Personal Reflection Essay Example

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As a child, I was well known as the shy girl with her nose stuck in a book. It wasn't until middle school that I learned to be outgoing, and to enjoy the company of others more. I decided as a seventh grader that if I was going to grow as a person, I eventually needed to understand how to communicate with others better. Now is always the best time to startlearning, so I launched myself out of my comfort zone and applied for both National Junior Honors Society and Student Council. To my delight I was accepted into both, and the time I spent in those groups taught me a great deal about working with others and communicating thoughts and ideas. I even stood in front of my church at the age of fourteen and gave my testimony before more content...

During my interactions as a leader of a community group at school, I began to understand that hanging out with people did not have to mean being the entertainment or always telling people what to do. Sometimes, a little bit of silent attention is the best thing you can give to a person. In the past couple of years, I have learned to cultivate my spiritual gift of knowledge. During the year of 2016, I read the bible chronologically from cover to cover. I still read my Bible consistently, even if I am finishing homework at midnight. I also use a method similar to the Leitner system in order to keep large passages of scripture in my memory. These words inspire and guide me during hard times. We don't always have a bible on hand, and when we do we don't always know where to look for inspiration. However, disciplining myself to keep learning about the Bible keeps it fresh and helps me to apply it to my life, giving me strength in trials. My psychology teacher often took time out of his class to have us take personality tests or answer introspective questions. One day, he asked us to choose from a list of about fifty adjectives the seven words that best described us. Eventually, he had us reduce this selection to just four adjectives and asked us to share them with the class. Two of my finalists were logic and creativity. He was quite surprised and told me that he didn't often see people that considered themselves to be both. However, I do value both qualities and

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Throughout this essay, I reflect on the semester that I had whilst undertaking 2031HSV Working in Organisations. Topics are discussed such as, new areas I encountered, skills and knowledge I have that I was previously unaware of, as well as the challenges that I faced throughout the semester.

Firstly within this essay, I would like to discuss areas that were new to me throughout this course. I believe that working in groups will be extremely beneficial throughout my future social work career. However, working within such a largegroup (group of 11 people) was an extremely different concept than what I was accustomed to. I found throughout my reflection upon the semester that working in large groups (in contrast to working individually) posed many positive and negative qualities. Beginning with the strengths I recognised and rejoiced in the fact that there was a variety of different people that I had the perfect opportunity to get to know better. As the semester advanced, I become familiarised to each individual's strengths and weaknesses within the group, as well as my own. As a group we were able to thrive of the different experiences and expertise that other member could bring to the group, as well as compensate for other group members skill limitations with an empathetic and non–judgmental attitude. Thus overall making the group that I was assigned to, a very enjoyable group of people. As stated previously large group work, is a new concept to me, therefore the

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Personal Reflection Paper On Working

Reflection On Personal Development

Reflective report

In this report I am going to reflect on what I have learnt within my KSPPD1 module (Knowledge and Skills for Professional and Personal Development 1). In this module I have worked alongside other inter professional groups and we have learned practical skills in moving and handling, CPR and hoisting. I have also learnt about the importance of record keeping and gaining informed consent. All of these skills are vital in ensuring that the patients' needs are considered to be paramount.

I have also expanded my knowledge on the importance of reflection and how it will benefit me within my work as a healthcare professional. My key learning experiences have been learning exactly how to make a patient feel comfortable in certain situations such as when moving them using a hoist and improving my practical clinical skills so I can move a patient safely without putting them at risk. I have also learned basic first aid skills which I am willing to use if a patient is in need. I am going to use the Kolb Learning Cycle to structure my reflective piece and it will follow the theme of the importance of health and safety.

Boud (1985) describes reflection as 'an important human activity in which people recapture their experience, think about it, mull over & evaluate it. Boud says that it is this working with experience that is important in learning'.

Reflecting upon a situation helps individuals to further develop their skills and review how effective they are at utilising them. It involves questioning yourself with regards to what you do and why you do it, this can then be used to develop a more efficient way of doing it in the future.

Self–reflection helps us to learn what we do right and what we could improve and therefore we can improve clinical practice standards therefore keeping the patient safe and ensuring their needs are paramount.

Kolb's learning style theory is a four stage leaning cycle in which individuals are said to 'touch all the bases'.

The diagram displays the four stages of Kolb's learning cycle which I am going to use to structure my report.

Concrete Experience – Doing/having an experience

Although I had previous experience in the use of hoists and moving and handling patients

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This week I participated in a individual class exercise for my communications class. The exercise was to find personality and identity traits about myself. First I will identify specific traits that were similar in three appraisals. Second I will discuss differences in appraisals. Finally, I will describe what accounts for differences and similarities, and what it illustrates about how well we know ourselves. What reflected appraisals (information from the two outside lists) correspond to your own perceptions of yourself?

Through this exercise, I was pleasantly surprised by how well I know myself based off of what my closest family said about me. Even though we may not have put the exact same words, we still had very similar meanings. This was apparent when considering things written such as my mother saying I am "Decisive" (Appendix B), myself stating that I am "Assertive"(Appendix C), and Nephi "Straightforward". Another example an appraisal that was mirrored between the Mom and Nephi both agree that I am "Creative" (Appendix A & B). A final example of our lists corresponding to each others is when my mother said I am "Spiritual", and I concurred. Overall, in the lists, many of the characteristic identities were very similar. I felt as if I knew what these two were going to say about me, with few exceptions. Which reflected appraisals are different from what appeared on your own list? Even though many of the things on our appraisals were very similar, there were also some interactions where we disagreed. This is evident in one specific example from Appendices A & B where both of my families appraisals of me said I was "Creative". I tend to disagree with this notion, because while outwardly, I may seem creative, I don't consider it to be a highly effective portion of myIdentity. Typically, I am far less creative than people view me to be. For example, I often get writer's block, or as i like to refer to it, creativity block. So while I do like to create, I do not consider it to be a large portion of my Identity. What might account for these similarities or differences? There are a few things that I believe account for the similarities and differences in the three appraisals. In the book, we studied the Get more content

Personal Reflection

Personal Reflection

"Group work is a form of voluntary association of members benefiting from cooperative learning that enhances the total output of the activity than when done individually".

Working in a group can be very difficult at times. Different people with different views may not always agree which one another. Throughout the various task I played the communicator. I made sure everyone was on track on what we wanted to do. I also made sure people was okay and happy in the role they was playing in the group. My group worked together in collecting ideas from one another and making it into one. My feelings about the group process was a little mix at first but, at the end I felt like we actually brought it together. Beginning of the group member were all over the place and had no direction, when we were able to take a breather in just think ideas started to flow. I felt like that took the communicator to make it happen. By reinsuring the other group members that everything will go smoothly if we just don't overthink everything. The things I will have done differently in the group was to use my time wisely. I believe because we were on a time frame, I tended to rush things just to say okay where done. Also, more support and trust at a point of time I was kind of second guessing anotheridea. I feel that you have to have trust in your group member to make it effective.

Group Dynamics

"Social integration can be seen as a dynamic and structured process in which all Get more content

Personal Reflection On Group Work

Personal Reflection : My Educational Experience


My educational experience is one amazing thing I would never forget. My parents gave me an experience of a lifetime that I would never let go and continue to expand. It was a gift of a great education I could have tossed away but instead I took advantage of it and it expanded my intellect and made me more independent. As a young girl my parents always told me, they wanted a great educational experience for me. They said no matter what it took to get me into good schools, to have a great education they will do it. My parents worked very hard to give me the opportunity to be in private school my whole life since pre–school. They always told me to work hard, be bright and be bold. The educational level I had being in private school my whole life was amazing. What was amazing about my education level is that I was able to take all college prep. classes, I took an AP Spanish class, my teachers were always on top of us to hand in work in time, essays in my English class were based on a college level writing. It was amazing because my school expanded my mind more on a college based level. From pre–school till sixth grade I was in private school that was co–ed I switched to four different private schools since I was younger. For pre–school I went to St.Micheal which was an experience to have been able to encounter. Being able to learn about religion, other languages, and different cultures. Going in to kindergarten till third grade I went to St. George it was a good

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"Rasberry.Session1.Journal." In reflection on what has inspired me to attend college and obtain my degree, I have to begin by stating that I am a 47 year old single mom of 5 children. Two who are grown and 3 still in my care. In raising my four older children, their father and I decided that I would be a stay at home mom and homeschool our children. I had gotten married at age 22 with never having attended a college and had tested and received my GED at age 17 after quitting school at age 16. I raised my children and after 18 years of marriage, my husband and I divorced and I met a man on a dating site and began a relationship. After thedivorce, I attempted to find a job and was unsuccessful. I had no more content...

My goal now is to obtain a degree that will equip me with knowledge and experience in office management so that I can have a career with very little pain and can be self sufficient to raise my children on my own. They have seen me in the worst situations. They have watched me in desperation and despair as I've struggled severely. They have been uprooted and lost their sense of security with me so much so that my 13 year old son wants to live with his father permanently. I want to show them that their mom is not a quitter and never gave up, even in the hardest, darkest times. I kept a smile on my face even when they saw tears in my eyes. We've laughed and cried together and they have seen the very real evidence of God at work in our lives. His protection, guidance and mercy have been never ending, and I want my children to see us come out stronger in the end because of his presence in my life. I hope to prove to them that nothing is impossible and when I complete this degree and am thriving in a

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Example Of A Personal Reflection Journal

Personal Reflection On Engineering

CVEN 4701 Reflection

Yuyang Zhang z5101032 3.1 c

Engineering involves in designing and constructing buildings and bridges, which are related closely to people's life. Being a professional engineer and knowing the accountabilities are important to contribute to the safety. Engineering is used to make people's life more convenient, so when engineers carry out their responsibilities, people's life and wealth safety can be protected. Besides that, a design should meet the safety regulations to keep the normal operation and protect the workers. Engineers should take the responsibility to eliminate the damage to the environment. In this semester, we did an energy assignment, in which we achieved a renewable fraction of 77.7% and the emission was reduced. That means the emission to global warming is little, public health and environmental quality are improved and the dependence on fossil fuels is reduced. Besides that design itself, the contribution to the whole environment can also fulfil the engineer's social value.

3.1 d

In the first workshop of this class, an engineering world with strict regulations was presented by the professor to me. All engineering designs and researches are the fruit of the engineers' intellect and hard work. Respecting the intellectual property rights is the principle to everyone in engineering field. All the essays that I have been referred to have clear references of citation. I have learned from the essays that it is necessary to state the source

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English Composition I has developed my style of writing and my skills analyzing and researching topics to write a piece about a topic. Throughout the course, I got better at analyzing articles and pieces to get the meaning of the topic. With that improved skill I was more able to use the information given from the text and install it into my essays, with proper citation if needed. Before taking the English Composition course, I was not one to organize my essays in an ordeal order to clearly state the point of the work. Now with taking the course, I have learned to organize my essays, examine research for a topic, and develop an essay with proper mechanics, and revising skills. In writing my personal, review, analytical, and more content...

I then described my life and who I was. After describing this, I explained my experiences in confronting racism. The point of the essay was to state that racism is still alive and can be present anywhere. After writing this essay, I learned that my mechanics and style was not where it should be. Even with the revisions Mr. Heldenfels made in the draft, I still made mistakes with mechanics and tense shits. I had written comma splice and has several spelling mistakes. I looked to improve my mechanics after writing this essay. With writing my review essay of A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie's album The Bigger Artist. The essay took some time to write because of the research I needed to gather. In this essay I used more citations and quotes. I made mistakes the mechanics in writing the quotes. This was the first essay in which we used sources, so it was challenging to create my own ideas but I was able to do it. Writing this essay improved my knowledge of mechanics in citations and quotations. Through taking the course, I learned to utilizes sources in a more efficient way. In writing my analytical essay of Kendrick Lamar's To Pimp A Butterfly I had to use ten sources. All the sources I used provided different information, some provided more than others, but all sources were needed to complete the essay. In collecting all the information for the essay, I had to research who created the source and decide if it was credible. This essay assignment force me to examine works in Get more content

Paper About English Composition

Being a teacher is not an easy task as many people could think. To be a teacher does not only imply to know the subject to be taught, it also includes being willing to constantly improve oneself integrally, as much as updating the resources and materials one uses in teaching. Reflecting and analyzing over and over again the best way to teach to learn and how to make students to extend what has been learned. The many hours spend in the classroom will never be enough to plan lessons, prepare materials, review pupils tasks and exams, as well, all the administrative requirements one has to cover for whatever institution we work. Besides all this a good teacher, a professional one, will have to find the time to keep preparing to more content...

It has not been easy but challenging and interesting. Unfortunately in this present job I have no colleagues, institution authorities or supervisors, which means anything I do in the classroom hardly ever provides me any feedback of what I am doing. Except of course for the eventual commentaries I receive from my students and the annual performance evaluation. Therefore I had this urgent necessity of obtaining some refreshment and reviewing of what I am doing in my classroom. I need to make a stop to reflect about how effective my teaching is. If the things I am doing are adequate and suitable to take my pupils to achieve their goal to communicate in the target language. Teaching in this context was at the beginning of the journey a frightening and stressing episode, first of all because I did not know anything about mining, geology, finance and accounting, just to mention some and not to make myself look like a complete ignorant. Secondly the atmosphere in a corporate has nothing to do with the informal ambience in an elementary school and thirdly but not least important, the students expectations and perceptions are not the same. Thus, I had to remake myself. Everything started when I was invited to work with them; I did the typical searching about the company and the leaders, anyone would do for that first good desirable impression one wants to give in the job interview. That was my first contact with the mining

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Self Reflection On Entrepreneurship

In this assignment I aim to self–reflect on my personal entrepreneurial skill. According to the Cambridge dictionary self–reflection is 'the activity of thinking about your own feelings and behaviour, and the reasons that may lie behind them'. Self–reflection is a crucial part of development, one of the reasons for this is because self–reflection enables you to review yourself. It then becomes easier for you to evaluate your performance, this can be used to make improvements for the future.


The Oxford dictionary define entrepreneurship as 'The activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.' An Entrepreneur consists of an individual who is both creative and innovative; I believe an entrepreneur is an open–minded individual; this enables them to think of creative thoughts and ideas that they can use to set–up their own business/businesses. In order to put these creative thoughts and ideas to good use they also need to be innovative. The 'Business Dictionary' states that Entrepreneurship is 'The capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business venture along with any of its risks in order to make a profit.' This supports the fact that as an entrepreneur you need to be willing to take calculated risks, with the aim of prospering and therefore meeting aims and objectives. An entrepreneur needs to be able to handle taking a loss; an entrepreneur would usually learn from this to enhance their skills so that less mistakes occur in the future.

Self–Reflection is crucial for development (Kolb, 1984)

In my previous education institution, a reflection was undertaken in teamworking. We worked as a team and set–up a project for a talent show. After we accomplished this we handed out questionnaires to our audience (to gather feedback on how we performed); we were then able to use the distributed questionnaire to gather more knowledge and understanding on various methods that we could improve for the future. Hobbs and Kolb are authors who have a strong belief in reflecting on your work. As an entrepreneur this is crucial as it enables you to find any errors that you may have made to then rectify them. An example of this is when I

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Personal Reflection Sample

I became a Guardian ad Litem (GAL) volunteer in May of 2015. As such, I had the opportunity to observe the interview process of two potential adoptive families. The interview team consisted of seven employees of the Catawba County Department of Social Services, which included social workers, supervisors, and managers. A GAL program supervisor was also present, as well as a child therapist. This experience left me with a deep respect for the careful and thorough evaluation demonstrated by the interview team members. It is a tremendous responsibility to secure the best permanent placement home for children in foster care. The interview team assessed the strengths and needs of the children and the potential adoptive parents. Reflection on my ability to think critically and evaluate information, while taking into account my personal values and biases, led me to the conclusions that I have much more to learn.

I expect that the Social Work Research Methods I class will be challenging. My personal abilities will be tested, stretched and improved. It will require hard work and perseverance. While I am determined to succeed, I expect I might find myself intimidated and overwhelmed at times. I may get discouraged and disappointed, but I look forward to the satisfaction of having learned much by the end of the semester. By the end of more content...

Evidence–based research in the profession of social work lends credibility and validity to the profession and provides reassurance to the public. Evidence–based research provides the foundation on which the social work profession stands. Through the process of determining the best treatment and intervention to use, the social work practitioner can be confident that they based their decision on meaningful, evidence–based

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Examples Of Personal Reflection

With my sound projected I hope to convey the idea that an individual will face a multitude of different challenges throughout their lives, but one must use those challenges and failure as a means of motivation in order to reach your goals. There will be individual who will bring you down in your life and you may not have the support you need at time but you just have to keep progressing and focusing on yourself. In order to properly project this I used various affordances of sound that help me effectively tell the story for the listener. I also included voices to help tell the story and set the tone for the listener as we progress through the different phases of the individual's life. I tried to set a serious tone by showing the change in voice of the individuals speaking to the person we follow throughout the project. For instance, when we first begin to tell the story the character (when he was a student in high school) get yelled at by his teacher for doing the assignment completely wrong. You can hear the anger in the teacher voice and it evokes the emotion of you doing something wrong. In the end you finally get to hear the voice of the actual character who has now become a very successful individual even through all the hard time he faced getting to that point. One of the most effective affordances of sound that I made sure to include short clips of motivational song in order to help the listener understand that even when you fail you have to use that as motivation

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One's dream and aspirations to supersede in life must be stronger and greater than limitations set forth by others. The experience that were bestowed to me during my short life has elevated me to the woman I am today. Please walk with me as I give you the opportunity to see the world from my eyes:

To be the person that I am now, I had to reflect and accept accountability of my past actions. My past is one that many would love to erase from their memory, a past, which remained dormant, until I found myself. The steps involved in regaining myself encompassed letting go of my anger and self pity. I had to look within myself and see my self's worth, which lead to my belief that I

ran away to college to forget my past.

During the more content... Put education first and everything else will fall into place." I didn't realize how true these words were, until I came face to face with my past. My last year in college, changed the whole course of my life. Near the end of my junior year, I befriended a guy, who never would become my boyfriend. I knew he was infatuated with me, so I lead him on. He ended up stalking me and making several death threats. I never understood the phrase "in fear of your life", until then. Tallahassee Police Department(TPD) got involved but there wasn't much they could do except file a police report and wait. This was a very frightening time in my life and consequently I became very disconnected with life. I never provided TPD with my stalker's name, in fear that he would kill me if I did. I moved to a different apartment complex across town, thinking that it would make all my problems go away. He ended up finding me and making more serious death threats against me and my family if I didn't leave Tallahassee.

I had a mental breakdown after the last death threat and I left Florida State University my senior year, I went back home to deal with my traumatic ordeal. I quickly transferred to Florida International University and graduated the following year with my graduating class at Florida State. Graduation day should have been one of the happiest days of my life, but instead I was terrified Get

Reflection Of My Life Essay
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Personal Reflection Introduction Over the last several years, globalization has been having a profound impact on the way businesses are operating. This is because the elimination of trade barriers is giving firms access to a pool of cheap labor in countries such as: China and India. At the same time, many companies are looking for employees that are highly specialized (who can help to increase their bottom line results). To attract the best talent, the most successful firms have been able to integrate effective leadership into their organizational culture (i.e. Southwest Airlines and Starbucks). This has helped the firms to dominate the marketplace and redefine the customer experience. What has made these companies so successful is their effective organizational leadership that is in place. This is allowing them to adjust with new challenges and reach out to a larger demographic of customers. These ideas are illustrating the way that strong leadership will have an impact on the work environment and the strategies that are utilized by firms. (Daft, 2008, pp. 421 422) My recent application for admission is taking into account how I can use these concepts to have an impact on the business world. This is because I have the real world experience and practical knowledge to make an immediate effect inside any organization. At the same time, I have the personal references and a level of preparedness to deal with whatever challenges I am facing. The combination of these factors

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Personal Reflection on Globalization

From my first days at The College of Wooster, I can tell that I will be aptly prepared to have a successful future both during college and beyond. I'll immediately be challenged and engaged by the First Year Seminar which will provide me with opportunities to make friends, engage in a topic of interest, and further develop my writing skills. In addition, this seminar will prepare me for college success. Writing has always been something of interest to me, so the writing intensive First Year Seminar aligns with my personal passions. The College of Wooster also has a writing club that I would be interested in joining. A writing club would give me weekly chances to meet with fellow creative writers and allow me to become part of a writing

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Personal Reflective Essay

After reviewing for my four recording and completing a person reflection, I discovered many skills that worked and many that needed adjustments. During the first recording with Aaron, I asked many random questions that did not pertain to what was being discussed. For example, to better help me understand the relationship Aaron had with his grandmother, he listed off some of her characteristics. He stated that she was very opinionated and hated to travel. Instead of taking that and asking how those traits reflected their relationship, I asked, "How many siblings do you have in your family?" This shows that I was not being attentive. I was focused on asking all the questions in my head to avoid complete silence. Unfortunately, I more content...

The completely avoided this during the last two recordings. Even though Josh was brought up many times thoughout during those session, I made sure to steer the conversation back to Jordan. During the session, I also made statements that did not add any value to the issue at hand. For example, Aaron explained that his grandfather really proved his love for his grandmother when she was sick. Specifically, he gave her morphine when needed, never left her side, and made her feel as comfortable on her last days. As Aaron was speaking, I randomly cut him off and replied, "That's a whole another level of love." Although his grandfather did show the love he had for his wife during her final days, this was not appropriate for me to bring up. As a counselor, allowing the client to complete their sentences, even with utter silence, is vital. In addition, limiting your use of input allows for a non–judgmental and authentic session. I failed in both aspects; however, I did not do this throughout the recording with Jordan. During my first session with Aaron, I used a lot of minimal encourages, which sometimes made it seem like I was not being genuine. Not only did I nod, but I was also said, "okay" to every response. Instead, I could have a paraphrased throughout the session to show Aaron that I was being attentive. The next three recordings did not follow this pattern. I made sure to minimize my

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On A Person Reflection

Personality reflection Melody Jones PSY/250 April 14, 2011 Murray Johnson

What is a personality? A personality is a reflection of a person identity of a human being but we don't share the same type of personality. There are so many different type of personality in the world some people have outgoing, shy, crazy, and settle personality. There are some people where there culture and surrounding shape their personality traits. In my culture and surrounding it has help me shape my personality in many ways. There are several keys factor about my personality that shapes the person I am today. When I was a little girl I use to wonder what type of personality I have the type of personality quality I have are ambition, strength, more content...

Love is has been this driving force in my life in a big way. I strongly believe to give love you have to open your heart and mind. The last key component about my personality is free spirit. I will try to anything once or twice to get a laugh or just for the thrill of it. My personality trait are consistent they barely change in any giving situation. I always try to the laughter in a bad situation or show love to other when they are in a bad situation or good situation. I have a caring personality. I would have to agree with Jung theory I like to motivate other to reach their goals therefore they can see their future. There are times where I wonder if my personality is really who I am as a person or is there something else make–up who we are as human being. Have I ever took a personality test that answer will be no I have not taking one but will like to take one to learn more about what type characteristic shape my personality. I would expect the personality test to show my caring ability, motivation levels and strength ability. Also I would like to test tell me about my social skills as a child I did not have good social skills now as a adult I have better social skills do to self confidence that I lack as a child. My personality has grown since I was a child. A personality test will open many doors to my colorful mind. References This is a hanging indent. To keep the hanging indent format, simply

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Personality Reflection Essay

Personal Reflection Essay

I attended 15 out of 15 sessions for the duration of this semester if there are fifteen sessions. Base on the ilearn there are only 11 sessions, and the only meeting that we missed was the air quality issue from the fire in Sonoma County. In the past I have always contacted my peers to take down the necessary notes that I missed; however, I have not had to do this for this semester. I accessed the SW 41001 ilearn site on average four to five times per week. I utilized the ilearn site to track down the update information like the weekly agendas and checked the latest News. It was beneficial to me because it helps me to stay on track and keep up with my reading and homework's assignments. I applied the course resources as a guideline do work on my papers, for example, APA guide, onlinewriting lab, TED Talks videos, Bloom's Taxonomy, NASW Code of Ethics. These great resources help me a lot on my academic achievement. The course outline is handy because I can plan for before the class started. I often review the materials before the lecture, which help me to understand the new terminology and prepare to take more organized notes. It would be nice if we have more handout course materials like an example of the critical concept to incorporate the theory into the writing. I'm more like visual and hands–on learner type, which will better ideas and memorize the material. The writing styles and case–load of reading for the social work program is a tremendous challenge, and it

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I consider myself someone who values the question "why?". My entire life I have caught myself questioning things that others never really seemed to care to think about, about a multitude of subjects. Specifically, asking those close to me like my parents, siblings, friends, and now my husband. Leaning this semester about Psychology has been very interesting to me because it had helped me understand the "why" behind the way the brain works. In this class, Lifespan Growth and Development, I have learned about concepts that I will be able to carry with me throughout my college education, my professional career, my marriage, and my eventual parenthood as a mother. One of the topics I learned about that intrigued me the most, was about Jean Piaget and his work. I think this is because the concepts that were learned in this class over Piaget's studies relate to multiple chapters in a person's life, so it was easy to connect back with and understand. It was easy for me to understand the "why" because I was able to relate it back to Piaget's study. Piaget was a psychologist who focused on the "qualitative changes" that occur in a child's "mode of thought" (Crandell, Human Development). He studied that a child's biological growth combined with the interactions of their environment led to specific stages that would take place at different ages in one's life. This is especially interesting to me as an adult now because even though I don't have children, I have friends who have

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Personal Reflection In Psychology

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