good. I would like an iPod and electric guitar. I love you. I would also like a paintball gun and TV. Garrett Dear Santa, I hope your reindeer are well! I would like a DS and a la la loopsy and an IPod. Love, Courtney B Dear Santa, I would like a La La Loopsy and a DS. Have you been busy? Have you been feeling good? Love, Kaylina Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like Clayfighter 63 1 3 for the Nintendo 64. I want this game because, This game looks fun and it has some stupid but funny humor. Sincerrely Christopher Downing P.S. If you can, can you also get me C2 Judgement Clay for the Super Nintendo. Dear Santa, I want everybody whom I know, and even don’t to have a wonderful Christmas. Also a Happy New Year!!! Sincerly, Clay A. Downing (Age 14) Dear Santa, i want world peace from lulu sani Dear Santa, i want a barbie doll an a doll hous and a fire extingwesher for my brother meses from mandy donsen

COOLIDGE ELEMENTARY MRS. GRAY’S FIRST GRADE Dear Santa, I would like a Barbie, bike, basketball, candles, compter, Dora, kitten, sweater, sled. Love, Nerissa Dear Santa, Will you get me a ipod? I love you and a MP3 player. With love, Tristen. Dear Santa, Are you good? My family is good. I would like dogs. With love, Josh Dear Santa, I what a Barbie for crismes. With love’s Isabella

Dear Santa, How are you and your elves? I’m being good. I would like a new sword. Love, Jiaire Dear Santa, How are you. I would like a new Barbie. Love, Helena Dear Santa, How are you and your elves? Im being good! I would like a new sled. With love, Emilio Dear Santa, Do you like your home? I am good. I would like a girl dog and a bed for my dog. With Love, Selis Dear Santa, How are you and your elves? I’m being ….. I would like a ipod. Briza

Dear Santa, How is rudoff? I wood like a puppy for chrisas. I want a cat too. I would like a doll with har that grows horse and teddy bear. I will leave candy canes and milk for you and rain deer. Hannah Quinn Dear Santa, How is Ms Claws? And rudof I would like sprling shoes and pink sprling dress. Make-up stand and Justin Beaver mikerofones that are in ponca. Could I have pink flower shoes with dots plese? Pink Jusin beaver shirt. Macie Privatte Dear Santa, Will you come to my house. I will shair the cookies with you. I want tangle doll and sparkling shoes new shrts and dresses. I will eve lite on for you. Jaqueline Mora Dear Santa, I want a new dress and new Barbie doll. I also need a new back pack and shoes. How is ms clz? Taina Silk Dear Santa, How is Rudoph? Please bring me a pretty dress with gliter and lots of boes. Shoes two and case of make up and glittery shoes with boe and hedbands. Could you please bring sum thing for mom brother and dad? I will leve milk and cookes. Evelyn Veliz Dear Santa, When are you comeing to my hose? I want a Barbie cumpooter and jinte Barbie doll. Also books wood be nise srprize me. HoHoHo Merry Chrittmas santa. Adrinne Kinney

Dear Santa, How are you and your elves? I would like trucks, kittens, legos, computer. With love, Angel

Dear Santa, Ho is rudf the red nozed raindr? I wut jewre and a dress with spkls shoes to mach girt and trampoln idpod. Maria Flores

Dear Santa, How are you and your elves? I’m being so good. would like a star for my tree. With love, Jordan Dear Santa, I want to have a good day. I would like Powerpuff and Snowflakes and Rudolph and a sled and Dora. I’m being good love, Zoey

Dear Santa, My mom made sum cookes for you, they are so delicious. I want a Justin Beaver doll and a prinses game for a wii. I also wut a prinses chrm school dvd and a pee wee pillow pet. A sponj bob pillow for my little bruther ipad touch for my sister and new fone for my mom tools for dad. Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Verenice Ponce

Dear Santa, How your you I woulba stocking, sweater truck basketball bike compute pencils spiderman Sponge Bob. Your friend Riley

Dear Santa, How are the rainder? How are you doing? I want a wii game and a toy car. My mom cookies for you. Merry krismas Gonzola Lopez

Dear Santa, How are your elves? I’m being good. I would like a new car. With love, Tyjshae

Dear Santa, When are you coming? I want Barbie and new shoes. How many elves do you have? Nemos George

Dear Santa, I would like a Soryer.

Dear Santa, I want a x-box 360 for chrismas. I want a wiplaystachun 3 and games. How old are you santa?Is it going to snow Chrismas? Alberto Lozano

Jon Dear Santa, I want a Barbie doll. Love, Anahy Dear Santa, I would like a picture of you and Rudolph. I would really like Barbie Princess Charm School DVD and a dip and dots maker. I would also like a crayon maker. Your friend, Caton Dear Santa, How is your day going at the North Pole? I would like a Lego City set and Simon Flash. I would also like laser compact air vs. land. Your friend, Camden

COOLIDGE ELEMENTARY MRS. STATES’ FIRST GRADE Dear Santa, Please come to my house. Bring me wiigame that is all I wunt. Merry Chirstmas! Brian Salcedo Dear Santa, Merry chrismas santa how many elves wrk for you? I wood like a DS3D and XBOX360 for chrismas! Braedyn Jackson Dear Santa, I would like a ipad and a dress and sum perty shoes. Merry christmas! Kayla Osburn

Dear Santa, How is it at the North Pole? I would like Power Rangers. With love, Dylan

Dear Santa, I would like real shoes and socks that are pink, ipod touch also scootr and real puppy. I will leve Rudoph a carot and cookies for you have a merry chsmas. Betsavet Aravalo

Dear Santa, How are you and your elves? I’m being good. I would like a new watch, Rudolph, a kitten,, computer, cd player, candy cane, sweater, sleigh, Sponge Bob, 2 boxes of markers. Love, Esmeralda

Dear Santa, I want a real ipad touch and real laptop computer a crayon mix kit and sprkle shoes. My sisr wants a Dora doll and pillow. I wish you a Merry Christmas and will leve you a srprize. Gabriella Herrera



Dear Santa, Is it snowing at the north pole? I want a little puppy and a barie and games cumptr with pbs kids. I have ben good. Merry Christmas! Jamie Nathan Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is an xbox 360. how is rudloph is his nose still red? Is it working? Jonathan Cunningham Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Santa Claus? I want wii and new truk with traler and drtbikes. I will leve you cookies and milk. Dillon Skarky Dear Santa, I want a new fone and a skate brd. And a new trapleen. How is rudof and the uther ranedr? William Ralston Dear Santa, I want a ipad touch and shrt and skatbord. Computer to charge ipod. Please bring snow for christmas! HoHoHo Cruz Castro Dear Santa, I want an xbox 360 you can srprize me and bring a toy. I have relely tride to be good this year. Isaac McCarty Dear Santa, I want a green bike for chrzmaz. I also want some new shoes and skatebd nutcracker HoHoHo mey chrzmas. Nick Johnson Dear Santa, How is miss claus? I want a Justin bever doll Victorian doll ipad touch and ds games new twikletoz 2 santa dolls new toy store moves and brat moves. How is rudooph? Is his noze brite? Hope Morales








Monday, Dec. 19 2011






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Enid News & Eagle

Monday, December 19, 2011

Page A7

L E T T E R S T O S A N TA Dear Santa, How are Mrs. Claus and the reindeer? I have been a good girl. I’ll make sure to put carrots out for the reindeer and cookies for you because I know you will all enjoy them. I would like a pink motor scooter, a doll that looks like me which I have wanted one since I was three, for the doll I want all her to have all the clothes, shoes, and hair bands I have and a bed for my doll that has drawers on the side. I would also like an Ipod, and an Ipod touch. For my sister I want lollipops, clothes, and a remote control car that is pink and silver. Love, Alyssa Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Clause and how are you doing? I’ve been really good this year! What I want for Christmas is Lego death star, and an Xbox and I especially want for Christmas is a new baby brother!!! But what I want most of all is that my family is happy and that we all have a great Christmas! We will probably have carrots on the roof for the reindeer, and milk and rice crispy treats for you!! But before I go I have just one tiny question. How do the reindeer fly if they don’t have wings? Sincerely, Mason Ingram P.s. Can you bring snow please! I want a white Christmas. Thank you Santa! Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus? I have been a good girl this year. For Christmas this year I would like a hamster, an mp3, a new bike, a guitar hero ds game, and a zhuzhu pet. My sister Tori wants an mp3 also and another dog. We have our Christmas tree up and are going to leave you cookies and milk. I am going to leave food out for Rudolph and the other reindeers. I hope my stocking gets filled with toys and candy. We don’t have a chimney so we will leave a key out for you. I would like for my mom to get an electric blanket. I ask you to make it a white Christmas and for all my family to be together. I hope you and Mrs. Claus have a happy Christmas! Thank you for Christmas. From, Isabella Erford Dear Santa, How is Rudolph doing and Mrs. Claus? I would like a figit pet, and an ipad, and a golden retriever. I would also like some books, some cool clothes, and a elf on the shelf, a dictionary, a laptop, a phone, case for my phone, a Christmas tree, OSU shirts, movies, a chair with OSU, a timer, a lalaloopsy doll, a gyro wheel, clackers, a slinky, smooth carpet shoes, wheelies, and a poster of Taylor Lautner. For my brother, he would like a weather book. For my sister a Barbie doll and a baby doll with a bottle, she also wants a fur real friend, and a poster of Edward (Twilight), a preordered Breaking Dawn. Love, Brynlee Dear Santa, How is your reindeer? Santa, what kinds of cookies do you like? What I want for Christmas is John Deer tractors, toy dirt bikes, toy four wheelers, toy trucks and cars, hot wheels, and a new baseball bat, and also a new catchers glove. I also want a new basketball goal for my door, a bunch and bunch of candy, a Dukes of Hazzard poster, some tech decks, and a ford racing game for my DS, a new pair of cowboy boots, and a new OU jersey. Also I would like the movie Cars 2, I want the cd Jason Aldean Dirt Road Anthem, the Maroon 5 cd Moves Like Jagger, a basketball, I don’t want OSU to win the Fiesta Bowl, a new Fox hat, and the camo Eskimo Joe shirt, a baseball WII game. Merry Christmas, Kyle Sprague Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? I have been a good girl this year. I would like monster dolls for Christmas and a pet bird. I want a remote control walking puppy, an ipod and a new checker board game. I would like for you to come back to my house again and bring Rudolph. I will leave you milk and cookies this year. I will also have a carrot for Rudolph and the other reindeer. I want little play animals that I can play with in the bathtub, makeup and perfume. How is Rudolph doing? Please send a note back. I don’t want my stocking filled with coal. I would like a slinky in my stocking. I hope it snows and have a Happy New Year! From, Kymbri

Dear Santa, How are Miss Clause, reindeer, and the elves? I have been a very good boy this year and I was wondering if I could have a dirt bike, new bike, Rudolph games, hot wheels, be be gun, 3-D movie with 3-D glass, fighting robots, big pieces of candy, toy computer, much of candy canes, yo-yo, and four-wheeler. My brother would like a lot of transformers, cowboy boots and any cowboy things. My sister would like tinker bell toys, and a new puppy. My cousin would like clothes, zoo bulls. Mom would like baby boy clothes and white Christmas. Dad would like motorcycle, four-wheeler, and truck. I promise that if you get all these presents for my family I will put my Christmas tree and set out milk and cookies for you. Love, Logan Dear Santa, How have you been? How have Mrs. Clause and all the reindeer been? I’ve been really good this year and no I have not thrown a balloon at my sister. For Christmas I would like a Playstation 2, an Ipad, a laptop, a case for my camera I just got for my birthday. Some other things I would like is a memory card for my camera and an electric guitar. I would also like a puppy and the diary of a wimpy kid do it your self book. Could you please send some snow for a white Christmas to? We will have chocolate chip cookies and milk ready for you when you get to my house. I have one question for you, how do you get in the house if we don’t have a chimney?? And why did you decide to give presents to all the children in the world? Sincerely, Braden Heisler Dear Santa, I’ve been a good girl this year; I hope I don’t get a person in my stocking. How is Rudolph? For Christmas this year I would like a scooter, a robot, a rabbit or a dog. If you get me a dog, could you get me a bed for it? I would also like a cat or a new I Phone. I also want a screw driver. I want you to get my sister Nessa a peace sign, my brother Nicholas a new phone, and Christopher a laptop. I want you to get my parents a tarantula. I want you to get Anna a new brush. I would like you to get my dog Dubbe a new bone. I will leave milk and cookies out for you. Merry Christmas Santa, and have a happy new year. Love, Michelle Dear Santa, How are Mrs. Clause and the reindeer? I’ve been a good girl this year!! I want an electric scooter. I would love if I had a baby sister for Christmas. A fur real puppy would be a great for Christmas, and a new bike, a movie about you and Mrs. Clause, I want some Christmas games, and I would really love to have a wii. Maybe even some new clothes or some Justin Bieber posters or just even his new Christmas cd. I’ll make sure I put milk and cookies out for you and carrots out for the reindeer. I hope it’s a white Christmas this year to, but most of all I hope you and everyone else at the workshop have a great Christmas!!! Love. Sabrina Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. For my presents this year I want, a fidget, a Chinese fighting fish, and a Yorkie puppy. I also want a new tree house and a Shetland pony named Buttercup. For my little brother, a new blanket. He has been a really good boy this year. For my older brother, a transformer and a gold fish. He has also been good this year. For Christmas, my mom wants a new car and my dad wants baseball season tickets. He really likes the Phillies. Santa, I want you and Mrs. Clause to have a merry Christmas and I want Rudolph to have some apples. Love, Scout. Dear Santa, How are Mrs. Clause, the Rain Deer and Elves? I would like A Motor Cycle, X box, A Remote Control Car, A Play Station Three, A Laptop, A Intendo 3ds, A Wii, and that’s what I would like for Christmas. Tracy Trammell



Dear Santa, How are your elves, and do you like chocolate chip cookies or do you like peanut butter cookies, do you like chocolate milk or white milk, what do your reindeer like for snacks, and for Christmas I would like 10 hot wheels, I want a remote control toy monster truck, and I would like a Baseball bat that is Black and Red, and I would also like a Fathead that is OU and has Sam Bradford, and a Vikings poster with a helmet and a OU helmet, and a XBOX 360 that has Modern Warfare 3 that has 2 controllers, I would also like a Air soft Gun, and I would also like a Ticket to go see the Vikings Football game, I want a remote control toy Corvette, I want a footprint of one of your reindeer, and a Football signed by Bob Stoops, And I would also like a Corvette tent with holes for windows, and A fort that is all camouflaged, and I want it to be 2 feet wide, and I want it to be 4 feet tall, and I do not want OSU to win the Fiesta bowl, and a Dog Bone for my Dog Dicksie, and I want the Movie Smurfs, and a remote control mini dirt bike that has green tires, and I want the new Air hogs remote control plane, and I want the Gliding Scooter where you slide side to side, and I want a WWE Cage with mini people and everything, and I want 2 action figures, and a Mini play dirt Wyatt Felber

Dear Santa, I would like a head set for Call of Duty so I can play with other people. I also would like a bedset for my room. I would also like to have Rudolph the red nose reindeer to use as a flashlight. From, Carson Dear Santa, I would like a lot of games, I guess my favorite would be Battle Field 3 Grand Theft Auto. I would like an X-Box too, don’t worry about the games because I already have them. I would also like a CO2 aircraft. PS….money would be great too! From, Kaden Dear Santa, I would really like a Barbie doll, X-Box 360 Kinnect, ladybug earrings, nail polish, baby doll clothes, and a black leather jacket. Thank you for all the great gifts. Love, Mikalea Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a Kindlefire and a white I-pad. I would also like a guitar, drums, and a piano. How are you doing? How are the reindeer? What are your favorite kind of cookies? I also want the book Diary of a Whimpy Kid, Cabin Fever. I would also really like to see you! That would make my Christmas! Love, Alana Dear Santa, I would like a horse and a 3DS. How are you doing? Is it hard to fly around the whole world in

Dear Santa, How are you all doing up there at the North Pole? I hope the elves a r e getting

Dear Santa, I would like an easy bake oven for Christmas please. I also want a Barbie color wash and do it again. I want all the Monster High dolls. What are your favorite cookies? I would also like the whole series of the Diary of Whimpy Kids. I would also like a sparkly dress with rubys and glitter! Love, Emmersen Dear Santa, I would like a magical hairbrush that makes my hair grow and glow. Do the elves like making toys? Do you want more cookies to eat? What do the reindeers eat? I would also like colored paper clips. I love you Santa and I’ve been very good all year Love, Grace Dear Santa, I would like an X-Box. I would also like to say that I’ve never seen you, but I do believe in you! I would love it if I can get the game Bop It! I would also like a transformer in my stocking this year. A yo-yo would be awesome too! From, Grayson Dear Santa, I am wanting a black moped. I am also wanting a little big world for my X-Box. I also need a left foot ankle guard for Baseball. I will leave a Coke for you, (because I know you like those)! Ps. I have been really good!? Your friend, Maddux Dear Santa, I would like really like a Macbook computer. If you can’t bring me one, I understand. I hope you are ready for a good Christmas! I hope you are excited about delivering a million presents! I know you can do it Santa! Ps. Tell the reindeer I said hi! Your friend, Parks Dear Santa, Can I please have a moped for Christmas? I would also like a hottub. Hey how are you doing? What kind of cookies do you like? Where do I get them for you? I think your elves are going to do great for Christmas. I would also like a new dog because my dad gave away my other one. (He bit people). Love, Carlie Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a telescope. I hope you like the cookies I made you, if you don’t my dog Watson will eat them for you! Please leave my presents by the harp. How are the reindeer? What are their favorite colors? Thank you and I think you rock! Love, Chloe Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a new bed and glue. I would also like a guitar. From, Cooper

everything ready for the big day! I have a few things I would like for Christmas. I want you to bring me: tires, motorcycle, and some silver pipe, Could you bring Story Toys for Bubba and Baby Sissy and more babies? Hi, Ho, Ho Brison Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a cop car, motorcycle, and a chocolate bar. And a bone for my Red dog and puppy. I have been a good boy this year, And I will leave you milk and cookies! Merry Christmas, Kobie Green Age 4

GLENWOOD ELEMENTARY MRS. GREEN’S THIRD GRADE Dear Santa, Can I please have a Bratz doll and a new pair of jeans! I would also like to see Rudolph the Red nose reindeer. Can I also have an I-pad that is the color pink! Thank you and Merry Christmas! Love, Heavenly Dear Santa, I would like a zoo-zoo dog. I would also like a purple bag that comes with it. There is also a jingle dog that comes with a story that you can read to it. Thank you Santa for all the presents you have given me. Also, do you have an elf named Lauren? Love, Lauren

one night? Will you bring me an X-Box 360 Kinnect? There will be milk and cookies just for you! I would also like you to make sure that my family and I don’t have to move and can stay in Enid. Thank you Santa! Love, Marianna Dear Santa, I want an exploder and light striker for Christmas. I also want a Call of Duty X-Box game. A new football and new nerf gun with bullets would be great too. I hope you have a really good Christmas. What kind of milk and cookies do you and your reindeer like? I hope I am good and all the other kids in the world are good too. I also hope your elves are doing good! Love, Kadin Dear Santa, I would like an I-pad for Christmas. How are you and the reindeer? How are the elves doing? What are your favorite cookies? Can I ride in your sleigh sometime? I would also like a spy elf, I think they are cool. Love, Zac Dear Santa, Can you please get me a 3DS and an I-phone 3? Could you get me Mario 3D land too? What kind of cookies do you like and what kind of milk do you like? Do you like regular milk or eggnog? Thank you Santa! Love, Liam



Dear Santa, I would like a Kinect and a game for it. If you get sick what happens to all the presents? Do you have any elves that act bad? Have you ever got stuck in the chimney? From, Karrington Dear Santa, For Christmas I want an X-Box and Kinnect. I would also like a legos phone. How many elves do you have? Can you say hi to Donner, Blitzen, and Cupid? From Jacob Dear Santa, I would like Legos for Christmas. I also want a dunbuggy. I would like Wii also. How are you doing? What is your favorite kind of cookie? I hope you are staying warm. I will have gingerbread cookies and milk waiting for you! I hope your Christmas is great! From, Hawkins Dear Santa, I would like a DS light. What is your favorite kind of milk? How are your reindeer? Is Rudolph your favorite? I can’t wait for Christmas! From, Max Dear Santa, I would like ninja legos and Mario knex! I usually make homemade cookies for you so I hope you like them. I can’t wait for Christmas! Love, Ryan


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