Africa Energy Yearbook 2017 - full book

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Faith Can, Vice President, Tekfen Construction, Turkey Education: Istanbul Technical University (ITU) Petroleum Engineering, B.Sc. 1989, M.Sc. 1994. Istanbul University International Management Programme (an MBA Certificate Programme) 1993. Career: Faith started his professional career in İGDAŞ (Greater İstanbul City Natural Gas Distribution Company) as a project engineer in 1990. Having worked four years in IGDAS, he then joined TEKFEN in 1994 where his first task was the development of a Project between Iraq and Turkey, the “Iraq – Turkey Natural Gas Export Project”. Mr Can has taken several international assignments in TEKFEN in countries such as Iraq, Russian Federation, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. He has also worked in Business Development, Tendering and Operations Departments. Mr Can was appointed as Dept. Vice President, Business Development in 2015. From January 2016, he was appointed as Vice President of Business Development

The legal issues around off-grid solutions and energy storage Morocco is home to about 75 per cent of all the phosphate reserves in the world and is one of the leaders in phosphate production, with 27 billion tonnes produced per year. Phosphate plays an essential role in Morocco’s economy through exports, ranking Morocco as the world’s largest phosphate exporter with a 28 per cent share in the global phosphate market. The OCP Group, founded in 1920, is an incumbent state organisation that has the responsibility of producing and exporting this vital mineral.


CP awarded Tekfen Construction a pipeline project that is designed to transport phosphate in slurry form. The Slurry Pipeline Project is a new innovative transportation project in Morocco’s phosphate industry that connects the mines in Khouribga to the 134

industrial port of Jorf Lasfar located on the Atlantic Ocean’s coast, a distance of 187 km. The pipeline alters the method of phosphate processing which comprises the extraction and treatment of phosphate, and upstream and downstream transportation. The main/primary pipeline starts from Khouribga and terminates at Jorf Lasfar 2017 Africa Energy Yearbook

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