WoW April 2014

Page 39

issue 85, April 2014

HeadBy Scratching Facts Amal Alayoubi of Saudi Arabia, Academic English Level 50

• Nothing travels faster than the speed of light • The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. • The light of the sun is eight minutes old when it arrives to earth. • Time is a dynamic dimension affected by certain factors like gravity and speed of movement. • The faster you move the slower the passing of time is. • Time moves faster at the top of a tower than at the bottom of the same tower. • When Einstein started to do his very unique equations about gravity, he was only an ordinary clerk in his early twenties of age (Doing a very boring job!) • The birth of Einstein’s Quantum Theory was 200 years after Newton’s laws of gravity. • Einstein came up with the concept of time as a 4th dimension of the universe, where space and time create warps and curves that are called a gravity matrix. In other words, gravity is not a pulling force between two masses, it warps and curves space-time caused by the existence of matter. • Time is related to where you are and how fast you are moving. • Time and space are still not very well understood by the physicists. • Physicists are convinced that a new set of laws must emerge other than space-time laws in order for time travel to be possible. Reference: Through The Wormhole Series, Is Time Travel Possible? 3rd episode, Hosted by Morgan Freeman


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