Honour among thieves rules

Page 12

The order of resolution can be important, especially in the cases of “Steal” vs “Co-operate” and “Co-operate” vs “Co-operate”. Use the order shown in Figure 5 to resolve. Start with the top row (all combinations involving “Do Nothing”) and then proceed downwards. Note that some effects are stronger depending on how many Trust tokens you have left. But even if you have no Trust tokens you can still play all the cards. See Figure 6 and Example 4 for a sample Endgame.

C a r d p l a y e d b y o t h e r p l a y e r

Card played by one player Co-operate Steal Do Nothing No effect “Steal” takes own Trustx10 money from “Do Nothing” Double cross “Co-oper“Double ate” takes cross” 10 money takes own from “Dou- Trustx5 + 5 ble cross” money from “Steal” Steal “Steal” No effect takes all money from “Co-operate” Co-operate “Co-operate” shares all money with “Cooperate”

Double cross Do Nothing

“Do Nothing” takes 10 money from “Double cross”

No effect

No effect

Figure 5. Resolution order of card combinations in the Endgame. Start with the top row (“Do Nothing”) and proceed downwards.


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